Agriculture and Farming Courses
1)Hydroponics Technician
2)Inland capture fisherman cum primary processor
3)Interior Landscaper
4) Irrigation Service Technician
5) Jute and Mesta Cultivator
6) Lac Cultivator
7) Institution Development Manager
8) Mango Grower
9) Maize Cultivator
10) Mariculture Operato
11) Marine Capture Fisherman cum Primary Processor
12) Medicinal Plants Grower
13) Micro Irrigation Technician
14) Milk route supervisor
15) Milk tester
16) Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector
17) Nursery Worker
18) Operator Reaper Thresher and Crop Residue Machinery
19) Organic Grower
20) Packhouse Worker
21) Paddy Farmer
23) Pesticide And Fertilizer Applicator