Hydroponics Technician 6 month course

Hydroponics Technician CLICK HERE 

The Hydroponics Specialist manages the efficiency of the hydroponics program for growing crops / food crops and fodder.

A brief description of the work: Hydroponics Specialist
manages to ensure the proper functioning of the hydroponics system by meeting the essential requirements and environmental conditions required for the cultivation of both food / fodder crops / plants. Your Qualities: Hydroponics Specialist must be able to work. They must have a basic understanding and skills of plant cultivation in the hydroponic system. He must also understand the consequences and focus on his work and his learning Hydroponics Technician:

agriculture Hydroponics Technician

Carry out hydroponic growth of plants and related operations Hydroponics Technician:

In order to be effective, that person must be able to:

PC1. identify suitable plants / plants for hydroponics: leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, fenugreek, coriander fodder crops such as sorghum, maize, barley, oat, alpha-alpha, – emend, Sesani agricultural crop such as rice, maize, wheat, paddy, sugarcane agricultural forest crop such as eucalyptus, Bamboo and green gram, black gram, beans, seedling, turnip, sunflower

PC2. choose the crop to be planted based on the value and market situation Identify crop growth clips To be effective, one must know:

PC3. select the appropriate hydroponic growth process according to the following parameters: available space and other available resources expected product  availability of suitable growth method  expected product quality such as color, appearance, etc.

PC4. identify the different types of substrates that will be used to grow vegetables and fruits, such as: lava rocks clay rocks coco peat peat moss

PC5. choose a substrate that is not too salty or otherwise Hydroponics Technician:

harmful substances in plants

PC6. select the appropriate distribution method such as: element film process deep flow process (pipe system)

PC7. make holes in PVC pipes, in the event of a deep flow process

PC8. attach the plants placed in plastic pots to the holes made in PVC pipes

PC9. ensure that the nutrient solution flows through the

PC10 pipes. use the genetic film process especially in the case of fast-growing small plants with green leaves such as lettuce

PC11. place the plants in growing tubes and hang them over water

PC12. keep the container (dam) holding the required nutrient solution

PC13. pump nutrient solution into the growing plant tubes

PC14. ensure that plant roots receive a sufficient solution for

PC15 growth factors. use non-nutrient-free methods in appropriate situations, such as: Rooting process select a suitable seeding area for seed germination

PC17. choose a contact area with the following characteristics: fertile sufficient capacity to hold water good aeration capacity free from pests and diseases

PC18. use the following materials to grow seedlings: coco peat barley husk sand peat

PC19. avoid using any method of planting agricultural crops such as wheat, paddy, maize, barley, oat for 7 days nursery and

PC20 fodder. interest method grows before using

PC21. select nursery growth containers such as clay pots, plastic pots

PC22. use trays where

PC23 is required. clean pots and trays before sowing

PC24 seeds. make adequate use of nutrient solution in trays and seed pots Hydroponics Technician:

In order to function properly, the person must be able to:

PC25. to provide support for the installation of artificial structures and plant plants in those

PC26 buildings. provide appropriate support especially if there are intermediate growing varieties (tomatoes, cucumbers), or hardy fruit plants (iron, eggplant)

PC27. tie polythene cords under each plant Apply fertilizer and water to the plants In order to work properly, the person should be able to:

PC28. perform crop irrigation or use irrigation system

PC29. use fertilizer techniques where appropriate for

PC30. mix the required fertilizer for a particular plant with the daily water requirement and install or use a fertilizer / nutrient application system

PC31. determine the amount of fertilizer to be used depending on the type of crop to be grown, the stage of growth and the type of hydroponics method to be used Hydroponics Technician:

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Hydroponics Technician:

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KA1. organization procedures used for cultivation of crops using hydroponics

KA2. job requirement’s

KA3. business code of conduct to be followed

BENIFITE OF Hydroponics technician

B. Technical Knowledge:

Individual fitness for understanding and understanding:

KB1. different types of hydroponics systems

KB2. seed / grain testing at germination rate

KB3. Seed treatment process

KB4. hydroponic cultivation process

KB5. v a r i o u s substrates and applications of NFT

KB6. greenhouse performance

KB7. nutrient solutions and its various uses of KB8. harvesting / replacement schedules for

KB9. weather conditions and their effects Hydroponics Technician:

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

Theindividualonthejobneedstoknowand understand how to do it:

SA1. state the data required for the purpose of record keeping and maintain a process identification sheet and produce in the daily

SA2 report. report problems to the right employees on time by email The user / person you are looking for knows and understands:

SA3. read the instruction manual for growing hydronic systems and the operation of Oral Communication (listening and speaking skills) Each user / individual task needs to know and understand:

SA4. liaising with others such as farmers, official / affected stakeholders

SA5. understanding information shared by agronomists / forestry / senior people and experts

B. Making Professional Skills Decisions The user / employee needs to know and understand:

SB1. manage issues related to hydroponic farming and machinery and determine what remedial measures should be taken.

SB2 .edit and edit work based on instructions received by

SB3. plans to use time and resources Customer Customer The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:

SB4. understand customers’ needs and priorities and respond to their needs. Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand:

SB5. ensure proper identification of errors and resolve solutions by liaising with key stakeholders such as farmers, kindergarten staff, etc.

SB6. Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: use domain information about maintenance procedures and technical information about tools and equipment Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

SB7. use common sense and make daily decisions Hydroponics Technician:

Carry out harvesting, grading, storage and marketing activities in a hydroponics system:

In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to:

PC1. indicate the appropriate age of plant ripening and crop yielding

PC2. keep reports on harvesting system and crop / crop time according to

PC3 guidelines. ensure minimal damage to plants / plants during

PC4 harvest. dispose of any damaged or inactive

PC5 plants. make the classification and categorize: small medium large Ensure proper storage and marketing activities To be competent, the user / person on the job must be able to:

PC6. store seeds, plants / plants in cool, dry

PC7. make sure there is adequate ventilation during

PC8 storage. package the product in small packages for

PC9 sales purposes. ensure proper installation of

PC10 packets. ensure proper ventilation during

PC11 transit. contacting the transport retailer

Organizational Context (Knowledge about the company / organization and its processes):

The person at work needs to know and understand:

KA1. organizational processes used to harvest, store and market

KA2. job requirements

KA3. business code of conduct

B. Technical Knowledge:

The person at work needs to know and understand:

KB1. KB2 harvesting schedules. storage procedures

KB3. KB4 aeration strategies and procedures. labels and packaging strategies Hydroponics Technician:

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

Individual andthejobneedstoknowand how to understand:

SA1. state the data required for the purpose of record keeping and maintain a process identification sheet and produce in the daily

SA2 report. report problems to the appropriate staff via Reading Skills The user / individual on the job needs to know and understand how:

SA3 emails. read the instruction manual for growing hydronic programs and the operation of Oral Communication (The Listening and Speaking Skills) Heuser / individual on the job needs to know and under how how:

SA4. clear communication with others such as farmers, stakeholder manager / stakeholders

SA5. understanding information shared by agronomists / forestry / senior people and experts

B. Making Professional Skills Decisions The user / employee needs to know and understand:

SB1. manage hydroponic farming and resource issues and decide on remedial measures to be taken.

SB2. plan and focus on work based on the instructions received by

SB3. plans to use time and equipment Customer Center The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:

SB4. understand customers’ needs and priorities and respond to their needs. Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand:

SB5. ensure proper identification of errors and resolve solutions by liaising with key stakeholders such as farmers, kindergarten staff, etc. Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:

SB6.use domain information about maintenance procedures and technical information about tools and equipment Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

SB7. use common sense and make daily decisions

Manage requirements of a hydroponics system Hydroponics Technician:

To be competent, the user / person at work must-:

PC1. maintain the pH of the nutrient solution in the specified range (5.8 to 6.5) for

PC2. maintain a sufficient temperature of the solution, and resist any increase in

PC3 temperature. make sure there is enough oxygen dissolved in the

PC4 solution. maintain sufficient air space between nutrient solution and plant roots

PC5. To ensure adequate light, it is available for plants grown in the

PC6 system. use pest-free plants and diseases, plant material to establish hydroponic

PC7 plants. clean the system using a chlorine solution, then clean the system with clean water before replanting

PC8. ensure that proper support is available to plants and plants during

PC9 growth. keep hydroponic plant environment clean

PC10. make artificial pollen using blowers and machine vibrators to improve air quality inside protected buildings

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The person at work needs to know and understand:

KA1. organizational methods used for pest management

KA2. organizational processes used for the purification of the hydroponics

KA3 system. job requirements

KA4. business code of conduct

B. Technical Knowledge:

The person at work needs to know and understand:

KB1. important electrical / electrical / environmental parameters of the hydroponic system

KB2. seed / germination level of hydroponics

KB3. nutrient solutions and its various uses of

KB4. air / air / moisture / water quality restrictions

KB5. proper pH levels are required in the hydroponics system

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

Writing Skills Individualonthejobneedstoknowand understand how-to:

SA1. state the data required for the purpose of record keeping and maintain a process identification sheet and produce in the daily

SA2 report. report problems to the appropriate staff via Reading Skills The user / individual on the job needs to know and understand how:

SA3 emails. read the instruction manual for growing hydronic programs and the operation of Oral Communication (The Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / individua on the job needs to know and under how how:

SA4. clear communication with others such as farmers, stakeholder manager / stakeholders

SA5. understanding information shared by agronomists / forestry / senior people and experts

B. Making Professional Skills Decisions The user / employee needs to know and understand:

SB1. to handle issues related to hydroponic farming and equipment and to determine the remedial action to be taken. plan and prioritize work based on instructions received by

SB3. plans to use time and resources efficiently and efficiently. understand customers’ needs and priorities and respond to their needs. Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand:

SB5. ensure proper identification of errors and resolve solutions by liaising with key stakeholders such as farmers, kindergarten staff, etc. Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: use domain information about maintenance procedures and technical information about tools and equipment Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

SB7. use common sense and make daily decisions Hydroponics Technician:

Terms of Service Perform basic functions for small businesses In order to be effective, a user / employee must-:

PC1. search for product demand and product delivery on

PC2 market. identify targeted customers and assess their needs such as cost, purpose, quality, expectations, etc.

PC3. perform basic accounting costs calculated costs, costs and cost of

PC4 product price. ensure that production, transportation and marketing costs are included in the

PC5 price tag. to collect information relating to various subsidies / funding provided by the government, accredited state institutions and other financial institutions involved in

PC6 product promotion. follow the relevant regulations in

PC7 product advertising. track details related to the selling and selling price of

PC8 product. record daily sales and purchases from selected log books, registers, etc

. PC9. record quantity, quality, date of manufacture and quantity of total

PC10 product. identify appropriate marketing-related marketing channels considering needs and issues

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Hydroponics Technician:

The person at work needs to know and understand:

KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures related to

KA2 product. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to business

KA3. your job role and obligations and resources for

KA4 product marketing. who can ask for help to find market related information and specifications of

KA5. the importance of adhering to health, hygiene, safety and quality standards as well

B. Technical Knowledge:

The person at work needs to know and understand:

KB1. basic accounting costs calculated costs, total cost of

KB2 product. how to determine the market value of

KB3 product. the relevant regulations relating to the marketing and sale of the product

KB4. various commercial trading channels and their profit margins

KB5. various grants / subsidies provided by the Government, accredited state institutions and other financial institutions involved in the promotion and marketing of the

KB6 product. strategies for selecting and using product-related marketing channels such as retailers, farms, retailers, wholesalers (mandi), related companies, marketing organizations, refrigerators, exporters, etc.

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it:

SA1. record sales activities, schedules, etc. logs, registers, etc. in English or local language

SA2. fill in details of expenditure incurred, stock status, monthly sales and distribution, etc. in English or at home language Learning skills read basic instructions and information in English or local language related to business activities Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / individual on the job needs to know and under and how to:

SA4. communication with colleagues, subordinates, customers, exporters, etc.

SA5. seek clarity and understanding when the instructions are not clear in any of the languages ​​understood by

SA6. follow instructions from responsible authorities to avoid inappropriate communication or disputes in the workplace

B. Practicing Decision Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:

SB1. seek clarification from the relevant authorities when dealing with 8975 difficult decisions Hydroponics Technician:

A user / active person needs to know and understand how to do it:

SA1. record sales activities, schedules, etc. logs, registers, etc. in English or local language

SA2. fill in details of expenditure incurred, stock status, monthly sales and distribution, etc. English or Home Language Learning skills learn basic instructions and information in English or local language related to business activities Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / individual on the work requirements for knowledge and understanding Method:

SA4. contact with partners, subordinates, customers, exporters, etc.

SA5. seek clarity and understanding when the instructions are not clear in any language understood by

SA6. follow instructions from the authorities responsible for avoiding improper communication or disputes at work.

B. Practicing Decision Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand:

SB1. seek clarification from the relevant authorities when dealing with 8975 difficult decisions Hydroponics Technician:

Ensure safety and hygiene in the hydroponics system Hydroponics Technician: :

To be eligible, a user / employee must:

PC1. clean and inspect the condition of the vehicles that control the water tanks, pumps and trays growing

PC2. use clean water in the hydroponic

PC3 system. immerse the appropriate grain as certain standards and prevent

PC4 grain overflow. clean down the hydroponic system regularly with

PC5. make rainwater suitable for rainwater

PC6. clean the tank regularly with

PC7. check for any salt in the pipes and prevent any type of

PC8 congestion. avoid placing grain in the holes of the growing trays to avoid water intrusion on

PC9. causes water loss in plants when the temperature rises with

PC10. use exhaust fans to prevent the formation of heat in the system due to excessive sun

PC11. avoid using contaminated trays

PC12. detect insects and remove according to standard

PC13 guidelines. identify diseases in plants, in young plants and dispose of them Ensure the safety of employees To be competent, the user / employee must:

PC14. treat all tools and equipment properly so that damage is not prevented by

PC15. create a proper drainage of nutritious water and seal any possible spillage and prevent birds and animals from accessing

PC16. find shortcuts and use fire extinguishers where

PC17 is required. use gloves, shoes / slip slips and a lab coat for hydroponic machine /

PC18 application. use the first aid kit when

PC19 is needed. follow the organization’s safety policy in the event of accidents and emergencies Hydroponics Technician:

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The person at work needs to know and understand:

KA1. organizational methods used for pest management

KA2. organizational procedures used to maintain safety and hygiene within the hydroponics

KA3 system. job requirements KA4. business code of conduct

Technical Knowledge

The person at work needs to know and understand:

KB1. critical safety, hygiene requirements required for hydroponics system

KB2. pest management

KB3. normal environmental conditions

KB4. use of a first aid kit

Guidelines for Assessment:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria
    (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and
    Skills Practical for each PC
  2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC
  3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
    examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)
  4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaulations for skill practical for every student at each
    examination/training center based on this criteria
  5. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in aggregate.
  6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on the
    balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack
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