Watershed Supervisor

Watershed Supervisor 6 month course

Watershed Supervisor

Watershed Supervisor

The Water Management Supervisor handles the implementation of soil and moisture conservation in the water project. It serves as an important link between PIA, VWC and the public. Brief description of the job: The Marine Supervisor manages to motivate landowners, oversees the development of treatment regimens, measuring and arranging similar payments. Record keeping and daily water committee support is also taken care of by him. Your Qualifications: Marine Supervisor must have the ability to read, write, communicate, calculate, calculate and analyze skills, plan, plan and measure, concentrate, physical strength, pressure, team performance, machine competence and shooting skills Watershed Supervisor.

Carry out execution of watershed treatments Watershed Supervisor:

In order to be effective, that person must be able to: PC1. conduct research to re-evaluate the planned treatment area  find land availability and drainage schemes quickly  measure the availability of materials such as soil, rocks, etc. the need to import equipment and determine the location, distance and current costs of the same delivery  estimates the number of personnel required for local work PC2. arranging meetings with community institutions, especially the water committee, to discuss the following:  review and approve the work plan, approved budget, available funds, job categories and requirements for the upcoming project  identify areas, farms and owners where work should be done in the next two weeks / weeks  obligation to negotiate with owners on committee members  to share with PC3 members on site management activities. to hold a meeting with landowners on the following issues:  share the prescribed and agreed-upon treatments on his farm as per the net document document allocated to the farm worker  discuss the angora or the need for a donor’s family with workers, cash or PC4 property. meet and hold a meeting with labor unions to encourage them to join the project  share the location and the types of work planned on the basis and the rating system paid for the work  discuss the need for Sharman or donation to them Watershed Supervisor.
work, if necessary

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Watershed Supervisor:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. organizational ideas, tools and practices for participating in KA2 water resources management. job responsibilities / tasks and standard operating procedures Watershed Supervisor.

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. the importance of the participation of farmers and workers in the work KB2. development of soil and moisture conservation measures

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

chalk down the SA2 app. write a report on the processes and results achieved by SA3. record the men, property and expenses incurred in the treatment process Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. read editorial documents and information documents SA5. read the guidelines for water spills and the limitations of the design of treatment methods Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. discuss job lists, schedules and tasks with developer SA7. communication with farmers, jobs and engineers SA8. listen to and understand the information provided by Speaker SA9. ask a question to community members and engineer SA10. relate good manners and social experiences including housewives (speaking in public) B. Making a Professional Skills Decision The user / employee needs to know and understand that: SB1. understand the problems on the site during treatment and decide on the guidance of the SB2 engineer. analyze the situation / sensitive issue that may arise on the site with landowners, activities and the water committee on a daily basis. to plan, focus and edit tasks assigned to the SB4 developer. organize the people and resources needed for SB5 operations. organize and organize local people to perform community action such as shaman (free work), community donation in cash or courtesy of SB6. arrange for members of the public to work as service providers in the waste areas. to develop relationships with landowners / farmers, labor committee and water resources SB8. understand their concerns and priorities regarding the feasibility and feasibility of SB9. to win the confidence of a marine engineer for efficient use

Carry out measurement and payment of work done Watershed Supervisor:

In order to be effective, that person must be able to: PC1. informs staff about how to measure all types of moisture treatment and moisture conservation such as soil piles, stone blocks, gully plugs, trenches, etc., which should be done in a safe and effective PC2 way. determine and notify the date, time and place of the measurement of the staff, the responsible member of the water committee, the landowner and the employees personally by PC3. discuss the level of work to be measured by the staff and the landowner and decide to measure the work in accordance with the quality indicators determined by the project. PC4. measure the size of the borrowing hole in the event of land excavation and the size of the construction in the event of stone work in front of the staff and committee member as follows to measure the reading of the tape so that the affected staff and all present listen equally  ensure the supervisor obvious  to ensure that a certain ID number is marked with paint in a hole or a function measured based on the numerical system established by the project  ensure that employees recognize a certain amount of his work to get a future PC5 reference. produce one copy of the bill for each bill after you have completed the evaluation of all the work done by that employee, and ensure that the bill contains the following information  ID number, ground structure, volume determined Watershed Supervisor

the framework and all measurements of each hole / work performed by the workers during the assembly. PC6. train staff who are interested in measurement and payment methods as the work progresses as well as building transparency and reliance on the system Payment for soil and moisture conservation work To be competent, one must be able to: PC7. make or manage the entry of measurements from the MB field to Microsoft stand out or collect software on the computer  verify the correct entry by scanning all lengths, all widths and all depths / height  verify the measurements entered in the selected hole from the PC8 field measurement manual. calculate the amount to be paid for each job and fix the payload or use computer software  check for possible computer errors by looking at the number of employees each will be paid in pc or sometimes errors even in self-identification in the field itself  print a valuation book PC9. submit a printed MB and summarize it to the water committee or subcommittee to allow conflict issues, if there is  access to funds in the committee account  changes if there is a recommendation by committee members and engineers to be included in the payroll and signatories of PC10 signatories. send a bank check check and bank account details for each employee mentioned in the merger and confirm the transfer of funds to the employee accounts.  if necessary for the payment of money, the release of the money in the bank and the allocation of public wage jobs before the committee members and the formal • The sokumenyezelwa the amount paid on account labor and labor meetings on site  provide one copy of each of the perfect work displays the dimensions of his payment PC11. take the signature or thumbprint of each employee who received payment in cash or at the bank  in the event that employees were unable to receive payment or signed a document

fixed payment date, hold the money and add 2-3 days  take the signature of the appropriate staff to complete PC12. resolve disputes, if any arises due to possible errors in the measurement, entry or calculation of PC13. sign a consolidation and summary, sign this signed by one of the committee members and the developer and submit the same to the account assistant to pay the amount spent previously if available and for the purpose of accounting Watershed Supervisor.

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Watershed Supervisor:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. evaluation and payment systems adopted by KA2. job responsibilities / tasks and standard operating procedures KA3. organizational procedures for soil and moisture treatment standards quality, measurement and volume calculations

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and measurement of volume and number of tasks performed with KB2. basic computer and software information KB3. use of measuring tape with other field equipment / tools Watershed Supervisor

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. chalk down the SA2 app. write a report on the processes and results achieved by SA3. record the men, property and expenses incurred in the treatment process Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. read editorial documents and information documents SA5. read the guidelines for water spills and the limitations of the design of treatment methods Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. discuss job lists, schedules and tasks with developer SA7. communication with farmers, jobs and engineers SA8. listen to and understand the information provided by Speaker SA9. ask a question to community members and engineer SA10. relate good manners and social experiences including housewives (speaking in public) B. Making a Professional Skills Decision The user / employee needs to know and understand that: SB1. understand the problems on the site during treatment and decide on the guidance of the SB2 engineer. analyze the situation / sensitive issue that may arise on site with landowners, jobs and water committee in day-to-day operations

The user / person at work needs to know and understand that SB3. edit, prioritize and edit the tasks assigned by the developer SB4. organize people and things needed for jobs SB5. organize and organize citizens with community actions like shaman (free
labor), a public contribution in cash or in kind SB6. arrange for community members to act as operators in the water activities
Customer Location The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB7. to improve relationships with landowners / farmers, jobs and rainfall
committee SB8. understand their concerns and priorities in terms of their performance and performance SB9. to win the confidence of a marine engineer for efficient use Problem solving The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB10. identify underground areas and problems in the social sector within entry achieving goals and resolving these solutions to resolve what has happened Analytical thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB11. use the experience to recognize and analyze social change
conditions and the impact it can have on the performance of the task SB12. be able to discuss these situations with public institutions to find out
possible solutions The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB13. use common sense and make daily decisions
SB14. use thinking and feeling skills to identify any potential problems may appear during operation Watershed Supervisor

Keep records related to watershed supervision:

In order to be effective, that person must be able to: PC1. read the archives record of work done by paid and volunteer staff (shaman) PC2. update the attendance register to record the daily attendance of staff working on site PC3. update the rating book (MB) in the prescribed manner to record estimates of borrowed pits, soil and stone lumps / plugs and trenches completed by PC4 personnel. update and update payment forms and summary showing intelligent performance ratings and payments made via PC5. update the survey number (farm ID ID number) smart medical register PC6. keep a material register to record the entry and exit of items such as lime, plants, measuring instruments, etc. PC7. to update the treatment map showing visible progress throughout the aquatic environment on the records and display boards and keep water committee records and impacts To be effective, one must be able to: PC8. record the proceedings and minutes of water committee meetings on PCC work PC9. collect data once a month at water levels from selected sources from different parts of the water pool and record the same on PC10 for good design. collect data on plant production for different plants at different times and record the same in the PC11 crop production record. collect data survival seeds and seedlings under the planting and cultivation program on the PC12 line. collect data on daily rainfall from a rain gauge installed at the water level or at a nearby weather station and record the same in the PC13 rain register. update the display board posted in a public place with physical and financial continuity and relevant records such as a work map, rain, cropping plan, etc. Watershed Supervisor.

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. measurement and recording systems followed by KA2. job responsibilities / tasks and standard operating procedures

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. basic mathematical functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication KB2. ways to keep records and documents

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. chalk down the SA2 app. write a report on the processes and results achieved by SA3. record the men, property and expenses incurred in the treatment process Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. read editorial documents and information documents SA5. read the guidelines for water spills and the limitations of the design of treatment methods Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. discuss job lists, schedules and tasks with developer SA7. communication with farmers, jobs and engineers SA8. listen to and understand the information provided by Speaker SA9. ask a question to community members and engineer SA10. relate good manners and social experiences including housewives (speaking in public) B. Making a Professional Skills Decision The user / employee needs to know and understand that: SB1. understand the problems on the site during treatment and decide on the guidance of the SB2 engineer. analyze the situation / sensitive issue that may arise on the site with landowners, activities and the water committee on a daily basis. to plan, focus and edit tasks assigned to the SB4 developer. organize the people and resources needed for SB5 operations. organize and arrange for local people to perform community action such as shaman (free work), community donation in cash or courtesy of SB6. arrange for members of the public to work as service providers in the waste areas. to develop relationships with landowners / farmers, labor committee and water resources Watershed Supervisor

SB8. understand their concerns and priorities regarding the feasibility and feasibility of SB9. to win the confidence of a marine engineer to use it effectively Troubleshooting User / employee needs to know and understand: SB10. identify underground areas and problems in the social sphere within the realm of achieving goals and solving these problems to solve the Analytical Thinking Thinking The user / person in the workplace needs to know and understand that: SB11. use the experience to identify and analyze changing social contexts and the potential impact of the SB12 project. I can discuss these situations with community institutions to find possible solutions Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB13. use common sense and make daily judgments SB14. use thinking and feeling skills to detect any problems that may arise during the operation

Provide support in functioning of watershed committee:

In order to be effective, that person must be able to: PC1. attend regular water committee meetings to  report field progress and quality feedback from farmers  provide information on the difficulties and concerns of workers and farmers  obtain approval from the remuneration committee  obtain instructions from the committee on other strategies and actions to be taken  provide necessary information and feedback to to find the right decision PC2. to support the committee in handling work-related disputes at general meetings and to report any accidents, incidents or problems without delay to the appropriate person and to take the necessary steps necessary to minimize further risk for PC3. support the committee secretary with continuous writing at meetings Watershed Supervisor

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. organizational guidelines for public institutions especially water committee and transparency KA2. Integrated and dedicated organizational policy and ongoing outreach and intervention management of projects and community institutions beyond the project period

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. the roles, responsibilities and management of public institutions in water participatory management. KB2. excellent ways to participate and be a committee member in various development projects

Core Skills/Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. chalk down the SA2 app. write a report on the processes and results achieved by SA3. record the men, property and expenses incurred in the treatment process Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. read editorial documents and information documents SA5. read the guidelines for water spills and the limitations of the design of treatment methods Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. discuss job lists, schedules and tasks with developer SA7. communication with farmers, jobs and engineers SA8. listen to and understand the information provided by Speaker SA9. ask a question to community members and engineer SA10. relate good manners and social experiences including housewives (speaking in public) B. Making a Professional Skills Decision The user / employee needs to know and understand that: SB1. understand the problems on the site during treatment and decide on the guidance of the SB2 engineer. analyze the situation / sensitive issue that may arise on the site with landowners, activities and the water committee on a daily basis. to plan, focus and edit tasks assigned to the SB4 developer. organize the people and resources needed for SB5 operations. organize and organize local people to perform community action such as shaman (free work), community donation in cash or courtesy of SB6. arrange for community members to work as a waste disposal Customer Centricity The user / person on the job needs to know and understand: SB7. to develop relationships with landowners / farmers, labor committee and water resources SB8. understand their concerns and priorities regarding the feasibility and feasibility of SB9. to win the confidence of a marine engineer to use it effectively Troubleshooting User / employee needs to know and understand: SB10. identify underground areas and problems in the social sphere within the realm of achieving goals and solving these problems to solve the Analytical Thinking Thinking The user / person in the workplace needs to know and understand that: SB11. use the experience to identify and analyze changing social contexts and the potential impact of the SB12 project. be able to discuss these situations with public institutions to find out

Guidelines for Assessment:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance
    Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of
    marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC
  2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC
  3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
    examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)
  4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each
    examination/training center based on this criteria
  5. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in aggregate
  6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment
    on the balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack