Sugarcane Cultivator

Sugarcane Cultivator

Sugarcane Farmer: A Sugarcane Farmer manages the planting and harvesting of a sugarcane crop on a given plot of land. Also, a sugarcane grower also manages the sale of harvested sugarcane. Short job description: A person at work makes planting a sugarcane plant at the farm level. That person is responsible for harvesting the sugarcane crop. The Sugarcane grower needs to change the recommended practices of a particular climate zone, soil type, rain pattern and weather conditions in order to get the best yield. Your Qualities: A job requires a person who has the ability to work in the fields and have the power to make decisions related to sugarcane cultivation. They should also have basic communication and writing skills. In addition, the sugarcane grower must have the ability to communicate with the people involved and the decision-making skills to decide on the different types of sugarcane cultivation Sugarcane Cultivator.

Prepare land for Sugarcane cultivation Sugarcane Cultivator:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. plow the field to bring soil to tilth PC2. measure the field to make it easier to irrigate PC3. build trenches and trenches at the depth and level of PC4. build shallow water supply channels and facilities suitable Use compost In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to: PC5. use compost or filter in the right quantities and in the right places in the fields prepared for PC6. prepare past crop residues with appropriate PC7 values. use past crop residues in PC8 quantities and levels. keep crop residues past PC9. keep the pH of the soil at the right level

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your role and responsibilities and job information resources KA4. who can request assistance for information related to the operation, clarification and support of KA5. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work Sugarcane Cultivator

Technical Knowledge Sugarcane Cultivator:

The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various soil-preparation equipment for sugarcane cultivation KB2. the importance of land balance for different irrigation systems KB3. various land reform methods and their impact on soil tilth KB4. depth and distances to be considered during the construction of the KB5 canals. benefits of fertilizer application and past crop residues KB6. correction of plant residues past KB7. composting techniques and plant residues past KB8. soil pH values ​​and their effects on soil chemistry Sugarcane Cultivator

Core Skills/Generic Skills:

The person at work needs to know and understand: how to do SA1. write down the effects of various fertilizers and their properties Learning Skills The working person needs to know and understand: how to SA2. learn the latest cane processing techniques by accessing various SA3 media outlets. read the latest information by reading the brochures, pamphlets, and information sheets of the SA4 product. read relevant newspapers / brochures or use electronic resources including the internet by browsing certain sugarcane websites such as sugarcane information Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) An employee needs to know and understand: SA5 method. maintain an active working relationship SA6. liaising with others such as farmers, relevant stakeholders / stakeholders B. Performing Professional Skills Performing in the workplace needs to know and understand: how SB1. use / use land reform equipment such as plows, farmers, tractors and power tillers SB2. report potential areas of disruption to the SB3 recruitment process. Abundance of compost and other chemicals will be incorporated into the prepared field. plan and organize plant crèches and field processes starting with soil preparation to SB5 harvest. arrange meetings / exhibitions with the Departments of Agriculture whenever the Customer Centricity is required A person on the job needs to know and understand how to do this: SB6. liaising with colleagues to coordinate work processes during land reform SB7. work with consultant staff to update the SB8 land reform strategy. participate in the exhibition / meeting / workshop Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand that: SB9. improve work processes with the right use of plant residues SB10. land-enhancing strategies designed for SB11. think about the problem, test possible solutions (s) and use the largest / best solution for analytical thinking The working person needs to know and understand: SB12. view and store the equipment and equipment needed for weed control SB13. inspect and maintain the condition of the tools and equipment required for soil preparation and direct planting / sowing

Prepare and plant sett Sugarcane Cultivator:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. identify the appropriate sugarcane variety to be distributed depending on the cultivation area, smut resistance, red rot, drought tolerance, yield, sucrose / fiber content, etc. Configuring sets In order to work properly, user / individual: PC2. take the seed sower on the PC3 of the young plant. find out what the seeds are free of pests and other diseases PC4. make sure the shoot is not covered with too many dry PC5 scales. ensure that the correct number of emerging clusters are used. configure the correct hardware / hardware PC7. soak the sets in full lime water Sett Treatment In order to work properly, the user / person should be able to: PC8. find healthy PC9 planting sets. prepare a mixture of chemical treatments and appropriate PC10 doses. soak the sets with the appropriate timed mix for PC11. manage the sets in appropriate ways such as steam, heat therapy, etc. for a limited time and PC12 temperature. treat the sets with appropriate chemicals and chemicals such as oregano mercurial compounds Sustainable planting In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to: PC13. find the right investment interest rate set PC14. find a planting plan to follow – ditches and ditches, ditch, flat plan, etc. depending on the land and location of the PC15 plant. irrigate the prepared field by means such as flooding, small irrigation of micro-surface-drip / sub-surface-drip / sprinkler etc. PC16. place the sets in the correct location in the prepared world for PC17. find the correct number of collections to be placed on PC18. raise the crop at the right time for sugarcane growth Knowledge and understanding (K) A. Structures A user / employee needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable laws, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace Sugarcane Cultivator

Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Sugarcane Cultivator:

KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance for information related to the operation, clarification and support of KA5. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work

Technical Knowledge:

The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. planting time for a variety of KB2 varieties. yield of a variety of KB3 varieties. resistance to pests and diseases KB4. behavior of pests and diseases KB5. proper equipment and equipment KB6 equipment. a suitable replacement method from a short plant KB7. the number of collections used will be used KB8. set length length KB9. chemical properties KB10. keep immersing the length of KB11. KB12 treatment procedures. seed prices KB13. grounds for setting the placement of KB14. the number of sets to be placed in the ground for KB15. plans for planting KB16. depth and width corresponding to the planting plan used Sugarcane Cultivator

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

Learning Skills A person at work needs to know and understand: how to do SA1. learn the latest methods of sugarcane preparation by reading SA2 newspapers and magazines. get the latest information by reading the brochures, pamphlets, and information sheets of SA3 product. read relevant newspapers / brochures Oral communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The person at work needs to know and understand: SA4 method. maintaining effective working relationships with neighboring farmers SA5. communication with others such as other farmers, officials / stakeholders involved The person at work needs to know and understand: how to make SB1. report potential areas of disruption to the process, especially when treating and investing in SB2. adoption of right treatment modalities SB3. acceptance of the right amount of seed Plan and Plan The person at work needs to know and understand: how to make SB4. invest in sets of fixed tools and equipment SB5. organize farmers during land reform and rehabilitation in the event of staff shortages and water to avoid rising labor levels Customer Centricity A person at work needs to know and understand that: SB6. participate in the crop show / conference / workshop SB7. attend SB8 retraining training. make and use SB9 exposure visits. work with botanists Troubleshooting Troubleshooting A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB10. think about the problem, explore possible solutions (s) and use the largest / best solution (s) SB11. identify appropriate solutions to the delay of various problems in the field and take the necessary steps to solve the problem Analytical Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand: SB12. monitor and maintain the equipment and equipment required for land preparation and direct planting / sowing. Critical Thinking A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB13. use, analyze, and evaluate information collected from observation, experience, consultation, or communication, as a guide for thought and practice SB14. do his own work and study

Macro and micro nutrient management for field crops Sugarcane Cultivator:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. take the sample according to the recommended sample procedure from the PC2 court. dry the soil and prepare the samples as per PC3 process. pack, label and send to the nearest soil testing laboratory for PC4 analysis. compile soil analysis report on PC5 board. collect recommended recommended and inorganic fertilizer from the Department of Agriculture based on a soil analysis report Use of Organic and Organic Fertilizers In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to: PC6. find the appropriate organic and inorganic fertilizers to use for PC7. configure PC8 fertilizer fields. mix fertilizer in the correct quantity for PC9. apply fertilizer at the right amount, time and growing season Sugarcane Cultivator

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and sources of work-related information KA4. who can request assistance for information related to the operation, clarification and support of KA5. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work

Technical Knowledge:

The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various processes of the soil sample KB2. soil testing laboratories and various nutrients (large and small) analyzed KB3. portions of the KB4 soil analysis report. recommendations based on the availability of various micro and KB5 variants. high nutrient content in a given soil or in a plant sample of KB6. soil types, their advantages and disadvantages with respect to the molecular structure of KB7. based on the type of soil, various soil preparation methods to retain soil and soil nutrients KB8. various nutrient structures, organic fertilizers and inorganic KB9 compounds. appropriate operating systems KB10. appropriate app times to mix the right and doses of apps

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The person at work needs to know and understand: how to do SA1. the latest methods of nutrient management of field crops by reading SA2 newspapers and magazines. up-to-date information on reading SA3 brochures, pamphlets, and product sheets. read relevant newspapers / brochures Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. maintaining effective working relationships with neighboring farmers SA5. liaising with others such as other farmers, official / affected stakeholders SA6. understand the details and understand its meaning SA7. seek advice from senior people and professionals B. Practicing Professional Skills A person at work needs to know and understand: how to SB1. report potential areas of disruption to the SB2 process. the amount of chemicals to be used Plan and edit A working person needs to know and understand: SB3. plan and implement SB4 cropping methods. organize farmers during land reform and re-employment in the form of staff shortages and water to avoid rising labor levels Customer Centricity An employee needs to know and understand: SB5. participate in the crop show / conference / workshop SB6. attend SB7 retraining training. make and use SB8 exposure visits. work with botanists Troubleshooting Troubleshooting A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB9. think about the problem, test possible solutions (s) and use the largest / best solution (s) SB10. identify appropriate solutions to the delay of various problems in the field and take the necessary steps to solve the problem Analytical Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand Sugarcane Cultivator:

Curb weed in field crops:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. identify the type of weed that will affect PC2 yield. control chemicals during soil preparation so that the soil does not reproduce weeds PC3. plant the right types of plants that will reduce weed growth PC4. use proper weed control at the right time PC5. use plumbing tools such as plows, where appropriate

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and sources of work-related information KA4. who can request assistance for information related to the operation, clarification and support of KA5. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work

Technical knowledge:

The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various weed fields and their effects on plant growth KB2. stages of weed and field competition KB3. positions next to the field where the weeds are likely to grow KB4. weed control phases KB5. weeds and chemicals and their properties KB6. methods of weeding by hand KB7. the use of herbicides such as nests, where KB8 applies. intercrop species based on field planning and cultivar Sugarcane Cultivator

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The person at work needs to know and understand: how to do SA1. read the latest weed control techniques by reading SA2 newspapers and magazines. get the latest information by reading the brochures, pamphlets, and information sheets of SA3 product. read relevant newspapers / brochures Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The person at work needs to know and understand: SA4 method. maintaining effective working relationships with neighboring farmers SA5. liaising with others such as other farmers, officials / stakeholders involved B. Performing Professional Skills Working in the workplace needs to know and understand: how to make SB1. manage potential areas of disruption in the SB2 weed system. the amount of herbicides and chemicals to be used Plan and edit A working person needs to know and understand that: SB3. plan and implement SB4 cropping methods. organize farmers during land reform and re-employment in the form of staff shortages and water to avoid rising labor levels Customer Centricity A person at work needs to know and understand: SB5. work with colleagues
coordinating work processes in the case of personal weed SB6. work with consultant staff to update with the latest techniques and information on herbicides and chemicals Troubleshooting Troubleshooting An employee needs to know and understand: SB7. think about the problem, test possible solutions (s) and use the largest / best solution (s) SB8. identify appropriate solutions to the delay of various problems in the field and take the necessary steps to solve the problem Analytical Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand that: SB9. monitor and maintain the equipment and equipment required for land preparation and direct planting / sowing. Critical Thinking A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB10. use, analyze, and evaluate information collected from observation, experience, consultation, or communication, as a guide for thought and action SB11. do his own work and study Sugarcane Cultivator

Guidelines for Assessment:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance
    Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for
    Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
  2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
  3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set Sugarcane Cultivator
    of NOS.
  4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
    examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
  5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each
    examination/training center based on this criterion.
  6. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% of aggregate marks to successfully clear
    the assessment.
  7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.
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