Timber Grower (6 month course )

Timber Grower

Short Job Description: A person grows commercial timber that produces trees or depending on the availability of land, investment and resources. The woodworker works on the farm from the market. He must be able to plant timber trees using good agricultural practices (GAP). Your Qualifications: Requirements for knowledge of the general timber planting process, product, commercial use and applicable laws and regulations. It is able to work in difficult situations with good team cooperation and has an understanding of the market. He or she must be able to maintain relationships between people, quality of work and product Timber Grower.

Select and prepare land and material for timber cultivation Timber Grower:

Timber Grower

Bold to set investment objectives based on the availability of resources in consultation with experts / institutions Resources: Land; water; budget; staff and institutional support, etc. Purpose: Indicates whether the investment is short-term, medium or long-term, commercial gain, demand for other products, etc. PC2. identify the source and location of critical resources and remove operational barriers Critical resources: Land, water, personnel etc. PC3. Understand the agricultural climate in the area where the planned PC4 planting is planned. list PC5 objectives, program and resources. use the system in a timely manner and change where necessary if necessary PC6. explain the policy and plan to other stakeholders Stakeholders: Departments of concern, topic experts, etc. identify different types of land Different types of land: forest land; pastures and pastures; agriculture and agricultural areas; human settlements; njll PC8. identify the types of soil and its basic structure of the planted field Timber Grower

Basic composition: minerals, organic matter, air and water PC9. choose fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and pesticides to fix soil deficiencies and protect against pests and insects Fertilizers: potash, super phosphate, urea, calcium ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, etc. PC10. development of land suitable for agriculture Land development: remove vegetation; make the area clear and accessible; close the border with live telephone; etc. Select types of timber planters The user / person at work should be able to: PC11. select the type of wood production for suitability and soil availability, local climate and PC12 performance. prepare a list / database of species producing timber grown in the area / village under the agricultural forest and their suitability and acceptance of soil soil, local climate and PC13 performance. identify authorized seed collection sources, seeds of appropriate age, size and width, Source: Private or public crèche, market, individual, etc. PC14. get soap or seeds for each need, availability and budget for PC15. identify and select compost varieties suitable for selected varieties and ages Compost Compost (Wheat grass, paddy reed, calcium ammonium nitrate, urea, superphosphate, potash muricate, bran bran, molasses, gypsum and lindane dust) PC16. use a simple calculation to calculate the number of plants to plant under the selected system, with the appropriate space between the two plants and the total available area of ​​the PC17 area. choose a suitable walkway and a place to carry and store plants and compost Perform planting activities before planting logs The user / person at work should be able to: PC18. select the timber planting program according to the identified objectives Planting systems: planting prevention, intercropping, tree row system and shading planting system PC19. build holes of various sizes to plant at the right time of year for PC20. select the appropriate tool for building holes PC21. use appropriate methods to ensure soil fertility according to plant / seed requirements Methods: e.g. to form a mixture of topsoil extracted from the pit; use compost and topsoil from a nearby field and fill the holes until sure Timber Grower

boundary; use of animal waste as organic fertilizer to maintain and improve soil fertility; etc. Follow health and safety precautions The user / person on the job should be able to: PC22. read and follow label safety measures / instructions that come with fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and pesticide PC23. stay tuned for all the necessary first resources as suggested in PC24 security measures. use all necessary safety equipment including protective equipment (PPE) and follow all PC25 protection measures. use equipment / tools as recommended and keep in a safe place to avoid any damage during tool / equipment and fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and pesticide PC26. follow the guidelines / guidelines given by the authority on the use of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and pesticides to avoid adverse impacts on the environment and health

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Timber Grower:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to the KA2 wood farm. the role of your work and responsibilities and resources about KA3 wood growth. who can request assistance to obtain information related to timber growth, specification and support for KA4. the importance of complying with the standards of health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumers and business KA5. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of timber planting Timber Grower

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. the importance of pursuing a purposeful and strategic plan for KB2. economic and environmental benefits of block planting, centralized planting, tree line system and plant planting shade shade KB3. The role of compost in planting timber, its purpose, features and application process Features: Controlled, temperature-dependent, environmental process, uses air to maintain temperature, which is best suited for germs to grow and reproduce KB4. different types of compost and acceptance and suitability with selected planting soil KB5. appropriate equipment and materials used in the preparation of timber landing / planting KB6. environmental and economic benefits through live fencing KB7. The different types of wood that produce plants and their products include benefits, e.g. Cheap, treatable etc. KB8. benefits of plants raised in kindergarten, seeds and selection of integrated timber plants

to invest KB9. formation of percentage of plants in crop planting and in the form of tree planting lines KB10. species of woody plants under mixing and other methods KB11. appropriate space between two holes, e.g. for tea plant- planting block 2mX2m, 3mX3m or 4mX4m and planting 4mX4m or 5mX1m KB12. planting hole size, e.g. of tea plants 45cmX45cmX45cm KB13. how to apply fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and herbicides KB14. malnutrition, pest and pest management through recommended inputs, e.g. compost, fertilizer, pesticides, pesticides and herbicides KB15. grazing threat management on timber farmed KB16. logging parameters Parameters: Type of soil and its characteristics; weather; pH; water availability; etc. KB17. benefits of mixed seeds or seedlings

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. documents of objectives, plans and resources SA2. calculate the uncultivated area; harvest; number of trees SA3. a plan for the abundance of fertilizers, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and / or pesticides may be required for the amount and size of land and SA4 species. write down the name and composition of fertilizers, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and / or pesticides to be used by SA5. fill in details of expenses incurred, building materials, tools, etc. English or Home Language Learning Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. read the basic instructions and information in English or the local language related to wood that grows SA7. read and interpret safety alerts, signs, symbols, formulas, etc. tools, tools and materials Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA8. to communicate effectively with colleagues, subordinates, etc. SA9. seek clarification when instructions are not clear in any local language

Making a Decision A user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB1. select the materials to be used for planting SB2 logs. has decided on the type of timber and plant species that will be used to plant timber under the various SB3 methods. find the type and method of composting, f SB4. Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and / or pesticides for SB5 logging. testing the effectiveness of compost, fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides and / or individual pesticides from institutions, facilities, etc. all operations required to prepare the timber plantation according to the standard customer quality procedures The user / employee must know and understand that: SB7. use customer / market demand as a key component of SB8 production targets. evaluating and meeting customer satisfaction goals to guide SB9 work quality considerations. expose and deal with customers in a fair and respectful manner SB10. ensure that the customer gets the right transaction in the business transaction with the lumber Troubleshooter The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB11. to solve various problems facing the land reform period, selection of fertilizers and fertilizers, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and / or pesticides SB12. Ensure plant health and safety as well as compost, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and / or pesticides while transporting and storing Analytical Thinking User / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB13. ensure the collection of inexpensive plants and other necessary planting material SB14. effective human resource management SB15. analyze investment strategies for long-term, medium and long-term profit Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB16. use, analyze, and evaluate information collected from observation, experience, consultation, or communication as a guide for thought and action Timber Grower

Carry out cultivation process for timber crop Timber Grower :

User / employee should be able to: PC1. transport equipment and other inputs to the plant, during and without loss or damage Inputs: seedlings, compost, and required fertilizers, pesticides, weeds and pesticides, machinery etc. PC2. instruct and guide staff on the safe management of plant material and adherence to the timeline for the purpose of PC3. select healthy seedlings / seeds in stock to plant / sow PC4. remove the polythene bag from the plants without damaging the plant, especially the PC5 roots. renew both ends or stumps of seedlings before planting following the correct procedure Proper procedure: The change of drink should not be harmed; the smallest layer should be cut, using sharp plant cuttings, only the end section should be cut, etc. PC6. ensure that all required inputs are available and access to inputs Required: seedlings, seeds, compost, machinery, etc. PC7. place seedlings in dug holes or sowing seeds in a prepared field with proper care of soil and organic manure, etc Timber Grower.

PC8. providing the necessary water, fertilizer, pesticides, pesticides and herbicides after checking the essential features Key features: Sown varieties; height and width of plants; soil fertility; climatic conditions of the planting area; null PC9. edit the details of the documentation for planting work The documentation includes: method used for timber cultivation, plant / seed varieties, number of plants, etc. select the appropriate irrigation method in accordance with the suitability and acceptance of the methods of planting Irrigation methods: Face; PC11. select session, duration and amount of water required for irrigation Session: Summer, winter, rain and spring for PC12. to irrigate while making sure that no PC13 is over-watered or inadequate. select and use standard irrigation equipment to reduce water scarcity Provide fertilizers, pesticides, pesticides and herbicides as a supplement The user / person at work should be able to: PC14. apply appropriate fertilizer, pesticides, pesticides and herbicides from the cell according to the age of the plant PC15. follow the recommended instructions for using fertilizers, pesticides, pesticides and weed control PC16. to perform the functions of preparation for proper formation and composting; pesticides; pesticides and weed control depending on the need for the soil; seeds; plant and plants PC17. choose how to apply fertilizer; pesticides; pesticides and herbicides How to apply: deep soil application; broadcast; banding and liquid application PC18. details of application for fertilizer application, pesticides, pesticides and herbicides e.g. date, time, duration, name, value, etc.

Ensure safety measures to protect the planting area User / occupant should be able to: PC19. identify the risks of geographical investment, climate and PC20 location. ensure the safety of the entire planted area or field from natural and potential human threats Possible threats: Environmental (unintended pastures, birds, floods, drought etc.) Human-caused (Target pastures, theft, etc.) Safety measures: Fencing water plant, water supply system water on the court; appointment of security guards, etc.

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Timber Grower:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to timber sampling or KA2 seed planting. The role of your work and responsibilities and resources regarding the planting of a wooden sample or sowing of KA3 seeds. who can ask for help
to obtain planting material for wood planting or information related to seed sowing, specification and support of KA4. the importance of complying with the standards of health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumers and business KA5. scriptural related processes that apply in the context of planting wood or sowing seeds Timber Grower

Technical Knowledge Timber Grower:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. the importance of following the correct details of the timing and length of planting / sowing operations e.g. a slight delay in execution can lead to poor growth and a low survival percentage of KB2. precautionary measures while planting and sowing Steps: open soil scale; the level at which the holes should be left empty; transport and treatment of sapling / seed; etc. KB3. suitable equipment and materials used during planting / sowing KB4. various types of fertilizers, pesticides, pesticides and herbicides and their applications are KB5. how can you confirm the need for proper soil nitrogen to improve its yield KB6. how to plan composting; pesticides; pesticides and weed killers per need KB7. various methods of applying fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides and herbicides according to each KB8 requirement. including fertilizers, pesticides, pesticides and herbicides on the environment and human health Timber Grower

KB9. different irrigation methods KB10. how to check the total water use and write a water budget to avoid shortages where there is a great need Water budget: availability; use; balance and future needs KB11. irrigation water management systems KB12. threats and safety measures to trees and plant areas for KB13. the risks and dangers associated with planting / sowing and how you can control the damage to your KB14. how to determine the quality of planting work Timber Grower

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. set prices for different fertilizers, pesticides, pesticides and herbicides using basic mathematical functions SA2. write down work schedules in logs, registers, etc. in English or the local language SA3. write down the chemical formulas for pesticides, pesticides and herbicides used in collaboration with experts to find the right solution for pest, pest and weed control crops SA4. fill in details of expenditure incurred, building materials, tools, etc. English or Home Language Learning Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. read the basic instructions and information in English or the local wood-related language that enhances SA6. read and interpret safety alerts, signs, symbols, formulas, etc. tools, tools and materials Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA7. communication with colleagues, subordinates, etc. SA8. seek clarification when the instructions are not clear in any understandable language Timber Grower

Guidelines for Assessment:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC)
    will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills
    Practical for each PC.
  2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
  3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
    examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
  4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training
    center based on this criteria.
  5. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should get 70% in aggregate.
  6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on the
    balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack.
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