Institution Development Manager (6 month course )
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The Institutional Development Manager is responsible for maintaining and strengthening informal / formal institutions such as self-help groups, farmers ‘producers’ organizations, agricultural community cooperatives by ensuring the participation and involvement of community members through participatory agricultural management projects.
Brief description of the job: Institutional Development Manager is responsible for institutional development to produce, allocate and use human resources, assets and funds to achieve specific objectives in a sustainable manner.
You are responsible for organizing the community into various informal / formal institutions and building their skills. Your Qualifications: Institutional Development Manager must have strong, flexible communication skills and planning skills.
They must be able to understand and integrate the socio-political and economic environment and determine institutional development strategies and act responsibly Institution Development.

Organize and strengthen community for taking up project interventions Institution Development:
In order to be effective, that person must be able to
organize meetings with the community in groups and in gram Sabha
such institutions before the public
schedule feedback meetings between institutional members visiting
draw up an integrated action plan through the institutional development process
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the institution / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational standards, concepts and practices used in the participatory and integrated agricultural management project
KA2. job responsibilities / duties
KA3. institutional development and advocacy strategy adopted by the organization
B. Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand:
KB1. details of planning and implementing an agricultural management project
KB2. law / law and organizational structure for the management of public institutions
KB3. legal / legal compliance mechanisms for legal entities
KB4. to manage the financial aspects of the project Institution Development
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. write down the details transferred to
SA2. name documents of internal parties / other departments
SA3. details / documents submitted by internal parties
SA5. read the process and evaluation reports at successful
SA6 community institutions. s. discuss job lists, schedules and activities
SA9. to communicate effectively with party leaders and other
SA10 members. listen carefully and understand the information provided by the
SA11 speaker. recount good practices and experiences with community leaders, institutions and the community at large including rural women and those who are lagging behind in development. (speaking in public)
SA12. propose alternative management and legal framework for the construction of living facilities
B. Developing Professional Skills To create a user / person on the job need to know and understand:
SB1. analyze a sensitive situation / problem that may arise with the community and within the project team in day-to-day activities using experience and observation of
SB2. identify control methods to solve the problem and handle it

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. plan, prioritize and organize the tasks
SB4. plan and organize the villagers for collective actions, community contribution
in cash or kind
SB5. organize the community members to work in the interest of sustaining their
own institutions
Customer Centricity Institution Development
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. develop rapport with the community, community institutions and individuals
in the project villages
SB7. develop rapport and relations with concerned government officials, legal
authorities, professionals and other personnel in the project area of the State
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. identify issues in social sector in achieving the targets and work out solutions
on these to resolve the issues
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB9. apply domain knowledge and experience to take note of and analyze the
changing social situations and its possible impact on the project
SB10. discuss the situations with the community institutions to find out appropriate
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. use common sense and make judgments on day to day basis
SB12. use reasoning skills and intuition to detect any potential problems which
could arise Institution Development.

Build capacity of community for managing their own institutions Institution Development:
In order to be effective, that person must be able to:
PC1. share information on the importance of community institutions and their role and responsibilities in
PC2 agricultural management projects. ensure institutional structure is carried out by: careful selection of members appropriate approval in gram sabha
PC3. manage any social conflicts that may arise during construction and handle other
PC4 issues. conducts a need for training (TNA) based on the current understanding of members of
PC5 community organizations. provide TNA-based training, refine and customize training-based training modules that require
PC6. provide technical training to
PC7 members. formulate a common policy / direction that can guide actions and actions in the long run.
PC8 schedule periodic meetings with institutions with a pre-set agenda that includes action reviews, planning, decision-making, information sharing and
PC9 development capabilities. train senior management to lead meetings, document procedures and decision making and keep
PC10 records. ensure improved
PC11 operating conditions. ensure the use and maintenance of existing
PC12 skills and resources. to help build a team of institutions that can work together to perform complex and complex financial management To be competent, one must be able to:
PC13. approach financial institutions (listed below are a few financial institutions and many more) for financial assistance Institution Development
For it to work properly, that person must be able to:
PC1. share information on the importance of community institutions and their role and responsibilities in
PC2 agricultural management projects. ensure the structure of the institution is made up of: careful selection of members appropriate approval in gram sabha
PC3. manage any public disputes that may arise during construction and handle other
PC4 issues. create a need for training (TNA) based on the current understanding of members of
PC5 community organizations. provide TNA-based training, refine and customize training-based training modules that require
PC6. provide technical training to
PC7 members. develop a general policy / guide that can guide actions and actions over time. schedule regular meetings with institutions with a pre-set agenda that includes action reviews, planning, decision-making, information sharing and
PC9 development skills. train senior management to lead meetings, documentation and decision-making processes and keep
PC10 records. confirm improved
PC11 operating conditions. ensure the use and maintenance of existing
PC12 skills and resources.
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the institution / organization and its processes):
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organization training tools and techniques
KA2. job responsibilities/duties
KA3. development of legal and organizational framework for management of community institutions
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand:
KB1. understanding the roles, responsibilities and management of public institutions in project management
KB2. good practices in public institutions for various development projects
KB3. guidelines, rules and compliance with the law / related legal entities Institution Development
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. write reports on capacity building activities, tools used and the results obtained by
SA2. write letters to development and law enforcement agencies / specialists of various kinds S. research the process and evaluation reports of successful
SA5 institutions. read the latest guidelines and legal framework for the management and governance of public institutions
SA6. understanding and interpreting government, banking and legal documents Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA7. effective communication with public institutions and external structures SA8. listen carefully and understand the details
SA9. recount good practices and experiences with public institutions and the general public as
SA10. proposed further administration and legal framework for the construction of natural resources
The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. write reports on capacity building activities, tools used and the results obtained by
SA2. write letters to development and law enforcement agencies / experts of various types
SA3. research the process and evaluation reports of successful
SA5 institutions. read the latest guidelines and legal framework for the management and administration of public institutions
SA6. understanding and interpreting government, banking and legal documents Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA7. effective communication with public institutions and external agencies
SA8. listen carefully and understand the details
SA9. expand best practices and experiences with public institutions and the general public such as
SA10. proposed to continue the management and legal framework for natural resource development
Ensure highest level of community participation Institution Development:
In order to be effective, that person must be able to:
PC1. to ensure a continuous strong presence and support from the public
PC2. increasing participation, membership, volunteering and attending
PC3 meetings. inspire community members by stimulating community success, by creating more
PC4 ideas. to support the community to establish and expand the
PC5 multi-purpose fund. ensure early public participation to improve the construction of the
PC6 development project. ensure the equitable distribution of benefits so that vulnerable groups gain appropriate access to project services and
PC7 benefits. ensure maximum utilization of available resources Institution Development
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the institution / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational guidelines for public institution, public participation, ownership and visibility of
KA2. the roles, responsibilities and management of public institutions in a participatory project in agricultural management
B. Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand:
KB1. information on best practices used by the community to ensure participation and ownership in various development projects
KB2. community planning tools and strategies and the promotion of
KB3. legal / legal compliance with legal entities (such as public registration law, corporate registration law, corporate registration act in manufacturing companies and legal / direct related legal framework)
Core Skills/Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. write a variety of reports on the promotion and institutional building strategies used, such records (process and bookkeeping), activities performed and the results obtained by
SA2. write letters to banks, development, jurists and technologists read the process and evaluation reports on successful agricultural participation projects
SA4. learn about new community building tools and techniques for building oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA5. effective communication with the public and their
SA6 institutions. listen carefully and understand the details
SA7. recount good practices and experiences with community institutions and the general public (public speaking)
B. Making a Professional Skills Decision The user / employee needs to know and understand that:
SB1. analyze a situation / problem that may arise with public institutions on a day-to-day basis by experience and by Planning and Planning The user / person at work needs to know and understand:
SB2. arrange the people, materials and funds required for
SB3 operations. organize and organize residents of community facilities through integrated actions, community donations in cash or courtesy Customer Customer The user / person on the job needs to know and understand that:
SB4. to develop relationships with the community and its
SB5 institutions. understanding the concerns and priorities of the community and institutions Problem Solving The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB6. identify social and political deficiencies and problems in public institutions and find solutions to them to solve problems. use background information and knowledge to recognize and analyze social and political changes and the potential impact on the functioning of public institutions to find possible solutions Critical Thinking The user / employee needs to know and understand:
SB8. use common sense and make daily decisions
SB9. use critical thinking skills to identify any potential problems during operation and submit project sustainability as part of the exit
Adhere to health and safety guidelines at the workplace Institution Development:
In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to:
PC1. adhere to
PC2 health and hygiene policy and procedures. follow the trash and
PC3 guidelines. identify and report organizational misconduct with regard to hygiene and
PC4. ensure personal hygiene and grooming and adhere to the
PC5 organization’s dress code. ensure workplace hygiene at the beginning and end of
PC6 day. notify the reporting manager of personal matters relating to injury and infectious diseases
PC7. share information on health and hygiene guidelines with team members Adhere to safety guidelines and provide appropriate emergency procedures In order to be competent, a user / employee must be able to:
PC8. inspect various workplaces and report leaks, water logging, pests, fire, etc.
PC9. ensure the protection of accidents and injuries in the
PC10 operating system. attending firefighting services and other safety workshops organized in the
PC11 workplace. use safety equipment or tools as applicable to work
PC12. follow procedures for dealing with accidents, fires and emergencies, including local communications and emergency evacuation guidelines
PC13. follow emergency procedures in the normal / corporate environment
PC14. use emergency equipment according to manufacturer specifications and
PC15 workplace requirements. carry first aid when needed
Organizational Context:
The person at work needs to know and understand:
KA1. general duties under the relevant health and safety law
KA2. health and safety guidelines as set by
KA3. emergency evacuation and first aid procedures defined by
KA4. different types of health violations, safety and security and how and when to report this\ Institution Development
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand:
KB1. the importance of proper housing maintenance in the workplace
KB2. ways to secure waste disposal
KB3. ways to reduce environmental damage during operation
KB4. hygiene and fitness requirements
KB5. Exit procedures for staff and visitors
KB6. how to call medical and emergency services, where
KB7 is required. how to apply the reporting procedures for health, safety and risks and the importance of these
KB8. organs of state in the areas of safety, health and security and their procedures and functions
Core Skills/ Generic Skills Institution Development:
The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. report problems to relevant staff during
SA2. write descriptions and details of events in reports Learning Skills A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA3. read the resource manual and processing documents to understand
SA4 safety guidelines. read internal information documents sent to internal groups Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA5. contacting colleagues
SA6. understanding the information shared by professionals and senior management A person on the job needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB1. identify the need for first aid and give it Plan and Edit The working person needs to know and understand:
SB2. plan and organize work to meet health and safety needs Customer Centricity A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB3. manage relationships with co-workers and managers may be stressed, frustrated, confused or angry Problem Solving A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB4. apply problem-solving strategies in different situations Analytical Thinking A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB5. evaluate situations and identify appropriate control measures Key Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand that:
SB6. use common sense and make daily judgments
SB7. use critical thinking skills to identify and solve basic problems Institution Development
Guidelines for Assessment:
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be
assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for
each PC - The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
- Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, as well as the selected elective NOS/set of NOS.
OR - Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, as well as the selected optional NOS/set of NOS.
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training
center (as per assessment criteria below) - Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training
center based on this criteria - To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% of aggregate marks to successfully clear the
assessment Institution Development. - In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack