Milk tester

Milk tester (6 month course)

Milk tester

Milk Tester uses approved tests to verify the use of approved procedures, standards and regulations regarding milk safety. Brief description of the work: The Milk Test manages to ensure high quality products by sampling milk purchased in various stages at the milk collection facility and where the milk is stored in trucks. Your Qualifications: A Dairy Inspector must have the ability to plan, organize and focus on it. One must have reading, writing and communication skills. Also, that person must have personal and professional hygiene. They must have an understanding of food safety standards and requirements Milk tester.

Milk tester

Prepare and maintain work area and equipment’s for milk testing Milk tester:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to:

PC1. clean and maintain workplace hygiene using authorized cleaners and keep it free of dust, waste or

PC2 waste. ensure that the workplace is safe and clean for milk testing and

PC3 testing. prepare a hygiene checklist and make sure all points are covered before starting

PC4 quality tests. dispose of waste in accordance with SOP and sector requirements. Milk tester check the functionality and performance of all equipmetns and process equipment such as weight scales, pH meter, lactometers, humidity analyzer, diesel, flasks, refractometer, TDS (completely dissolved solvents) meter, container testing equipment , etc.

PC6. clean equipment and used glassware and body cleaners in accordance with

PC7 specifications and standards. arrange for glassware and equipment for analysis

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

KA1. organizational standards, procedures and procedures in the organization for milk testing

KA2. business code of conduct KA3. dress code to be followed by

KA4. job responsibilities / tasks and standard operating procedures Milk tester.

Milk tester Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. the types of chemicals, reagents and equipment needed to clean and maintain KB2. types of glassware used in KB3 testing. principles and procedures for measuring KK4 testing equipment. identification of faulty butyrometer, lactometers, thermometers and other KB5 laboratory equipment. cleaning methods for all KB6 machines. supplier / manufacturer instructions regarding cleaning and storage or KB7 of equipment. knowledge of Safety Standards and Regulations (according to FSSAI) KB8. Information on legal regulations regarding the workplace such as health and safety, recommended hygiene standards, health hazard control, handling / storage / disposal / warnings on the use of cleaners and disinfectants, fire warnings, incidents, hygiene procedures, waste disposal, environmental protection, etc.

Milk tester Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA1. note the details referred to manager

SA2. write references (if any) related to the

SA3 process. write information documents to internal departments / internal parties

SA4. write down ERP details online or through the organization’s Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA5. read and interpret standard milk testing procedures

SA6. read and interpret and analyze the flow chart for performing any specific

SA7 test. read the textbooks and processing documents to understand the operation of the

SA8 laboratory equipment. read internal information documents sent to internal groups

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA9. discuss job lists, schedules and tasks with the

SA10 manager. contacting

SA11 team members. ask the supervisor to understand the nature of the problem and clarify questions

SA12. listen to and understand the information provided by speaker

SA13. liaising with the supervisor and the departments of the department of issues on the issues faced during the process Milk tester.

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it:

SB1. analyze critical points in daily activities by experience and observation and identify control measures to solve the

SB2 problem. manage issues in case the administrator is not available (according to the authorization matrix defined by the organization) Plan and Edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:

SB3. edit and edit work order and tasks obtained from the

SB4 manager. arrange for purchased milk and the necessary containers for all products in accordance with the instructions given by the

SB5 manager. plan and focus on the work based on the instructions received from the

SB6 manager. plans to use

SB7 for time and equipment. edit all process / equipment manuals for

SB8 access details. to support the manager in organizing the services of assistants (s) Customers Customers The user / person on the job needs to know and understand that:

SB9. understand the internal needs of customers and their importance and respond according to their needs Solving Problem

SB10.supervisor supervisor in solving problems by details outing

SB11.discourse the possible solutions with the supervisor for the solving problem Analytical Thinking The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do it :

SB12. use domain information about maintenance procedures and technical information on tools and equipment Key considerations The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do so:

SB13. use common sense and make daily judgments

SB14. use consulting skills to identify and resolve basic

SB15 problems. use the sensor to detect any problems that may occur during

SB16 operation. apply the acquired knowledge of the process of identifying and handling issues

Prepare for quality analysis and manage housekeeping for milk testing Milk tester:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to:

PC1. manage and maintain tools (deadweights, measuring jars) and reagents (standard solutions) used to measure equipment that follows

PC2 lab processes and standards. read and understand the standard operating procedures (SOP) for the measurement of each

PC3 machine. record readings in

PC4 measurement register. keep a list of all equipment and its

PC5 calibration frequency. keep a record / file of external

PC6 evaluation reports. check the functionality and performance of all devices regularly with

PC7. report any

PC8 manager malfunction / repair. notify supplier / manufacturer of malfunctions / repairs and promptly fix

PC9. keep a list of all equipment and details of

PC10’s annual maintenance contract. record all details in lab items such as operation, errors, repairs, annual maintenance etc in the machine register and ERP Adjust reagents (for milk testing) In order to work properly, the user / individual must be able to:

PC11. read and understand the SOPs for each

PC12 reusable. ensure the availability of Milk tester refined water and standard solutions at all times

PC13. measure the required chemicals and measure the solvents in the measured metals and

PC14 measuring jars. mix solvents with chemicals and maintain the necessary conditions following the process of preparing

PC15 reagents. configure

PC16 machine rating standards solutions. store chemicals, solvents, acids, reagents etc. by following the manufacturer’s instructions (from the label) or following laboratory procedures and Milk tester.

PC17 levels. ensure and maintain a collection of all laboratory chemicals, glassware, materials, working equipment etc. keep a list of all chemicals, solvents, acids, reagents, glassware, recyclable materials, machinery etc. used in

PC19 lab. inspect the manufacture of laboratory chemicals, glassware, consumables, periodic equipment registers and ERP and upgrade the laboratory technician to

PC20 condition. prepare the necessary purchases of laboratory chemicals, glassware, consumables, equipment equipment with the approval of management, and the

PC21 application process. clean the glassware used for analysis with recommended detergents, disinfectants and

PC22 sanitizers. cleaning and maintenance of used equipment following maintenance procedures Processing housing maintenance (milk testing) In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to

: PC23. read and understand SOP and housekeeping checklist

PC24. visit the processing unit (purchased milk, milk in various stages, Milk tester dairy products), process / production area, travel area, vehicle, laboratory from time to time and make checks based on

PC25 housing checklist. notify administrator if

PC26 deviates. understand the suggested corrective action

PC27. be sure to set the

PC28 instant repair action. file

PC29 compliance checklist. keep records of all documents related to the maintenance work

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. types of chemicals, reagents used in the laboratory of the organization KA2. business code of conduct KA3. dress code to be followed by KA4. job / activity obligations and standard operating procedures KA5. Organizational process of measuring equipment

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

KB1. equipment used in the laboratory and its

KB2 storage process. frequency measurement of

KB3 equipment. reagents required for measurement, analysis of purchased milk and containers

KB4. the process of preparation of all reagents required in the analysis of purchased milk, containers and finished products

KB5. frequency adjustment of the required reagents

KB6. basic microbiology of Milk tester.

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA1. note the details referred to manager

SA2. check (if any) checks related to milk quality

SA3. write reports of quality analysis of purchased milk, milk in a cool place, milk in containers etc.

SA4. write information documents to internal departments / internal parties

SA5. write down ERP details online or through the organization’s Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA6. read and interpret the process required to produce different types of

SA7 products. read and interpret and analyze the flow chart of all

SA8-produced products. read the textbooks and processing documents to understand the operation of the equipment and the process that requires

SA9. read internal information documents sent to internal groups Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA10. discuss job lists, schedules and tasks with the

SA11 manager. contacting team members

SA12. ask the supervisor to understand the nature of the problem and clarify the questions

SA13. listen to and understand the information provided by Speaker

SA14. liaising with the supervisor and the department of problem departments on the problems they face during the process

B. Developing Professional Skills To create a user / person on the job they need to know and understand that:

SB1. analyze critical points in daily activities by experience and observation and identify control measures to solve the

SB2 problem. manage issues in case the administrator is not available (according to the authorization matrix defined by the organization) Plan and Edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:

SB3. edit and edit work order and tasks obtained from the

SB4 manager. arrange for purchased milk and the necessary containers for all products in accordance with the instructions given by the

SB5 manager. edit and prioritize work based on instructions received from the

SB6 manager. they plan to use time and equipment effectively Milk tester.

SB7. edit the entire process / equipment manual etc. for

SB8 access information. understand the internal needs of customers and their importance and respond according to their needs Solving Problem

SB10.supervisor supervisor in solving problems by details outing

SB11.discourse the possible solutions with the supervisor for the solving problem Analytical Thinking The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do it :

SB12. use domain information about maintenance procedures and Milk tester technical information on tools and equipment Key considerations The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do so:

SB13. use common sense and make daily judgments

SB14. use consulting skills to identify and resolve basic

SB15 problems. use the sensor to detect any problems that may occur during

SB16 operation. apply the acquired knowledge of the process of identifying and handling issues

Sampling and quality analysis for milk testing Milk tester:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to

: PC1. sample purchased milk (milk obtained from farmers) in delivery truck / storage / storage area following SOP

PC2. sample milk and finished milk products at the milk collection center or product storage /

PC3 storage. collect pre-shipment samples sent by dairy manufacturers / dairy retailers to MCC or

PC4 processing unit. ensure that wet milk in most cans and tanks is mixed to distribute the milk fat before taking a milk sample in any

PC5 test control. use plungers and dippers to extract sample milk from

PC6 milk cans. ensure that the cones used to take the sample milk are sterilized in an autoclave or pressure cooker at least 15 mm at 120 degrees Celsius before hand to avoid contamination of the

PC7 sample. label samples with details such as dairy / dairy farmer name, date records and shopping location

PC8. cool the sample near the cold place and keep it cool until quality testing starts

PC9. collect all documents about incoming laboratory samples such as copy of purchase order, invoice, certificate of analysis etc. to verify and record

PC10. transfer milk and local samples to a designated area for

PC11 analysis. verify the certificate of analysis (COA) against the standards of the organization

PC12. file and store all documents related to the sample and

PC13 test report. view and maintain the storage conditions (such as temperature, humidity, hygiene, etc.) of the

PC14 control sample. dispose of control sample and shelf health sample after the control period following disposal procedures and in accordance with organizational standards Milk tester.

Milk tester Quality analysis of samples:

In order to function properly, each user / individual must be able to:

PC15. read and understand the standard operating procedures (SOP) for the analysis of each

PC16 sample. perform an analysis of the following process of operation of measured machines

PC17. perform basic tests on body parameters such as color, appearance, texture, weight etc. in milk and milk product samples collected by

PC18. perform basic chemical analysis such as moisture content, density, pH, soluble food intake (TSS) using a refractometer, etc. on

PC19 milk and milk product samples collected. notify the administrator of any differences in

PC20 analysis results. record results in

PC21 quality analysis register. enter results in the ERP system (if possible using a computer program)

PC22. clean glassware used with recommended detergents, disinfectants and

PC23 sanitizers. clean and maintain used equipment, following equipment maintenance procedures

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Milk tester:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

KA1. methods of verifying supplier documentation in accordance with

KA2 organizational standards. organizational procedures for storing, storing and disposing of

KA3 product control samples. business code of conduct

KA4. dress code to be followed by

KA5. job / activity obligations and standard operating procedures

KA6. Organizational process for preparing all the reagents needed for the analysis of purchased milk, containers and finished products Milk tester.

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

KB1. purchased milk varieties, used containers and finished dairy products are processed in the

KB2 organization. equipment used in the laboratory and its

KB3 storage process. reagents required for the analysis of purchased milk, containers and products containing

KB4. frequency for preparing the required reagents

KB5. Equipment SOPs and

KB6 analysis. methods and techniques for the production of purchased milk and finished milk products

KB7. the procedure for performing the following milk tests: organoleptic test Capture in boiling (COB) alcohol test

Alcohol-akazarin test reassuring test Gerber-butterfat test lactometer test basic chemistry of milk

KB9. methods and procedures for storing shelf life and health and conducting shelf studies-

KB10.matching and managing

KB11 market complaints. asset management of laboratory equipment

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this

: SA1. note the details referred to manager

SA2. be aware of purchased milk used for production and finished products manufactured by

SA3. note the reading of the process parameters and provide the necessary details to complete the

SA4 process chart. note observations (if any) related to procedure

SA5. write information documents to internal departments / internal parties

SA6. write down ERP details online or through the organization’s Learning Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it:

SA7. read and interpret the process required to produce different types of

SA8 products. read and interpret and analyze the flow chart of all

SA9-produced products. read the equipment manuals and processing documents to understand the operation of the equipment and the required process

SA10. read internal information documents sent to internal groups Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA11. discuss job lists, schedules and tasks with manager

SA12. contacting team members

SA13. ask the supervisor to understand the nature of the problem and clarify questions

SA14. listen to and understand the information provided by speaker

SA15. liaising with the supervisor and the department of problem departments on the problems they face during the process

B. Developing Professional Skills To create a user / person on the job they need to know and understand that:

SB1. analyze critical points in day-to-day activities with experience and observation and identify ways to control problem solving Milk tester.

SB2. manage issues in case the administrator is not available (according to the authorization matrix defined by the organization) Plan and Edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:

SB3. edit and edit work order and tasks obtained from the

SB4 manager. arrange for purchased milk and the necessary containers for all products in accordance with the instructions given by the

SB5 manager. edit and edit work based on instructions received from the

SB6 manager. plans to use SB7 for time and equipment. edit the entire process / equipment manual etc. for SB access information. understand the internal needs of customers and their importance and respond according to their needs Solving Problem

SB10.supervisor supervisor in solving problems by details outing

SB11.discourse the possible solutions with the supervisor for the solving problem Analytical Thinking The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do it :

SB12. use domain information about maintenance procedures and technical information on tools and equipment Key considerations The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do so:

SB13. use common sense and make daily judgments

SB14. use consulting skills to identify and resolve basic

SB15 problems. use the sensor to detect any problems that may occur during

SB16 operation. apply the acquired knowledge of the process of identifying and handling issues Milk tester.

Guidelines for Assessment Milk tester:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria
    (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and
    Skills Practical for each PC
  2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC
  3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
    examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)
  4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaulations for skill practical for every student at each
    examination/training center based on this criteria
  5. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in aggregate.
  6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on the
    balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack