Packhouse Worker (6 month course )

Packhouse Worker

Packhouse Worker A Packhouse worker finds, filters, marks and stores agricultural produce, packages it and delivers it to a consumer. Short Job Description: A person manages the reception, washing, cleaning, wiping, cutting, sorting, grading, waxing, ripening and removal of greening, packaging, storage of horticulture products in cold storage and record keeping. He should check the quality and safety of the fruit produced for farming in the packaging house. Your Qualities: A person should not be blind and work requires that person to have: the ability to lift weights, the ability to walk or stand for long hours, attention to detail and fitness Packhouse Worker.

Receive the horticulture produce Packhouse Worker:

In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. find supplies delivered to Packhouse for Packing and storage PC2. unload goods (agricultural product) from trucks without damaging PC3. follow a proper and proper management process for various types of agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, PC4 flowers. check and verify that the goods delivered are the same as the PC5 purchase order. make sure the goods are in good condition PC6. report any PC7 defects. measure and calculate items using available PC8 devices. use appropriate storage items such as box, trays, etc. ensure the quality and safety of the goods while removing and moving material PC10. verify the quantity of goods according to the documents Perform the necessary procedure for storing Horticulture product In order to be effective, the user / person at work must be able to: PC11. unload the truck PC12. use equipment where necessary to deliver heavy packages for a specific Horticulture producing goods PC13. ensure adequate safety while handling sophisticated equipment Help document the acquired goods To be competent, the user / person on the job must be able to: PC14. assists with keeping a register or computer by providing details of the goods found by PC15. contact suppliers for stock information and align with written information Packhouse Worker

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Packhouse Worker:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and personnel management KA2. the work flow involved in the KA3 company process. the importance of the role of the individual in the workflow KA4. standard standards set by the KA5 organization. the reporting structure of the organization

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. Asset management processes for different types of farming produce KB2. working equipment to lift goods into the KB3 packing house. resource planning and KB4 supply chain. packet house KB5. Packhouse short-term stock policy, documenting KB6 assets. Details of the agricultural product managed in Packhouse KB7. quality, price, source and stock time KB8. details and details of the goods hosted on Packhouse KB9. KB10 measurement procedures. methods and techniques for the construction of modern packages KB11. APMC (Agricultural Commercial Markets Committee), if applicable KB12. follow Packhouse KB13 policies and policy guidelines. operation of inventory and storage equipment

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. complete forms related to quality, quantity and weight reporting reports Skills and skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA2. read Packhouse related documents, stock orders, order delivery Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. maintaining effective relationships and communication with SA4 directors. listen to and interpret information provided by SA5 management. discuss issues, clarify doubts and seek solutions B. Creating Professional Skills To create a user / person on the job they need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. make decisions about the acquisition of assets regarding the lift or use of SB2 equipment. identify potential problems in performing tasks and take precautionary measures by following work procedures Plan and edit User / person at work needs to know and understand: SB3. arrange and arrange the goods to be received in Packhouse SB4. count the stock at the Packhouse center, while loading and unloading goods

SB5. assisting in recording the amount of incoming and outgoing goods Unemployed Customer Times Troubleshooting The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB6. work as a team and submit the frame to the next work process during Analytical thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB7. early troubleshooting Critical Thinking Doesn’t Work Packhouse Worker

Wash & clean the horticulture produce Packhouse Worker:

In order to function properly, the user / person on the job must be able to: PC acquired goods 3. remove PC goods drying 4. remove market items or PC waste 5. overload. Knowledge and Understanding (K) A. Context of the Organization (Information of the company / organization and its processes) The user / employee on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and personnel management KA2. the work flow involved in the KA3 company process. the importance of the role of the individual in the workflow KA4. standard standards set by the KA5 organization. the reporting structure of the organization

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB 1. washing methods for agricultural products KB 2. different details of the Horticulture product that produces KB 3. washing practices followed by pack house KB 4. specific Horticulture washing practices alternative produce (Example: fruits, vegetables, etc.) KB 5. handwriting processes involved in pack house KB 6. customer requirements for storage of goods KB 7. quality, quantity, source and stock time KB 8. safety measures taken protection of stocked goods

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to use SA1. Keep reports Learning Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA2. read Horticulture product handbook maintain effective relations with SA4 management. understand details SA5. discuss issues, clarify doubts and seek solutions B. Developing Professional Skills To make the user / person at work need to know and understand: SB1. make decisions about the washing of SB2 material. identify potential problems in performing tasks and take precautionary measures by following work procedures Plan and edit User / person at work needs to know and understand: SB3. Arrange and arrange goods to be sorted and sorted according to individual needs SB4 Keep records of Client Customers An employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB5. develop relationships with the reporting manager and other senior SB6 officials. listen to and interpret information provided to SB7 adults. interface with internal and external clients Troubleshooting User / employee needs to know and understand: SB8. work as a team and move the frame to the next work process in time Packhouse Worker

Sort, Grade & Manage inventory of the horticulture produce Packhouse Worker:

In order to be competent, the user / person on the job must be able to: PC 1. Remove unwanted PC components 2. filter products according to quality steps. PC 3. sort the product according to customer order. PC 4. sort according to the perishable nature of the products. PC 5. make sure the products do not overlap. Write stock To be competent, each user / individual should be able to: PC 6. record unloaded horticultural products. PC 7. helps to compile a list of graded stocks on Packhouse PC 8. inventory track uses the correct system as per PC instructions. able: PC 10. operating under the supervision of PC PC 11. contact with PC manager 12. to keep stock information and report to Supervisor.

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and personnel management KA2. the work flow involved in the KA3 company process. the importance of the role of the individual in the workflow KA4. standard standards set by the KA5 organization. the reporting structure of the organization

Technical Knowledge:

KB 1. Measurement, standardization of KB 2. sorting process processes according to size, color, type of product and customers need KB 3. different product details Horticulture produces KB 4. filtering practices followed by Packhouse KB 5. types of storage facility required for various Horticulture products and appropriate screening practices KB 6. documentation procedures involved in Packhouse KB 7. Customer needs KB Pack houses APMC (Agricultural Produce Market Committee) Procedure, if applicable KB 11. follows Packhouse policy procedures and regulations Packhouse Worker

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to use SA1. Recording Grading Data and Filtering Product Skills Production The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA2. Read the Oral Communication textbook (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. maintain effective relations with SA4 management. discuss issues, clarify doubts and seek solutions B. Creating Professional Skills To create a user / person on the job they need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. make decisions about SB2 asset sorting. identify potential problems in performing tasks and take precautionary measures by following work procedures Plan and edit User / person at work needs to know and understand: SB3. Arrange and arrange the goods to be sorted and sorted according to its required SB4 categories. Measure stock

Customer Centricity A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB5. develop relationships with the reporting manager and other senior SB6 officials. listen to and interpret information provided to SB7 adults. interface with internal and external clients Troubleshooting User / employee needs to know and understand: SB8. work as a team and submit the frame to the next work process during Analytical thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB9. sort & distance according to set standards / client requires critical critical thinking Packhouse Worker

Ripen the horticulture produce Packhouse Worker:

In order to function properly, the user / person at work must be able to: PC 1. collect data on various ripening methods and PC level 2. check fruit PC ripening 3. filter and store in PC ripening room 4 : either in the natural maturation room or in the maturation room of the atmosphere. PC 5. use ethics to harvest ripe fruit in the air PC 6. use simple and harmless fruit ripening techniques PC 7. check the chemicals used for ripening correct or not PC 8. make sure there are no different mixed stock PC 9 check customer order for PC fruit removal 10. follow the best Degreening fruit methods.

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

Each user / individual at work needs to understand: KA1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and personnel management KA2. the work flow involved in the KA3 company process. the importance of the role of the individual in the workflow KA4. standard standards set by the KA5 organization. the reporting structure of the organization

B. Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB 1. different stock maturity methods KB 2. Fruit ripening time should be reduced or increased as customers require KB 3. different details of the Horticulture product that produces KB 4. maturity practices followed by -Packhouse KB 5. Maturity practices specific to the various Horticulture products manufactured KB 6. different functions followed by maturity of KB 7. writing processes involved in Packhouse KB 8. customer requirements for storage goods KB 9. quality, quantity, source stock time KB 10. security measures to be taken to protect stocks KB 11. modern Pack house methods and methods KB 12. follow Packhouse policies and procedures Packhouse Worker

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand How Not to Use Learning Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SA1. read Horticulture Product Maturity Handbook (Oral and Listening Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SA2. how to maintain effective relationships and communication with SA3 directors. understand details SA4. discuss issues, clarify doubts and seek solutions B. Making a Professional Skills Decision The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do it: It does not work Planning and Planning The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB1. Storage of customer store Customer Centricity A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB2. develop relationships with the reporting manager and other senior SB3 executives. listen to and interpret information provided to SB4 adults. interface with internal and external Problem Solving customers

Weigh, Pack & Transport the horticulture produce:

In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. retrieve and compile items to be shipped from various PC2 storage locations. Make sure the stock is in good condition for measurement and packaging. PC3. measure horticulture production according to individual customers and pack according to each fruit requirement and vegetable PC4. place the goods in bins or poles or in other suitable boxes, bags or containers PC5. precool is a cooked product for horticulture in terms of shipping or delivery time PC6. bind and label goods to be delivered according to individual customer needs Upload the goods to be competent, the user / individual must be able to: PC7. perform a navigation process similar to a ship or truck, based on where the goods should reach PC8. use automatic equipment such as elevators, conveyor belts, train cars, elevators and other necessary equipment to lift goods to deliver PC9. adjust the vehicle for pre-cooling or pre-heating and for appropriate temperatures, according to the PC10 transport equipment. avoid hitting boxes full of walls or other PC11 boxes. avoid the tears of PC12 plastic bag packs. confirmed PC13 free damage. ensure the quality of the goods to be stored by PC14. make sure the product is loaded on time Packhouse Worker

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

Each user / individual at work needs to understand: KA1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and personnel management KA2. the work flow involved in the KA3 company process. the importance of the role of the individual in the workflow KA4. standard standards set by the KA5 organization. the reporting structure of the organization

Technical Knowledge:

User / person at work needs to understand: KB1. appropriate methods for measuring KB2. asset packing and labeling procedures KB3. Suitable packaging containers and bags KB4. different types of travel are available with KB5. loading pattern according to navigation mode KB6. costs involved with the KB7 route model. asset management procedures KB8. the appropriate temperature and air pressure required for the KB9 car. Housekeeping and Transportation Procedure KB10. the use of appropriate vehicles with refrigerators and other requirements as required by the stock sent by KB11. Identify the required delivery method and pack parts of KB12. KB13 vehicle safety management practices. Quality, quantity, price, source and stock time KB14. modern methods and methods of packing houses KB15. follow the procedure of APMC (Agricultural Produce Market Committee) KB16. follow Packhouse policies and procedures Packhouse Worker

A. Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand How Not to Use Learning Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SA1. read the manual on screening, measuring, packaging Horticulture product Oral communication (Listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SA2. how to maintain effective relationships and communication with SA3 directors. understand the details and understand its meaning SA4. discuss issues, clarify doubts and seek solutions Practicing Professional Skills To make the user / person at work need to know and understand: SB1. make packaging decisions and shipping procedures for SB2 goods. identify potential problems in performing tasks and take precautionary measures by following work procedures Plan and edit User / person at work needs to know and understand: SB3. plan and arrange the goods to be transported according to the required SB4 details. count the store in the Customer Centricity store The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB5. develop relationships with the reporting manager and other senior SB6 officials. listen to and interpret information provided to SB7 adults. interface with internal and external clients Troubleshooting User / employee needs to know and understand: SB8. work as a team and move the frame to the next work process in time

Store the horticulture produce:

Methods of Stock Planning at Packhouse In order to be competent, a user / employee must be able to: PC1. edit space in Packhouse for PC2 storage. store goods according to your assigned storage system in Packhouse PC3. check the appropriate location with PC4 download and download features. t, mark and label the stock to find its storage inside the Packhouse depending on the PC5’s product type. identify damaged goods PC6. ensure the quality and quantity of PC7 goods. take management measures while managing farming equipment. Ensure stock quality and security In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to: PC1. ensure the storage of assets in controlled conditions depending on the type of assets acquired by PC2. take care of temperature, humidity and controlled atmospheric storage as required by PC3 equipment. use proper pest and mouse control to protect the goods while storing PC4. take care while maintaining and arranging a Horticulture product in its appropriate locations and locations Packhouse Worker

Guidelines for Assessment:

The terms of reference for each Qualification Package shall be determined by the Technical Technology Council. Each Operating Criteria (PC) will be awarded marks according to its importance to the NOS. SSC will also lower the number of Theory and Skills Practical marks on each PC. The theory component tests will be based on the information bank of the questionnaire created by SSC 3. Each test agency will create unique theory component question papers for each student in each test / training center (according to the test process below). 4. Each test agency will create a separate test. of practical skills for every student in each assessment / training center based on this process. must score a minimum of 50% of the total 6. If he or she passes only a certain number of NOS, the trainee is eligible to take the next test in the remaining NOS to pass the Qualification Pack