Medicinal Plants Grower 6 month course

Medicinal Plants Grower

Medicinal Plants Grower CLICK HERE

The agronomist in the agricultural and union sector grows important, exploitative or medicinal plants grown in the human settlements.

Job’s Brief Description: The cultivator of medicinal plants makes the cultivation of the most important medicinal plants in the ex-situ habitat or in cultivated lands. The farmer’s activities include the construction of a crèche in the right place, the distribution of selected varieties, harvesting, marketing and distribution of the product.

Your Qualities: Requirements for familiarity with traditional uses and knowledge of medicinal plants, knowledge of local species, plants and animals. Be alert and active. It can work long hours in fields or on a farm and has a keen eye.

You should be able to work according to the instructions given, deal with your results and work in a team, where necessary.

Select appropriate site and construct nursery using approved procedures Medicinal Plants Grower:

User / employee should be able to:

PC1. follow the relevant health and safety rules for the manufacture of

PC2 medicinal plants. choose personalized specific work equipment Personal protection: Rubber shoes, waterproof clothing, protective gloves, rubber gloves, face mask, first aid kit, etc.

PC3. assess the risks and potential dangers in the workplace and follow safety precautions to reduce self-harm and others with

PC4. use safe management methods while handling sharp construction tools and equipment Choose the right place for medicinal plants The user / person at work should be able to:

PC5. conduct a crèche assessment according to the following requirements Requirements: Number of plants to be produced per year; available land size; soil type and agricultural climate; the distance from the place of planting; availability of water source; availability of farm jobs for construction work, soil transport, pot filling; etc.

PC6. check if the selected site is available on

PC7 highways. ensure that available land is sufficient to construct structures such as land reform; bunk bed; paths between the beds; soil conservation; with grass; composting facility; null

PC8. ensure that the selected kindergarten receives the required amount of sunlight for

PC9. check that the selected area is sloping to allow suitable water to enter according to the general requirements for the construction of the

PC10 crèche. ensure that the designated area is located away from industrial waste sources,

propriate site and building a crèche using approved procedures 7 | P a g e contaminants and other pollutants in accordance with the required quality standards

PC11. inspect soil quality using approved methods wherever applicable Quality: Free from germs and pests; porous, salt free, etc.

PC12. check that the indicated area is free of strong winds Adjust the crèche structure The user / person at work should be able to:

PC13. prepare the appropriate makeup and makeup before starting a nursery

PC14. check that structure and order include some or all of the essentials such as the requirements for the operation of the crèche Requirements: Eg. boundary fencing, planting trees along the border such as storms, water tank / pond, water pump / pump house, seed and fertilizer storage room, shed shed, germination / mother bed area; potting / container filling area, seedling growing area, staff shed, distribution facilities, composting area, etc.

PC15. ensure that the kindergarten structures are designed to reduce water storage and soil erosion

PC16. use approved building techniques to build the required infrastructure such as the nursery drainage system

PC17. follow the approved procedures during the removal of rocky soil, trees, stumps and shrubs, debris, etc.

PC18. protect nursery plants from the intrusion of animals by building a fence or wall of the appropriate size according to the proper construction of the kindergarten. leave workplace safe

PC20. return tools and equipment to the appropriate storage

PC21. Dispose of Waste Organics in

PC22 Health and Safety Guidelines. report any problems or issues related to the work to the responsible authority and seek guidance on how to resolve the issues

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Medicinal Plants Grower:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace

KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace

KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about

KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and

KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business

KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

KB1. appropriate protective materials used during the manufacture of the therapeutic plants

KB2. the risks and dangers associated with the development of kindergarten in the agricultural world and how you can control the injury to self

KB3. factors that determine the choice of site selection

KB4. various types of tools, equipment, tools and equipment used in the construction of the nursery

KB5. how to determine land needs

KB6. the role of a good crèche water supply system

KB7. various types of kindergarten

KB8. the importance of preparing for the formation and layout of

KB9. the use of the display and the beauty of very low soils such as vermiculite, cocopeat, perlite, etc.

KB10. strategies used to monitor soil quality

KB11. safe management and transportation systems for nursery plants

KB12. terms used in kindergarten such as terraces, divisions, pots, nursery, heat sinks, etc.

KB13. type / biodiversity, common activities such as sowing, planting, watering, weed removal, transplantation, number, etc. in appropriate record books, logs, registers, etc.

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA1. record selected types, number of seedlings grown, work schedules, etc. in logs, registers, etc. in English or local language

SA2. fill in the details of the expenditure incurred, the condition of the fertilizer stock / compost, monthly sales and distribution, etc. in English or at home language Learning Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA3. read basic instructions and information in English or work-related language in

SA4. read and interpret security alerts, signs, symbols, etc. tools, tools and materials Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA5. communication with colleagues, subordinates, etc. to ensure work

flow is made via

SA6. seek clarification and understanding when the instructions are not clear in any understandable language

B. Developing Professional Skills To create a user / person on the job need to know and understand that:

SB1. select or reject a crèche site based on technical and practical conditions such as agricultural conditions, soil quality, land size, budget, selected varieties, accessibility, etc.

SB2. identify important medicinal plants and build suitable

SB3 kindergartens. when faced with difficult decisions seek clarification from the planning authorities Plan and edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

SB4. plan and organize work so that all tasks are completed on time and in accordance with quality procedures Customer Centricity The user / person on the job needs to know and understand that:

SB5. check customer demand for medicinal plants, variety, quality and use of

SB6. provide customers with a high quality product and maintain business relationships Troubleshooting The user / employee needs to know and understand:

SB7. determine the difficulties or circumstances that are inconsistent with the construction of the crèche and resolve potential threats by adopting approaches based on previous

SB8 experience. identify potential problems and seek guidance from topic experts on how to fix problems Thinking Analysis The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

SB9. use logical thinking to solve any problems related to work by analyzing previous experiences

Prepare nursery beds and carry out propagation using good agricultural practices (GAP):

In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to:

PC1. follow the relevant health and safety rules for the planting of

PC2 medicinal plants. choose suitable personalized equipment for work Personal protection: Rubber shoes, waterproof clothing, protective gloves, rubber gloves, first aid kit, etc.

PC3. assess the risks and potential dangers in the workplace and follow safety precautions to reduce self-harm and others with

PC4. apply safe management practices while handling sharpening tools and equipment Repairing poultry beds to make distribution The user / person at work should be able to:

PC5. select the appropriate tools and building materials needed to prepare kindergarten beds and make spread

Materials: Containers, nursery materials (eg soil, sand, peat soil, sphagnum mass, rooting medium, seed storage equipment (glass bottles, paper bags) , vermiculite, perlite, leaf mold, sawdust, grain husks, data entry, etc.

Tools: Axes, crow bar, wheelbarrows, boxes, plastic buckets, irrigation cans, rope cutters, digging forks, hammer, nails, knives, hand-cutting knives, blossoms knives, breathable masks, sprays, saws, scissors, circuits, blowing and knitting knives, blistering and attachment tape, sprouting trays, kauris, iron pan, spade, spade etc.

Water and Fertilizer: Water for irrigation and fertilizer supply for

PC6 major and minor components. adjust the required type of bed of the appropriate length and width Types of beds: For example, raised bed, immersed bed, limited beds, sprout bed, artificial bed, storage bed, seedling bed and cutting bed, etc.

PC7. tilt the soil using appropriate techniques before sowing seeds and planting material

PC8. use good agricultural practices to control weed growth Select seeds and planting material needed for propagation The user / employee must be able to:

PC9. set the following information for the target seeds / planting material Information: Name of the medicinal plant; family; place name; environment and habitat; any important practice; cultural practices such as distribution methods, planting time and

PC10 irrigation system. ensure that seeds / planting material are available from a reliable

PC11 source. obtain the following information regarding seeds / planting material from the producer Information: Sowing / planting methods; seed / planting rate and planting / planting date; seed treatment agreements; the type of seed & agricultural practices used; etc.

PC12. find an approved distribution method for target species Methods: Seed propagation, vegetable propagation, special organ transplantation modified

PC13. check whether the appropriate parts have been selected to make the distribution using vegetable parts or special and modified parts Parts: Parts of vegetables such as stem, leaf and roots, or using special and modified parts such as tuber, rhizome, corm, bulb, sucker, etc.

PC14. find quality seeds free of pests, diseases, weeds, external and inert

PC15. make sure that the least damage is caused to the mother during the collection of

PC16 plant / sweets. ensure that the cut stem chosen for root making is the same length and width as the

PC17 types. check that the cut roots are the same size and maturity of the aerial and underground parts

PC18. use authorized techniques to make distribution by selected types of selected methods Strategies: Cutting (such as cutting solid wood, cutting solid wood, etc.) such as shovel cutting, blowing patch, flossing ring); placement (such as air placement, mold placement); and transplantation

e.g. sucker, tuber, rhizome

PC19. follow the correct proportion of seedlings per unit of plant species

PC20. refer to the standard depth of seeding suitable for plant varieties

PC21. follow the prescribed seeding stages specific to the variety of medicinal plants selected during sowing Planting: Row to row, planting to planting, seedling depth Growing and handling of seedlings in kindergarten User / occupant should be able to:

PC22. perform basic tasks such as sowing, planting, watering, weeding, replanting, spraying, etc. uses appropriate techniques and as given schedules and

PC23 types. ensure that the rebirth of mortals occurs during the recommended period and gestation period

PC24. watch the plant for signs of stress and disease under good

PC25 agricultural practices. record of species of animals raised, costs incurred, stock status of fertilizer / compost material, monthly sales, etc. where appropriate Planting of seedlings in the field The user / person at work should be able to:

PC26. select the appropriate planting time / season for

PC27 treatment plants. ensure that seedlings are uprooted and replanted using the best

PC28 farming methods. plant parts of plants or parts planted in the land of planting under favorable soil and agricultural conditions and conditions Managing farming The user / person at work should be able to:

PC29. use organic fertilizers such as manure, vermicompost, green leafy manure and bio fertilizer according to

PC30 requirements. measure the water requirements of plant species on the basis of available agronomic conditions

PC31. control flooding problems by providing the appropriate

PC32 removal system. practice intercropping practices to reduce weed intercropping practices: For example, weeding, weeding, weeding, pruning, pruning, pruning and soil consolidation, etc.

PC33. use insect repellents

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Medicinal Plants Grower:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

KA1. appropriate legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in the

KA2 forest areas. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace

KA3. the role of your work and the obligations and resources of the

KA4 forest regulations. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and

KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. eligible persons and their responsibilities within the

KA7 workplace. matrix growth and

KA8 control reporting reporting processes. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work

Technical Knowledge:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

KB1. the importance of using personal protection

KB2. risks and risks associated with the cultivation of medicinal plants and the importance of

KB3. safety measures

KB4. various types of tools, equipment and materials used and their functions are

KB5. good agricultural practices used in the cultivation of medicinal plants

KB6. different types of distribution methods and their use of

KB7. how to choose high quality seeds and planting material

KB8. what information will be available on water management in water production and renewal of

KB9. water harvesting methods KB10. soil / field preparation methods

KB11. types of kindergarten beds and their use of

KB12. list of diseases in medicinal plants and therapies used

KB13. different types of compost and fertilizer used to treat diseased plants

KB14. seed placement distance e.g. line to row planted to plant distance

KB15. principles of seedling growth and management

KB16. integrated pest control management systems

KB17. how to prevent contamination between healthy and diseased plants

KB18. replacement techniques and environmental conditions

KB19. methods used to remove weeds

Core Skills/ Generic Skills Medicinal Plants Grower:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA1. record selected types, number of seedlings grown, work schedules, etc. in logs, registers, etc. in English or local language

SA2. fill in the details of the expenditure incurred, the condition of the fertilizer stock / compost, monthly sales and distribution, etc. in English or at home language Learning Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read basic instructions and information in English or work-related language in SA4. read and interpret security alerts, signs, symbols, etc. tools, tools and materials Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:

SA5. communication with colleagues, subordinates, etc. to ensure that the implementation of the work is done by SA6. seek clarity and understanding when the instructions are not clear in any of the languages ​​understood by

SA7. follow instructions from responsible authorities to avoid inappropriate communication or disputes in the workplace B. Practicing Decision Skills The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB1. select or reject a crèche site based on technical and practical conditions such as agricultural conditions, soil quality, land size, budget, selected varieties, accessibility, etc.

SB2. identify important medicinal plants and build suitable SB3 kindergartens. when faced with difficult decisions seek clarification from the planning authorities Plan and edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand:

SB4. plan and organize work so that all tasks are completed on time and in accordance with quality procedures Customer Centricity The user / person on the job needs to know and understand that: SB5. check customer demand for medicinal plants, variety, quality and use of

SB6. provide customers with a high quality product and maintain business relationships Troubleshooting The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB7. to determine the difficulties or circumstances inconsistent with the construction of the crèche

Guidelines for Assessment Medicinal Plants Grower:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance
    Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of
    marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
  2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
  3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
    examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
  4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training
    center based on this criteria.
  5. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should get 70% in aggregate.
  6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent
    assessment on the balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack.