Village Level Milk Collection Center( 6 month course)
Village Level Milk Collection Center
The Village Milk Collection Center manages to manage and manage large quantities of milk for many dairy producers. Brief description of the job: The Village Level Milk Collection Center is responsible for inspecting the initial level of milk and ensuring that milk is stored safely and to avoid spillage or spoilage. He or she must be able to demonstrate healthy milk management and ensure the safety of the milk. Your Qualifications: IN charge Center Village Milk Collection Center Incharge must have the ability to plan, organize, focus, calculate and manage stress. One must have the ability to repair and must have the skills to read, write and communicate. Also, that person must be technically sound and clean. Village Level Milk Collection Center .

Prepare the milk collection center for operations Village Level Milk Collection Center :
In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: check the readiness and preparation of milk collection, in the center of PC2.make sure the cleanliness of all milk containers according to acceptable standards and minimal odor follow the SOP cleaning equipment if there are stainless steel equipment / equipment or visible odor do not keep milk samples or other materials down the use of clean sample bottles for collecting milk samples keep the sample bottles face down without inserting a simple cleaned tray use a clean nylon / nylon cloth to filter the milk PC3. and in a good working condition correction feature in the log book in the event of PC6 fluctuations.
keep the analyzer and vibrator connected to the battery separately if any and note the action taken to adjust the balance in the log7 PC manual. for each item store item 2 weeks as lead time for refilling ensure that tap water is available during milk collection Village Level Milk Collection Center .
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. types of dairy products produced by KA2. types of dairy producers where the organization buys KA3 milk. availability of commercially available milk and available from various KA4 sources. business code of conduct KA5. dress code to be followed by KA6. job / activity obligations and standard operating procedures KA7. internal processes such as procurement, asset management, quality management and key communication solutions
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. Different types of milk quality testing techniques: visual and odor (organoleptic) KB2. record keeping of purchased milk volume, quality, storage space etc. knowledge of the legal rules of the workplace such as health and safety, recommended rate of use of cleaners, risk management of health .
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. write down what you have seen (if any) related to milk collection SA2. write information documents for internal departments / internal groups Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read design, drawings and construction of SA4 collection site. read internal information documents submitted by internal groups
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. interviewers to understand the nature of the problem and clarify questions SA6. listen to and understand the information given to the speaker B. Developing Professional Skills To make the user / person in the workplace need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. analyze critical points in daily activities with experience and observation and find control measures to solve the SB2 problem. manage issues in case the nominee is not available Edit and edit User / employee needs to know and understand that: SB3. arrange and place a demand order according to the instructions received by SB4. plans to use SB5 for time and equipment. set all the process / equipment guidelines etc. for access information Custom Ric Centricity The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB6. understand customer needs and priorities and respond to their needs. Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB7. support the regional milk procurement manager in problem solving by explaining SB8 problems. discuss possible solutions with the regional dairy manager in problem solving Analytical Thinking The user / person on the job needs to know and understand: SB9. use domain information about maintenance procedures and technical information on tools and equipment Key considerations The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB10. use common sense and make daily judgments SB11. use consulting skills to identify and resolve basic SB12 problems. use the sensor to detect any problems that may arise during operation SB13. apply the acquired knowledge of the process of identifying and handling issues Village Level Milk Collection Center .

Carry out milk collection activities Village Level Milk Collection Center :
In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. collect milk provided to farmers in buckets and cans PC2. follow normal milk operation can unlock PC3. do organoleptic tests and get questionable cans of PC4. lift the cans using the grip handles provided on the PC5 side. make sure the milk does not run out during the transfer and is filtered through a PC6 nylon cloth. record the total amount of milk once
it’s all infected with PC7. make sure the cans / buckets are turned over and placed in the SS drip saver to get the remaining milk droplets in the PC8 can. follow the SOP for cleaning and sanitizing and make sure the can is washed (work done immediately after opening) PC9. print the acceptance slip and give the farmer the amount of milk provided. Milk Test To be competent, each user / individual must be able to: PC10.record the electrical weight data and fat / SNF test data taken from the PC11 analyzer. ensure that milk samples are tested and the results (% fat,% SNF) are written on the milk purchase paper and transferred to the PC12 carrier. ensure that the milk cans identified suspected during the organoleptic test are tested for COB (clot in boiling) test and PC13 adultery test. ensure that the contaminated milk is spilled on site and the record is kept as PC14.make sure the DG set is turned on in the event of a power outage or low Tanker transmission / operation To enable it to operate, the user / person must be able to: PC15. (main transporter) is clean PC16. transfers milk to transport tank17 PC17. ensure that the tank driver agrees to the amount of milk loaded in kegs and the quality results (Fat and SNF), temperature and acidity Village Level Milk Collection Center
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. business code of conduct KA2. dress code to be followed by KA3. job responsibilities / tasks and standard operating procedures KA4. measurement and production of milk samples according to KA5 specifications. internal processes such as procurement, quality management and key communication solutions
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. measurement and sample methods KB2. identifying mechanical components KB3. methods for measuring test equipment and equipment at the KB4 collection facility. basic statistics
Core Skills/ Generic Skills Village Level Milk Collection Center :
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. write down what you have seen (if any) related to milk collection SA2. write information documents for internal departments / internal groups Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read design, drawings and construction of SA4 collection site. read internal information documents sent to internal groups Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. interviewers to understand the nature of the problem and clarify questions SA6. listen to and understand the information given to the speaker B. Developing Professional Skills To make the user / person in the workplace need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. analyze critical points in daily activities with experience and observation and find control measures to solve the SB2 problem. manage issues in case the nominee is not available Edit and edit User / employee needs to know and understand that: SB3. arrange and place a demand order according to the instructions received by SB4. plans to use SB5 for time and equipment. set all the process / equipment guidelines etc. for access information Customary Centricity The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB6. understand customer needs and priorities and respond according to their needs Village Level Milk Collection Center .
Problem Solving The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB7. support the regional milk procurement manager in problem solving by explaining SB8 problems. discuss possible solutions with the regional dairy manager in problem solving Analytical Thinking The user / person on the job needs to know and understand: SB9. use domain information about maintenance procedures and technical information on tools and equipment Key considerations The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB10. use common sense and make daily judgments SB11. use consulting skills to identify and resolve basic SB12 problems. use the sensor to detect any problems that may arise during operation SB13. apply the acquired knowledge of the process of identifying and handling issues
Complete documentation, record keeping and payments related to milk collection operations Village Level Milk Collection Center :
In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. ensure that the records listed below are maintained continuously: each intelligent dairy producer can collect and weight register fat and sample reading intelligent register MCC stationery, food and testing equipment stock register MCC PC register2. milk temperature record, collection time, PC3 pick-up date. record and keep records of all incoming milk: milk weight, farmer details, water storage / location, date and label details such as purchase date, PC4 quality parameters. record and maintain records of all milk flow from the facility such as the type and variety of milk, milk weight, actual storage time, loss from PC5 incoming and outgoing time. keep a visual record (if any) related to PC6 storage. upload data to PC7 reference system for future reference. verify documents and tracking details in case of concern Write down and keep records of the limitations to be competent, the user / individual must be able to: PC8. ensure that once all the milk has been tested and weighed, a code report is generated for each manufacturer, name, number of cans or buckets, whole milk in Kgs, fat ratio, SNF ratio, banned milk price PC9. email the head office to PC10 email. write and maintain parameters such as temperature, milk quality before loading to PC11 tow truck. keep viewing records or deviations (if any) related to PC12 storage restrictions. upload data to computer system for future use on PC13. verify documents and tracking details in case of concern Payment for milk In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to:

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. business code of conduct KA2. job responsibilities / tasks and standard operating procedures KA3. document system tracked organization such as upload and download chart, final chart, storage parameter chart, etc.
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. basic computer knowledge and email skills KB2. information to be recorded and stored in security checks, general checks, service, repairs, replacements, etc. KB3. entering data into a computer system
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. write down what you have seen (if any) related to milk collection SA2. write information documents for internal departments / internal groups Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read design, drawings and construction of SA4 collection site. read internal information documents sent to internal groups Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. interviewers to understand the nature of the problem and clarify questions SA6. listen to and understand the information given to the speaker B. Developing Professional Skills To make the user / person in the workplace need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. analyze critical points in daily activities with experience and observation and find control measures to solve the SB2 problem. manage issues in case the nominee is not available Edit and edit User / employee needs to know and understand that: SB3. arrange and place a demand order according to the instructions received by SB4. plans to use SB5 for time and equipment. set all the process / equipment guidelines etc. for access information Custom Ric Centricity The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB6. understand customer needs and priorities and respond to their needs. Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB7. support the regional milk procurement manager in problem solving by explaining SB8 problems. discuss possible solutions with the regional dairy manager in problem solving Analytical Thinking The user / person on the job needs to know and understand: SB9. use domain information about maintenance procedures and technical information on tools and equipment Key considerations The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB10. use common sense and make daily judgments SB11. use consulting skills to identify and resolve basic SB12 problems. use the sensor to detect any problems that may arise during operation SB13. apply the acquired knowledge of the process of identifying and handling issues

Ensure safety, hygiene and sanitation at milk collection center Village Level Milk Collection Center :
In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. follow the safety and hygiene procedures followed in the organization PC2. ensure personal hygiene by using gloves, hair, mask, ear plugs, glasses, shoes, etc. PC3. clean, store and inspect milk trucks and utensils, using them for PC4 purposes only. use safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, a first aid kit and an eye wash station where a PC5 is needed. follow house maintenance practices by having a designated construction site / tools PC6. attending disaster risk management training to understand the types of risks such as physical, chemical and biological hazards and PC7 self-regulation and self-defense measures. identify, record and report problems such as rats and insects; seek out a PC8 expert. conducting pre- and post-work inspection checklists to ensure safety and hygiene Ensuring personal hygiene In order to function properly, the user / individual must be able to: PC9. ensure the display of handwashing signs and / or posters in appropriate PC10 locations. ensure that milk is not handled if there are any open wounds or sores especially on the hands and arms. ensure ‘no smoking’, ‘no chewing tobacco’, and ‘no spitting’ signs or posters displayed inside PC12. ensure that stray dogs / cats are kept away from PC13. make sure there is adequate protection for birds, mice, etc. PC14. ensure that there is no garbage collection and water around the PC15 facility. ensure that the milk collection area is not used for hand washing PC16. make sure there are no hanging cords hanging in the PC17 milk collection area. ensure that the milk collection center apartment is always free of cracks and crevices and does not have any lost or loose tiles (when used under the tile) PC18. ensure that the walls and roof are free of loose pieces and chips and any building materials Village Level Milk Collection Center .
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. dress code to be followed by KA2. standard repair procedures approved by KA3. job responsibilities / tasks and standard operating procedures KA4. safety and hygiene standards are followed by the organization
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. potential physical, chemical and biological hazards and ways to prevent various hazards KB2. personal hygiene requires KB3. various types of hygiene used to clean the milk collection equipment and equipment and the KB4 application process. labeling / marking requirements for chemicals, sewage treatment, respiration and storage in the designated KB5 area. cleaning and sanitation of equipment and facilities KB6. how to maintain a security checklist for all devices and follow the checklist
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. write down what you have seen (if any) related to milk collection SA2. write information documents for internal departments / internal groups Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read design, drawings and construction of SA4 collection site. read internal information documents sent to internal groups Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. interviewers to understand the nature of the problem and clarify questions SA6. listen to and understand the information given to the speaker B. Developing Professional Skills To make the user / person in the workplace need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. analyze critical points in daily activities with experience and observation and find control measures to solve the SB2 problem. manage issues in case the nominee is not available User / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. write down what you have seen (if any) related to milk collection SA2. . read design, drawings and construction of SA4 collection site. r. interviewers to understand the nature of the problem and clarify questions SA6. listen to and understand the information given to the speaker B. Developing Professional Skills To make the user / person in the workplace need to know and understand how to do it: SB1. analyze critical points in daily activities with experience and observation and find control measures to solve the SB2 problem. manage issues in case the nominee is not available Village Level Milk Collection Center

Guidelines for Assessment:
The terms of reference for each Qualification Package shall be determined by the Technical Technology Council. Each Operating Criteria (PC) will be awarded marks according to its importance to the NOS. SSC will also lower the number of Theory and Skills Practical marks on each PC. The theory component tests will be based on the information bank of the questionnaire created by SSC 3. Each test agency will create unique theory component question papers for each student in each test / training center (according to the test process below). 4. Each test agency will create a separate test. of practical skills for every student in each assessment / training center based on this process. should get the lowest score of 70% in total. 6. In the event that only a certain number of NOS passes, the trainee is eligible to take the next test in the remaining NOS in order to pass the Qualification Pack