Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector 6 month course
Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector
Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) is also known as Minor Forest Produce (MFP) or Non-Wood Forest Produce (NWFP). This job role in the agriculture and allied sector collects non-timber produces from forest areas. Brief Job Description: NTFP collector gathers forest produces from unrestricted forest area for self consumption or for sale. The job duties of this role include correct identification of plant species or animals; how to use sustainable harvesting practices; identify nationalized and non-nationalized produces; and follow relevant forest regulations or instructions given by concerned authority. Personal Attributes: Needs to be familiar with local forest flora and fauna, be alert and active. Must have positive perceptions of nature and ecological harmony. Capable of walking long distances and possesses an eye for details. Should be receptive to instructions given by forest authorities and other concerned agencies, be responsible for own outcomes and work in a team if needed Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector.

Collect non-timber forest produce (NTFP) in unrestricted forest area using approved procedures Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector:
User / employee should be able to: PC1. identify areas permitted for NTFP collection in the forest to responsible managers, relevant documents or a map of the area where PC2 operates. identify the rules and obligations related to NTFP collection procedures from relevant resources Resources: Circulars / guidelines issued by DFO / RO / JFMC / CFR MC Regulations: Indian Forest Act 1927, The Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, The Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 , Biological Diversity Act 2002, Organized States and Other Forest Residents (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, local regulations, etc. PC3. obtain the NTFP harvesting calendar from authoritative sources where applicable Sources: DFO / RO / appropriate PC4 authority. combine demand and supply details, pricing and relevant regulations relating to NTFPs to the PC5 authority. refer to notices issued in the local language on NTFP manufactured or not installed nationally where PC6 operates. compliance with any applicable forest regulations relating to the protection of endangered species Preparations Preparing to collect NTFPs in the local workplace The user / person on the job must be able to: PC7. select and use appropriate protective equipment suitable for NTFP collection in forested areas
Protective equipment: head cover, rubber boots, first aid kit, gloves, etc. PC8. select the appropriate tools and building materials needed to make NTFP for PC9 harvest. follow proper safety practices while accessing and working in the jungle Identify NTFP and appropriate components User / occupant should be able to: PC10. apply traditional knowledge, practices, customs and spiritual values where PC11 is required. ensure that the plant variety and its components are identified as guidelines issued by the forest authority and appropriate control bodies Other examples of NTFP species and their harvested plant components: Root, rhizome, tuber, etc. – underground parts Bark, gum, resin, etc. – stem Bidi making, leaf making, herbs etc. seeds Honey, lac, fish, etc. – animal products PC12. see plant morphology, features and habitat to establish its use for PC13. check that the product is certified and recorded as per the guidelines issued by the forest authority and the relevant PC14 regulatory frameworks. classify and treat toxic plants using recommended safety procedures Collect and manage NTFPs using approved procedures User / person at work should be able to: PC15. use appropriate scientific and effective methods of NTFP collection reported by the state department of forestry and other stakeholders (eg collecting NTFP using continuous harvesting practices; select appropriate harvest time of day, time of year; select appropriate cutting tools; identify appropriate harvesting components and follow practice appropriate for collection such as plant extraction, etc.) PC16. adhere to the appropriate procedures for forest diversity while performing PC17 work. compliance with any applicable public trading policy in the NTFP collection where applicable PC18. make sure that any plants that regenerate themselves do not harm during the PC19 harvest. check that good agricultural practices are used to move NTFPs from the forest area to the final site, e.g. wrapping, stacking, etc. Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector.
User / person at work should know: PC20. clean products using the appropriate cleaning method and PC21 procedures. sort and classify products on the basis of their quality, marketability, shape, size, etc. PC22. remove water from products from products using appropriate methods Methods: drying under the sun, drying of the shade, drying on blown mats, smoking on low heat, reheating (eg C grub), etc. Save NTFP User / person at work should know: PC23. ensure that the storage area is well ventilated, dry, cool and moist PC24. select suitable storage arrangements under plant material Storage arrangements / person on duty should be able to: PC25. manage products while downloading or uninstalling PC26. purchase written permission from an authorized delivery agency if PC27 is required. follow the appropriate travel mode and corresponding control policies while moving products from one location to another PC28. make sure the products are not damaged during travel

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector:
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in forest areas KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work environment KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information of forest regulations KA4. who to approach for support to get work related information, clarifications and support KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of not following the standards on consumers and the business KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of work Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. appropriate defense protection for NTFP collection in the KB2 forest area. the risks and dangers associated with the collection of NTFP in the forest area and how you can control the injury to self KB3. the subdivision of the forest area into protected areas and the importance of ensuring these affected forest authorities are the KB4. awareness of relevant regulations regarding NTFP KB5 collection. authorities responsible for NTFP collection
Executive Authority: DFO, RO, JFMC, panchayat, NGOs, VOs, District Collector, CFR MC (Community Forest Resource Management Committee), Minor Forest Products Committee (MFPC), etc. KB6. the importance of following notices, policy changes, harvest calendar, etc. is still distributed by regulatory bodies where appropriate KB7. various types of NTFP are available locally KB8. various types of plant parts and their use KB9. methods used to prevent attacks by germs, insects, etc. while maintaining KB10. phenological categories of various plant and animal species of the NTFP KB11 collection. importance of filtering and editing of NTFPs KB12. various methods used to dry NTFPs KB13. awareness of the growing plant species found in the KB14 collection sites. identify and preserve threatened species KB15. an appropriate cycle for the collection of plant regeneration skills KB16. identifying and managing toxic plants KB17. safe operating procedures and emergency procedures related to forest KB18. types of good collection techniques used in the small forest to produce KB19 collection. a list of relevant tools and building materials used in small-scale forestry production such as KB20 MAPs. writing / counting quality, quantity and sale of NTFP in appropriate record books, logs, registers, etc. where KB21 is required. importance of conserving forest resources KB22. the process of reporting illegal and unauthorized activities in the forest area to the relevant KB23 authorities. names, place names, customs and habitats of local plant species Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. write own name and local address in local language Reading Skills The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA2. interpret safety and warning signage displayed in the vicinity of the work area Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills) The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA3. inform state forest authorities, panchayat or other relevant regulatory agencies of any illegal/unauthorized activities or problems saw in the forest area in any language understood SA4. follow instructions from forest authority to avoid miscommunication or legal conflicts
SA5. seek clarification and understanding when the instructions are not clear in any understandable language B. Making a Professional Skills Decision A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB1. adhere to the regulations / guidelines applicable to the collection of NTFP during cases that require the selection of SB2 approved plant species. reporting on illegal activities in the forest area to the relevant authorities SB3. when faced with difficult decisions seek clarification from forest officials Plan and plan User / person at work needs to know and understand: SB4. plan and organize a collection of small forest products such as medicinal and SB5. fragrant plants in such a way that all activities are completed on time and in accordance with each SB6. Information provided by the relevant authorities Customary Centricity The user / employee must know and understand how to do so: SB7. Interpret customer needs and show positive attitudes while interacting with SB8. provide quality products to customers and maintain good business relationships Solving Problems SB9. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector
Collect correct types of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) using approved procedures Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector:
User / employee should be able to: PC1. identify the areas where the NTFP collection is permitted by the relevant authority, relevant documents or a map of the area where PC2 operates. Identify regulations and obligations relating to the collection of medicinal plants and fragrances from appropriate resources Resources: Circulars / guidelines issued by DFO / RO / JFMC / CFR MC Regulations: Indian Forest Act 1927, The Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, The Forest (Conservation) Act 1980, The Biological Diversity Act 2002, Organized Nations and Other Forest Residents (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, local regulations, etc. PC3. buy the NTFP harvesting calendar for medicinal plants and fragrances from authorized sources where applicable Approved sources: DFO / RO / appropriate PC4 authority. collect information relating to demand and supply, pricing and relevant regulations related to MAPs to PC5 management. refer to notices issued in the local language on NTFP manufactured or not installed nationally where PC6 operates. compliance with any applicable forest regulations relating to the protection of endangered species Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector
User / employee should be able to: PC7. select and use appropriate protective equipment to collect MAP Protective equipment: Headgear, rubber boots, first aid kit, etc. PC8. select the appropriate tools and equipment for cutting, shearing, shearing, etc. of MAPs during PC9 harvest. follow proper safety practices when accessing and working in the forest Identify plant species and parts The user / person at work should be able to: PC10. apply traditional knowledge, practices, customs and spiritual values where PC11 is required. identify the appropriate type of MAP species and their active components Strong components: Whole plant, root, leaves, stem, wood, bark, fruit, seeds, flower, flower parts, exudates, gum and resin, etc. PC12. ensure that MAP features, dynamic components and habitats are detected before compiling PC13. record the type of crop, location, date and time of possible Collecting MAPs using approved procedures User / employee should be able to: PC14. find the right types of areas and plants before harvesting medicinal and aromatic plants Appropriate environment: Clean or non-polluted area such as insect repellent, chemicals, toxic gases, sewage, vehicles, etc. PC15. use appropriate scientific and effective methods of collection recommended by responsible forest officials, JFMC, CFRMC, etc. Gathering habits: Choose the right time to harvest (e.g., date and time); sew and collect only mature parts; leave 30-40% of plants to regenerate; appropriate cutting tools; allow seeds to decompose before harvest; avoid deep digging to collect underground parts; click bark long; avoid cutting the twigs / branches to collect leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. .; select the appropriate time to collect parts such as stem, anthers, buds, etc .; make dry and horizontal cuts on other parts of the tree to collect gums, resin, oil, etc. .; treat cuts after gum collection or resin; avoid harvesting crops during rainy, fog or particularly high humidity conditions; check that the product is not collected too early; null PC16. check that MAPs collected from a wild source are free of diseases, pests or pests PC17. adhere to the relevant regulations regarding the conservation of forest biodiversity
User / employee should be able to: PC18. use approved cleaning methods related to herbal medicine collection methods and fragrances: Washing, cutting, filtering, peeling, squeezing, brushing, drying and grading or any other PC19 related activity. drying of water from plant matter using approved methods Methods: Shade and sun exposure in open areas, drying in wet conditions e.g. bamboo bamboo, etc. PC20. ensure that all bark and parts are cut into small pieces to reduce the total drying of PC21. ensure that gums / frames are stored in appropriate containers or bins immediately after PC22 collection. check that the dried material is closed to allow air to pass through PC23. ensure that parts of the dried plants do not crack and do not press PC24. quality and filtering collected yield as required quality specification Quality specification: e.g. color, purity, plant maturity, root width, fruit size or weight, etc. PC25. take appropriate measures to prevent contamination of MAPs collected by external particles during harvesting, processing, drying, storage or transfer of harmful weed control in accordance with appropriate PC26 classification procedures. ensure that the storage area is clean, well ventilated and dry to control fungal growth, pest infestation, etc. Delivery of medicinal plants The user / person at work should be able to: PC27. follow the approved procedures while managing the transport of harvested MAPs from one location to another PC28. follow the appropriate procedures for obtaining written permission from an accredited transport agency for MAPs harvested PC29. follow the approved procedures for minimizing damage to MAPs during MAP travel Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector:
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures in forest areas KA2. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work environment KA3. own job role and responsibilities and sources for information of forest regulations KA4. who to approach for support to get work related information, clarifications and support
KA5. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of not following the standards on consumers and the business KA6. documentation and related procedures applicable in the context of work Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. the importance of using appropriate KB2 protection. the dangers and dangers associated with the collection of medicinal plants and fragrances in forest areas and how you can cut yourself and others KB3. the subdivision of the forest area into protected areas and the importance of ensuring these affected forest authorities are the KB4. awareness of relevant regulations in the collection of NTFP such as medicinal plants and fragrances (MAPs) KB5. NTFPs (MAPs) designated authorities: DFO, RO, JFMC, panchayat, NGOs, VOs, District Collector, CFR MC (Community Forest Resource Management Committee), Minor Forest Products Committee (MFPC), etc. KB6. the importance of following notices, policy changes, harvest calendar, etc. is still distributed by regulatory bodies where appropriate KB7. how to prevent contamination of parts of harvested crops KB8. phases of growth and development of target plants in relation to the period and microclimatic state KB9. permitted safe management and transportation of small forest products such as MAPs KB10. how to identify harmful weeds and procedures used to remove KB11. the importance of shadow suspension KB12. a list of medicinal and aromatic plants and their components using KB13. a list of appropriate Rare, Endemic and Threatened (RET) species issued by forest authorities and limits set by KB14. importance of conservation of endangered species KB15. the difference between national or non-imported NTFPs in KB16. importance of allowing species regeneration KB17. allowed continuous harvesting methods for MAPs KB18. different types of methods used to clean medicinal plants KB19. different types of harvesting / harvesting methods used for different types / categories of KB20 varieties. importance of recording date, time and origin of plant species KB21. the importance of the harvest calendar issued by JFMC / RO / CFRMC KB22. list of established security measures KB23. a list of relevant tools and building materials used by KB24. writing / counting quality, quantity and sale of medicinal plants in relevant books, logs, registers, etc. KB25. importance of conserving forest resources KB26. illegal reporting in the forest area KB27. the importance of selling goods by registered sellers and the city
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. write your name and address in the local language where necessary Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA2. translate safety and warning signs displayed in the workplace Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. notify state forest management, panchayat or other appropriate regulatory bodies of any illegal activities or problems in the forest area or any language understood by SA4. follow instructions from the relevant authorities
to avoid inappropriate contact or legal disputes SA5. SA5. seek clarification and understanding when the instructions are not clear in any understandable language B. Developing Professional Skills To create a user / person on the job need to know and understand that: SB1. follow the rules / guidelines for collecting medicinal plants, etc. SB2. SB2. when faced with difficult decisions seek clarification from the responsible Authority Plan and Plan User / person at work needs to know and understand: SB3. plan and organize the work in such a way that all tasks are completed on time and according to the required information Centricity Customer The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB4. Interpret customer needs and show positive attitudes while interacting with SB5. provide quality products to customers and maintain good business relationships Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand: SB6. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector.
Undertake basic market related activities of minor forest produce Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector:
User / employee should be able to: PC1. ensure that activity and activity are recorded by date, time and local origin PC2. record market intelligence as prices in the market price close to product quality Adjust costs and prices The user / person at work should be able to: PC3. seek information relating to the minimum subsidy price (MSP) established with NTFP materials by accredited bodies / agencies Bodies / accredited agencies: e.g. Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED), etc. PC4. follow the approved procedures set out in the relevant national laws and notices issued by authorized agencies / bodies at fair price during the marketing of NTFP items at state level Authorized agencies / organizations: Regional collectors, forestry sub-committee (MFPC), co-operatives, etc. when operating PC5. ensure that the marketing price of the item includes transportation, storage, storage and cost of primary processing, etc. Finding marketing channels The user / person on the job should be able to: PC6. sell products at appropriate marketing channels such as Tribes India / State Emporia / local retail / retailers / exhibitions and exhibitions, etc. PC7. check that the documentary proof of the NTFP commercial license has been submitted where applicable Follow the relevant rules / grants The user / employee must be able to: PC8. collect information on current government schemes / assistance provided in the collection of NTFPs from accredited agencies / local TRIFED administrative authorities Non-Timber Forest Produce Collector.
Guidelines for Assessment:
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance
Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks
for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC. - The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below). - Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each
examination/training center based on this criteria. - To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 50% in aggregate.
- In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent
assessment on the balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack.