Agriculture Extension Executive

Agriculture Extension Executive Course 6 mont

Agriculture Extension Executive

Agricultural Extension Executive: The chief executive works with the R&D team to market and transmit technology, products, information and information to farmers, acting as a bridge between the company and the farmers which enhances their production and profitability. Short job description: The person is responsible for working with the Research and Development team in the agricultural industry (including seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and small irrigation industries) to meet the needs of the farmer. They understand and sell technology that will be passed on to farmers through demonstrations and training. They also connect and encourage farmers to get acquainted with modern methods of profitability. Your Qualities: Work requires a person who is always equipped with the latest techniques and knowledge related to agriculture, has a good knowledge of the subject and has leadership qualities to build motivation and confidence in farmers Agriculture Extension Executive.

 Agriculture Extension Executive

Coordinate with research and development team Agriculture Extension Executive:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. explore the needs and interests of farmers with regard to farm management PC2. visit farmers’ farms and conduct a survey to find out their level of understanding, farming knowledge, lifestyle, tools and equipment they currently use and their PC3 needs. analyze the problems and difficulties the farmer is facing with their farming methods and how technological change will bring about PC4 change. understand current production costs, farm profits, manufactured goods, etc. with the farmer and the expected level of the future R&D team with market information In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to: PC5. provided the R&D team with information on market expectations based on the needs of farmer PC6. be aware of the changes taking place in the PC7 market. identify gaps and suggest possible steps for PC8. work with R&D to prepare farmers for greater climate change and uncertainty, better management skills and rural development goals for PC9.Agriculture Extension Executive discuss ways to transfer research findings to farmers and the research center PC10. ensure consistency between farmer needs and PC11 advanced technology. partnering with R&D to provide innovative, high-productivity and competitive farmer productions

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Agriculture Extension Executive:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. explore the needs and interests of farmers with regard to farm management PC2. visit farmers’ farms and conduct a survey to find out their level of understanding, farming knowledge, lifestyle, tools and equipment they currently use and their PC3 needs. analyze the problems and difficulties the farmer is facing with their farming methods and Agriculture Extension Executive how technological change will bring about PC4 change. understand current production costs, farm profits, manufactured goods, etc. with the farmer and the expected level of the future R&D team with market information In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to: PC5. provided the R&D team with information on market expectations based on the needs of farmer PC6. be aware of the changes taking place in the PC7 market. identify gaps and suggest possible steps for PC8. work with R&D to prepare farmers for greater climate change and uncertainty, better management skills and rural development goals for PC9. discuss ways to transfer research findings to farmers and the research center PC10. ensure consistency Agriculture Extension Executive between farmer needs and PC11 advanced technology. partnering with R&D to provide innovative, high-productivity and competitive farmer productions Agriculture Extension Executive

Technical knowledge OF Agriculture Extension Executive:

The person at work needs to understand: KB1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and human resource management KB2. the workflow involved in the company’s KB3 process. importance of individual role in workflow KB4. standard standards set by the organization KB5. organizational reporting structure KB6. ways and means to reach out to farmers to assess their needs and interests KB7. the use of agricultural equipment and equipment KB8. harvesting methods KB9. steps that can be taken to solve the problems of farmers KB10. ways to try the proposed KB11 system. ability to develop R&D operational strategies KB12. various scientific methods and growing technologies for crop production, farmer production and KB13 income. the latest technological advances with the potential to increase crop yields and resource efficiency

Core Skills/ Generic Skills Agriculture Extension Executive:

The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. write emails, letters SA2. write different types of report Reading skills A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. update the latest technology by reading research articles, attending meetings, conferences etc. Stay up to date with the latest brochures, pamphlets, product information sheets, etc. SA5. read relevant newspapers / brochures etc. Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. maintaining effective relations with senior officials and SA7 experts. adult communication SA8. understand the details and understand its meaning SA9. communication SA10. discuss problems, clarify doubts and seek solutions for SA11. be polite and courteous under all circumstances SA12. show character and body language B. Practicing Professional Skills To perform a task at work they need to know and understand: SB1. make decisions to understand the needs of the farmer and propose strategic and R&D plans to meet the needs of SB2. identify potential problems with performance and protection Agriculture Extension Executive

Plan and Edit A working person needs to know and understand how to do it: SB3. plan and schedule farm visits to analyze farmer SB4 needs. arrange meetings with the R&D Centricity Customer team The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB5. building relationships with senior officials and SB6 experts. listen to and interpret information provided to SB7 adults. discuss possible solutions SB8. use exposure visits to SB9 model farms. participate in exhibitions / seminars / workshops that provide information on new agricultural technologies and related sectors. Troubleshooting The person at work needs to know and understand that: SB10 think about the problem, test possible solutions and pick the best / best SB11 solutions. identify practical and workable solutions that the farmer needs require Analytical Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand that: SB12. analyze information obtained from management and SB13 experts. consider coming up with SB14 solutions. apply, analyze and evaluate information collected in SB15 training. develop / modify technology based on the results obtained from analytical thinking Critical Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand that: SB16. contribute to finding a solution to field problems

Promote agricultural technology Agriculture Extension Executive:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. focus on the many types of production and services that PC2 can provide to farmers. know the various challenges you have to face such as worrying about climate change, management of natural resources, food security, etc. PC3. have a clear understanding of the technology to be transmitted to PC4. know the details and see if it is possible before marketing to PC5 growers. understand the costs involved in marketing and how to profit from PC6. developing skills and knowledge about technology, market testing and business development on farms when farmers adapt to PC7 technology. be able to access information such as weather, forecasting, dynamic technologies or markets to inform and train farmers PC8. prepare and practice before transferring information to PC9 farmers. ensure that new building materials and technologies are introduced to the market, meet the needs of farmers and provide a profitable advantage for them. provide information to farmers with PC11 business support services. assistance and advice regarding PC12 market production and information. improve market connectivity and farmer business skills with new PC13 research results. understand the rapid changes that come in light of the market integration of commercial PC14 operations. developing agricultural marketing infrastructure to better inform farmers among PC15. assist in the preparation and distribution of pamphlets, brochures and simple information relating to farm management and technology, in a way and language that farmers can understand PC16. inform the benefit to farmers using PC17 technology. to sensitize farmers to business opportunities when adapting to PC18 technology. provide information and information to farmers in future markets Agriculture Extension Executive

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Agriculture Extension Executive:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to KA3 workplace. your role and responsibilities and job information resources KA4. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work

Technical knowledge OF Agriculture Extension Executive:

The person at work needs to understand: KB1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and human resource management KB2. the workflow involved in the company’s KB3 process. importance of individual role in workflow KB4. standard standards set by the organization KB5. organizational reporting structure KB6. production and services to be provided to farmers KB7. challenges to deal with such as concerns about climate change, management of natural resources, food security, etc. sound information on agricultural policy and technical specifications KB9. various marketing strategies to inform farmers of the latest technology and the feasibility of KB10 farming methods. methods and means of access to farmers that create awareness of KB11 technology. ways to try the proposed KB12 system. ability to implement action plans KB13. various scientific and technological approaches to growing crop production, farmer production and KB14 income. the latest technological advances with the potential to increase crop yields and resource efficiency KB15. tools used in KB16 extension services. equipment, equipment and other materials to be used for testing

Address farmers about standards and practices OF Agriculture Extension Executive:

and farmers In order to be able to work, the user / individual must be able to: PC1. identify co-operative areas, sarpanch, regional collectors etc. to reach the PC2 farming group. hold regular training meetings with farmers on PC3 farms. pay attention to farmers and listen to their questions and doubts about PC4. hold detailed discussions to address their PC5 needs. assisting farmers to improve their agricultural production effectively and convincing them to participate in their PC6 display. discuss development strategies within the PC7 team. try and demonstrate the transfer and setting of PC8 strategy. work with farmers to introduce strategies such as successful production, timely harvesting, post-harvest operations, etc. PC9. find technological suitability by involving farmer groups in the survey Check their farms To be competent, user / individual must be able to: PC10. ensure that the correct information is updated for farmers according to the nature of the PC11 farm. measure the correct yield before harvesting PC12. state areas of development according to PC13 testing. suggest remedial measures that can be taken in the use of PC14. conducting research on PC15 farms. check whether the technology should be used on that farm, or if it requires modification or repair of PC16. develop an efficient application that will meet the needs of farmers, based on the PC17 farm visit. we suggest specific technologies required by the farm based on test results Tell farmers about various features To be competent, the user / individual should be able to: PC18. view farmer prices Agriculture Extension Executive

PC19. show the farmer the storage, delivery and quality of the PC20 range. advice on timely and unlimited supply of irrigation water, effective weed control methods, harvesting practices, planting method and financial planning PC21. to advise the farmer on what types of plants are growing well in his area, the right climate and the growing season PC22. train him to safely use PC23 pesticides. direct him to crop rotation to prevent soil degradation PC24. plant loan advice and plant insurance guide PC25. to help organize various inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. PC26. assisting with financial management and business development PC27. use the analytical tools to study the findings of the experimental farm PC28. analyze the farmer ‘s reaction to the test and provide the necessary clarification and suggestions. visit farms often, especially if a PC30 problem arises. Sort the problems forward, identify the causes of the problems and calculate the possible solutions for PC31. view the cases made to see if they comply with PC32 rules. inform farmers of the necessary precautionary measures such as health and safety, pests and diseases, etc. PC33. ensure that farmers are provided with the appropriate equipment for their PC34 farming. assist in the adjustment of the quality and quantity aspect of the PC35. assisting farmers to make purchases and sales of products and goods, collect soil samples and test results, etc.

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to KA3 workplace. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work

Technical knowledge:

The person at work needs to understand: KB1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and human resource management KB2. the workflow involved in the company’s KB3 process. importance of individual role in workflow KB4. standard standards set by the organization KB5. organizational reporting structure KB6. methods and means of access to farmers KB7. development strategies KB8. harvesting methods KB9. suitable location, climate and annual agricultural limits KB10. pest and disease management, health and safety, etc. KB11. steps can be taken to solve the problems of farmers KB12. ways to test the proposed KB13 system. ability to implement action plans KB14. various scientific methods and Agriculture Extension Executive growing technologies for crop production, farmer production and income KB15. areas such as crop rotation, irrigation and watering, plant breeding, plant physiology, soil subdivision, soil fertility, weed control, pest and pest control etc. KB16. various activities that have the potential to increase yields and reduce the incidence of pests and diseases KB17. the latest technological advances with the potential to increase crop yields and resource efficiency KB18. factors affecting farmer decisions to select appropriate decisions KB19. tools used in KB20 expansion services. equipment, equipment and other materials to be used for testing

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:

The Agriculture Extension Executive person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. keep SA2 Records. Data Collection Learning Skills An employee needs to know and understand how to do it: SA3. update the latest technology by reading research articles, attending meetings, conferences etc. Stay up to date with the latest brochures, pamphlets, product information sheets, etc. SA5. read relevant newspapers / brochures etc. Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. maintaining effective relations with senior officials and SA7 experts. adult communication SA8. understand the details and understand its meaning SA9. communication SA10. discuss problems, clarify doubts and seek solutions for SA11. to be polite and respectful under all circumstances SA12. importance of respect and body language SA13. use exposure visits to model farms SA14. participate in exhibitions / seminars / workshops providing information on new agricultural technologies and related fields B. Developing the Skills of a Professional Worker A job seeker knows and understands: SB1. make decisions about the selection of farmer groups and assist in the provision of SB2. identify potential problems in performing tasks and take precautionary measures by following work procedures. Plan and Plan A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB3. plan and configure the extension services to be shown in SB4. organize farmers’ group meetings Customer Centricity A person on the job needs to know and understand that: SB5. building relationships with senior officials and SB6 experts. listen to and interpret information provided to SB7 adults. discuss possible solutions Solving problems A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB8. think about the problem, explore potential solutions and pick the best / best SB9 solutions. identify economically viable and effective solutions that the farmer needs to think critically. A working person needs to know and understand how to do this: SB10. analyze information obtained from management and SB11 experts. consider analysis for SB12 solutions. use, analyze and evaluate information obtained from SB13 training. develop / modify technology based on the results obtained from analytical thinking Critical Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand that: SB14. take a person’s work and study Agriculture Extension Executive

Train the farmers and perform follow up of training OF Agriculture Extension Executive:

In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to: PC1. Arrange on PC2 topics to be taught. select a group of farmers to be trained and where PC3 will be trained. set the required inputs for training Behavior training program To be competent, the user / individual must be able to: PC4. combine farmers at a specific time with PC5 training day. train with visual demonstrations of practical actions and technology in agriculture PC6. training on the use of improved seeds, chemical fertilizer methods, soil management, etc. PC7. implement various transformational strategies and programs using the new PC8 science and technology. implement various transformational strategies and programs using the new PC9 science and technology. make sure to deliver a clear and concise PC10. take a look at the farmer’s doubts that make training time more interactive with PC11. approach to training methods in both practical and theoretical To follow the training practices of farmers to become competent, the user / individual should be able to: PC12. check farmers’ responses once the training session has ended PC13. follow-up to ensure that the farmer has benefited from the training programs provided by PC14. confirm farmers’ behavior change and build new information on PC15. provide ideas and encourage farmers to improve their livelihoods Text documented training To be competent, the user / individual must be able to: PC16. a record is kept of the training programs provided and the steps taken with various doubts from farmers PC17. record the benefits the farmer received from the PC18 training program. write down the challenges they faced during the training

Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your role and responsibilities and job information resources KA4. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work Agriculture Extension Executive

Technical knowledge:

The person at work needs to understand: KB1. Company policies on: incentives, delivery rates, and human resource management KB2. the workflow involved in the company’s KB3 process. importance of individual role in workflow KB4. standard standards set by the organization KB5. organizational reporting structure KB6. topics to be discussed in the training programs and inputs required for KB7 training. climatic and seasonal boundaries KB8. health and disease management, pests and diseases, etc. KB9. ground sample processes KB10. methods of land preparation, irrigation and weed control KB11. various farm equipment is available at KB12. fertilizer application KB13. accurate farming methods and their use in crop cultivation KB14. harvesting methods and precautions required to be taken in KB15. quality and quantity of maintenance during post-harvest harvest management KB16. KB17 product storage and storage methods. various activities that have the potential to increase yields and reduce the incidence of pests and diseases KB18. the latest technological advances with the potential to increase crop yields and resource efficiency KB19. safe ways to manage pesticides KB20. first aid in exposing humans to the harmful effects of pesticides KB21. tools that will be used to provide effective training for KB22. equipment, equipment and other equipment to be used to provide KB23 training. effective methods of training delivery KB24. availability and utilization of infrastructure to be used for training Agriculture Extension Executive

Guidelines for Assessment:

The terms of reference for each Qualification Package shall be determined by the Agriculture Extension Executive Technical Technology Council. Criteria for each operation (PC) will be awarded marks according to its importance to the NOS. SSC will also place a number of Theory and Practical Skills marks on each PC. 2. The partial examination of the opinion will be based on the information bank of the questions created by the SSC. 3. All mandatory NOS will be tested, and where appropriate, in the selected NOS / NOS / NOS collection. 4. Each assessment agency will create a unique questionnaire on the theory section for each student in each assessment / training center (according to the assessment process below). 4. Each assessment agency will create a separate competency test for each student in each assessment / training center based on this process. 5. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee must obtain a minimum mark of 70% of the total mark to clear the exam. 6. In the event of failure, the trainee may seek re-examination in the Qualification Pack.