Paddy Farmer 6 month course
Paddy Farmer

Paddy Farmer is responsible for planting paddy on a given piece of land and is responsible from buying seed material to selling farm produce on the market. Brief description of the job: A paddy farmer’s job includes planting paddy as a package of recommended practices for a specific agronomic climate, soil type, rain pattern and climatic conditions to achieve yields such as genetic growth and sell the product at competitive prices without competitive sales. Your Qualifications: A paddy farmer must be hardworking, hazardous, efficient and must be able to make decisions about the environment in which he or she works. It requires clarity, skill in basic mathematical and algebraic principles. One has to deal with the consequences and manage one’s performance and learning. One should also be able to demonstrate the ability to evaluate and analyze various opportunities, threats to the weather and markets and should be able to use a variety of decision-making tools for immediate problem solving Paddy Farmer.
Seed Preparation in Paddy Paddy Farmer:
In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC1. select varieties according to location / environment / season, yield and pest and disease resistance Seed purchasing To be competent, a person on the job must be able to: PC2. identify the various vendors / suppliers (including government / departmental agencies) of certified PC3 seeds. find the quality of seed material in each source ‘free from pests and diseases’, ‘germination percentage’ etc. PC4. read available prices on PC5 material market. buy seed material PC6. Identify a suitable storage area (free of germs and have cold seed climates) for PC7. store seeds (if there is time left between the purchase and planting / preparation of kindergartens) according to the recommended location and Seed Treatment process To be competent, the person on the job should be able to: PC8. find the most common pests and diseases of paddy in the agro-climatic zone PC9. find the appropriate pesticides (chemical and biological) available for PC10 seed treatment. treat seeds in the amount recommended by the university / State Department of Agriculture or as determined by the pest Precautions Precautions To be effective, the person on the job must be able to: PC11. read the safety measures in the study materials provided by PC12 for pesticides. stay tuned for all the necessary first aid kits as suggested in PC13 safety measures. use all necessary safety equipment and follow all procedures to prevent any injury during use / installation of pesticide Nursery Preparation In order to be effective, the person on duty must be able to: PC14. plows the soil PC15. make kindergarten beds with the availability of resources
PC16. make Irrigation and Drainage Channels PC17. distribute germinating seeds according to the recommended seed quality PC18. use compost PC19. take control of PC20 weeds. net bed nursery PC21. control pests and diseases PC22. we break the transplant seedlings in the recommended category of varieties provided with PC23 soil. in the case of re-planted paddy (machinery), grow seedlings on trays as a recommended procedure Paddy Farmer
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your role and responsibilities and job information resources KA4. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work

Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various climatic parameters such as very high and very low temperatures, pressure and distribution of rain (rainfall), relative humidity etc., KB2. pests and diseases that affect a particular agricultural climate, the life cycles of these pests and diseases and the sources of KB3 infection. length of variety KB4. crop diversity KB5. resistance to and tendency to vary in pests and diseases KB6. resistance to biotic and abiotic pressure (temperature fluctuations, dry spells, heavy rainfall during critical phases etc.,) KB7. types of crèche methods suitable for a given climatic agricultural environment and access to resources KB8. practices for preparing and managing a nursery KB9. Pest and Disease Control in Nurseries KB10. uses and the harmful effects of various pesticides KB11. safe ways to manage pesticides KB12. first aid in exposing humans to the harmful effects of pesticides Paddy Farmer
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. get information on the latest paddy varieties by reading SA2 newspapers and magazines. Stay up to date with the latest newsletters, pamphlets, and SA3 product information sheets. read relevant newspapers / brochures SA4. read the risks of use and pollution listed on pesticide labels Oral Communication (listening and speaking skills) The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. maintain an active working relationship SA6. liaising with others such as farmers, official / affected stakeholders SA7. understand the details and understand its meaning SA8. seek advice from adults / professionals B. Making Professional Skills Decisions A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB1. make decisions about the affected workplace SB2. Identify potential problems during operations and take preventive measures to follow the various procedures included in SB3. follow the basic principles of arithmetic and algebraic Planning and Planning A person at work needs to know and understand that: SB4. plan and organize paddy kindergartens and field processes starting with soil preparation to SB5 harvest. arrange meetings / exhibitions with the Departments of Agriculture whenever the Customer Centricity is required A person on the job needs to know and understand how to do this: SB6. participate in the paddy / seminar / workshop SB7 exhibition. to attend and use the SB8 portrayed tour. work with paddy experts Problem Solving A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB9. think about the problem, explore possible solutions (s) and use the largest / best solution (s) SB10. Identify problems quickly and take solutions to delay delays Considered Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand: SB11. view and store the equipment and equipment needed for paddy seed treatment and nursery bed preparation

Land preparation and Transplantation in Paddy Paddy Farmer:
In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC1. clean and plow PC2 field. immerse a large field with PC3 water. puddle and measure PC4 field. take irrigation channels and pull PC5. repair of PC6 bags. press PC7 cones. adopt all other high-quality practices that will support a variety of farming methods such as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). To be reset to be competent, the person on the job must be able to: PC8. take a dip of seed paddy seedlings to protect the plants, according to the recommended PC9 procedure. keep the inter-row distance to be determined according to the need for intermediate planting activities, if possible re-planted paddy Paddy Farmer
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) Paddy Farmer:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various machines that prepare the soil for farming paddy KB2. the importance of land balance for different irrigation systems KB4. various land reform methods and their impact on soil tilth KB5. advantages and disadvantages of replanting and direct sowing methods KB6. advantages and disadvantages of line placement between lines KB7. The frequency of transplants and the impact on yield yield through the use of SRI Paddy Farmer.
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
Writing Skills A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. state the information needed to achieve the objectives Learning Skills An employee should know and understand how to do this: SA2. update the latest land reform and land reform technology by reading the SA3 newspaper and magazine. Stay up to date with the latest newsletters, pamphlets, and SA4 product information sheets. read relevant newspapers / brochures Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. maintain working relationships with neighboring farmers SA6. liaising with others such as other farmers, official / affected stakeholders SA7. understand the details and understand its meaning SA8. seek advice from senior people and professionals B. Making Professional Skills Decisions An employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB1. make decisions for the affected area of the SB2 function. identify potential problems during operations and take preventive measures following the SB3 field procedure. Follow the basic principles of arithmetic and algebraic Edit and edit A working person needs to know and understand: SB4. plan and implement paddy SB5 farming practices. organize farmers during land reform and re-employment in the form of staff shortages and water to avoid rising labor levels Customer Centricity An employee needs to know and understand that: SB6. Participate in the paddy / seminar / workshop SB7 exhibition. Go to SB8 retraining. Create and use SB9 exposure visits. Work with paddy experts Paddy Farmer
The person at work needs to know and understand that he or she can: identify appropriate solutions to solve the delays of various problems in the field and take the necessary steps to solve the problem Analytical Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand: SB12. inspect and maintain the condition of the tools and equipment required for soil preparation and direct planting / sowing. SB13. check the installation of puddling and paddy or direct sowing Important Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand that: SB14. use, analyze, and evaluate information collected from observation, experience, consultation, or communication, as a guide for thought and action SB15.
Integrated Nutrient Management in Paddy Paddy Farmer:
In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC1. take the soil as the recommended sampling process from the PC2 field. dry the soil and prepare the samples for each process Macro and Micro Nutrient Analysis In order to be effective, the person on the job must be able to: PC3. pack, label and send to the nearest soil testing laboratory for PC4 analysis. compile soil analysis report on PC5 board. collect the recommended amount of organic and inorganic fertilizer from the Department of Agriculture based on the soil analysis report. select PC7 Rotten Farm compost. apply FYM to the soil in accordance with the recommended method and procedure before planting and during planting (if necessary) PC8. embraces a variety of cultures that enhance the state of global nutrition for the benefit of the PC9 stand. apply organic and inorganic fertilizers for large and small nutrients such as dose, time and method of application
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various processes of the soil sample KB2. Soil laboratories with various body components (macro and micro) analyzed by KB3. portions of the Land Analysis Report KB4. recommendations based on the availability of various small and large nutrients in the soil or in a plant sample of KB5. soil types, their advantages and disadvantages in terms of nutrient status KB6. based on the type of soil, various soil preparation methods to retain soil and soil nutrients KB8. appropriate methods of application of various fertilizers and micro-nutrients KB9. application period on KB10 day. time to apply to the plant life cycle Paddy Farmer
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. state the required particulars of record keeping SA2. report problems to the appropriate staff while Learning Skills An employee on the job needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. review the latest technology used in nutrient management by reading the SA4 newspaper and magazine. Stay up to date with the latest brochures, pamphlets, and SA5 product information sheets. read relevant newspapers / brochures Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA6. liaising with others such as other farmers, officials / stakeholders involved SA7. understand the details and understand its meaning SA8. seek advice from senior people and professionals B. Making Professional Skills Decisions An employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB1. make decisions about the affected workplace SB2. follow basic arithmetic and algebraic principles Edit and edit A working person needs to know and understand: SB3. use a variety of nutrient management methods in conjunction with other farmers Customer Centricity
The person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB4. participate in the paddy / seminar / workshop SB5 exhibition. use SB6 exposure visit. work with paddy experts Problem Solving A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB7. think about the problem, try possible solutions (s) and come up with the best solution (s) for SB8. various nutrient deficiencies and take immediate remedial action Analytical Thinking A working person needs to know and understand: SB9. observe and maintain the condition of the tools and equipment required for the management of the elements Key thinking The person on the job needs to know and understand: SB10. use, analyze, and evaluate information collected from observation, experience, consultation, or communication, as a guide for thought and action SB11. do his own work and study Paddy Farmer
Weed Management in Paddy Paddy Farmer:
In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC1. Apply weeds and stems during summer planting and PC2. manual weeding / chemical weedicide application at the appropriate levels of PC3 plant growth. the use of bio herbicides to control weeds wherever PC4 is active. keep garden piles clean to prevent weed infestation
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your role and responsibilities and job information resources KA4. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. various weeds and their impact on crop yields KB2. weed species and their control mechanisms KB3. weed species and their distribution methods KB4. Critical stages of weed control
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
Learning Skills An employee needs to know and understand how to use SA1. update on the latest technology used in weed management by reading the SA2 newspaper and magazine. Stay up to date with the latest newsletters, pamphlets, and SA3 product information sheets. learn the dangers of using and contaminating labeled chemical herbicides labels Learning Skills An employee needs to know and understand how SA1 works. update on the latest technology used in weed management by reading the SA2 newspaper and magazine. Stay up to date with the latest newsletters, pamphlets, and SA3 product information sheets. read the risks of use and pollution listed on herbicides labels Paddy Farmer
Guidelines for Assessment Paddy Farmer:
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will
be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical
for each PC. - The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
- Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set of NOS.
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below). - Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training
center based on this criterion Paddy Farmer. - To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% of aggregate marks to successfully clear the
assessment. - In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.