Micro Irrigation Technician 6 month course
Micro Irrigation Technician

Small Irrigation Specialist: Man has played a very important role in the implementation and implementation of a small irrigation system that not only uses existing natural resources but also benefits farmers with reduced agricultural costs over time. Short Activity Description: Each person manages the installation, testing, delivery of the Micro Irrigation System on the grounds and thus ensures uninterrupted access to water from the plant stand on the farm. Your Qualities: This job requires a lot of work and comfort in making decisions about one’s place of work. It requires clarity, skill in basic arithmetic and algebraic principles. One has to have the results directed to the outcome
manages his work and learning. One should also be able to demonstrate the ability to use a variety of tools and make decisions to solve problems quickly Micro Irrigation Technician.
Designing and Layout of Micro Irrigation System Micro Irrigation Technician:
In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. identify soil characteristics, climatic conditions, soil gradient, crop etc., which are important in building a PC2 system. follow the minimum irrigation principles in the design of a small irrigation system in the field of Layout Plan Of Designed Irrigation System In order to be effective, the user / person on the job must be able to: PC3. irrigation system according to history used in drawing. PC4. manage site deviations if necessary. PC5. note the basics of plant planting such as spatial distribution, water need, plant stand space, type of root removal process etc Micro Irrigation Technician.
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your role and responsibilities and job information resources KA4. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. Active working relationships and how to work with farmers and the company KB2. Farmers need time and testing KB3. The basic practices of horticulture are KB4. Planting parameters and details of the small KB5 irrigation system. The process of designing and installing a small garden irrigation system Micro Irrigation Technician
Core Skills/ Generic Skills Micro Irrigation Technician:
The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. Submit bills and expenses incurred on the site. SA2. Report problems to the appropriate staff during SA3. Write explanations and details of events in SA4 reports. Follow the basic principles of arithmetic and algebraic Learning Skills A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. Read the SA6 handmade tools and equipment manuals. Read the instructions in the Irrigation Building for special belief and notes. SA7. Read and understand Bill Of Materials (Product Code & Description) Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) An employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA8. Get instructions and seek advice from management and supervisors SA9. Provide guidance and instructions to staff / employees SA10. Make friendly and friendly connections with farmers in and out of the fields. B. Making Professional Skills Decisions A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB1. In the event of a deviation, decide on the pipe size / SB2 installation. Remember and demonstrate practical, actionable and duplicate skills in a variety of applications, using appropriate law and tool, using the above-mentioned concepts. Plan and Plan The person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB3. Use ideas in specific situations with the approval of SB4 adults. Customize a given MIS technology or a variety of technologies to the farmer’s needs and priorities. Customer Centricity A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB5. manage relationships with colleagues and other farmers Micro Irrigation Technician
The person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB6. Think about the problem, try out the possible solutions and come up with a solution that is the biggest / best solution. Service Selection Use a variety of design tools and equipment in the field Key considerations A person at work needs to know and understand: SB9. Take his own work and study SB10. Analyze site needs and priorities if the project is large. SB11. Judge the security of goods and tools on the sites.
Installation of Micro Irrigation System Micro Irrigation Technician:
In order to be competent, the user / person at work must be able to: PC1. identify the various components of MIS PC2. identify the various components of MI units with timely input and input In order to be effective, the user / person on the job must be able to: PC3. use the right items in the right place to install PC4 for better installation. make speed and errors free installation of MIS PC5. test and submit MIS after installation Farmers Training To be competent, user / person on the job must be able to: PC6. train farmers in using PC7 system. explain to farmers how they can get the system after harvest and re-lay the pipes
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work Micro Irrigation Technician
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. Effective working relationships and how you can work with farmers, colleagues and employees KB2. Organizational / farmer needs and time management KB3. Types of Pumps, Pull Networks and other related items. KB4. PVC & GI Installation and its applications KB5. Basic hydraulics such as pressure, flow etc. KB6. Types of chemicals to be used during storage of MIS KB7. To train farmers in the process of using KB8. Accessories are required for proper installation. KB9. Information on the tools required for MIS installation.
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. Submit bills and expenses incurred on the site. SA2. Report problems to the appropriate staff during SA3. Write explanations and details of events in SA4 reports. Follow the basic principles of arithmetic and algebraic Learning Skills A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. Read handbooks for hand tools and equipment SA6. Read the instructions in the Irrigation Building for special belief and notes. SA7. Read and Understand Bill Of Materials SA8. Read Manual and Operational and Maintenance Manual Oral Communication The person at work needs to know and understand: SA9. It is able to communicate with farmers through the SA10 implementation process. Get instructions and seek advice from management and supervisors SA11. Provide guidance and instructions to their staff and other SA12 employees. Make friendly and friendly connections with farmers in and out of the fields. B. Making Professional Skills Decisions A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB1. In the event of a deviation, decide on the size of the pipe / installation. SB2. Remember and demonstrate practical, common and repetitive skills in many programs, using appropriate rules and tools, using the above-mentioned concepts Micro Irrigation Technician.
The person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB3. Use ideas in specific situations with the approval of SB4 adults. Customize a given MIS technology or a variety of technologies to the farmer’s needs and priorities. Customer Centricity A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB5. manage relationships with co-workers and other farmers Solving Problems An employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB6. Consider the problem, explore possible solutions or solutions and suggest the best / best solutions (s) SB7. Resource Selection Functions: Find the type of tools and equipment needed to do the SB8 job. Troubleshooting: Identify the cause of the work error and decide what to do with it. View and maintain SB10 tools and equipment. If it becomes difficult in the farmer’s field, come up with creative / new and simple solutions to help the farmer. Important Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB11. Take his own work and study SB12. Analyze the need for the Site and priority areas if the project is large. SB13. Adjust the security of materials and tools on the sites.
Maintenance of Micro Irrigation System Micro Irrigation Technician:
To be effective, an employee must be able to:
PC1. identify the various problems a farmer may encounter in the farmer sector.
PC2. to deal with common problems during system installation
PC3. fix a common problem in the MI System facing farmers Micro Irrigation Technician
Micro storage
Irrigation System
To be effective, an employee must be able to:
PC4. clean the system according to the shape of the field depending on the type of soil and
some of its features.
PC5. correct system blockage due to reproduction
PC6. follow the various micro-prescribed maintenance guidelines provided
irrigation system
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work
B. Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. Effective working relationships and how you can work with co-workers, farmers and workers. KB2. Organizational / farmer needs and time management Micro Irrigation Technician
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
Writing Skills A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. Submit bills and expenses incurred on the site. SA2. Report problems to the appropriate staff during SA3. Write explanations and details of events in SA4 reports. Establish basic arithmetic and algebraic principles Learning Skills A person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. Read handbooks for hand tools and equipment SA6. Read the instructions in the Irrigation Building for special belief and notes. SA7. Read and Understand Bill Of Materials SA8. Read Manual and Operational and Maintenance Manual Oral Communication The person at work needs to know and understand: SA9. Get instructions and seek advice from management and supervisors SA10. Provide guidance and instructions to co-workers, farmers and SA11 employees. Make friendly and friendly communication with farmers in and out of the fields B. Making Professional Skills Decision An employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB1. In the event of a deviation, decide on the size of the pipe / installation. SB2. Remember and demonstrate practical, actionable and duplicate skills in a variety of applications, using appropriate law and tool, using the above-mentioned concepts. Plan and Plan The person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB3. Use ideas in specific situations with the approval of SB4 adults. Customize the provided irrigation system technology or alternative technology to the farmer’s needs and priorities.
Customer Centricity A person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB5. manage relationships with co-workers and other farmers Solving Problems An employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB6. Think about the problem, try out the possible solutions and suggest / suggest the biggest / best solution (s). Resource Selection Functions: Find the type of tools and equipment needed to do the SB8 job. Troubleshooting: Identify the cause of the work error and decide what to do with it. View and maintain equipment and equipment Critical Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand: SB10. Take his own work and study SB11. Analyze site needs and priorities if the project is large. SB12. Judge the security of goods and tools on the sites.
Maintain Health & Safety at the workplace Micro Irrigation Technician:
In order to be effective, that person must be able to: PC1. inspect basic safety prior to the operation of all equipment and vehicles and accidents reported to the appropriate PC2 manager. work in which protective clothing or equipment is identified and appropriate clothing or equipment used in carrying out these activities in accordance with the workplace policy. PC3. read and understand the dangers of use and pollution mentioned on the labels of pesticides / explosives etc. PC4. check the risk before performing manual operations, and act in accordance with the recommended safe practice currently in place. PC5. use equipment and building materials and restore the same to designated storage where PC6 can be used. dump garbage at PC7 selected location. detect hazards in viewers and take steps to reduce the risks associated with activities in the PC8 workplace. do your job in a way that minimizes environmental damage all procedures and work instructions for risk management are followed. PC9. report any accidents, incidents or problems without delay to the appropriate person and take the necessary immediate steps to reduce the risk. Providing appropriate emergency procedures In order to be effective, that person must be able to: PC11. Follow emergency procedures for standard companies / PC12 job requirements. Use emergency equipment by manufacturers Micro Irrigation Technician
information and work requirements PC13.provide appropriate treatment for the patient’s injury in accordance with PC1 first aid techniques. .
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. hygiene and fitness requirements KB2. your normal activities under the relevant health and safety law KB3. what protective equipment and clothing should be worn and how KB4 is cared for. efficient and safe use of materials and equipment required for your work KB5. the importance of proper housing maintenance in the workplace KB6. ways to secure waste disposal KB7. ways to reduce environmental damage during operation KB8. health and safety hazards and steps to be taken to manage those risks in your workplace KB9. Workplace procedures and requirements for occupational injury / illness. KB10. basic emergency first aid program KB11. local emergency services KB12.why accidents, incidents and problems should be reported and appropriate action to be taken
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. state the details required for SA2 objectives. report problems to relevant staff during SA3. write descriptions and details of events in reports Learning Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA4. read handbook and handbooks Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA5. liaising with other stakeholders such as farmers, official / affected stakeholders SA6. understands information shared by senior people and experts B. Practicing Professional Skills A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SB1. make decisions about the types of tools SB2 will use. identify the need for first aid and provide it Plan and Edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand that: SB3. plan daily activities and set priorities; separate start times, estimate completion times and building materials, equipment and assistance needed for completion. Customer Area The user / person on the job needs to know and understand: SB4. manage relationships with co-workers and managers of those who may be stressed, frustrated, confused or angry Solving Problems A user / employee needs to know and understand: SB5. Identify problems quickly and take solutions to delay delays Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB6. view and maintain SB7 tools and equipment. assess the situation and identify appropriate control measures Key Thinking The person at work needs to know and understand: SB8. take personal reading Micro Irrigation Technician
Guidelines for Assessment:
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be
assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for
each PC. - The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
- Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set of NOS.
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training
center (as per assessment criteria below). - Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training
center based on this criterion. - To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% of aggregate marks to successfully clear the
assessment. - In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack