Inland capture fisherman cum primary processor 6 month course
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The Inland Capture Fisherman Cum Primary Processor handles fishing in inland waters.
Short Term Description: The Inland Capture Fisherman Cum Primary Processor is responsible for the use of a variety of catching equipment from inland bodies such as rivers, lakes, etc.
Your Qualifications: The Inland Capture Fisherman Cum Primary Processor must have the expertise of hand and finger gestures, the ability to respond to key signals, high body strength, and the ability to swim, to ensure attention to detail. They must have decent communication skills, be able to focus on tasks capture fisherman cum.
Prepare for carrying out fishing activities capture fisherman cum:
In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to:
PC1. select the appropriate fishing method based on the target species, region and seasonal availability of
PC2. select the gear type, active or inactive, depending on the target
PC3 types. determine the size of the hook, the type of barrier according to the target
PC4 types. select traps according to size and target
PC5 types. select match size according to
PC6 target types. decide on the right fishing method Prepare fishing and other handicrafts To be effective, the user / individual must be able to:
PC7. has decided on a work of art that will be used to fish for
PC8. use motorized and non-motorized motor boats
PC9. configure fishing equipment such as nets, pots, traps and other day fishing Check out some important parameters In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to:
PC10. make sure the weather is right for
PC11 fishing. obtain the required fishing permits and permits in accordance with
PC12 regulations. know the natural habitat of fish and foodstuffs
PC13. watch the eating and breeding habits of the target species and see the best time to capture
PC14. estimate operating costs and more capture fisherman cum
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. organization’s fishing capture methods and techniques
KB2. organization’s rules and regulations to be followed according to fishing industry standards
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand:
KA1. various inland fishing methods and techniques
KA2. the type of hands used for various inland waters
KA3. types of active gears and artificial gears used in inland waters
KA4. how to operate active and idle gears allowed in inland waters
KA5. use motorized and non-motorized boats licensed into inland waters
KA6. inland water resources and their natural environment for determining the right method, arts and equipment
KA7. local weather and warnings in the presence of
KA8. marine equipment and communications, and fishermen to find
KA9 fish. use of life jackets and other safety items
KA10. rules and regulations to be followed by an authorized internal water authority capture fisherman cum
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. read error messages
SA2. read information submitted by internal groups Writing Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA3. keep a record of important information about photography, marketing, weather, and arrival times from and offshore. liaising with clients and other inland fishers through marketing, marketing and other post-harvest activities
B. Developing Professional Skills To create a user / employee need to know and understand:
SB1. use the art and gear that will be used to catch in inland waters Plan and edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB2. planning for inland fishing methods, arts and targeted forms of
SB3. plan and organize arrangements before the
SB4 fishing trip. edit the selection and operation of all types of inland fishing vessels Customary Centricity The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB5. maintain good relations with
SB6 staff. Maintain good relationships with customers, auctioneers and others during post-harvest operations Troubleshooting The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB7. make it work and use an experienced sense to identify and solve problems in advance Thinking Processing capture fisherman cum
Carry out capture of fish capture fisherman cum:
In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to:
PC1. use motorized and non-motorized motor boats
PC2. catch fish using
PC3 fish catching machines. use fishing gear suitable for
PC4 type. stay on board
PC5. clean nets after removing the fish and keeping the gear in proper condition Ensure safety precautions In order for a person to perform well, the user / person must be able to:
PC6. prepare for
PC7 emergencies. ensure that security devices are ready to use
PC8. practice when fishing alone and in deep
PC9 waters. Know the environment and its effects on
PC10. Identify and avoid restricted species, children and other endangered, endangered or protected species Ensure the right amount of fish caught In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to: .make sure that the amount of fish caught exceeds the operating costs involved which resulted in a profit
A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes) capture fisherman cum:
The person at work needs to know and understand:
KA1. Organizational procedures were followed by moving and navigating the
KA2 fishing vessels. organizational safety measures developed by fishing vessels in the presence of inland water bodies capture fisherman cum
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand:
KB1. various types of inland fishing methods and techniques
KB2. inland fisheries handicrafts that you can use depending on the target species and the
KB3 season. safe management of inland motorized and non-motorized water vessels, fishing gear technology and
KB4 fishing methods. performance of all types of inland fisheries using
KB5. safety measures to be taken with
KB6. type of target species and their natural environment and range of
KB7. inland water laws and regulations to be followed by
KB8. ecosystem of inland water body, breeding and feeding practices of target species
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
Learning Skills A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. read error messages
SA2. read information submitted by internal groups Writing Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA3. keep a record of important information about photography, marketing, weather, and arrival times from and offshore. effective communication with customers and other inland fishers through marketing, marketing and other post-harvest activities
B. Developing Professional Skills To create a user / employee need to know and understand:
SB1. use the art and gear used to capture the inland waters Plan and edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it:
SB2. planning for inland fishing methods, arts and targeted forms of
SB3. plan and organize arrangements before the
SB4 fishing trip. edit the selection and operation of all types of inland fishing vessels Customric Centricity The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB5. maintain good relations with
SB6 staff. maintaining good relationships with customers, auctioneers and others during post-harvest operations Troubleshooting The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:
SB7. use and use an experienced sense of identification and problem-solving in a timely manner. plan and select different fishing methods and methods depending on the availability of target species and the season capture fisherman cum
Carry out primary processing and sale of fish capture fisherman cum:
How to Work Sort and save fish In order for them to work properly, the user / individual must be able to:
PC1. identify all biodiversity and non-organic
PC2. sort the catch by number, weight and species, and according to the needs of each
PC3 market. cover, protection from the elements, and cold if possible while continuing the descent Perform key processing operations and sell fish In order to be effective, the user / individual must be able to:
PC4. stay fish while it’s a new
PC5. process the fish caught in the boat either by freezing or removing power, and prepare to sell
PC6. sort the types according to customer needs
PC7. ensure that fish are kept fresh after being caught until
PC8 is sold. transport fish when processing plants or to consumers
PC9. sell fish by contacting and negotiating with consumers or by
PC10 at a fish auction. clean and clean the boat and net and remove all traces of fish, slime, net algae and
PC11 boat. perform basic processing such as freezing, removal, storage of sealed containers, storage during sales capture fisherman cum
A. Organization context:
The person at work needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational methods used to clean a fishing boat without polluting the body of inland water
KA2. organizational plans designed for landing, auction and sale of fish
Technical Knowledge:
The person at work needs to know and understand:
KB1. the main processing functions to keep the burn burning during the sale of
KB2. effective methods of catching fish are
KB3. type and their trading value
KB4. laws and regulations to be followed in terms of inland water authority
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. read error messages
SA2. read information submitted by internal groups Writing Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA3. keep a record of important information about photography, marketing, weather, and arrival times from and offshore. liaising with clients and other inland fishers through marketing, marketing and other post-harvest activities
B. Developing Professional Skills To create a user / employee need to know and understand:
SB1. use the art and gear used to capture the inland waters Plan and edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it:
SB2. planning for inland fishing methods, arts and targeted forms of SB3. plan and organize arrangements before the
SB4 fishing trip. edit the selection and operation of all types of inland fishing vessels Customary Centricity The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SB5. maintain good relations with
SB6 staff. maintaining good relationships with customers, auctioneers and others during post-harvest operations Troubleshooting The user / person at work needs to know and understand that:
SB7. use and use an experienced sense of identification and problem-solving in a timely manner. plan and select different fishing methods and methods depending on the availability of target species and the season
Ensure safety, hygiene and sanitation practices for capture fisheries and fishing assistance capture fisherman cum:
In order to be effective, each user / individual must be able to
: PC1. apply a safe operation and emergency procedure to all used equipment, its controls and
PC2 restrictions. update yourself on areas such as the sea, line work, networking and other on-board fishing equipment, all on-board life-saving and firefighting equipment, their use and
PC3 applications. observe pollution laws relating to the disposal of fish, fisheries management regulations relating to fishing methods and gears, conservation laws related to restricted
PC4 species. Ensuring safe operation of all electronic devices Ensuring safety at sea and other bodies of water during roaming and fishing In order to be competent, user / individual must be able to:
PC5. observe international regulations to prevent collisions with fishing boats, as well as CRZ coastal
PC6. update yourself for underwater hazards in
PC7 fishing route. predict the conditions of the nearest quarter to other boats / ships in advance
PC8. use emergency measures during bad weather
PC9. show signals to be displayed while fishing for
PC10. identify toxic organisms from the catch and dispose of them Ensure personal safety and hygiene while handling fish To be effective, the user / individual must be able to:
PC11. use all your life-saving equipment on board, where
PC12 is required. look at the impact of germs on fish, the rate of decay, how and why kneeling increases refreshment, the importance of cold
PC13. treat the fish without damaging it, keep it without crushing it and in a clean manner capture fisherman cum
Organization context:
The person at work needs to know and understand
KA1. organizational standards and procedures are followed by safety, hygiene and sanitation
KA2. hygiene and fitness requirements
KA3. job responsibilities / responsibilities for safety, hygiene and sanitation
KA4. protective equipment and clothing to be used by
KA5. safe ways to use equipment and equipment
KA6. housekeeping methods and the importance of
KA7. KA8 safe waste disposal methods. ways to reduce environmental damage
KA9. the importance of adhering to health, hygiene and safety standards and the impact of non-compliance
Technical Knowledge:
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. prevention of infections and accidents
KB2. personal hygiene requirements
KB3. different types of sanitizers to be used
KB4. method of maintaining safety checklist
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA1. read internal information documents sent to
SA2 internal parties. read the resource manual and processing documents to understand the operation of the equipment and the required process Writing Skills The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA3. record and maintain information and risk management methods and prevention Oral communication (Listening and Speaking Skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this:
SA4. communication with staff and colleagues capture fisherman cum
A. Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it:
SB1. identify potential hazards early and prevent emergencies Plan and plan User / employee need to know and understand:
SB2. plan to use standard and safe operating procedures for all tasks Customer Centricity The user / employee needs to know and understand: how to
SB3. maintaining good relations with employees Problem Solving The user / person at work needs to know and understand:
SB4. send grief messages by all means available in the worst cases
SB5. discuss possible solutions with the problem-solving team Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand:
SB6. use domain information about fishing related processes and technical information on tools and equipment Key considerations The user / employee needs to know and understand:
SB7. use common sense and make daily decisions
SB8. use thinking skills to identify and solve basic
SB9 problems. use the senses to identify any problems that may arise during the operation capture fisherman cum
Guidelines for Assessment:
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be
assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC - The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center
(as per assessment criteria below) capture fisherman cum - Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training center
based on this criteria capture fisherman cum - To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in aggregate
- In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on the balance NOS’s
to pass the Qualification Pack