Veterinary Clinical Assistant
Veterinary Clinical Assistant
Animal Clinic Assistant: Animal Clinic Assistant is a person
assisting a registered veterinarian or operating under a registered veterinarian
veterinarian to provide a set of “Small Veterinary Services” in the interior
required for the assigned role as provided by the Indian Veterinary Council
Act (No. 52 of 1984)
Brief job description: Animal Clinic Assistant assists veterinarians e
the provision of veterinary services especially in the domestic area such as pet clinics, hospitals
organized farms and laboratories. They participate in preventive and curative care,
in addition to other responsibilities related to the management / operation of hospitals, drugs
sharing animal welfare.
Qualifications: A Veterinary Clinic Assistant should have the attitude that
science with a desire for perfection / accuracy. She should be beautiful
observation, time management and logical thinking. Unless
he has compassion for animals, he should be kind and capable
customer contact Veterinary Clinical Assistant.

Controlling / restraining of animals Veterinary Clinical Assistant:
In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC1. adjust and interact with the animal during handling. Apply general animal control policies and safety guidelines. To be competent, a person at work must know: PC2. determine the plane zone and point the animal’s balance and route, hold the animal again. PC3. gain less stress and injury to the animal. PC4. ensure zero risk. Use of animal control tools and equipment To be effective, a person on the job must be able to: PC5. follow the prescribed procedures for each of the tools and equipment. Understanding safety issues in the workplace To be effective, a person on the job must be able to: PC6. protect yourself from any damage from PC7 animal management. use a variety of protective equipment / equipment. PC8. assess the risk of diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance by consumers and businesses Veterinary Clinical Assistant
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. appropriate organizational policy for event reporting / record keeping. KB2. understanding the structure of governance. KB3. foundations of animal behavior, possible regeneration and adverse reactions. KB4. guidelines for safety in handling animals. KB5. flight information, measurement point and animal capture procedure as well. KB6. information related to the proper use of animal control tools and equipment
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. prepare a brief case report. SA2. fill in the data / healthcare data. Learning Skills A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read government / organizational guidelines / manuals. SA4. stay up-to-date with information on brochures, pamphlets, and other animal behavior and to handle related information sheets. SA5. read references from government / organization / animal managers. Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SA6. discuss task lists, schedules, etc. and colleagues SA7. explain to farmers / clients about the use of tools / tools for prevention. SA8. provide clear suggestions / guidance to farmers / customers. B. Making a Professional Skills Decision A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do it: SB1. make decisions regarding the use of techniques / tools and equipment according to the behavior of the animals. Plan and Organize The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB2. plan different processes. Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB3. investigate and analyze animal behavior and behavior. Customer Location The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB4. improve relationships with the reporting site manager and other senior SB5 officials. listen to and interpret the information provided by the site manager and accountant SB6. work as a team and present a timeline
Implementing regular preventive animal health care program Veterinary Clinical Assistant:

In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC1. the data point use of data collection tools (including electronic / mobile data collection) as specified specifications. PC2. verify the availability of demographics or sample / location / specific data collection area as per the instructions provided. PC3. to collect and transmit health, production and reproductive information relating to the flock / animal to the appropriate authority in a timely manner as provided. Risk assessment and diagnosis of preventable diseases (diseases) in order to be effective, the person at work should be able to: PC4. take appropriate action against the farmer / client in relation to the prevention of the emergence of known known preventable diseases on his / her animal / farm. Update on a technical guide to managing planned (s) / reported diseases In order to be effective, a person on the job must be able to: PC5. take only those actions / use the product / procedure followed in the prescribed disease guide (s). Communication of business / health risk and information related to bio safety to the client. In order to be effective, a person on the job must be able to: PC6. create a future demand for prevention services in connection with risk. PC7. to ensure a high level of voluntary compliance with safety procedures. Vaccination planning In order to be competent, a person on the job must be able to: PC8. Plan a vaccination plan in a timely manner to ensure environmental-related technical requirements and ease of use for the farmer / client. Vaccination before and after vaccination To be effective, a person on the job must be able to: PC9. find sick animals or animals that are not ready to be vaccinated. PC10. be prepared to deal with any emergency after vaccination. PC11. report side effects (if any) Vaccination and Control of Vaccines To be effective, a person on the job should be able to: PC12. conducting self-assessment of the procurement process / storage infrastructure and other application of policies from the appropriate source only. PC13. ensure cold storage and adherence to other guidelines during farmer / customer relocation and point of use Veterinary Clinical Assistant.
PC14. swap vaccine stocks on hand to use the oldest vaccines, ensuring that no vaccine is used after the expiration date. PC15. follow all the scientific guidelines related to the vaccine management process Proper dosage, use of different syringes for different vaccines etc. Prevention Removal In order For a person to be able to perform a task, the person on the job must be able to: PC16. follow the local guide for species, ages and time of year palm. PC17. use only approved products, according to the correct dosage and procedure (As prescribed by a veterinarian) Spraying of animals / birds or using another method of controlling echo-parasites To be effective, a person on the job must be able to: PC18. use only approved products, subject to the applicable dosage and application / application procedure. PC19. ensure performance by involving a large number of farmers in a given area. PC20. take steps to monitor the smallest impact on the animal / immediate area. Record keeping of prevention, monitoring and tracking interventions To be effective, a person on the job must be able to: PC21. ensure the recording of provided immunization and management information (individual / herd) and group numbers etc. PC22. timely reporting of immunizations to authorities in each case. PC23. supports sample testing laboratory etc. PC24. to ensure the availability of the herd and the continuation of the vaccination program
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes Veterinary Clinical Assistant:

The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and sources of work-related information KA4. who can request assistance for information related to the operation, clarification and support of KA5. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work Veterinary Clinical Assistant
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. appropriate government / organizational guidance on security care procedures, product use and reporting framework etc. KB2. the impact / importance of the care plan to prevent organizational authority. KB3. the importance of data recording / monitoring evaluation of a protective care system. KB4. funding and cost / benefit of defense interventions. KB5. use of a data collection tool (including electronic) KB6. an expanded agricultural system, social, environmental / environmental service environment. KB7. the most common diseases are the presence of affected species within the service area that can be prevented. KB8. signs, duration of expansion, first things. KB9. the impact of these diseases and their geographical spread. KB10. pre- and post-vaccination care includes the handling of potential emergencies. KB11. the type of vaccine and methods, the importance of keeping the chain cool. KB12. availability of vaccines within a given area, storage and use (e.g. reconstruction etc.) KB13. the scientific process of vaccination management. KB14. the environmental effect of the chemicals used for echo-parasite control. KB15. the basic concept of herd defense and similar equations. KB16. basic concepts of disease prevention in free wildlife.
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA1. prepare a brief report / write email at least in local language SA2. fill data sheet. Reading Skills The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA3. read government / organizational guideline. SA4. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets, and product information sheets. SA5. read government / organizational communications. Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills) The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SA6. discuss task lists, schedules, etc. with co-workers SA7. ask question and listen to farmers / clients to collect required data. SA8. give clear suggestions / guidance to farmers / clients. B. Professional Skills Decision Making The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB1. make decisions about the concerned area of work. SB2. solve problem arising out of implementation / scheduling of activities. Plan and Organize The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: how to SB3. plan activities and carry them through involving farmers / clients. SB4. follow given procedures. SB5. use communication tools Analytical Thinking The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB6. gather information to establish a fact. Customer Centricity The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to: SB7. develop rapport with reporting site manager and other senior officials SB8. listen and interpret the information given by the site manager and accountant SB9. work as a team and deliver in time framework Veterinary Clinical Assistant
Provisional diagnosis common animal diseases ( including poisoning and injury ) Veterinary Clinical Assistant:
In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC1. contact the owner to record a disclaiming complaint, incident history, current / past illness / treatment (individual / herd level). PC2. to interpret the existing record. PC3. assisting the client / farmer in completing daily life (including the health of the herd in the case of a farm) to monitor the profile as suggested by the veterinarian’s superintendent or by standard manual. PC4. be aware of changes in day-to-day care / rearing / livestock practices and the immediate environment. PC5. show the client / farmer how to treat infected animals (eg isolation, litter cleaning, etc.). PC6. ensure timely reporting of diseases from customers / farmers. Recording of signs, abnormalities of structure and functions. In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC7. describe physical symptoms / abnormalities as approved manuals for common disease symptoms. PC8. performs and translates body goals. Prepare the animals and record the availability of physical examinations to be able to function properly, the person at work should be able to: PC9. conducting and reporting physical examination tests as prescribed in the manual. Performing a temporary diagnosis In order to be competent, a person on the job must be able to: PC10. understand and make a separate diagnosis of the distinction of contact with a veterinarian (where required) PC11. to diagnose common diseases and toxins. Help with autopsy. In order to function properly, a person on the job must be able to: PC12. take a history of death and avoid autopsies in the case of suspected Anthrax. PC13. set the test in the appropriate lighting position and in the schedule area. PC14. follow the normal procedure at dissection or as directed by a veterinarian. PC15. collect samples, record routine findings as instructed by a veterinarian

A. Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. relevant government / organizational checkbooks, symptoms etc. KB2. appropriate organizational policy for event reporting / record keeping. KB3. management structure. KB4. the importance and process of looking at / taking history. KB5. use of physical examination and interpreting tools (including electronic) KB6. types / types showing body measurement chart. KB7. an expanded agricultural system, social, environmental / environmental service environment. KB8. basic etiology and routes of transmission of common diseases. KB9. sources of toxins KB10.natural injury from events. Common diseases of KB11 are affected species in the service area. KB12 symptoms of various common diseases. The economic impact of KB13 on common diseases or potential costs to customers / farmer. KB14.point test testing and devices. Laboratory laboratory options to help with a definitive diagnosis. KB16. Fundamentals of autopsy Veterinary Clinical Assistant.
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. prepare a brief case report. SA2. fill in the data / healthcare data. Learning Skills A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read government / organizational guidelines / manuals. SA4. Stay up to date with the latest information on brochures, pamphlets, and other disease-related information sheets. SA5. read references from government / organization / animal managers. Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SA6. discuss task lists, schedules, etc. and colleagues SA7. ask a question and listen to farmers / clients to gather the required data. SA8. provide clear suggestions / guidance to farmers / customers. B. Making a Professional Skills Decision A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do it: SB1. make decisions about the affected workplace based on the information collected and available alternatives. Plan and Edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand: how to make SB2. how to organize a formal look and data collection. SB3. use electronic physical examination tools Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB4. investigate and analyze events. Customer Location The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SB5. develop relationships with the reporting site manager and other senior SB6 officials. listen to and interpret information provided by the site administrator and accountant SB7. work as a team and present during the Problem Solving Framework The user / employee needs to know and understand that:
Providing curative treatment for common animal diseases Veterinary Clinical Assistant:
In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC1. consult a veterinarian at the beginning of the veterinary consultation, the condition of the animals (animals), the number of symptoms, location and economic factors. PC2. the number of pet owners such as the right to co-operation, quality and continuity of services. PC3. contact with pet owners for prescribed treatment, costing, possible side effects, importance of continued treatment, important instructions (including product use) to follow etc. function you should know: PC4. follow the procedures set out in the manual. Control the treatment / intravenous fluid as prescribed by your doctor. In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC5. determine the suitability of the animal’s condition (in the area of care) for the prescribed fluid treatment. PC6. use the required kits, devices e.g. iv catheters PC7. follow the aseptic procedure and comfort of treated animals while they are being treated. Prescribing combined drugs and distributing them as prescribed by a doctor and under the condition of a drug license. In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC8. follow the submission process according to the state drug official’s manual. PC9. follow the guidelines for validity and the scope of use of combined therapies in veterinary medicine including equipment used in such combinations. Manage drugs as directed by your veterinarian. In order to function properly, a person at work must be able to: PC10. prepare / prevent animals from drug treatment. PC11. modify / rebuild prescription drugs (where required) PC12. use the appropriate route / location for administration. PC13. assist the farmer / client to keep records of the provided management Veterinary Clinical Assistant.
Organizational Context (Knowledge of the company / organization and its processes):
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KA1. applicable law, standards, policies, and procedures in the workplace KA2. appropriate health and safety requirements applicable to workplace KA3. your job role and responsibilities and resources about KA4 work. who can request assistance to obtain work-related information, specifications and KA5 funding. the importance of compliance with health, hygiene, safety and quality standards and the impact of non-compliance on consumer and business KA6. documents and related procedures applicable to the context of the work
Technical Knowledge:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand: KB1. relevant government / organizational documents KB2. appropriate organizational policy for event reporting / record keeping. KB3. administrative structure KB4. basic anatomy and posture of animals. KB5. various drug administration routes and precautionary measures to be taken there. KB6. the general category of treatment, its use, general dosage and associated risks include the residual effect on livestock products. KB7. integrated preparations approved for the treatment of animals include the process of integration in such cases with hazardous substances and steps to be taken. KB8. understanding of the public health risk associated with antiretroviral treatment e.g. drug resistance and drug residues etc. KB9. the process of using devices / kits related to treatment / management.
Core Skills/ Generic Skills:
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do this: SA1. prepare a brief case report. SA2. fill in the data / healthcare data. Learning Skills A user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: SA3. read government / organizational guidelines / manuals. SA4. Stay up to date with the latest information by reading brochures, pamphlets, and treatment-related information sheets. SA5. read references from government / organization / animal managers. Oral communication (listening and speaking skills) The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SA6. discuss task lists, schedules, etc. and colleagues SA7. explain to farmers / clients about treatment and post-treatment care. SA8. provide clear suggestions / guidance to farmers / customers
The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to do it: SB1. make decisions regarding the progress of cases handled on the basis of observations. Plan and Edit The user / person at work needs to know and understand: how to make SB2. planning for systemic drug management and related care. SB3. use electronic physical monitoring tools. Analytical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand how to perform: SB4. investigate and evaluate treatment progress. Customer Centricity SB5. to develop relationships with the reporting site manager and other senior SB6 officials. listen to and interpret information provided by the site administrator and accountant SB7. work as a team and present a timetable Problem Solving The user / employee needs to know and understand how to do this: N.A Critical Thinking The user / person at work needs to know and understand: SB9. do his own work and study Veterinary Clinical Assistant.;
Guidelines for Assessment:
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance
Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for
Theory and Skills Practical for each PC Veterinary Clinical Assistant.. - The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
- Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set
of NOS. - Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below). - Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each
examination/training center based on this criterion Veterinary Clinical Assistant. - To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% of aggregate marks to successfully clear
the assessment. - In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack