Vacuum Plant Operator (6 Month Diploma)
Vacuum Plant Operator (6 Month Diploma)

Vacuum Plant Operator: The Vacuum Plant Operator is responsible for
operating the vacuum plant for metalizing film and evacuating moisture from
the wound capacitor.
Brief Job Description: The individual at work operates the vacuum plant to
create vacuum for metalizing loaded films. The individual also runs the
vacuum plant for removing moisture from wound capacitors.
Personal Attributes: The job requires the individual to have: steady hands,
safety and quality orientations. The individual may have to lift heavy weight
Operate the vacuum plant
This unit/task covers the following:
Understand the work requirement
Operate vacuum plant or metalizing film
Operate the vacuum plant for removing moisture from wound capacitor
Undertake preventive maintenance of plant
Achieve productivity and quality of standards
Understanding work requirement

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
understand the day’s work target from superior
read the job sheet for product type, number, shift schedule
collect the film roll or wound capacitor lot in quantities specified
observe material handling and dust-free precautions
Operating plant for metalizing

prepare and clean the vacuum plant oven
load rolls in prescribed sequence and tape them
add zinc or aluminium oxide wire
set speed, vacuum and temperature
start chiller water
make a sample run and test metalizing quality before running the entire lot
run full load after sample checking
maintain ambient temperature, humidity, contamination and dust free
environment as per company’s policy
Operating plant for moisture removal
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
prepare and clean the vacuum plant oven
load coils in the oven
set vacuum, temperature and timer
run the plant for moisture evacuation
maintain ambient temperature, humidity, contamination and dust free
environment as per company’s policy
Checking value of component

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
take samples of capacitor as per sampling plan
mark the samples
document the lot details of the sample
connect terminals of sample capacitor to the capacitance meter and check
value against specified and note variance
Undertaking preventive

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
perform regular cleaning of vacuum plant and work area as prescribed
check program and computer
detect for any damage or defects in the plant
Achieving productivity and quality standards
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
achieve 100% target number to be metalized or vacuumed
ensure component defects are within specified range
ensure even coating
document the outcome of processes
achieve zero unscheduled machine down time
deliver to the next stage on time
. Organizational Contex
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
company’s policies on: incentives, delivery standards and personnel
management and quality
work flow involved in production process of the company
importance of the individual’s role in the workflow
reporting structure
profile of clients
raw material stocking standards
safety and quality standards followed in the organization
Technical Knowledge
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
basic electronics and component identification
practical examples and applications of passive components
basic electrical, AC / DC voltage
different capacitors, their properties and applications
significance of vacuum plant process
basic programming, setting up and loading of the machines
test and measuring instruments for testing various parameters of capacitors
and variance
raw materials, e.g., type of wire or film used and their properties such as
break down voltage, metalizing process
process quality control and costs involved with damages
FIFO system of inventory control
handling of raw materials
traceability back to original materials
routine maintenance of machines and basic repairs
5S standards (sorting, setting, standardise, sustain, shining) + safety, security
commonly occurring machine and component defects
Reading and Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to maintain job sheet, logs and records
to operate computer and machine
to read production schedules and operations manuals
to document the outcome
Communication Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to effectively communicate with the supervisor on the process issues
to effectively communicate maintenance issues to the maintenance personnel
Team work and Multitasking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to be able to work on multiple lots at a time, as instructed
to work as a team and deliver on time to next work process
Reflective Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to reduce repetitive errors
to improve work process
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to promptly resolve problems
to enhance machine performance
Using Test instruments and Machines
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to operate the coating machine and furnace
to use measuring instruments ohm meter, capacitance meter, multi-meter
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to spot process disruptions and delays
to interpret instructions furnished in written, oral or schedule form
Problem solving and Troubleshooting
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to identify and resolve problem during coating, curing and stamping process
to troubleshoot and rectify mechanical problems and reduce unscheduled
down time
Performance Criteria

To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:
understand work requirements by receiving instructions from reporting
understand standard operating procedure of the company
escalate problems that cannot be handled including repetitive PCB defects,
machine failures, potential hazards, process disruptions, repairs and
maintenance of machine
report work completed and receive feedback on work done
resolve personnel issues
rectify errors as per feedback and minimize mistakes to zero in future
communicate about process flow improvements, quality of output, product
defects received from previous process, repairs and maintenance of tools and
machinery as required and find technical solutions on specific issues
handover completed work and deliver the work of expected quality despite
To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to:
collect required spares and raw materials from tool room or stores
deposit unused or faulty materials, parts and tools to stores
assist colleagues where necessary and as per capability
resolve conflicts with colleagues at work to achieve smooth workflow
complete rework in time based on feedback from quality or process
put team over individual goals
Organizational Context

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
company’s policies on: incentives, delivery standards, and personnel
work flow involved in company’s process
importance of the individual’s role in the workflow
reporting structure
Technical Knowledge

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
how to communicate effectively
how to build team coordination
Teamwork and Multitasking

The individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
to deliver product to next work process on time
to share work load as required
Reflective Thinking
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
To reduce repetitive errors and improve work process
Critical Thinking
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
how to spot process disruptions and delays