PMKVY 4.0 courses list 2023-24 (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikash Yojana 4.0)

PMKVY courses list 2023 (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 4.0)

iLEAD Skills - Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)

Introduction :-

1.1 The first version of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) scheme was launched in 2015
to encourage and promote skill development in the country by providing free short duration
skill training and incentivizing this by providing monetary rewards to youth for skill certification.
The overall idea was to boost employability of youth corresponding to the industrial demand.
1.2 After the successful implementation of PMKVY (2015-16) and learnings from the past, PMKVY
2.0 (2016-20) was launched by scaling up sectors, geographies and by greater alignment with other
missions / programs of Government of India such
as ‘Make in India’, ‘Digital India’ and ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’. PMKVY 2.0 is being implemented since
15th July 2016 and was scheduled to be completed by 31st March 2020. The scheme has been
extended for one year for skilling of migrant workers.
1.3 Based on the learnings of PMKVY 2.0 and to reorient the scheme to be in sync with the present
scenario of policy changes and changing priority in different sectors, it is decided to speed up the
implementation of PMKVY 3.0. The scheme shall be implemented in two phases: 1st phase shall be
implemented on pilot basis during the year 2020- 21 known as PMKVY 3.0 (2020-21). The scheme
shall initiate the creation of implementation framework for the second phase (2021-2026) of the
scheme. This Guideline document is meant for the first phase of PMKVY 3.0 (2020-21).
1.4 The scheme shall supplement the support of various schemes being run by the Central and State
Governments, including but not limited to, National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS), MUDRA
loans under Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY), Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National
Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) / Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods
Mission (DAY-NULM), Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and other
similar programs that have goals similar to PMKVY 3.0 for generation of livelihood opportunities for
the candidates trained under the scheme.1.5 A comprehensive mapping of the schemes being
run by Central / State Governments shall be done, in order to create a mechanism for better
convergence, in a phased manner, with PMKVY 3.0.This will ensure a greater linkage of the schemes
with the skills ecosystem.

Objectives of PMKVY 4.0 (2023-24)

The objectives of the scheme are to:
2.1 Create an ecosystem for the youth to make informed choices on the available skilling avenues.
2.2 Provide support to youth for skill training and certification.
2.3 Promote sustainable Skill Centres for greater participation of private sector.
2.4 Benefit 8 lakh youth over the scheme period(2020-21).

Approach to roll out of PMKVY 4.0 :-

3.1 The basic premise for the scheme is to create skilled and certified workforce, who not only contribute
towards the growth of India but also drive the country into becoming the global skills capital. To
achieve this more holistically, significant core and peripheral reforms have been envisaged for the
implementation approach for the scheme. With the limited window available for implementation,
the focus of the scheme shall be to create detailed framework for the new provisions and pilot them
for larger roll out in the second phase of the scheme.
3.2 The core principles of the scheme shall be as
3.2.1 Trainee / learner-centric from the earlier training provider-driven model.
3.2.2 Planning from below, with District-level plans being the fundamental instruments
for implementation.
3.2.3 Enhance the role of State / UTs in entire implementation process of the scheme.
Strengthening District Skill Committees (DSCs), State Skill Development Missions
(SSDMs) /State Directorate of Technical Education or Skill Development through
handholding, strategic and funding support.
3.2.4 Create a pool of certified trainers for which direct funding shall be provided for the
Training of Trainers (ToT) programs.
3.2.5 Major focus on up-skilling / re-skilling with a focus on future skills (industry 4.0)
courses to increase productivity of existing workforce.
3.2.6 Focus on Online / Digital mode of Training for wider coverage.
3.2.7 Introduce significant reforms in assessment ecosystem which would include Common
Assessment Centres (CACs) and the use of online assessments tools.
3.2.8 Large scale grass-root publicity (including Booklet and Pamphlet distribution) Media
Campaigns /Awareness Programs shall be undertaken.
3.3 To support the scheme to achieve its objectives, the following support structure has been planned:
3.3.1 Initiate creation of nodal skill information and service centres at the district level.
3.3.2 Create awareness about skill development
training and mobilizing youth to take upskill training and become employable to
earn their livelihood.
3.3.3 Skill gap survey and analysis on a continuous basis to address the industry
needs and contemporary market demand. 3.3.4 Encourage further standardisation through
the complete training process and create a registry of skills.
3.3.5 Strive to create state-of-the-art and sustainable skill Training Centres.
3.3.6 Encourage Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) to create Centres of Excellence (CoE).
3.3.7 Private sector participation in the PMKVY
3.0 to be further encouraged with a greater focus on training in industries .

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, PMKVY

Implementation Strategy :-

6.1 The scheme envisages working more closely with the State and District machineries through
SSDMs and DSCs. DSCs would be playing a pivotal role under the guidance of SSDMs in PMKVY
3.0. In addition to mobilization, counselling and batch-formation, DSCs would also be involved in
monitoring and supervision of the scheme at the district level, coordinating with nodal and other ITIs
for implementation of STT, provide post-training support including handholding for placements /
self-employment, verification of placements and grievance redressal. Table 2 outlines the roles.

Financial Management :-

The General Financial Rules (GFR) shall be followed by SSDM and NSDC in regards to
PMKVY 3.0. NSDC and SSDM shall adhere to the Guidelines regarding expenditure and
submission of Utilization Certificates (UCs).Funds under the scheme will be transacted
under Public Financial Management System(PFMS) platform. Direct monetary rewards as
paid to the candidates shall be done through PFMS linking with Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
Bharat Portal.

Features under PMKVY 4.0 :-

12.1 The scheme will be aligned with Common Cost Norms and National Skill Qualification
Framework (NSQF). The amendment in these will be effective after approval from Steering
Committee constituted under the scheme. 12.2 Payment to Training Providers will be broken
into tranches namely 30% on commencement of training batches, 40% on successful
certification and 30% on placement verification subject to revisions by Common Cost Norms
committee. Other incentives like boarding & lodging, post-placement support, conveyance
and other support will be as per Common Cost Norms.
12.3 A candidate may enroll not more than twice for training under PMKVY in the same sector
(the second time to be for a higher NSQF aligned job role only), or, for a fresh training of a
different course in the scheme, provided there is a six month gap between the certification
date of the first course and batch start date of the subsequent course. The payout against
such candidates (which include payouts to candidates, PIAs and SSCs) shall only be given
for enrolment, for a maximum of two job roles. 12.4 A special research cell shall be created at NSDC
for continuous matching of demand and supply and strengthening the Aatmanirbhar Skilled
Employee-Employer Mapping (ASEEM) portal. 12.5 SSCs or other suitable institutions shall be
encouraged to create Centres of Excellence (CoE) which shall act as the master training and
resource centre for that sector. The plan is to setup at least one CoE for each sector.
12.6 Further, a phase-wise introduction of vocational courses in schools shall be initiated.

Branding :-

Branding is an important aspect of communicating the scheme. All the Training
Centres need to brand their respective centres with collaterals for promotional activities in
accordance with these Guidelines. The Training Centres shall also promote activities conducted
at their centres on various social media platforms. The Branding and Communications
Guidelines of the scheme shall be issued separately.

IT Support :-

1 NSDC shall provide the IT and technical support for the implementation of both Central and
State component of the scheme. Broadly, there are three stages of the training, i.e. pretraining (centre accreditation, target allocation,candidate registration and enrolment), training and post-training (placement, placement
tracking). Since each of these activities would require support from multiple stakeholders, the
IT architecture would be designed to support the scheme.

Administrative Structure of the Scheme :-

Steering Committee: A Steering Committee shall be constituted by MSDE, at the apex
level, for broad policy direction, framing operational Guidelines, and dynamic fixation
of targets with corresponding reallocation of funds between CSCM and CSSM and between
STT, RPL and Special Projects beyond the powers of the Executive Committee,
periodic review, monitoring and mid-course correction.
9.2 Executive Committee: An Executive Committee shall be constituted for
overseeing the regular functioning of the scheme, recommending to
Steering Committee any policy or operational corrections for improving the
implementation of PMKVY 3.0, reviewing and approving of proposals in accordance
with the Guidelines or any other functions as deemed fit by Steering Committee.
9.3 Composition of Steering Committee and Executive Committee: Steering Committee
shall be chaired by the Secretary, MSDE. Executive Committee shall be chaired by
the Additional /Joint Secretary, MSDE.

PMKVY: Know Scheme Details, Budget, Key Components, Full Form

Components of the Scheme :-

Under the proposed scheme, skill training will
be imparted into three categories, namely:
10.1.1 Short Term Training (STT): The training under the STT courses
generally range between 200-600 hours (2 to 6 months). The courses
are National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) aligned and
imparted at accredited & affiliated Training Centres. School / college
dropouts or unemployed youth of Indian nationality shall benefit from
the scheme. Successfully certified candidates shall be provided placement
/entrepreneurship / apprenticeship assistance.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): RPL enables Indian youth to obtain
industry-relevant skill certification. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills can register
themselves and get assessed and certified under the RPL component of the scheme. RPL mainly focuses on the
individuals engaged in unregulated sectors. The duration of the training / orientation under RPL ranges between12-80 hours.
10.1.3 Special Projects: This component is meant for projects that require some deviation from the terms and
conditions of Short-Term Training under PMKVY depending on special needs
in terms of geography, demography and social groups. Special Projects
component envisages training in special areas and / or premises of
Government institutions, Corporates or Industry bodies, and trainings pertaining to special job roles that
are not defined under the available Qualification Packs (QPs) / National Occupational Standards (NOSs).
Financial outlay and physical target for the Special Projects will be the part of STT component of scheme .

PMKVY 3.0 courses list 2021 (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 3.0)

PMKVY Courses list is amended by the Government time to time and here we bring you the latest list of PMKVY courses being offered at present in India. Pradhan mantri kousal vikas yojna or PMKVY is an ambitious skill training scheme of NDA government. Under the PMKVY, the central government provides skill training courses in different industrial verticals through authorized training centers.

The new final PMKVY courses list (2018-2020) was released by the Ministry on 03 March 2019. The number of courses in the new list has been reduced to just 165 from 577 earlier while some new industry verticals have been introduced taking total to 28. However the total job roles for both the schemes (Recognition of Prior Learning and Short Term Learning) are more as per the official website.

PMKVY Courses List 2023 & Job Roles

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana at present is offering courses in different industry verticals through 34 Skill Councils. At present there are 165 job roles available with 28 skill councils (instead of earlier 577 Job roles available with 31 skill councils) for which the courses are being offered across the nation.

is a skill development initiative scheme of the government of india for recognition and standardisation of skills.

The aim of the pmkvy scheme is to encourage aptitude towards employable skills and to increase working efficiency of probable and existing daily wage earners, by giving monetary awards and rewards and by providing quality training to them. Average award amount per person has been kept as ₹8,000 (US$110). Those wage earners already possessing a standard level of skill will be given recognition as per scheme and average award amount for them is ₹2000 to ₹2500. In the initial year, a target to distribute ₹15 billion (US$210 million) has been laid down for the scheme. Training

programmes have been worked out on the basis of National Occupational Standards (NOS) and qualification packs specifically developed in various sectors of skills. For this qualification plans and quality plans have been developed by various Sector Skill Councils (SSC) created with participation of Industries. National Skill Development Council (NSDC) has been made coordinating and driving agency for the same.[4]

An outlay of ₹120 billion (US$1.7 billion) has been approved by the cabinet for this project.[5] The scheme has a target to train 1 crore Indian youth from 2016-20.[5] As of 18 July 2016, 17.93 lakh candidates were trained out of 18 lakh who enrolled for the scheme

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