What is Udaan Project? Best NSDC Course

Udaan Project

udaan project, the Special Industry Initiative (SII) for J&K is funded by Ministry of Home Affairs and implemented by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). The programme is a part of the overall initiative for addressing economic issues in J&K. While steps are being taken by the State and Central Government to revive economic activity in J&K, Udaan programme is a special initiative to address the needs of the educated unemployed in J&K. Udaan program is focused on youth of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) who are graduate, post graduate and three year diploma engineers. The aim is to provide skills and job opportunities to the youth. Simultaneously, the aim is also to provide exposure to corporate India towards the rich talent pool available in J&K. The target was to reach out to 40,000 youth in J&K over a period of 5 years. It was observed that youth from J&K were unable to find employment in many companies as either they were unaware of the opportunity in the companies or the companies were unaware of the talent pool that existed in J&K. The principal focus of the Udaan programme is to create an ecosystem that would bridge this gap. The Udaan programme is designed to encourage corporates to travel to J&K meet with the youth and hire aspiring youth in J&K who wish to explore the opportunity to work with corporates. Udaan provides a framework of support to the youth to travel, undergo training in firms and transit to work.Udaan has two objectives.

udaan project

udaan project is a Special Industry Initiative for Jammu & Kashmir in the nature of partnership between the corporates of India and Ministry of Home Affairs and implemented by National Skill Development Corporation. The programme aims to provide skills training and enhance the employability of unemployed youth of J&K. The Scheme covers graduates, post graduates and three year engineering diploma holders. It has two objectives:
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(i) To provide an exposure to the unemployed graduates to the best of Corporate India;

  • (ii) To provide Corporate India, an exposure to the rich talent pool available in the State.

The key stakeholders are:

  • Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) – Chief Benefactors
  • State Government (Jammu & Kashmir)
  • Corporates – Training Partners
  • Implementation Agency (IA) NSDC

The Scheme aims to cover 40,000 youth of J&K over a period of five years and Rs. 750 crore has been earmarked for implementation of the scheme over a period of five years to cover other incidental expenses such as travel cost, boarding and lodging, stipend and travel and medical insurance cost for the trainees and administration cost. Further corporates are eligible for partial reimbursement of training expense incurred for the candidates who have been offered jobs.

  1. Background of udaan project
    Based on the recommendation of the Expert Group constituted by the Prime Minister
    under the chairmanship of Dr. C. Rangarajan, the Government of India launched the
    Scheme Special Industry Initiative for Jammu & Kashmir in the nature of partnership
    between the corporates of India and Ministry of Home Affairs. The corporates, in course
    of implementation of the Scheme, encountered several difficulties such as duration of
    training, payment mechanism, rigidity in the apportionment of different components of
    training cost etc. The Committee of Secretaries deliberated on the issue. Based on the
    recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries and the feedback from other
    agencies, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) in its meeting held on
    24.1.2013 approved proposal for revision in the norms for the Scheme. The guideline
    for implementation of the Scheme is issued as follows:
  2. Name, Extent & Operation
    (i) The Scheme shall be known as Special Industry Initiative for J&K christened as
    SII, J&K and will be titled as „Udaan‟.
    (ii) The scheme is extended to only the State of Jammu & Kashmir which has
    commenced into operation from 07.11.2011.
  3. Objective
    The programme aims to provide skills training and enhance the employability of
    unemployed youth of J&K. The Scheme will cover graduates, post graduates,
    professional degree holders and three year engineering diploma holders. It has two
    (i) To provide an exposure to the unemployed graduates to the best of Corporate
    (ii) To provide Corporate India, an exposure to the rich talent pool available in the
  4. Definitions
    In this Guidelines, unless the context otherwise requires-
    (i) Government means Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
    (ii) State Government means Government of Jammu & Kashmir.
    (iii) Corporate mean an affiliation, alliance, association, business, company,
    concern, trust registered under Law and which can sue or be sued.
    (iv) Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) – Such corporate or legal entities created or
    controlled by Government of India to undertake commercial activities,
    (v) Training means acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result
    of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to
    specific useful competencies.
    (vi) Campus means ground and buildings of educational and training institutions.
    (vii) Educational Institution (EI) means any college, professional institutes,
    universities, Institutes of Technology including polytechnics and such
    specialized schools or Institutes of Higher education, vocational school of
    academy giving a degree of graduation recognized by an agency duly
    authorized under law.
    (viii) Implementing agency (IA) means an agency appointed by the MHA for the
    purpose of implementation of the Scheme.
    (ix) Graduate means a person who has completed the requirement of a degree
    studied at the institution which is recognized by a university or such entity
    created under law to confer them.
    (x) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means efforts of a corporate to manage
    the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society by
    contributing to the social and economic development.
    (xi) Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) means the committee constituted to add
    and assist for evaluating the proposal submitted under the Scheme.
    (xii) Project Approval Committee (PAC) means a Committee constituted by MHA to
    approve the proposal based on the recommendation of IA.
  5. Qualification for Target Audience
    A person shall be qualified for being appointed as a trainee under Udaan if he or she is
    (i) Resident of the State of Jammu and Kashmir
    (ii) More than 18 years of age and less than 40 years of age on the date of
    (iii) Is a graduate, post-graduate, professional degree holder or a three year
    engineering diploma holder or student in the final year of graduation
    (iv) Unemployed on the date of joining
  6. Target
    Following targets have been set:-
    (i) Physical: The Scheme aims to cover 40,000 youth of J&K over a period of five
    (ii) Financial: Rs. 750.00 crore has been earmarked for implementation of the
    scheme over a period of five years.
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  7. Implementing Agency (IA)
    Ministry of Home Affairs may engage such agency which it considers fit for purpose of
    implementation of the Scheme.
    Note: At present, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), a not-for-profit
    company set up by the Ministry of Finance, under Section 25 of the Companies Act has
    been authorized to implement the Scheme.
  8. Period of Training and Skill Up-gradation
    (i) It shall be for a minimum of three months to a maximum of six months
    depending upon the profile and requirement of the corporate engaged for the
    (ii) The duration may be increased to nine months by Project Approval Committee
    (PAC) on a request of the corporate.
  9. Location of Training
    (i) The training will invariably be conducted outside the State of J&K.
    (ii) Based on the requirement and request of the corporate on the
    recommendations of PEC and IA, PAC may allow the training within the State
    of J&K from case to case basis.
  10. Implementation Mechanism
    (i) IA will engage with all the stakeholders such as target audience, Corporates,
    State Government, and MHA and bring them on a single platform for achieving
    the objectives of the scheme.
    (ii) Website: IA shall host a website for implementation of this programme. The
    website will feature the following:
    a. Details of the scheme and its guidelines;
    b. On line registration portal for the target audience;
    c. Format for submission of the proposal by the corporate;
    d. Monitoring formats;
    e. Draft template of MoU to be signed by NSDC and participating entities;
    f. List of colleges, universities, institutions of Jammu & Kashmir;
    g. Universities, colleges, professional institutions etc.
    h. Name and telephone numbers of the Nodal department of the State
    Government and nodal officers appointed by the State Government at
    i. Details of participating corporates;
    j. Development and progress of the Scheme
    k. Success stories;
    l. Any other information considered appropriate for furtherance of the
    objective of the Scheme
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    (iii) Any eligible person desirous of joining the Udaan Scheme for improving his
    skill and employability may get registered online for being considered by the
    Corporate. IA will facilitate access to such registered candidates to the
    corporate who have joined the scheme for implementation, through the online
    Note: The registration however will not confer any right to registered person for
    being considered for selection.
    (iv) Engagement with Corporates: The Ministry of Home Affairs and the IA will
    engage with identified corporates and motivate them to identify different
    places in the State of J&K as their recruitment centre for selection of
    unemployed youth on and off campus.
    (v) Submission of Proposal by Corporate or PSU: Corporate desirous to participate
    in the programme will submit its proposal to IA in the prescribed format as
    given in Annexure I.
    (vi) Examination of the Proposal: After receipt of the proposal from the
    corporates, IA will get the proposal examined through PEC on the technical and
    financial aspects of the proposal. While appraising the proposal, due diligence
    shall be made to scrutinize the viability of the proposal in terms of its
    credentials, training capacity, completion of the programme, improving the
    employability of target audience, employment opportunities, offer of pay
    package, sustainability of job so offered to the trainees etc.
    (vii) PEC & Evaluation of the Proposal: PEC shall be constituted to evaluate the
    proposals sub mitted by the corporate. Its composition will be as follows:
    a. Representatives from IA – Chairperson
    b. Director, Employment, Govt. Of J&K – Member
    c. Representatives from Due Diligence partner – Member
    d. IA may opt to have a representative from MHA at the meeting of PEC, if so
    considered by them.
    (viii) PAC & Approval of the Proposal: The proposal appraised by IA through PEC,
    will be placed before PAC constituted as follows:
    a. Joint Secretary ( Kashmir), MHA – Chairperson
    b. Representative from the State Government – Member
    c. Former Secretary General PHDCCI – Member
    d. CEO, IA – Member Secretary
    & Convener
    (ix) PAC after due deliberation will approve the proposal or may call for further
    information, as deem fit for approving the proposal. IA will put the decision of
    the PAC to its Board for information.
    (x) Signing of MoU: Following the approval of proposal by the PAC, a MoU shall be
    signed between IA and Corporate. In case of PSUs or for non financial
    commitments from private corporates, a letter awarding the work will be
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    issued by IA. The IA may have the right to amend the standard MoU, and the
    changes shall be put up to the PAC for information.
  11. Training
    (i) The venue, curriculum and duration of training will be decided by the corporate
    based on the profile and requirement of the organization for improving the skill
    and employability of target audience.
    (ii) The incidental expenses of training i.e. cost of travel, boarding & lodging,
    stipend, medical insurance etc will be governed by the financial norms as
    provided in these guidelines.
  12. Role and Responsibilities of ‘Udaan’ Partners
    (i) State Government:
    The State Government will
    (a) Enable and facilitate the visit of team of Corporate through its different
    institutions such as Nodal Departments, District Administration, Universities,
    Colleges etc. It will make an endeavor to make Corporates and its team feels at
    home and secure during their visit to the different potential places of States for
    recruitment purpose.
    (b) Notify a Nodal Department called the „state nodal Department‟ for
    implementation of the scheme. The department so notified will be responsible for
    liaising with the IA, corporate and the Educational Institution including the
    Employment Exchanges for bringing the Corporate and the Target Audience on a
    single platform.
    (c) Notify the name, telephone and mobile number of nodal officer and the same
    shall be uploaded on the website of „Udaan‟ hosted by IA, Nodal Department of
    the State Government and EI‟s.
  1. (d) Provide opportunity of selection to off campus unemployed youth also
    whether enrolled in the Employment Exchange or not, for participating in the
    selection process undertaken by the corporate at the designated venue.
    (e) Ensure verification of selected candidates to be completed within 15 days
    from the date of receipt of the list from Corporate. An endeavor will be made to
    ensure that the date fixed by the corporates for starting their training is not
    compromised on account of poor turnout of selected candidates due to pendency
    of verification of selected candidates.
    (ii) Corporate:
    The Corporate having entered into a MoU with IA, will
    (a) Depute its team to the different campuses for identification and selection of
    the candidates from the target audience in terms of approval given by PAC.
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    (b) Make their plan of visit notified to the Target audience, Educational
    Institutes, IA and the state government with a copy to MHA. The visit shall be
    widely publicized by the visiting Corporates and EI‟s well in advance through
    different medium such as print/ electronic media, notice board, website, posters,
    hoardings etc. The medium of publicity shall be adopted by Corporate in
    consultation with the Nodal Officer of the State Government/Head of the
    (c) Notify a Contact Liaison Officer to the selected candidates for communication
    between each other.
    (d) Notify to the selected candidates about the commencement of the training,
    training centers, transport, accommodation, duration of training, briefing about
    the places etc. It shall also provide the check list of do‟s/don‟t to be observed
    during training/employment.
    (e) Forward the list of selected candidates to the Authority designated by the
    State Government for verification of their antecedents.
    (f) Facilitate the visit of selected candidates for training from the place of origin
    in J&K to the training destination.
    (iii) Educational Institutions (EI):
    Every such institution will,
    (a) Provide a venue in its campus to the Corporates and other stake holders of
    the programme for selection process.
    (b) Advertise the visit of Corporate and its selection process as notified by them
    and extend all help and assistance as needed,
    (c) Provide for requirement of infrastructure like computers, dongle for internet
    etc through the computer labs of the Institutions.
  2. Nodal Officers
    Two categories of nodal officers shall be appointed by the state government,
    Category 1: State Nodal Officer
    Category 2: Nodal officers at EI/Employment Exchange (EE)
    (i) State Govt., the Deputy Commissioners, Educational Institutions shall designate
    their Nodal Officers to work in close coordination with „Udaan‟ partners.
    (ii) The name, telephone and mobile numbers of such nodal officer shall be
    uploaded on the website of „Udaan‟ hosted by IA, and nodal department of the
    State Government and Educational Institutions.
  3. Udaan trainees will be paid minimum Rs 2500/- per month as stipend during the training
    period. The corporates may supplement the amount as per their policy.
  4. Health Safety and Welfare of Trainee
    The trainees will be covered with travel/medical- accident insurance against travel
    exigencies, accidents and illnesses@ Rs 1500/ person.
  5. Conduct, Hour of Training, Leave and Holidays
    The trainee shall be governed by the rules and regulation for conduct and discipline
    hours of training, leave and holidays as prescribed by the Corporate from time to time
    for training purpose.