Free Fashion Designer Course Diploma (1 Year)
Free Fashion Designer Course Diploma(6 Year)

Free Fashion Designer Course Diploma(1 Year) know about this course click the photo mention bellow :-
Free Fashion Designer Course Diploma/ Fashion Designer course total free of coast. No Charge will taken form candidate .
Free Fashion Designer Course Diploma There is few Terms & Conditions or advantage to take a admission total free of cost mention bellow :-
- Any one can take admission in this course, but you should have to remain your age must be 18-50 years.
2) Total Duration of this Course 7 Months (720 Hours ) This Time every Students have To Complete minimum 80% Bio metric attendance of total duration of course .We will Count Attendance Bio metric or Finger Print only .
If you unable to complete your attendance 80% by any reason then your admit card will be not issue to attend your exam and you will counted as a irregular student.
3)Classes are divided in three time schedule
a) First Batch (Morning Batch) 8:00 am to 12:00 pm,
b) 2nd Batch (Day Batch) 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
c) 3rd Batch (Evening Batch) 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm .
You have to choose any one schedule time .
4) Every Day class will run for 4 Hours . Within 4 Hours 2 hours will Theory class and 2 Hours will Practical class. Between both time you will got 30 minute Break time & after Break your class will continue.
5)Within The Class You Will Get Rs 50/Day By Government for your pocket money to maintain your traveling cost.
6) And the certificate will provided by central government and as well as your state government too.
Your certificate is valid not only India Its also Valid 129 Countries which are already collaborate with our Indian Government. Only for that after Complete your course you have to get a opportunities to start your better carrier in International.
7)After complete the course you will get a job on Reputed Company , Example – Raymond , Mantra ,Alexander McQueen Fashion, Fashion design. …Armani Fashion, Fashion design, Leisure. … ASMclothing Clothing, Fashion design. … Christian Dior S.A. Retail, Fashion design. … etc ..
Free Fashion Designer Course Diploma Syllabus
Total Duration
Theory Duration
Practical Duration
Overview on Leather Industry and Generic Skills 1
1- Introduction to Leather Industry and Stitching Operator (Goods and Garment s) 3
2- Hazards, Safety and Health 12
3 – Workplace Skills 22
Carry out St td1ing Operation to Produce Leather Goods and Garments (LSS/N5501)
Unit 2.1- Basic Preparation for Stitching
Unit 2.2 – Stitching Operation
Maintain the Wot( Area, Tools and Machines (L5S/N8501)
Unit 3.1- Maintain the Work Area, Tools and Machines
Contribute to Achieving Product
Synching Processes (LSS/N5502)
Unit 4.1- Quality and Standards
Maintain Health, Safety and Security at Workplace (l5S/N8601)
Unit 5.1- Comply with Health, Safety and Security at Workplace
Comply Industry, Regu1atory and Organizational Requirements (LSS/N8701)
Unit 6.1- Legal, Regulatory and Organizational Requirements
Employability & Entrepreneurship
1- Personal Strengths & Value Systems
2– Digital Literacy: A Recap
3 – Money Matters
4- Preparing for Employment & Self Employment5 – Understanding Entrepreneurship
Unit 7.6 – Pre pa ring to bean Entrepreneur
Annexure I – Training Delivery Plan
Annexure II – Assessment Criteria

To know about Admission click on the Video
More Details
Free Fashion Designer Course Diploma Unique Equipment Required:-
Computer & Computer Peripherals ,First aid box & Fire Extinguisher ,Design
software’s (Coral, photoshop etc.),Printer ,Mannequin(Male or female , Size M)
Sewing Machine with tables (domestic or industrial SNLS as per
requirement),Stools for sewing depending on no. of machines ,Over lock
Machine (5 thread over lock machine) with stool, Cleaning cloth, Embroidery
machine with stool and table, Press/iron (any type) with table, Machine tool
kit, Garment , Made ups and Home Furnishing Samples (may vary)
Drawing Board (any size wooden),Types Of Scales: normal straight big ruler,
hip curve, leg shaper, pattern master, French curve. ”Sewing kit (Includes thread clipper/hand ,trimmer, seam ripper, fabric cutting ,scissors, tracing
wheel, measuring tape etc. )”,Machine tool kit (screw driver, screw etc.)
Machine oil, Machine Needle and hand needles(Various Gauges),embroidery
needles, Attachments for sewing machine ,Button hole scissor
Hand notched (pattern notched),Sewing Threads (Surplus thread is used .The
quantity , thread packaging, variety may vary as per requirement) ,
embroidery thread as per , Bobbins ( may vary),Bobbin case ( may
vary),Hanger (wooden and plastic material),Embroidery frame (various sizes
and shapes qtr. may vary),Fabric Yardages, surplus fabric ,good quality
muslin mandatory , other optional, may vary),Trim/Accessory buttons,
surface embellishment, zippers etc. assorted , may vary) ,Pin Cushion
(quantity may vary as per requirement),Dustbin, Boxes and pouches for
storing Items, Pattern Table /cutting table, Stools for cutting, Student’s Chair
(with Table Arm),Teacher’s Table, Teacher’s Chair ,Push Pins (quantity may
vary as per requirement),Dress Maker’s Pin (quantity may vary as per
requirement),Fabric Pins, Highlighter (quantity may vary as per requirement)
Pencil (HB, 2B, H, 2H, 4H,4B, 6B, 8B),Eraser, Note books ,Sharpener,
Carbon Paper ( Various Colors),Design Transferring Paper, Paper Cutter,
Pattern Drafting Paper, Paper ( Various quality and sizes),Labels & Stickers
(Qty may vary as per requirement),Scissors ( plastic handled scissor for
cutting paper ),Pinking Shears, Marking Chalk ( yellow/pink/ green/ blue
colored),Tailor’s Chalk, Carbon paper ( A4, yellow, red and white carbon)
,Color ( Poster color, Water color, Acrylics, Pastels, fabric printing dyes
and colors and materials etc.),Paint Brushes ( different sizes),Stapler (small
and big size),Glue Stick/Favicon/Adhesive, Fabric Glue, Cello-Tape (
Transparent and Foam Double sided tapes, Single sided tapes),Punching
Machine, Magnetic White Board/black board Eraser ,Blackboard/Whiteboard
White /Black Board Marker ,Pantone Shade Card Fashion Forecasting
Books/Journals/Magazines ,Buyer Requirement/ comment Sheet,
Measurement Sheet/ Size Chart ,Trims/Accessory /fabric and embroideries
samples/swatch file, Tech Pack/ Specification Sheet, Chalk &marker (Chalks
& markers of different colors) ,Dexterity Test Kit, Sewing Machine tool kit
Students Note.
Free Fashion Designer Course Diploma Placement Companies
Raymond , Mantra ,Alexander McQueen Fashion, Fashion design. …Armani Fashion, Fashion design, Leisure. … ASMclothing Clothing, Fashion design. … Christian Dior S.A. Retail, Fashion design. … etc ..