Foreman – Electrician works ( 6 month course)
Foreman – Electrician works click here
Brief Job Description
This job role is responsible for conducting installation, repair, and maintenance of critical electrical
connections/ equipment or machineries while planning and utilizing resources to meet electrical work
requirements at construction sites or permanent structures.

Personal Attributes
The Foreman – Electrician works (Construction) is expected to be physically fit to work across various
locations with varied environmental conditions. The person should be organized, diligent, methodical,
safety-conscious, and a prompt decision-maker. In addition to being a team player, the individual should
have good communication skills.
Monitor regular electrical works (installation, maintenance and repairing) at a construction site
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor regular electrical works (installation,
maintenance and repairing) in construction sites
The scope covers the following :
Monitor and check wiring / connections for LV works at a construction site.
Conduct installation/ maintenance of construction equipment and machineries
Elements and Performance Criteria
Monitor and check wiring / connections for LV works at a construction site
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ensure the periodic preventive maintenance of electrical wiring, cables, equipment and
fixtures deployed at construction site, under safe conditions
PC2. ensure materials, fixtures and devices used in repairing/ maintenance works are ISI certified
PC3. inspect completed LV electrical arrangements to ensure its compliance with specifications,
and applicable statutory and HSE requirements
PC4. ensure the safe working of lighting arrangements and its components
PC5. conduct periodical checks/ tests of insulation, joints, termination of wires and cables, safety
of isolation etc. to ensure safe working of wiring systems
PC6. diagnose malfunctioning of wiring systems, circuits, temporary panels and its components,
using appropriate measuring equipment and hand tools
PC7. perform troubleshooting and take corrective actions for emergency repairs in case of short
circuit or malfunction in wiring systems, temporary electrical panels or lighting arrangements
Conduct installation/maintenance of construction equipment and machineries
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. conduct scheduled maintenance of power and diagnostic tools as per manufacturer’s
guidelines, to ensure their proper functioning
PC9. develop hand sketches relevant to electrical circuit diagrams using standard wiring symbols
as per work requirement
PC10. coordinate the electrical works by providing instructions/ directions for their timely
completion as per specification, guidelines and safety norms
PC11. conduct periodic/scheduled calibrations of testing equipment to ensure their serviceability
PC12. conduct installation, electrical maintenance and repair of equipment like electrical
distribution panels and its accessories, common construction equipment like bar
cutting/bending machine, different types of pumps used in construction sites, transformers
and tower cranes etc.
PC13. ensure safe isolation and proper termination of cables at power source and equipment
PC14. prepare schedule of maintenance for common equipment and machineries such as motor,
bar cutting/ bending machines, vibrators, tower cranes etc.
PC15. conduct periodic checks for adverse situation like vicinity of water, fire prior, during and after
establishing any electrical system
PC16. ensure proper earthing of electrical circuits as per relevant specifications and manufacturer’s

PC17. conduct trial run and obtain clearance from respective authority relevant to electrical works
prior to working of the equipment
PC18. ensure upkeep of valuable electrical fixtures and perform checks at electrical stores to
ensure their safe condition
PC19. prepare data sheet, report and document readings as per applicability based on
organizational procedures
PC20. ensure electrical safety of workers, equipment, materials and fixtures by adopting standard
safe working procedures at workplace as per organizational norms
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. standard practices for monitoring regular electrical works
KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing relevant tools, equipment, and
materials required for relevant works in accordance with organizational norms
KU3. importance of personal protection including the use of related safety gears & equipment in
accordance with organizational norms
KU4. service request procedures for tools, materials and equipment as per organizational norms
KU5. procedure for maintenance of tools and equipment
KU6. guidelines provided in Indian Standard code of practices applicable for establishing and
inspecting electrical wiring works
KU7. statutory guidelines provided by ISI for LV wiring operations
KU8. principles of electrical theory as applied to electrical circuits and wiring systems
KU9. electrical safety norms as per standard practice and organizational policy
KU10. drawings and SLDs related to schematics for single and three phase wiring system
KU11. developing electrical drawings using appropriate symbols and abbreviations as per standard
KU12. estimating the required material quantity from electrical drawings
KU13. sequencing of electrical works to be carried out depending upon requirement of construction
KU14. acceptance criteria of electrical materials, devices, fixtures and protective arrangements
KU15. how to verify authentication of ISI mark provided with electrical materials, fixtures and
KU16. electrical isolation procedures and their applications in LV electrical works
KU17. area of application, properties and specification of electrical protective devices, AC & DC
circuits, electrical panels and power distribution through the same
KU18. three phase connections and its distribution at construction sites
KU19. procedure of troubleshooting in 3 phase connections
KU20. working principle, components, troubleshooting and repair of complex electrical circuits,
electrical panels, transformers, generators
KU21. working principle and connection of AC single phase and AC three phase motors,
submersible pumps and their maintenance
KU22. use of starters such as DOL, Star Delta, Step down Transformer starter
KU23. line and phase voltage, current and power in a 3 phase circuits with balanced and
unbalanced load
KU24. principle of different methods of earthing. i.e. Pipe, Plate, etc.
KU25. measurement of earth resistance by earth tester, testing of earth Leakage by ELCB and
relay, etc.

KU26. use of electrical power tools, measuring and diagnostic tools in electrical circuits and their
KU27. standards procedure of storing, stacking electrical tools and equipment
KU28. methods and techniques of inspection that are approved by the organization
KU29. calibration schedule and calibration of equipment and authorization procedures as per the
organization policy
KU30. quality control systems and site documentation procedures for electrical connections
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. write in at least one language, preferably in the local language of the site
GS2. read sketches, instructions provided for the work, and various signboards, safety rules,
safety tags, exit route information in one or more languages, preferably in the local language
of the site
GS3. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS4. communicate orally and effectively with team members
GS5. analyze the safety aspect of the workplace
GS6. plan work and organize required resource effectively
GS7. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality parameters
GS8. resolve any conflict within the teammates
GS9. evaluate the complexity of the tasks
GS10. identify any violation of safety norms during the work
Establish electrical connections during erection of plant and
heavy construction machineries
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish electrical connections during erection of
plant and heavy construction machineries
The scope covers the following :
Organize resources prior to electrification of heavy machineries
Conduct electrification of heavy plant and machineries at construction site
Elements and Performance Criteria
Organize resources prior to electrification of heavy machineries
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ascertain electrical requirement of the machinery to be installed by interpreting
manufacturer’s guidelines
PC2. estimate the material requirements from electrical drawings/ diagrams as per standard
practices, and pass on the same to senior authority after validating with store
PC3. perform visual inspection of available materials to ascertain their specification and physical

PC4. coordinate with superiors for allocation of desired manpower
Conduct electrification of heavy plant and machineries at construction site
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. provide inputs in planning and preparing work schedules for erection of heavy machineries
PC6. ensure completion of preparatory works and availability of safety devices at workplace, prior
to installation works
PC7. inspect electrical isolation at the main and secondary power source as per safe and standard
PC8. inspect electrical panels and transformers to ensure conformance to manufacturer’s
specification, compatibility of devices, power ratings of devices etc. as per electrical safety
PC9. erect and activate electrical panels for power source as per requirement
PC10. connect machinery and power source as per requirement
PC11. install earthing arrangement and protective devices at appropriate locations as per
manufacturer’s guidelines
PC12. ensure safe joining (straight through joint) and termination of cables as per standard
PC13. conduct trail run and electrical tests using appropriate measuring and diagnostic devices to
ensure safe working of plant and machineries
PC14. check panels, transformers, machineries for distribution system failure
PC15. conduct preventive maintenance of electrical panels and electrical machinery parts as per
PC16. ensure electrical safety of workers, equipment, materials and fixtures by adopting standard
safe working procedures
PC17. prepare field reports and hand sketches for documentation of related works as per
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. standard practices for establishing electrical connections during erection of plant and heavy
construction machinery
KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing relevant tools, equipment, and
materials required for relevant works in accordance with organizational norms
KU3. importance of personal protection including the use of related safety gears and equipment in
accordance with organizational norms
KU4. service request procedures for tools, materials and equipment as per organizational norms
KU5. procedure for maintenance of tools and equipment
KU6. statutory guidelines provided by ISI for LV wiring operations
KU7. principles of electrical theory as applied to electrical circuits and wiring systems
KU8. electrical safety norms as per standard practices and organizational policy
KU9. drawings and SLDs related to schematics for single and three phase wiring system
KU10. • developing electrical drawings using appropriate symbols and abbreviations as per standard
• practices
KU11. sequencing of electrical works to be carried out depending upon requirement of construction

KU12. estimating the required material quantity from electrical drawings
KU13. acceptance criteria of electrical materials, devices, fixtures and protective arrangements
KU14. how to verify authentication of ISI mark provided with electrical materials, fixtures and
KU15. area of application and specification of electrical protective devices
KU16. AC and DC circuits ,their properties and area of application
KU17. Three phase connections ,its distribution and troubleshooting at construction sites
KU18. complex electrical circuits including the schematics and SLDs(single line diagram)
KU19. principles ,components, characteristics and advanced troubleshooting of electrical panels,
transformers and generators
KU20. electrical isolation procedures and their applications in LV electrical works
KU21. working principle and connection of AC single phase and AC three phase motors,
submersible pumps and their maintenance
KU22. selection and use of starters such as DOL, Star Delta, Step down transformer starter etc.
KU23. line and phase voltage, current and power in a 3 phase circuits with balanced and
unbalanced load
KU24. principle of different methods of earthing. i.e. pipe, plate, etc.
KU25. measurement of earth resistance by earth tester, testing of earth leakage by ELCB and relay,
KU26. use of electrical power tools, measuring and diagnostic tools and their maintenance
KU27. standard procedure of handling, storing and stacking of electrical tools, equipment and
KU28. computer basics MS Office, Internet, E-mail
KU29. basic arithmetic and use of calculator
KU30. methods and techniques of inspection that are approved by the organization
KU31. calibration of equipment and machineries, its schedule and authorization procedures as per
the organization policy
KU32. quality control systems and site documentation procedures for electrical connections
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. write in at least one language, preferably in the local language of the site
GS2. read sketches, instructions provided for the work, and various signboards, safety rules,
safety tags, exit route information in one or more languages, preferably in the local language
of the site
GS3. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS4. communicate orally and effectively with team members
GS5. analyze the safety aspect of the workplace
GS6. plan work and organize required resource effectively
GS7. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality parameters
GS8. resolve any conflict within the teammates
GS9. evaluate the complexity of the tasks
GS10. identify any violation of safety norms during the work
Conduct permanent wiring and maintenance work in
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct permanent wiring and maintenance work
in buildings
The scope covers the following :
Calculate material requirement from drawing specifications following standard practices
Install and maintain wiring, electrical fixtures, and equipment as per requirement /specification
Elements and Performance Criteria
Calculate material requirement from drawing specifications following standard practices
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ascertain electrical requirement for the work based on electrical drawings and guidelines
PC2. estimate the materials required for electrical works as per standard practice/drawings /

PC3. determine the electrical equipment and fixtures required for electrical circuits/systems from
drawings as per on power rating
PC4. prepare “as- built” drawing of temporary and permanent embedded electrical lines/
connections and document the same
Install and maintain wiring, electrical fixtures, and equipment as per requirement /specification
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. monitor wall chasing work prior to laying conduit ,and ensure it is per standard procedures
PC6. lay conduit for RCC structures and ensure it’s specification are as per requirement
PC7. conduct cable laying through conduit and ensure right specification of cables are being used
as per electrical voltage/ load requirement
PC8. conduct concealed and exposed electrical wiring work as per standard methods
PC9. inspect electrical isolation at the main and secondary power source as per standard
PC10. fix complex electrical fixtures and installs fire alarm systems as per requirement
PC11. conduct the earthing of installed electrical circuit using standard earthing components, as
per standard method
PC12. conduct tests/ inspections to ensure safe working of electrical circuits or to determine fault in
the circuit
PC13. conduct maintenance work as per requirement adhering to general electrical
guidelines/specification ensuring work safety
PC14. change parts, fixture, wirings as per requirement
PC15. carry out basic maintenance of household equipment like water pump, motor etc.
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. standard practices for conduct permanent wiring and maintenance work
KU2. safety rules and regulations for handling and storing relevant tools, equipment, and
materials required for relevant works in accordance with organizational norms
KU3. importance of personal protection including the use of related safety gears and equipment in
accordance with organizational norms
KU4. service request procedures for tools, materials and equipment as per organizational norms
KU5. procedure for maintenance of tools and equipment
KU6. statutory guidelines provided by ISI for LV wiring operations
KU7. principles of electrical theory as applied to electrical circuits and wiring systems
KU8. electrical safety norms as per standard practice and organizational policy
KU9. drawings and SLDs related to schematics for single and three phase wiring system
KU10. developing electrical drawings using appropriate symbols and abbreviations as per standard
KU11. estimating the required material quantity from electrical drawings
KU12. acceptance criteria of electrical materials, devices, fixtures and protective arrangements
KU13. how to verify authentication of ISI mark provided with electrical materials, fixtures and
KU14. properties and acceptance criteria of different components/materails used in electrical
earthing work
KU15. common brands and their products, and their current tentative market rate
KU16. customer preferences regarding brands and trends
KU17. standard practice of joining, termination and color coding of cables and wires
KU18. electrical isolation procedures and their applications in LV electrical works
KU19. use of circuit breakers and its replacement
KU20. use of ladders, scaffolds during working/ performing electrical works
KU21. basic maintenance of common household equipment
KU22. use of electrical power tools, measuring and diagnostic tools and their maintenance
KU23. standard procedure of handling, storing and stacking of electrical tools, equipment and
KU24. computer basics MS Office, Internet, E-mail
KU25. basic arithmetic and use of calculator
KU26. methods and techniques of inspection that are approved by the organization
KU27. calibration of equipment and authorization procedures as per the organization policy
KU28. calibration schedule of equipment and machineries
KU29. quality control systems and site documentation procedures for electrical connections
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. write in at least one language, preferably in the local language of the site
GS2. read sketches, instructions provided for the work, and various signboards, safety rules,
safety tags, exit route information in one or more languages, preferably in the local language
of the site
GS3. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS4. communicate orally and effectively with team members
GS5. analyze the safety aspect of the workplace
GS6. plan work and organize required resource effectively
GS7. complete work as per agreed time schedule and quality parameters
GS8. resolve any conflict within the teammates
GS9. evaluate the complexity of the tasks
GS10. identify any violation of safety norms during the work
Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work effectively within a team to achieve the
desired results
The scope covers the following :
Interact and communicate in an effective manner
Support co-workers to execute the project requirements
Practice inclusion
Elements and Performance Criteria
Interact and communicate in an effective manner
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. pass on work related information/ requirement clearly to the team members
PC2. inform co-workers and superiors about any kind of deviations from work
PC3. report any unresolved problem to the supervisor immediately
PC4. obtain instructions from superiors and respond on the same
PC5. communicate to team members/subordinates for appropriate work technique and method
PC6. seek clarification and advice as per the requirement
Support co-workers to execute the project requirements
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC7. hand over the required material, tools, tackles, equipment and work fronts timely to
interfacing teams
PC8. work together with co-workers in a synchronized manner
Practice inclusion
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC9. maintain cultural inclusivity at work place
PC10. maintain disability friendly work practices
PC11. follow gender neutral practices at workplace
PC12. address discriminatory and offensive behavior in a professional manner as per
organizational policy
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. own roles and responsibilities
KU2. importance of effective communication
KU3. the consequence of poor teamwork on project outcomes, timelines, safety at the
construction site, etc.
KU4. different modes of communication used at workplace
KU5. importance of creating healthy and cooperative work environment among the gangs of
KU6. different activities within the work area where interaction with other workers is required
KU7. applicable techniques of work, properties of materials used, tools and tackles used, safety
standards that co-workers might need as per the requirement
KU8. importance of proper and effective communication and the expected adverse effects in case
of failure relating to quality, timeliness, safety, risks at the construction project site
KU9. importance and need of supporting co-workers facing problems for the smooth functioning of
KU10. the fundamental concept of gender equality
KU11. how to recognize and be sensitive to issues of disability, culture and gender
KU12. legislation, policies, and procedures relating to gender sensitivity and cultural diversity
including their impact on the area of operation
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. write in at least one language, preferably in the local language of the site
GS2. read the communication regarding work completion, materials used, tools and tackles used,
the resource required, etc.,
GS3. speak in one or more languages, preferably in one of the local language of the site
GS4. listen and follow instructions / communication shared by superiors/ co-workers regarding
team requirements or interfaces during work processes
GS5. communicate orally and effectively with co-workers considering their educational and social
GS6. decide on what information is to be shared with co-workers within the team or to the
interfacing gang of workers
GS7. plan work and organize the required resources in coordination with team members
GS8. complete all assigned task in coordination with team members
GS9. take initiative in resolving issues among co-workers or report the same to superiors
GS10. ensure best ways of coordination among team members
GS11. evaluate the complexity of task and determine if any guidance is required from superiors
Plan and organize work to meet expected outcomes
This unit describes the knowledge and the skills required for an individual to plan and organize own work in order to meet expected outcome
The scope covers the following :
Plan and prepare for work
Organize required resources as per work plan
Complete work as per the plan
Elements and Performance Criteria
Plan and prepare for work
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. identify the targets and timelines set by superiors
PC2. determine the work requirements corresponding to
task(drawings/schedules/instructions/methodology), safety, tools and equipment prior to
commencement of task
PC3. plan the work by analyzing the required outcomes, work procedures, allotted time, resource
availability and known priorities
PC4. prepare the work areas in coordination with team members
PC5. plan for waste collection and disposal prior to and after completion of work
Organize required resources as per work plan
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. arrange the required manpower prior to commencement of work
PC7. organize the required materials, tools and tackles required for the task
Complete work as per the plan
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. engage allocated manpower in an appropriate manner
PC9. employ correct tools, tackles and equipment for the desired work
PC10. provide guidance to the subordinates to obtain desired outcome
PC11. use resources in an optimum manner to avoid any unnecessary wastage
PC12. use tools, tackles and equipment carefully to avoid damage
PC13. ensure the work processes adopted are in line with the specified standards and instructions
PC14. complete the work with the allocated resources within specified time
PC15. clean and organize the workplace after completion of task
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. importance of proper housekeeping including safe waste disposal
KU2. policies, procedures and work targets set by superiors
KU3. how to identify work activities that need to be planned and organized
KU4. how to determine the task requirements
KU5. how to determine the quality requirements related to the task
KU6. how to undertake all aspect of planning and organizing the task, including interpretation of
task, reading drawing/schedules, arranging resources, reporting problems etc.
KU7. how to implement the planned activities
KU8. how to use available resources in a judicious and appropriate manner to minimize wastages or
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. write in one or more language, preferably the local language at the site
GS2. read communication from co-workers, superiors and notices from other departments as per
requirement of the level
GS3. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS4. follow communication shared by co-workers regarding standard work processes, resources
available, timelines, etc.
GS5. communicate effectively with co-workers and subordinates
GS6. decide on what sequence is to be adopted for execution of work
GS7. plan and organize the materials, tools, tackles and equipment required to execute the work
GS8. complete all assigned task with proper planning and organizing
GS9. analyze areas of work which could result in a delay of work, wastage of material or damage
to tools and tackles
GS10. evaluate potential solutions to minimize avoidable delays and wastages at the construction
Supervise, monitor and evaluate performance of
subordinates at workplace
This unit covers the skills and knowledge required by an individual to supervise, monitor and evaluate
performance of subordinates at the work place
The scope covers the following :
Monitor and evaluate subordinates performance as per quality standards and timelines
Practice and promote gender inclusive behavior and leadership
Elements and Performance Criteria
Monitor and evaluate subordinates performance as per quality standards and timelines
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. fix expected targets for the respective gang as per site requirements and allocate work to
PC2. establish expected performance standards and expectations for the respective gang of
workers to meet the desired outcomes
PC3. inspect assigned work to the respected gang of workers through progressive checking
PC4. observe and verify the work activities performed by the subordinates at the construction site
PC5. monitor overall performance of subordinates on the designed measures to ensure quality
requirements set by the concerned authority
PC6. ensure adherence to the organizational policies and procedures for all relevant construction
activities by the workmen subordinations
Practice and promote gender inclusive behavior and leadership
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC7. promote a safe, supportive, inclusive and gender sensitive environment at workplace.
PC8. manage and facilitate capacity building to enable inclusion of all genders
PC9. take prompt corrective action in case of inappropriate behavior at workplace
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. policies, procedures and work targets for performance evaluation and appraisals
KU2. organizational policies, procedures and protocol for smooth completion of work at the
respective workplace
KU3. complete work/task accurately by following standard specifications and procedures by
optimized and correct used of materials , tools, tackles and equipment
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. write in at one or more language, preferably the local language
GS2. read in at one or more language, preferably the local language at the site
GS3. speak in at one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS4. communicate effectively with team members at workplace
GS5. plan work as per right sequence and organize required resources in coordination with the
team members
GS6. complete work as per the requirement
GS7. evaluate and find solutions to minimize errors and suggest improvements for optimizing
resource utilization
GS8. assess which situations would require intervention of superiors
Manage workplace for safe and healthy work environment
This unit describes the skill and knowledge required to maintain a healthy & safe working environment for the group of people working under an individual
The scope covers the following :
Ensure effective implementation of health, safety and environment policies and procedures
Identify and respond to risks / fire and emergencies associated with the work practices and
Ensure sanitization and infection control guidelines are followed at construction site
Elements and Performance Criteria
Ensure effective implementation of health, safety and environment policies and procedures
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. implement safe handling and stacking methods at workplace /store
PC2. ensure the adequate availability and placing of safety and protection installations at site
PC3. ensure that safe access ways are available at work place for movement of workers and
PC4. ensure the safe use of tools and tackles by teammates as per work requirements
PC5. ensure ergonomic principles are adopted by the teammates while lifting and shifting of
construction materials, tools and equipment
PC6. ensure appropriate use of following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as per work
requirement of head protection, ear protection, fall protection, foot protection, face and eye
protection, hand and body protection, respiratory protection
PC7. maintain entry and exit pathways from confined spaces, excavated pits and other location as
per safety parameters/instructions
PC8. ensure proper housekeeping at workplace
PC9. ensure that subordinates adhere to health and safety plans
Identify and respond to risks / fire and emergencies associated with the work practices and workplace
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC10. identify any hazard at workplace and report/notify the same to appropriate authorities.
PC11. follow procedures for accident recording and reporting as per organizational and statuary
PC12. ensure effective adherence to emergency response procedures / protocols
PC13. select and operate different types of fire extinguishers corresponding to types of fires as per
EHS guideline
PC14. obtain ‘height pass’ clearance as per EHS guideline
PC15. implement control measures to reduce risks ,meeting legislative requirements within the
scope of own role and expertise, as per organizational policies
Ensure sanitization and infection control guidelines are followed at construction site
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC16. promote awareness about latest hygiene and sanitation regulations
PC17. ensure disinfection procedure related to material, tools and supplies are followed properly
PC18. respond to infection prevention and control and its non-compliance , within scope of own role
or report to required personnel
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. the policies, procedures and protocol set up by the EHS Department with respect to Health ,
Safety and Environment at the respective construction site
KU2. reporting procedures in cases of breaches or hazards in site safety, accidents or emergency
KU3. safe working practices for tools, tackles and equipment
KU4. workplace policies and health and safety requirements for dealing with potential risks as
defined by the EHS department
KU5. how to respond to accidents and emergencies
KU6. the appropriate personal protective equipment to be used based on various working
KU7. how to use necessary material ,tools, tackles and equipment in a safe and appropriate
manner as specified by site EHS for each level and respective workman gang
KU8. ways of transmission of infection
KU9. ways to manage infectious risks at the workplace
KU10. different methods of cleaning, disinfection, sterilization and sanitization
KU11. symptoms of infection like fever, cough, redness, swelling and inflammation
KU12. actions be taken during a medical emergency
KU13. current guidelines, national legislation, local policies and protocols regarding spread of
infectious disease.
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. write in at least one language, preferably in the local language of the site
GS2. read instructions provided for the work, and various signboards, safety rules, safety tags, exit
route information in one or more languages, preferably in the local language of the site
GS3. speak in one or more language, preferably one of the local language at the site
GS4. listen and follow instructions shared by site EHS and superiors regarding site safety
GS5. communicate reporting of site conditions, hazards, accidents, etc.
GS6. analyze the safety aspect of the workplace GS7. identify any violation of safety norms during the work