Digital Cataloguer (1 years course)

Digital Cataloguer (1 years course)

Digital Cataloguer click here

Brief Job Description
The individual is responsible for aiding in creation of an attractive digital catalogue and other digital pages with respect to the look and feel of the product and product description. Thus, the accuracy of the
information and the correctness of placing products as per buyers directive will be his/her job.

Digital Cataloguer (1 years course)
Digital Cataloguer (1 years course)

Personal Attributes
The individual needs to demonstrate creativity, innovation and enthusiasm in his/her role. He/she needs to be physically fit and mentally balanced to carry out his/her duties efficiently.

List products and map SKUs accurately to cater to category and customer needs
This unit deals in sub tasks that lead to accurate product listing, increased ease of navigation and
improved SKU mapping thereby leading to enhanced sales conversion.

The scope covers the following :
Listing of products as per customer and category need

Mapping of listed products/SKUs to listed vendors
Elements and Performance Criteria
Listing of products as per customer and category need
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. study online customer attitudes towards the merchandise / brands
PC2. understand customer needs with respect to merchandise category
PC3. suggest methods to communicate the merchandise in an online platform
PC4. update self on comparative features and benefits of merchandise from other e-commerce

PC5. update self on competitors online product presentations
PC6. coordinate with teams to ensure development of accurate product descriptions as per
category norms

PC7. list and map the products in a manner that improves ease of navigation and search
PC8. maintain accuracy of products against uploaded images in pages/leaves created
PC9. periodic updates to existing product listings for prices, offers, quantity etc.

Mapping of listed products/SKUs to listed vendors
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC10. correct mapping of listed products/SKUs to listed vendors
PC11. mapping additional SKUs to listed products

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. categories of products being sold
KU2. industry and market information about products being sold
KU3. marketing plans and promotions within the organization
KU4. possible errors in listing of products and how to prevent them
KU5. consumer attitudes towards online navigation and online shopping

KU6. best practices in digital cataloguing
KU7. creation of a new document in MS Word and how to modify, format and append the same
KU8. most commonly used photo-editing softwares

Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. collate simple data when required
GS2. populate documents related to listing of products
GS3. populate documents indicating status with respect to exchange of catalogue related data
within the organization

GS4. populate documents indicating status with respect to exchange of catalogue related data
with sellers /vendors
GS5. read documents related to listing of products
GS6. read documents indicating status with respect to exchange of catalogue related data within
the organization

GS7. read documents with respect to exchange of catalogue related data with sellers /vendors
GS8. follow instructions accurately
GS9. explain organization and technical requirements to vendors with respect to catalogue related

GS10. communicate with internal teams to explain and understand relevant information to ensure
an efficient and aesthetically appealing online catalogue/digital pages
GS11. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS12. display courteous behavior at all times

GS13. make appropriate decisions regarding the responsibilities of the job role
GS14. organize product images to be mapped accurately to the right products
GS15. prepare a catalogue/digital page keeping in mind customer convenience and ease of

GS16. identify problems immediately and take up solutions quickly to resolve delays
GS17. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and adopt an optimum /best
possible solution(s)
GS18. interpret and infer data

GS19. analyze relevant portals/leaves and corresponding data to identify consumer behavior with
respect to logic adopted for the layout
GS20. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from competitors through
observation, experience, reasoning or communication, as a guide to thought and action

Adhere to quality standards for creating and maintaining catalogues and digital pages
This unit deals in sub tasks that ensure the desired quality of the catalogue and digital pages is

Elements and Performance Criteria
Relevance, accuracy and quality of description and photograph of relevant products
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ensure correct mapping of products and product descriptions to the photographs being

PC2. explain photographic nuances that enhance the aesthetic aspects of the merchandise and
increase impact and movement on the page
PC3. recommend usage of editing softwares that impacts photo quality
PC4. work closely with category teams to conform to brand and sales requirements
PC5. explain the concepts of visual communication being used in the catalogue/digital pages
PC6. conduct timely product audit on the digital marketplace

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. categories of products being sold
KU2. concept of digital visual communication

KU3. availability of content and digital capabilities within the organization
KU4. quality parameters involved in digital cataloguing
KU5. possible errors in listing of products and how to prevent the same
KU6. consumer behaviour towards merchandise categories

KU7. photo editing software used to enhance information being shared by vendors
KU8. elements of visual communication and application of the same
KU9. process of mapping listed products
KU10. proficiency in excel, word and digital software’s

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. collate simple data when required
GS2. populate documents related to listing of products
GS3. draft reports related to quality and impact of catalogue on the page/leaf

GS4. read documents related to listing of products
GS5. read documents related to brand/product requirements and specifications
GS6. communicate with internal teams to explain and understand relevant information to ensure
an efficient and aesthetically appealing online catalogue/digital pages

GS7. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS8. display courteous behavior at all times
GS9. make appropriate decisions within the purview of responsibilities of the job role
GS10. organize and upload product images in an accurate manner relevant to the product

GS11. design and develop a visual communication keeping the customer buying behaviour in mind
GS12. identify problems immediately and take up solutions quickly to resolve delays
GS13. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and adopt an optimum /best
possible solution(s)

GS14. interpret and infer data
GS15. break down complex problems into single and manageable components within his/her area
of work
GS16. analyse relevant portals/leaves and corresponding data to identify consumer behavior with
respect to logic adopted for the layout
GS17. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation, experience,
reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

Adhere to company policies and statutory regulations related to sales and service
This unit deals in sub tasks that leads to conformation with company policies and statutory regulations
related to sales and service.

Elements and Performance Criteria
Validating catalogue content with buyer and category manager to ensure accuracy of information and
adherence to company policies

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. collect desired layout of products and relevant descriptions as required by buyer and category

PC2. share photographs, descriptions and other relevant information with respect to products as
received from sellers/ vendors
PC3. validate photographs, descriptions and other relevant information with respect to company
and brand policies

PC4. validate the updated information with concerned stake holders and get the same uploaded on
the website
PC5. seek approval from concerned stake holders on digital pages as well as pages/leaves in the
online catalogue
PC6. collect feedback in an accurate manner and get the same addressed by all concerned

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. categories of products being sold
KU2. policies with respect to data transfer to and from business partners
KU3. availability of content and digital capabilities within the organization

KU4. page/leave creation/product listing on the website
KU5. business policies with respect to listing/adding vendors
KU6. specifications with respect to product images
KU7. photo editing softwares used to enhance information being shared by vendors
KU8. process of mapping SKUs to listed products
KU9. computer proficiency in excel and word

Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. populate documents related to listing of products

GS2. prepare necessary documentation related to uploads for validation from stakeholders
GS3. read documents related to listing of products
GS4. read documents with respect to guidelines for exchange of catalogue related data within the

GS5. read documents with respect to guidelines status with respect to exchange of catalogue
related data with sellers /vendors
GS6. explain organization and technical requirements to vendors with respect to catalogue related

GS7. communicate with internal teams to explain and understand relevant information to ensure
an efficient and aesthetically appealing on-line catalogue/digital pages
GS8. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS9. display courteous behavior at all times
GS10. make appropriate decisions within the purview of responsibilities of the job role
GS11. organize documentation such as product descriptions, photographs for the purpose of

GS12. identify problems immediately and take up solutions quickly to resolve delays
GS13. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and adopt an optimum /best
possible solution(s)
GS14. interpret and infer data
GS15. break down complex problems into single and manageable components within his/her area
of work

GS16. analyse relevant portals/leaves and corresponding data to identify consumer behavior with
respect to logic adopted for the layout
GS17. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation, experience,
reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

Update self on basics of category management
This unit deals in sub tasks that ensure that the digital catalogue is in-keeping with the category norms
and sales theories.

Elements and Performance Criteria
Awareness about category specifications
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. understand category specifications with respect to grouping and sub grouping of products
PC2. group products correctly as per their sub-categories and hierarchies
Awareness of features, advantages and benefits of products

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC3. explain the features, advantages and benefits of products
PC4. identify the importance of features, advantages and benefits in customer buying decision
PC5. relate to strategies of comparative brands with respect to catalogues/page designs and site

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. concept of category management
KU2. categories of products being sold

KU3. industry and market information about products being sold
KU4. policies with respect to data transfer to and from business partners
KU5. availability of content and digital capabilities within the organization
KU6. computer proficiency in excel and word
KU7. categories and subcategories of products
KU8. features, advantages and benefits of products

Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. collate simple data when required
GS2. populate documents related to listing of products
GS3. read documents related to categories of products being sold

GS4. read information on products with respect to their features, advantages and benefits
GS5. communicate with internal teams to explain and understand relevant information to ensure
an efficient and aesthetically appealing online catalogue/digital pages

GS6. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS7. display courteous behavior at all times
GS8. make appropriate decisions within the purview of responsibilities of the job role
GS9. make appropriate decisions within the purview of responsibilities of the job role
GS10. position the products and the importance of features, advantages and benefits so as to
impact customer buying decision

GS11. identify problems immediately and take up solutions quickly to resolve delays
GS12. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and adopt an optimum /best
possible solution(s)

GS13. interpret and infer data
GS14. break down complex problems into single and manageable components within his/her area
of work

GS15. analyses of relevant portals/leaves and corresponding data to identify consumer behavior
with respect to logic adopted for the layout
GS16. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation, experience,
reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

Liaise with internal and external stakeholders for listing
This unit deals in inter departmental coordination that leads to listing of products.

The scope covers the following :
Coordinating with stakeholders within the company to ensure product listings
Coordinating with vendors for products, product descriptions and supportings

Elements and Performance Criteria
Coordinating with stakeholders within the company to ensure product listings
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. interact with category managers to understand specified listing structure
PC2. interact with category managers to identify products to be displayed as per specified structure
PC3. identify internal processes that need to be followed for listings to go live

PC4. interact with various internal departments to ensure product listings go live
Coordinating with vendors for products, product descriptions and supportings
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. co-ordinate with vendors to ensure information is available in the desired form and in accurate
PC6. co-ordinate with vendors for products, product descriptions and supporting documents

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. categories of products being sold
KU2. marketing plans and promotions within the organization

KU3. possible errors in listing of products and how to prevent the same
KU4. policies with respect to data transfer to and from business partners
KU5. availability of content and digital capabilities within the organization
KU6. page/leaf creation/product listing on the site
KU7. business policies with respect to listing/adding vendors

KU8. process of mapping vendors to listed products
KU9. process of adding new vendors to listed products
KU10. computer proficiency in excel and word

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. collate simple data when required
GS2. populate documents related to listing of products
GS3. populate documents indicating status with respect to exchange of catalogue related data
within the organization

GS4. populate documents indicating status with respect to exchange of catalogue related data with
sellers /vendors
GS5. read documents related to listing of products
GS6. read documents indicating status with respect to exchange of catalogue related data within
the organization

GS7. read documents indicating status with respect to exchange of catalogue related data with
sellers /vendors
GS8. explain organization and technical requirements to vendors with respect to catalogue related

GS9. communicate with internal teams to explain and understand relevant information to ensure
an efficient and aesthetically appealing online catalogue
GS10. make appropriate decisions within the purview of responsibilities of the job role
GS11. organize necessary work processes for smooth integration to digital platform
GS12. keep customer needs, preferences and interest in mind while co-ordinating with stakeholders
for product listings

GS13. identify problems immediately and take up solutions quickly to resolve delays
GS14. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and adopt an optimum /best
possible solution(s)
GS15. interpret and infer data
GS16. break down complex problems into single and manageable components within his/her area
of work

GS17. analyses relevant portals/leaves and corresponding data to identify consumer behavior with
respect to logic adopted for the layout
GS18. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation, experience,
reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action