Free Auto Body Technician Level 4 Course (6Months)
Auto Body Technician Level 4:
Brief Job Description
An Auto Body Technician Level 4 is responsible for repair of vehicles by carrying out work on the body and frame of a vehicle because of damage mostly due to major/ minor dent on the body.
Personal Attributes

An individual on this job must have good interpersonal skills in addition to being a team player, as the job requires coordination with other technicians in both the body shop and the workshop. The individual must also have a technical bend of mind to have full knowledge of vehicle structure and function to assist in the overall repairing dents and fabricating, assembling, or disassembling vehicle components. The individual should be methodological and systematic in his way of working to ensure repair of the body parts/ panels in a timely and cost effective manner.
Plan and organise work to meet expected outcomes:
Elements and Performance Criteria
Work requirements including various activities within the given time and set quality standards
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. keep immediate work area clean and tidy
PC2. treat confidential information as per the organisations guidelines
PC3. work in line with organisations policies and procedures
PC4. work within the limits of job role
PC5. obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary
PC6. ensure work meets the agreed requirements
Appropriate use of resources
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC7. establish and agree on work requirements with appropriate people
PC8. manage time, materials and cost effectively
PC9. use resources in a responsible manner
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. the organisations policies, procedures and priorities for area of work, role and responsibilities in carrying out that work
KU2. the limits of responsibilities and when to involve others
KU3. specific work requirements and who these must be agreed with
KU4. the importance of having a tidy work area and how to do this
KU5. how to prioritize workload according to urgency and importance and the benefits of this
KU6. the organisations policies and procedures for dealing with confidential information and the importance of complying with these
KU7. the purpose of keeping others updated with the progress of work
KU8. who to obtain guidance from and the typical circumstances when this may be required
KU9. the purpose and value of being flexible and adapting work plans
KU10. how to complete tasks accurately by following standard procedures
KU11. technical resources needed for work and how to obtain and use these
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. write in at least one language
GS2. read instructions, guidelines/procedures
GS3. ask for clarification and advice from appropriate persons
GS4. communicate orally with colleagues
GS5. make a decision on a suitable course of action appropriate for accurately completing the task within resources
GS6. agree objectives and work requirements
GS7. plan and organise work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS8. deliver consistent and reliable service to customers
GS9. check own work and ensure it meets customer requirements
GS10. anomalies to the concerned persons
GS11. analyse problems and identify work-arounds taking help from
GS12. apply own judgement to identify solutions in different situations

Work effectively in a team:
Elements and Performance Criteria
Effective communication
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. maintain clear communication with colleagues
PC2. work with colleagues
PC3. pass on information to colleagues in line with organisational requirements
PC4.. work in ways that show respect for colleagues
PC5. carry out commitments made to colleagues
PC6. let colleagues know in good time if cannot carry out commitments, explaining the reasons PC7. identify problems in working with colleagues and take the initiative to solve these problems PC8. follow the organisations policies and procedures for working with colleagues
PC9. ability to share resources with other members as per priority of tasks
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. the organisations policies and procedures for working withcolleagues, role and responsibilities in relation to this
KU2. the importance of effective communication and establishing goodworking relationships with colleagues
KU3. different methods of communication and the circumstances inwhich it is appropriate to use these
KU4. benefits of developing productive working relationships withcolleagues
KU5. the importance of creating an environment of trust and mutualrespect
KU6. whether not meeting commitments, will have implications onindividuals and the organisation
KU7. different types of information that colleagues might need and theimportance of providing this information when it is required
KU8. the importance of problems, from colleagues perspective andhow to provide support, where necessary, to resolve these
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete well written work with attention to detail
GS2. read instructions, guidelines/procedures
GS3. listen effectively and orally communicate information
GS4. make decisions on a suitable course of action or response
GS5. plan and organise work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS6. check that the work meets customer requirements
GS7. deliver consistent and reliable service to customers
GS8. apply problem solving approaches in different situations
GS9. apply balanced judgements to different situations
GS10. apply good attention to detail
GS11. check that the work is complete and free from errors
GS12. get work checked by peers
GS13. work effectively in a team environment

Maintain a healthy,safe and secure working environment:
Elements and Performance Criteria
Resources needed to maintain a safe, secure working environment
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. comply with organisations current health,safety and security policies and procedures
PC2. report any identified breaches in health,safety, and security policies and procedures to the designated person
PC3.. Coordinate with other resources at the workplace to achieve the healthy, safe and secure environment for all incorporating all government norms esp. for emergency situations like fires,earthquakes etc.
PC4. identify and correct any hazards like illness, accidents, fires or any other natural calamity safely and within the limits of individuals authority
PC5. report any hazards outside the individuals authority to the relevant person in line with organisational procedures and warn other people who may be affected
PC6. follow organisations emergency procedures for accidents, fires or any other natural calamity
PC7. identify and recommend opportunities for improving health,safety, and security to the designated person
PC8. complete all health and safety records are updates and procedures well defined
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. legislative requirements and organisations procedures for health, safety and security and individuals role and responsibilities in relation to this
KU2. what is meant by a hazard, including the different types of health and safety hazards that can be found in the workplace
KU3. how and when to report hazards
KU4. the limits of responsibility for dealing with hazards
KU5. the organisations emergency procedures for different emergency situations and the importance of following these
KU6. the importance of maintaining high standards of health, safety and security
KU7. implications that any non-compliance with health, safety and security may have on individuals and the organisation
KU8. different types of breaches in health, safety and security and how and when to report these
KU9. evacuation procedures for workers and visitors
KU10. how to summon medical assistance and the emergency services,where necessary
KU11. how to use the health, safety and accident reporting procedures and the importance of these
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete accurate, well written work with attention to detail
GS2. read instructions, guidelines/procedures/rules
GS3. listen and orally communicate information
GS4. make decisions on a suitable course of action or response
GS5. plan and organise work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS6. build and maintain positive and effective relationships withcolleagues and customers
GS7. apply problem solving approaches in different situations
GS8. analyse data and activities
GS9. apply balanced judgements to different situations
GS10. apply good attention to detail
GS11. check that the work is complete and free from errors
GS12. get work checked by peers
GS13. work effectively in a team environment

Repair and replace vehicle body and chassis components:
Elements and Performance Criteria
Assess damage and Repair / replace vehicle body & chassis components
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1.. assess the overall damage to vehicle body and chassis components and identify the need for repair or replacement of various body or chassis components
PC2. . read specifications or confer with customer/ Service Advisor or Body Shop Incharge to determine the desired custom modifications for altering the appearance of vehicles
PC3. . select, calibrate and use the appropriate tools and equipment for the body component/ chassis repair in the vehicle
PC4. . correctly realign the panels and components as per their original position
PC5. . remove upholstery, accessories, electrical window-and-seat-operating equipment, and trim to gain access to vehicle bodies and fenders
PC6. . repair: body panels minor structural damage major welded panels body components using lead wiping major sectional repair laminated glass chassis/frame and associated components
PC7.. remove and replace (with assistance of Senior Technicians/ Aggregate Specialists Or Electrician if required): vehicle body panels, panel sections and ancillary fittings protector mouldings, transfers and decals mechanical units/assemblies electrical/electronic units/assemblies
PC8. . carry out: vehicle body and underframe alignment vehicle measurement buffing and burnishing trimming of vehicle components
PC9. . select and apply trim/fabric materials and adhesives
PC10. . carry out minor sewing and trimming repairs and alterations
PC11. . remove and install: windscreens laminated glass fixed and movable body glass windows / sunroof installation (in case required)
PC12.. fit and weld replacement parts into place, using wrenches and welding equipment, and grind down welds to smooth them, using power grinders and other tools
PC13.. chain or clamp frames and sections to alignment machines that use hydraulic pressure to align damaged components
PC14. . remove damaged sections of vehicles using metal-cutting guns, air grinders and wrenches, and install replacement parts using wrenches or welding equipment
PC15.. position dolly blocks against surfaces of dented areas and beat opposite surfaces to remove dents, using hammers
PC16.. mix polyester resins and hardeners to restore damaged areas
PC17. . apply heat to plastic panels, using hot-air welding guns or immersion in hot water, and press the softened panels back into shape by hand
PC18. . fit and secure windows, vinyl roofs, and metal trim to vehicle bodies, using caulking guns, adhesive brushes, and mallets
PC19. . fill small dents that cannot be worked out with plastic or solder
PC20. . remove small pits and dimples in body metal using pick hammers and punches
PC21.. prevent the other components, units and panels on the vehicle from getting damaged
PC22.. inspect repaired vehicles for proper functioning, completion of work, dimensional accuracy, and test drive vehicles to ensure proper alignment and handling
PC23. . ensure that trainings organized by the OEM from time-to-time are attended and knowledge levels are upgraded (esp. in case of newly launched products, product refreshes)
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. standard operating procedures of the Organisation/ Dealership for inspection and repair of vehicles for the body/ chassis components
KU2. standard operating procedures for repair and replacement of Automotive body parts mandated by the OEM
KU3. safety requirements for equipment and components (e.g. dealing with inflammable materials, broken glass, fiberglass strips etc.)
KU4. standard operating procedures recommended by the dealership/ suppliers/OEM for using tools and equipment to be followed as per the manufacturer instructions (e.g. maintaining safety while using welding and soldering equipment)
KU5. documentation requirements for each procedure carried out as part of roles and responsibilities as specified by the organization
KU6. organisational and professional code of ethics and standards of practice
KU7. safety, health, environmental policies and regulations for the workplace as well as for automotive trade in general (e.g. safe practices while working in pits/ under vehicles)
KU8. workplace policies and schedules for housekeeping activities and equipment maintenance
KU9. the kind of tools and procedures required based on the damage sustained by the vehicle including: wrenches and welding equipment power grinders hydraulic pressure machines power tools and hand tools (e.g. hammers) metal-cutting guns air grinders hot-air welding guns air hoses alignment machines pick hammers and punches caulking guns, adhesive brushes, and mallets various clamps, holding jigs, relevant special equipment drills, drill bits, bolts, nuts and washers air compressor, lines, air guns air compressor, lines, air guns safety ventilation equipment special equipment (pressure washers, steam cleaners, spray equipment) power tools, jacks, stands, lifting equipment measuring equipment including: – inside/outside micrometers – vernier calipers – dial gauges – depth gauges – steel rulers – T- squares – flat edges – calipers – dividers and protractors
KU10. the different types of polyester resins and hardeners and the procedures for mixing them
KU11. welding techniques including: spot welding procedures tungsten arc welding procedures gas metal arc welding procedures manual metal arc welding procedures oxy acetylene, welding, thermal cutting and thermal heating procedures brazing procedures thermo plastic repair procedures soldering techniques
KU12. types and application of cleaning agents
KU13. procedures for measurement of: length squareness flatness angles roundness depth clearances any measurements that can be taken from analogue or digital devices
KU14. procedures for routine adjustment of measuring equipment
KU15. the various cleaning agents/sprays (de-waxing, detergents, degreasers, special purpose agents)
KU16. how to use storage tabs and racks
KU17. how to repair or replace damaged parts based on the damage sustained
KU18. the different techniques used to fasten and fix the panels and body structure
KU19. how to repair and fix the following non-permanently attached body panels: wings doors bonnets boot lids and tailgates bumper bars, covers and components
KU20. how to comply with the instructions mentioned on job card
KU21. how to control operations of equipment or systems
KU22. the measures to be adopted to protect the vehicle from damage before, during and after removing and fitting activities
KU23. appropriate personal and vehicle protection to be used for various procedures
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. record and document the basic details of repairs performed on various body and chassis aggregates/ components
GS2. maintain all office records required on the job (e.g. stock records, job cards, repair quotations, personnel records, time sheets, meeting notes etc.)
GS3. write in at least one language
GS4. read the basic specification of a vehicle or any other component or part
GS5. read work orders, specifications etc. related to the job including instructions mentioned on the job card
GS6. read any documentation required (e.g. equipment manuals, service contracts, stock records, job cards, personnel records, supplier invoices/statements, organisation-specific records, invoices/statements, etc.)
GS7. read any specific safety related guideline (applicable for CNG/ LPG/ Electric vehicle)
GS8. communicate the damage caused to vehicle and its body parts
GS9. interact with the customer/ service advisor and senior technicians
GS10. specify the corrective measures required to repair/replace the body component
GS11. interact with team members including colleagues in the workshop and the painter in the body shop to work efficiently
GS12. decide which body components need to be replaced or repaired
GS13. plan work according to the required schedule and location
GS14. organise the schedule to complete the work on the vehicle timely in case other aggregate repairs/ maintenance work is also required to be done
GS15. ensure that customer needs regarding the denting and body/ chassis related jobs are assessed and satisfactory service is provided
GS16. suggest to customer in case of damaged body part/ vehicle panel / aggregate whether it is better to repair and then paint it or it is better to just replace it, keeping the cost and durability factor in mind
GS17. inspect damaged vehicles and decide repairs and corrective action to be undertaken
GS18. inspect equipment to ensure proper working order and take any corrective actions as required
GS19. inspect vehicles which do not conform to OEM standards (e.g. customised vehicles) and decide on a service and repair schedule
GS20. check the usefulness of shop tools to see if they are suitable for work on new models of vehicles
GS21. evaluate the complexity of tasks to determine if they can successfully carry them out
GS22. evaluate the total material/ labour costs involved in repairing/ replacing panel/ body component
GS23. evaluate the information gathered from the customer report/ job card and assess repairs
GS24. evaluate the repair estimate and decide whether to first repair and paint the panel/ body part or just replace it
Carry out repairs for metal corrosion on structural panels:
Elements and Performance Criteria
Carry out repairs for metal corrosion on structural panels
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. . assess the overall damage to vehicle body and chassis components and identify the need for repair of various body or chassis components as a result of vehicle metal corrosion
PC2. . select and use the tools and equipment required to remove and fit components
PC3. . check the structural components with the help of corrosion assessment tool
PC4. . replace the protective coatings, sound deadener pads, sealers, and foams and perform anti- corrosion procedures
PC5. . mix polyester resins and hardeners to restore damaged areas
PC6. . refit the parts removed/dismantled to carry out repair
PC7.. prevent the other components, units and panels on the vehicle from getting damaged
PC8.. inspect repaired vehicles for proper functioning, completion of work and dimensional accuracy
PC9.. ensure that trainings organized by the OEM from time-to-time are attended and knowledge levels are upgraded (esp. in case of newly launched products, product refreshes)
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. standard operating procedures of the Organisation/ Dealership for inspection, servicing and repair of vehicles for the body/ chassis components
KU2. standard operating procedures for servicing, repair and replacement of parts mandated by the OEM
KU3. safety requirements for equipment and components prescribed by the manufacturer
KU4. documentation requirements for each procedure carried out as part of roles and responsibilities as specified by the organization
KU5. organisational and professional code of ethics and standards of practice
KU6. safety and health policies and regulations for the workplaceas well as for automotive trade in general (e.g. safe practices while working in pits/ undervehicles)
KU7. workplace policies and schedules for housekeeping activities and equipment maintenance
KU8. whether metal is excessively corroded, or metal treated with filler, emits a duller sound than does unaffected metal
KU9. the corrosion is removed without damage to adjacent areas or fittings in accordance with company requirements
KU10. the adjacent areas are inspected for corrosion and are free of rust
KU11. whether to use heavy impact blows or to use a sharp tool to dig at the structure
KU12. the various types of tools required to carry out repairs
KU13. the techniques required to repair the structural panels
KU14. how to use following tools for carrying out the repair process: pneumatic hammer e.g. air chisels, air hammers, pneumatic hammers, pneumatic smoothing hammers power buffers
e.g. buffing machines, machine polishers, portable buffers pullers e.g. pick pull rods, pull rods, slide hammers, t pullers shears e.g. foot shears, hand shears, power shears trim or molding tools e.g. crown spoons, door skin dollies, toe dollies, universal railroad dollies
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. record and document the basic details of repairs performed
GS2. maintain all office records required on the job (e.g. stock records, job cards, repair quotations, personnel records, time sheets, meeting notes etc.)
GS3. write in at least one language
GS4. read work orders, specifications etc. related to the job including instructions mentioned on the job card read any specific safety related guideline (applicable for CNG/ LPG/ Electric vehicle)
GS5. communicate the damage caused to vehicle and its body parts
GS6. interact with the service advisor and senior technicians
GS7. specify the corrective measures required to repair/replace the body componen
GS8. interact with team members including colleagues in the workshop to work efficiently
GS9. decide which components are to be repaired for the metal corrosion and which needs replacement
GS10. follow the correct method of protecting the metal corrosion, to avoid any adverse reaction on the corroded metal parts
GS11. plan work according to the required schedule and location
GS12. organise the schedule to complete the work on the vehicle timely in case other aggregate repairs/ maintenance work is also required to be done
GS13. ensure that customer needs regarding the prevention of the metal parts from corrosion are assessed and satisfactory service is provided
GS14. suggest to customer in case of corroded metal part/ structural panel whether it is better to repair and then re-paint them or it is better just to replace it, keeping the cost and durability factor in mind
GS15. inspect damaged vehicles and decide repairs and corrective action on the structural panel to be undertaken
GS16. inspect equipment to ensure proper working order and take any corrective actions as required
GS17. check the usefulness of shop tools to see if they are suitable for work on new models of vehicles
GS18. evaluate the total material/ labour costs involved in repairing/ the metal corrosion on structural panels
GS19. evaluate the information gathered from the customer report/ job card and assess repairs
GS20. evaluate the repair estimate and decide whether to first repair and paint the structural panel/ body part or just replace it
Assessment Guidelines:
- Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Element/ Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each Element/ PC.
- The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
- Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set of NOS.
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
- Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/ training center based on these criteria.
- To pass the Qualification Pack assessment, every trainee should score the Recommended Pass % aggregate for the QP.
- In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.