Spoken English Class Test 42


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Spoken English Class Test 42

Spoken English Class Test 42

Welcome to your Spoken English class test 42. Hope you understand the class & now it's time to examine yourself through test. Remember you have only 10 minutes to complete the class test ,after 10 minutes Class test will be automatically submit ,  All the best for your Class test. आपके मौखिक अंग्रेजी क्लास टेस्ट 42 में आपका स्वागत है। आशा है कि आप क्लास को समझ गए होंगे और अब टेस्ट के माध्यम से खुद को परखने का समय आ गया है। याद रखें कि आपके पास क्लास टेस्ट पूरा करने के लिए केवल 10 मिनट हैं, 10 मिनट के बाद क्लास टेस्ट स्वचालित रूप से सबमिट हो जाएगा, आपके क्लास टेस्ट के लिए शुभकामनाएं।[the_ad id="135872"]

1 / 50

What is direct speech?

2 / 50

When changing a question from direct to indirect speech, the question mark is retained.

3 / 50

In indirect speech, you can retain the original word order of the reported sentence.

4 / 50

When changing a sentence from direct to indirect speech, which of the following elements may need to be changed?

5 / 50

In indirect speech, what happens to the tense of the reporting verb when reporting a statement?

6 / 50

Which of the following is an example of direct speech?

7 / 50

What is the correct indirect speech for the following direct speech: "Mary said, 'I have a pet cat.'"

8 / 50

Which of the following is an example of a change from direct to indirect speech?

9 / 50

When reporting a question in indirect speech, which of the following changes is necessary?

10 / 50

In indirect speech, what happens to the reporting verb in the reporting clause?

11 / 50

What is the correct direct speech for the following indirect speech: "She said that she would come."

12 / 50

When changing direct speech to indirect speech, which reporting verb can be used to convey a command or request?

13 / 50

What is the correct reported speech for the following direct speech: "Tom said, 'I can swim.'"

14 / 50

Which of the following sentences contains a change from direct to indirect speech?

15 / 50

In indirect speech, when reporting a statement, what happens to the tense of the verb in the reported clause?

16 / 50

Which of the following is a change from indirect to direct speech?

17 / 50

In indirect speech, which of the following pronoun changes occur?

18 / 50

What is the correct direct speech for the following indirect speech: "She said that she had finished her work."

19 / 50

Choose the correct reported speech for the following direct speech: "John says, 'I am going to the party.'"

20 / 50

Which of the following is an example of direct speech?

21 / 50

What is another term for indirect speech?

22 / 50

In indirect speech, the pronouns in the reported clause do not change.In indirect speech, the pronouns in the reported clause do not change.

23 / 50

Direct speech is when you report someone's words exactly as they were spoken, enclosed in quotation marks.

24 / 50

In indirect speech, the tense of the reporting verb changes to the past tense.

25 / 50

Which of the following is used to separate the reporting clause from the reported speech in indirect speech?

26 / 50

When reporting a question in indirect speech, what typically happens to the word order?

27 / 50

In indirect speech, what word or phrase is commonly used to introduce the reported speech?

28 / 50

What is the term for a sentence that contains a reporting clause and the reported speech in indirect speech?

29 / 50

In indirect speech, what tense is typically used for the reported verb?

30 / 50

What is the primary purpose of using indirect speech in writing or speech?

31 / 50

In indirect speech, how are the reported words typically conveyed?

32 / 50

What is indirect speech (reported speech)?

33 / 50

What is the term for a sentence that contains both a reporting clause and direct speech?

34 / 50

In direct speech, which of the following is used to introduce the speaker's exact words?

35 / 50

Which of the following is an example of a change from direct to indirect speech?

36 / 50

What punctuation is used to separate the reporting clause from the quoted speech in direct speech?

37 / 50

Which of the following sentences contains a change from direct to indirect speech?

38 / 50

What is the correct indirect speech for the following direct speech: "Mary said, 'I have a pet cat.'"

39 / 50

In which sentence is the reporting verb in the past tense?

40 / 50

Which of the following is an example of a question in direct speech?

41 / 50

Choose the correct indirect speech for the following direct speech: "John said, 'I can swim.'"

42 / 50

In which sentence is the reporting verb in the present tense?

43 / 50

What is the correct indirect speech for the following direct speech: "Tom said, 'I have finished my homework.'"

44 / 50

Which of the following is an example of a statement in direct speech?

45 / 50

In direct speech, what tense is typically used for the reported verb?

46 / 50

Which sentence represents a change from indirect to direct speech?

47 / 50

Choose the correct indirect speech for the following direct speech: "She said, 'I will visit the museum tomorrow.'"

48 / 50

Which of the following is a direct speech?

49 / 50

What is the purpose of using direct speech in writing or speech?

50 / 50

hich punctuation marks are used to enclose direct speech?

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