Spoken English Class Test 17


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Spoken English Class Test 17

Spoken English Class Test 17

Welcome to your Spoken English class test 17. Hope you understand the class & now it's time to examine yourself through test. Remember you have only 10 minutes to complete the class test ,after 10 minutes Class test will be automatically submit ,  All the best for your Class test. आपके मौखिक अंग्रेजी क्लास टेस्ट 17 में आपका स्वागत है। आशा है कि आप क्लास को समझ गए होंगे और अब टेस्ट के माध्यम से खुद को परखने का समय आ गया है। याद रखें कि आपके पास क्लास टेस्ट पूरा करने के लिए केवल 10 मिनट हैं, 10 मिनट के बाद क्लास टेस्ट स्वचालित रूप से सबमिट हो जाएगा, आपके क्लास टेस्ट के लिए शुभकामनाएं।[the_ad id="135872"]

1 / 50

My grandpa___________(sleep) for three hours when I woke him up.(Past perfect continuous tense)

2 / 50

Mrs. Sally___________ (teach) English for thirty years before she retired.

3 / 50

She ___ (look) at everyone for 15 minutes. (past continuous)

4 / 50

Peter ___ them. (insult : past indefinite)

5 / 50

What is the V3 from of ring?

6 / 50

Komal was reading this book. Change into question form.

7 / 50

My teacher ____ in the classroom. (teach : past indifinite)

8 / 50

We ____ a good work. (do : past indifinite)

9 / 50

We were playing. : Change into question form.

10 / 50

We ____ (practice) for our dance performance for 20 minutes. (past continuous)

11 / 50

What is the V3 form of read?

12 / 50

Peter ____ (play) cricket since morning. (past continuous tense)

13 / 50

She ________ (watch) TV at 9 PM. (past continuous-negative form)

14 / 50

Fever has affected my body. : Change into question form.

15 / 50

We were working. : Change into question form.

16 / 50

What is the V2 form of cut?

17 / 50

He went to the park yesterday. : Change into question form.

18 / 50

My father had been visiting the classroom since morning. Is it an example of past continuous tense?

19 / 50

What is the V2 form if "bring"?

20 / 50

Change the sentence into past perfect continuous tense : Anamika is singing beautifully at the party. (a long time)

21 / 50

I ____ (read) a motivational storybook for a long time. (past continuous)

22 / 50

Change the sentence into past perfect continuous tense : Harry is speaking fluent English. (Childhood)

23 / 50

You ______ (insult) them for 30 minutes. (past continuous)

24 / 50

Rakesh played a guitar at home since evening. Is this a past continuous tense?

25 / 50

A women ______ a car on the road. (ride: past indefinite)

26 / 50

What is the V3 form of sing?

27 / 50

I got the certificate. :Change into question form.

28 / 50

What is the V2 form of "hide"?

29 / 50

I walk to the store yesterday. :Change into simple past tense.

30 / 50

By the time we arrive, the children ________ (eat) the cake.

31 / 50

They _______ when I called. (study : past continuous tense)

32 / 50

Change into past continuous question form: She was going to school.

33 / 50

Fill the blank with simple past tense: When ______ he go on a holiday?

34 / 50

What is the V2 form of good?

35 / 50

Change into past continuous question form: She was reading a romantic noval.

36 / 50

The receptionist _________ the application for the interview. (accept : past perfect continuous tense)

37 / 50

Change into question form: She bought a new car last month.

38 / 50

We _________ dinner when you arrived. (negative form)

39 / 50

I _____ breakfast this morning. (irregular form of eat)

40 / 50

Fill the blank with regular verb & add -ed to the base verb: She ______ to the teacher after class.

41 / 50

Change into question form: She played tennis last week.

42 / 50

Change into negative form : I walk to the store yesterday.

43 / 50

While I ________ (past continuous), the phone _______ (simple past).

44 / 50

What are the commonly used time expressions used in past continuous tense?

45 / 50

What does past continuous tense emphasizes?

46 / 50

These are the signal words to indicate the past indefinite sentence.

47 / 50

They visited Paris last summer", is an example of past continuous tense?

48 / 50

Which of the following the example of past continuous tense?

49 / 50

What is the positive form of sentence in past continuous tense?

50 / 50

In the given sentence which is the past indefinite tense, Did she read the book?

Your score is
