Sound Designer (1 years diploma)
Sound Designer click here
Brief Job Description: Individuals at this job design the sound concept for a
production and select the studios/equipment for recordings
Personal Attributes: This job requires the individual to think creatively and
develop a range of sound concepts. The individual must have a good
understanding of the various music forms and styles prevalent in the industry.

The individual must be aware of the language and principles of sound, acoustics
and psychoacoustics. The individual must be able to interpret sound
requirements and select the equipment/ studios required for production.
Acoustics Acoustics is the science of sound production, creation of effects and their
Budget Budget is an estimate of the total cost of production that may include a breakup of cost components
Continuity Continuity represents the seamless transition from one shot to another
Copyright Laws A legal framework linked to intellectual property and the rights given to creators
of original products/ concepts
Creative Brief Creative brief is a document that captures the key questions that serve as a
guide for the production including the vision, objective of the project, target
audience, timelines, budgets, milestones, stakeholders
Psychoacoustics Psychoacoustics is the study of the psychological and physiological responses to
Target Audience Group of people at whom content/ adverting is aimed. A target audience is
typically defined by age, gender, economic classification, geography and any
other relevant parameters
Timelines Timelines is a listing of dates by which the production milestones/stages need
to be completed
Sector Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar
businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the
economy whose components share similar characteristics and interests.
Sound concept Sound concept is a description of the overall sound experience for the
Sub-sector Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the characteristics
and interests of its components.
Vertical Vertical may exist within a sub-sector representing different domain areas or
the client industries served by the industry.
Occupation Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of functions
in an industry
Function Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the sector,
occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a person or a group of
persons. Functions are identified through functional
analysis and form the basis of OS.

Sub-functions Sub-functions are sub-activities essential to fulfill the achieving the objectives
of the function.
Job role Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
employment opportunity in an organization.
Occupational Standards
OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve when
carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the knowledge and
understanding they need to meet that standard consistently. Occupational
Standards are applicable both in the Indian and global contexts.
Performance Criteria Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard of
performance required when carrying out a task
National Occupational
Standards (NOS)
NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian context.
Qualifications Pack
Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a
qualifications pack.
Qualifications Pack(QP) Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the educational,
training and other criteria required to perform a job role
Qualifications Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.
Unit Code Unit Code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is denoted
by an
Unit Title Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should be
able to do.
Description Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be helpful to
anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the appropriate OS they
are looking for.
Scope Scope is the set of statements specifying the range of variables that an
individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have a
critical impact on the quality of performance required.
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify the
technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge that an
individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.
Organizational Context Organizational Context includes the way the organization is structured and how
it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge managers have of their
relevant areas of responsibility.
Technical Knowledge Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish specific
designated responsibilities.
Core Skills/Generic
Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning and
working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any work
environment. In the context of the OS, these include communication related
skills that are applicable to most job roles.
Keywords /Terms Description
NOS National Occupational Standard(s)
QP Qualifications Pack
NSQF National Skill Qualifications Framework
NVEQF National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework
NVQF National Vocational Qualifications Framework

Conceptualize sound concepts
Description This OS unit is about conceptualizing creative sound concepts that conform to
requirements of the production script and sound brief
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Understanding sound requirements (from the script and sound brief, including
budget, number of tracks, duration, quality, sine and non-sine effects, content
– emotion, mood, pitch, technical requirements)
Generating a variety of sound concepts that cater to sound requirements
Shortlisting the most feasible concept
Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
sound requirements
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. interpret the creative and technical requirements from the script and sound
design brief
Generating a variety
of sound concepts
that cater to sound
PC2. develop sound concepts that conform to requirements
Shortlisting the most
feasible concept
PC3. evaluate and shortlist options best suited to the production
PC4. prepare a list of tracks that would need to be produced (along with their
sound attributes and specifications)
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
(Knowledge of the
company /
organization and
its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. the creative and technical requirements of the production
KA2. the technical, budget and time constraints applicable
B. Technical Knowledge
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. the various styles/forms of music and sounds prevalent in the industry and
their characteristics
KB2. the language and principles of sound, and how they affect tone
KB3. the principles of acoustics and psychoacoustics
KB4. how to think creatively and develop a range of sound concepts
KB5. the parameters for evaluating sound concepts
KB6. the balance between fx, music and soundtracks
KB7. basic music sequencing
KB8. how to break-down the sound concept into specific components that would
need to be produced
KB9. foley-recording, i.e. the use of everyday sound effects in post-production
KB10. sound editing/mixing techniques and software, w.r.t. basic film grammar and
compatibility with the production
KB11. the applicable copyright and intellectual property norms
KB12. applicable health and safety guidelines

Skills (S) (Optional)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. prepare notes for reference during the conceptualization phase
SA2. document the sound concept including specifications for sound/tracks that
would need to be produced
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. read and understand the script and the sound design brief
SA4. read and identify copyright requirements for procuring sound components
SA5. profile the target audience of the production to understand their tastes and
SA6. keep updated on industry trends with respect to the types of sound concepts
being used across various productions
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA7. discuss and agree on the sound requirements with the director and producer
SA8. present sound concepts and gain consensus on the final concept with the
Director and Producer, and agree on modifications required
B. Professional Skills Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. identify any problems with successful execution of the task and resolve
them in consultation with the producer and director
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB2. envision the impact of selecting a particular sound concept on the budget and
production process
Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. break down scripts in terms of moods to be created with sound.
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. communicate the sound concepts analyzed with the production team.
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. foresee the different sound effects to be developed as per the script updating

Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. break down scripts in terms of sound concepts to be used during post
Select sound equipment
Description This OS unit is about identifying sound equipment requirements and selecting
equipment most suited for production
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Determining sound equipment required for the production (including
microphones, amplifiers, playback equipment, speakers, converters, splitters,
routers, wireless communication devices, batteries, recording media, mixing
Selecting equipment most suited for the production
Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Determining sound
equipment required
for the production
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. determine the sound equipment that would be required
Selecting equipment
most suited for the
PC2. select sound equipment best suited to achieve the required sound for the
PC3. obtain permissions/licenses for using the equipment during production
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
(Knowledge of the
company /
organization and
its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. the quality and creative standards expected from the final recorded endproducts
KA2. the technical, budget and time constraints applicable
KA3. the production/recording dates
B. Technical Knowledge
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand: KB1.
the principles of sound, acoustics and psychoacoustics
KB2. the performance characteristics and costs of hiring different types of sound
KB3. the power requirements for recording and operating equipment (voltage,
load, phases), placement of power fittings (distribution, requirements), and
techniques for safe testing
KB4. the difference between sound formats (5.1, 7.1, compressed) and the
appropriate sound equipment for each
KB5. radio frequency allocations and requirements
KB6. sound editing/mixing techniques, equipment and software (Telos Machines,
Yamaha 02R Digital, VEGAS software, RCS radio software)
KB7. the permissions and licenses required for operating sound equipment
KB8. applicable health and safety considerations
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. prepare a list of sound equipment that would need to be procured to meet
production needs
SA2. prepare the sound budget including a detailed breakdown of the equipment
and resources that would be required for production
SA3. prepare the required documentation to obtain the licenses/permissions for
the use of sound equipment
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. read and understand the sound brief, and be aware of the creative and
technical specifications for sound production
SA5. keep updated on new technologies and sound equipment used for

SA6. read about the requirements for procuring licenses and permissions
required to operate the sound equipment during the production dates
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA7. liaise with the production department to determine sound requirements
SA8. discuss and agree on the sound budget with the Director and Producer
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. select the sound equipment to be used in line with the budget allocated
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB2. plan equipment selection and hire/procurement in accordance to production
schedules and within the budget allocated
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. determine the impact of the chosen sound equipment on the production and
post-production requirements of sound
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. identify potential issues/variations from sound requirements and identify
solutions to be able to resolve/correct them proactively
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. check that the equipment selected meets project requirements
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. have precise attention to all the details
Select sound studios for recording
Description This OS unit is about assessing the suitability of sound studios and finalising the most
appropriate studio for recording
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Identifying suitable sound studios and assessing the suitability (in light of
availability and quality of sound equipment, sound sources/materials required
to produce sound, creative and technical requirements, budget assigned,
ancillary costs)
Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Identifying suitable
sound studios and
assessing the
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. assess the suitability of a studio for recording in light of the creative and
technical requirements of production (it is recommended that the sound
designer personally visits all key studios)
PC2. evaluate the pros and cons of recording at the studio and reasons why it
should be chosen or rejected
PC3. assess any additional costs that would need to be borne
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
(Knowledge of the
company /
organization and
its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. the studios available and/or the sources of finding out suitable studios for
KA2. the allocated budget and production/recording dates
B. Technical Knowledge
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. how to assess the pros and cons of a studio, w.r.t. the sound concept, line
sound recording, voice and effects treatment and other creative or technical
KB2. the sound equipment required and whether provisions are available at the
studio (microphones, amplifiers, recording media, mixing consoles, speakers,
converters, Foley props)
KB3. the cost of procuring additional equipment, if required
KB4. the power needs for recording and whether they will be met with at the
given studio
KA3. the ancillary costs involved in selecting the studio (the cost of transportation,
accommodation, equipment)
KB5. applicable health and safety guidelines
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document the pros and cons of each studio and reasons for
choosing/rejecting any studio
SA2. document additional technical and equipment needs at the studio, for
reference of the relevant departments
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. read the production budgets to ensure that the studio and ancillary costs
stay in line
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. liaise with the production department to discuss the studio’s suitability w.r.t.
production needs, expected problems that might arise or additional
requirements, if any
SA5. discuss and confirm the creative and technical requirements for recording
SA6. communicate any health and safety requirements to the production team
and assign responsibility for needs to be taken care of
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. select the sound equipment to be used in line with the budget allocated
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB2. identify problems with successful execution at the studio, and resolve them in
consultation with the production team
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. procure equipment according to the requirements and within agreed
SB4. manage within the agreed budget and minimize overruns
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand howto:
SB5. appraise the quality of the desired product to ensure it is in line with the
expected quality standards and suggest areas of improvement
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. check that the output meets project requirements
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. monitor the nature and quality of materials, tools and equipment.
Maintain workplace health and safety
Description This OS unit is about contributing towards maintaining a healthy, safe and secure
working environment
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
understanding the health, safety and security risks prevalent at the workplace
knowing the people responsible for health and safety and the resources available
identifying and reporting risks
complying with procedures in the event of an emergency
Performance Criteria (PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Understanding the
health, safety and
security risks
prevalent in the
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. maintain one’s posture and position to minimize fatigue and any risk of injury
PC2. maintain first aid kit and keep oneself updated on the first aid procedures
PC3. identify and document potential risks like sitting postures while using
computer, eye fatigues and other hazards at the workplace
PC4. accurately maintain accident reports

PC5. report health and safety risks/ hazards to the concerned personnel
PC6. participate in organization’s health and safety knowledge sessions and drills
Knowing the people
responsible for health
and safety and the
resources available
PC7. identify the people responsible for health and safety at the workplace,
including those to contact in case of an emergency
PC8. identify security signals e.g. fire alarms and places such as staircases, fire
warden stations, first aid and medical rooms
Identifying and
reporting risks
PC9. identify aspects of your workplace that could cause potential risk to own and
others health and safety
PC10. ensure own personal health and safety, and that of others at the workplace
through precautionary measures
PC11. identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and
security to the designated person
PC12. report any hazards outside the individual’s authority to the relevant person in
line with organisational procedures and warn other people who may be
PC13. follow organization’s emergency procedures for accidents, fires or any other
natural calamity in case of a hazard
PC14. identify and correct risks like illness, accidents, fires or any other natural
calamity safely and within the limits of individual’s authority
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
(Knowledge of the
company /
organization and
its processes)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organization’s norms and policies relating to health and safety
KA2. government norms and policies regarding health and safety and related
emergency procedures
KA3. limits of authority while dealing with risks/ hazards
KA4. the importance of maintaining high standards of health and safety at a
B. Technical Knowledge
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. the different types of health and safety hazards in a workplace
KB2. safe working practices for own job role
KB3. evacuation procedures and other arrangements for handling risks
KB4. names and contact numbers of people responsible for health and safety in a
KB5. how to summon medical assistance and the emergency services, where
KB6. vendors’ or manufacturers’ instructions for maintaining health and safety
while using equipment’s, systems and/or machines
Skills (S) (Optional)
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Writing Skills

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. how to write and provide feedback regarding health and safety to the
concerned people
SA2. how to write and highlight potential risks or report a hazard to the concerned
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. read instructions, policies, procedures and norms relating to health and
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. highlight potential risks and report hazards to the designated people
SA5. listen and communicate information with all anyone concerned or affected
B. Professional Skills Decision making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. make decisions on a suitable course of action or plan
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB2. plan and organize people and resources to deal with risks/ hazards that lie
within the scope of one’s individual authority
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. apply problem solving approaches in different situations.