Retail Departmental Manager (1 years course)
Retail Departmental Manager click here
Brief Job Description
Individuals in this position should be able to build/manage a store operations team and also possess a
good understanding of customer segments and their product and brand preferences, competition and
sales techniques and incentives that effect incremental customer purchases.

Personal Attributes
The individual needs to be physically fit to withstand working in a retail environment whilst being customer responsive. They need to have excellent product knowledge, interpersonal, listening skills, people management and business planning ability.
To help maintain health and safety
This OS describes the skills and knowledge required to help maintain health and safety
The scope covers the following :
Deal with accidents and emergencies
Help to reduce health and safety risks
Elements and Performance Criteria
Deal with accidents and emergencies
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. follow company procedures and legal requirements for dealing with accidents and
PC2. speak and behave in a calm way while dealing with accidents and emergencies.
PC3. report accidents and emergencies promptly, accurately and to the right person
PC4. recognize when evacuation procedures have been started and follow company procedures for
Help to reduce health and safety risks
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. follow the health and safety requirements laid down by the company and by law, and
encourage colleagues to do the same
PC6. promptly take the approved action to deal with risks if he/she is authorized to do so
PC7. report risks promptly to the right person, if he/she does not have the authority
PC8. use equipment and materials in line with the manufacturers instructions
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. company procedures and legal requirements for dealing with accidents and emergencies
KU2. how to report accidents and emergencies to promote health and safety
KU3. legal and company requirements for reporting accidents and emergencies
KU4. company procedures for evacuation, including how the alarm is raised and where emergency
exits and assembly points are
KU5. health and safety requirements laid down by the company and by law
KU6. setting a good example contributing to health and safety in the workplace
KU7. authority and responsibility for dealing with health and safety risks, and the importance of
not taking on more responsibility than he/she is authorized to
KU8. approved procedures for dealing with health and safety risks
KU9. how to find instructions for using equipment and materials
KU10. techniques for speaking and behaving in a calm way while dealing with accidents and
KU11. emergency response techniques
KU12. using machinery and escape methods to have minimal loss to material and life
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete documentation accurately
GS2. write simple reports when required
GS3. read information accurately
GS4. read and interpret data sheets

GS5. follow instructions accurately
GS6. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS7. use questioning to minimize misunderstandings
GS8. display courteous and helpful behavior at all times
GS9. make appropriate decisions regarding the responsibilities of the job role
GS10. plan and schedule routines
GS11. build relationships with internal and external customers
GS12. respond to breakdowns and malfunction of equipment
GS13. respond to unsafe and hazardous working conditions
GS14. respond to security breaches
To allocate and check work in your team
This OS describes how to ensure that the work required of your team is effectively andfairly allocated
amongst team members.
The scope covers the following :
Allocate and check work in your team
Elements and Performance Criteria
Allocate and check work in your team
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. use information collected on the performance of team members in any formal appraisal of
PC2. recognize successful completion of significant pieces of work or work activities by team
members and the overall team and update the manager.
PC3. identify unacceptable or poor performance, discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of
improving performance with team members.
PC4. monitor the team for conflict, identifying the cause(s) when it occurs and dealing with it
promptly and effectively.
PC5. motivate team members to complete the work they have been allocated and provide, where
requested and where possible, any additional support and/or resources to help completion.
PC6. support team members in identifying and dealing with problems and unforeseen events.
PC7. check the progress and quality of the work of team members on a regular and fair basis
against the standard or level of expected performance and provide prompt and constructive

PC8. encourage team members to ask questions, make suggestions and seek clarification in
relation to the work they have been allocated.
PC9. recognize and find out differences in expectations and working methods of any team
members from a different country or culture and promote ways of working that take account
of their expectations and maximize productivity.
PC10. brief team members on the work they have been allocated and the standard or level of
expected performance.
PC11. allocate work to team members on a fair basis taking account of their skills, knowledge and
understanding, experience and workloads and the opportunity for development.
PC12. plan how the team will undertake its work, identifying any priorities or critical activities and
making best use of the available resources.
PC13. confirm the work required of the team with your manager and seek clarification, where
necessary, on any outstanding points and issues.
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. different ways of communicating effectively with members of a team.
KU2. the importance of confirming/clarifying the work required of the team with your manager
and how to do this effectively.
KU3. how to plan the work of a team, including how to identify any priorities or critical activities
and the available resources
KU4. why it is important to brief team members on the work they have been allocated and the
standard or level of expected performance and how to do so.
KU5. the values, ethics, beliefs, faith, cultural conventions, perceptions and expectations of any
team members from a different country or culture and how your own values, ethics, beliefs,
faith, cultural conventions, perceptions, expectations, use of language, tone of voice and
body language may appear to them.
KU6. ways of encouraging team members to ask questions and/or seek clarification and make
suggestions in relation to the work which they have been allocated.
KU7. effective ways of regularly and fairly checking the progress and quality of the work of team
KU8. how to provide prompt and constructive feedback to team members.
KU9. the additional support and/or resources which team members might require to help them
complete their work and how to assist in providing this.
KU10. why it is important to monitor the team for conflict and how to identify the cause(s) of
conflict when it occurs and deal with it promptly and effectively.
KU11. how to take account of diversity and inclusion issues when supporting and encouraging team
members to complete the work they have been allocated.
KU12. why it is important to identify unacceptable or poor performance by members of the team
and how to discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of improving performance with team
KU13. the type of problems and unforeseen events that may occur and how to support team
members in dealing with them.
KU14. how to plan the work of a team, including how to identify any priorities or critical activities
and the available resources.
KU15. how to identify sustainable resources and ensure their effective use when planning the work
of a team.
KU16. how to identify and take due account of health and safety issues in the planning, allocation
and checking of work.
KU17. how to select and apply a limited range of different methods for motivating,supporting and
encouraging team members to complete the work they have been allocated and improve
their performance, and for recognising their achievements.
KU18. how to log information on the ongoing performance of team members and use this
information for performance appraisal purposes.
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete documentation accurately.
GS2. write simple reports when required.
GS3. read information accurately.
GS4. read and interpret data sheets.
GS5. use questioning and active listening to determine and respond to customer needs to ensure
customers enjoy a positive retail experience that reflects store values.
GS6. carry out verbal instructions from other team members and supervisors.
GS7. read and interpret simple workplace documents.
GS8. complete simple written workplace forms and share work-related information with other
team members.
GS9. make appropriate decisions regarding the responsibilities of the job role.
GS10. select and use a range of retail technology, such as point-of-sale systems, according to
available equipment and store procedures.
GS11. follow store policies regarding work availability, rosters and work duties.
GS12. work within the store culture by practicing inclusive behavior.
GS13. manage personal presentation, hygiene and time.
GS14. priorities and complete delegated tasks under instruction
GS15. work collaboratively with team members, supporting the team, respecting and
understanding others views, and giving and receiving feedback in the context of a retail
customer service environment where employees are expected to perform their individual
tasks but also look for opportunities to assist others.
GS16. adapt to new situations, including changing workplace procedures.
GS17. demonstrate sensitivity to customer needs and concerns.
GS18. anticipate problems and act to avoid them where possible.
GS19. respond to breakdowns and malfunction of equipment.
GS20. respond to unsafe and hazardous working conditions.
GS21. respond to security breaches
GS22. recognize and report faulty equipment and follow store workplace health and safety
GS23. solve problems in the context of a team structure where, after clarification, customer service
issues or recognition of risk may be referred to another team member or a supervisor for
resolution depending on store policy and procedures.
GS24. identify personal strengths and weaknesses in the context of the job role and recognize how
to personally learn best.
GS25. accept opportunities to learn new ways of doing things and implement changes under
instruction in the context of store procedures.
To work effectively in a retail team
This OS describes the skills and knowledge required to work effectively within and with teams across a
Retail environment
The scope covers the following :
Support the work team
Maintain personal presentation
Develop effective work habits
Review changes that promote continuous improvement in customer service

Elements and Performance Criteria
Support the work team
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. display courteous and helpful behavior at all times
PC2. take opportunities to enhance the level of assistance offered to colleagues
PC3. meet all reasonable requests for assistance within acceptable workplace timeframes
PC4. complete allocated tasks as required
PC5. seek assistance when difficulties arise
PC6. use questioning techniques to clarify instructions or responsibilities
PC7. identify and display a non discriminatory attitude in all contacts with customers and other
staff members
Maintain personal presentation
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. observe appropriate dress code and presentation as required by the workplace, job role and
level of customer contact
PC9. follow personal hygiene procedures according to organizational policy and relevant
Develop effective work habits
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC10. interpret, confirm and act on workplace information, instructions and procedures relevant to
the particular task
Review changes that promote continuous improvement in customer service
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC11. interpret, confirm and act on legal requirements in regard to anti- discrimination, sexual
harassment and bullying
PC12. ask questions to seek and clarify workplace information
PC13. plan and organize daily work routine within the scope of the job role
PC14. priorities and complete tasks according to required timeframes
PC15. identify work and personal priorities and achieve a balance between competing priorities
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. the policies and procedures relating to the job role
KU2. the value system of the organization
KU3. employee rights and obligations
KU4. the reporting hierarchy and escalation matrix
KU5. ask questions to identify and confirm requirements
KU6. follow routine instructions through clear and direct communication
KU7. use language and concepts appropriate to cultural differences
KU8. use and interpret non-verbal communication
KU9. the scope of information or materials required within the parameters of the job role
KU10. the consequences of poor team participation on job outcomes
KU11. work health and safety requirements
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete workplace documentation accurately
GS2. read and interpret workplace documentation
GS3. read and interpret organisational policies and procedures
GS4. follow instructions accurately

GS5. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS6. use questioning to minimize misunderstandings
GS7. display courteous and helpful behavior at all times
GS8. plan and schedule time personal management
GS9. build relationships with internal and external team members
GS10. respond to ambiguity in directions and instructions
GS11. respond to breakdown in relationships within the team
GS12. respond to breakdowns in communications with other teams