Free Frontline Health Worker Course (equivalent to ASHA) Course(1year Diploma

Accredited Social Health Activist: -Voluntary health worker engaged at village level in implementation and support of National health programmes

Brief Job Description: -Individuals in this job provide support to Allied health workers engaged in National health programmes, act as health counsellors to local communities and provide healthcare services Frontline Health Worker Course.

Personal Attributes: -The job requires individuals to be well embedded within local communities and be comfortable in interacting with all sections of the community. The individual should be comfortable with providing support to community members at odd hours and should be reassuring and accessible to all community members.

Frontline Health Worker

Assist the Village Health, Sanitation & Nutrition Committee (VHSNC) Frontline Health Worker Course:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Ensure participation of all relevant stakeholders and communities in the village Health plan

PC2. Prepare for the Village Health Plan by observing and prioritising health, nutrition and sanitation needs of the community

 PC3. Contribute effectively to the implementation of the Village Health Plan by observing and reviewing all incidence of diseases covered under national health programmes, all the programmes under NRHM, ICDS and TSC; maternal and child deaths and other health indicators for the village

PC4. Ensure participation of VHSNC members in the Village health nutrition day Frontline Health Worker Course.

PC5. Contribute to the Village Health Plan by undertaking the Household Health Survey of the village

PC6. Support the VHSNC in utilisation of the untied Fund for the VHSNC and the sub-centre as per the Village Health Plan

 PC7. Support the VHSNC in submitting the Utilisation Certificates for the untied Fund

Counsel women on contraception and prevention of common infections and RTI/STI Frontline Health Worker Course:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Advise women on proper hygiene and cleanliness related to sexual and reproductive health

PC2. Disseminate information about prevention of RTIs/HIV/AIDS

PC3. Dispel any rumours or misconceptions about contraceptives in villages

 PC4. Talk about benefits of family planning to couples, individuals and adolescents at different occasions

PC5. Counsel couples on delay of first pregnancy immediately after marriage

PC6. Ensure that every couple that needs contraceptive services is counselled on where to avail of the service

 PC7. Ensure that there is no unmet need for spacing contraception among the population living Below the Poverty Line (BPL) PC8. Promote male participation in family planning

Frontline Health Worker

 PC9. Educate men and women on natural contraceptive methods

 PC10. Counsel women about contraceptive methods including Copper-T 320

 PC11. Explain the duration of protection and provide advice on professionals qualified to insert longer term contraceptives (like the Copper T)

PC12. Accompany women to the nearest health centre for putting in place longer term contraceptives (like Copper T)

 PC13. Escort women to the ANM/ Medical Officer prior to usage of oral contraceptives Frontline Health Worker Course.

 PC14. Provide oral contraceptives to women after visit to the ANM/ Medical officer

 PC15. Help the ANM to contact women wanting to have a Copper-T insertion

PC16. Explain the benefits of sterilisation to couples having two children or wanting terminal method

PC17. Explain the advantages of vasectomy over tubectomy

 PC18. Explain the procedures available for sterilisation (for men and women) and the time, cost and processes required for each

PC19. Find out the facilities where sterilisation services such as No-Scalpel Vasectomy and female sterilisation are available

 PC20. Accompany men and women wishing to undergo sterilisation to a facility where these services are provided
 PC21. Advise men and women undergoing sterilisation about monetary incentives offered by the state if any

PC22. Ensure there is no unmet need for contraception in the village

PC23. Ensure constant availability of contraceptives as part of social marketing

Survey analyzes frontline health care workers' stress

Provide healthcare services to adolescents Frontline Health Worker Course:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Advise adolescents on the changes to expect as they enter puberty

 PC2. Counsel adolescent girls on changes to expect related to menstruation, especially Pre-menstrual syndrome

 PC3. Counsel adolescent girls and community members on myths related to menstruation

 PC4. Advise adolescent girls on proper hygiene and cleanliness related to menstruation Frontline Health Worker Course.

 PC5. Answer any questions adolescents may have on sexuality, puberty and health

PC6. Disseminate information about prevention of RTIs/HIV/AIDS

PC7. Organise meetings, sessions and advice forums

PC8. Distribute sanitary napkins

 PC9. Ensure a constant supply of sanitary napkins

Counsel women on nutritional and health needs of young children:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Communicate essential messages for prevention of malnutrition Frontline Health Worker Course.

 PC2. Provide advice on feeding and on prevention of illness, and on access to health and nutrition services.

 PC3. Counsel families to prevent malnutrition and to reverse malnutrition in children below five years

PC4. Counsel families to send young children to the Anganwadi for supplementary nutrition and mothers for take-home rations
 PC5. Ensure that all families with children below the age of two years are counselled and supported for the prevention and management of malnutrition and anaemia and for prevention of illness such as malaria, recurrent diarrhoea and respiratory infection

PC6. Ensure that the mother of every child below five years with Diarrhoea, Fever, Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) and worms is counselled on whether referral is immediately required or whether first contact curative care should be provided at home with home remedies and drugs in the ASHA kit

 PC7. Ensure that Child malnutrition rates are reduced in the village

 PC8. Ensure that 100% of children with diarrhoea receive ORS

Help Our Frontline Health Workers for a Safe New Year

Provide antenatal counselling:

PC1. Ensure 100% of non-institutional deliveries have skilled assistance

PC2. Ensure 100% of institutional deliveries

 PC3. Ensure all eligible institutional deliveries claim benefits under the Janani Suraksha Yojana

 PC4. Ensure every pregnant woman receives a Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine and iron folic acid supplements

PC5. Ensure every pregnant woman showing danger signs is referred to the ANM or appropriate health facility

 PC6. Ensure that every pregnant woman and her family receive health information for promotion of appropriate healthcare practices – diet, rest and increased use of services which focus on care in pregnancy, delivery, postnatal care and family planning services

 PC7. Ensure that every pregnant woman avails of antenatal care (at least 3 visits) and postnatal care at the monthly health worker clinic/Village Health and Nutrition Day

PC8. Ensure that every family with a pregnant woman has made a plan and is prepared for the event of childbirth

PC9. Counsel women on contraception after delivery Frontline Health Worker Course.

Provide postnatal counselling Frontline Health Worker Course:-

Frontline Health Worker

PC1. Ensure that all new-borns are registered with the Anganwadi and the Gram Panchayat

PC2. Ensure that new mothers receive at least one medical check-up within two weeks of delivery

PC3. Counsel new mothers to visit the ANM for minor complaints

 PC4. Assist ANMs in conducting postnatal clinic and screening women and children with danger signals.

PC5. Referral of post-natal women in case of danger signs PC6. Counsel women on exclusive breast-feeding for the new born

 PC7. Counsel new mothers on contraceptive needs (temporary/permanent) as required and help the women/family to get the same

 PC8. Ensure that both new mothers and infants receive supplementary nutrition available at the Anganwadi Centre

PC9. Counsel new mothers on use of contraception post delivery Frontline Health Worker Course.

Counsel women on new-born care and immunisation- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Counsel women and families on infertility and refer to a medical facility

 PC2. Ensure that all pregnancies are registered with the Anganwadi within 12-16 weeks

 PC3. Educate families and the community about the dangers of unsafe abortion
 PC4. Escort women to approved centres for medical termination of pregnancy (MTP), if needed

 PC5. Counsel women on safe abortions and the time duration within which abortions can be performed safely

 PC6. Educate them about the need to use effective contraception after undergoing an abortion, so as to minimise the need for further abortions

 PC7. Prevent termination of pregnancy after identification of the sex of the foetus as female

COVID-19 frontline healthcare workers at risk of poor mental health

Counsel women on childlessness and abortion related issue Frontline Health Worker Course:-

PC1. Ensure 100% of fever cases receive chloroquine within the first week in a malaria endemic area

PC2. Help in increasing number of cases of Tuberculosis diagnosed correctly and early

PC3. Help in increasing number of cases of leprosy diagnosed correctly and early Frontline Health Worker Course.

PC4. Communicate key facts about malaria and its prevention to the community

 PC5. Make a blood smear and test using a rapid diagnostic test for malaria

 PC6. Manage fever in a young child

PC7. Know when to suspect malaria, how and when to test, when to refer, when and what to treat

PC8. Understand the manner of spread of Tuberculosis and methods of diagnosis

 PC9. Support treatment of Tuberculosis and follow-up with patients

 PC10. Understand the manner of spread of leprosy and methods of diagnosis
 PC11. Support treatment of leprosy and follow-up with patients

PC12. Maintain adequate stocks of DOTS, chloroquine and other primary care medicines contained in the ASHA kit

 PC13. Maintain stocks of rapid diagnostic kits, especially in malaria endemic areas Frontline Health Worker Course.

PC14. Ensure that those with fever which could be malaria (or kala – azar) have their blood tested to detect the disease and provide appropriate care/referral

PC15. Ensure that village/ medical authorities are alerted in case of an outbreak of malaria, leprosy or TB

9.Performance Criteria:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Diagnose common health problems including:

a. Danger signs during pregnancy

 b. Symptoms of chronic infectious diseases like TB

c. Symptoms of infectious diseases like Malaria

d. Danger signs in infants and small children

 PC2. Refer patients to the appropriate medical facility when required

PC3. Escort patients to the appropriate medical facility when required Frontline Health Worker Course.

PC4. Arrange for transportation to the nearest medical facility when escorting a patient

PC5. Ensure display of referral transport details in prominent places

10.Performance Criteria:-

Frontline Health Worker

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Build a rapport with the community members, especially the women in the community

PC2. Organise a home visit schedule to cover all homes in the community

PC3. Mobilise pregnant women and new mothers to receive ante and postnatal care and supplementary nutrition

 PC4. Mobilise pregnant women to have institutional deliveries

 PC5. Mobilise parents to have their children immunized

 PC6. Mobilise community members with possibility of STIs/ RTIs, communicable diseases, chronic diseases or other ailments to have tests done or to take treatment

PC7. Mobilise the community to adopt health and hygiene related precautions (e.g. disinfect stagnant pools of water, wash hands often etc.)

 PC8. Facilitate implementation of national health plans and schemes

11.Performance Criteria:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Explain the importance of a medically safe and hygienic childbirth process

 PC2. Explain the potential risks associated with childbirth at home

 PC3. Explain the essential requirements for a clean and safe childbirth process at home with a TBA

PC4. Counsel women opting for childbirth with a TBA

 PC5. Obtain Clean childbirth kits for the TBA as required

 PC6. Counsel the TBA and the pregnant woman on precautions to be taken during childbirth at home

 PC7. Counsel the TBA and the pregnant woman on potential danger signs to be aware of during the childbirth process

PC8. Counsel TBA and pregnant woman on referring in case of danger signs

PC9. Keep contact with TBA to keep track of pregnancies

PC10. Counsel TBA on being aware of potential female foeticide and identifying possible cases of sex determination

12.Performance Criteria:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Explain the causes of malaria and precautions to be taken for its prevention

 PC2. Explain symptoms of malaria PC3. Identify possible cases of malaria before an outbreak

PC4. Mobilise suspected cases of malaria to be tested by the MPW

PC5. Inform the MPW of suspected cases of malaria
 PC6. Assist the MPW in collecting blood samples from suspected cases of malaria

 PC7. Inform the Primary Health Centre of suspected outbreaks of malaria

13.Performance Criteria:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Keep track of all births, still births and deaths in the village in the course of home visits and other daily work

 PC2. Register every birth/still birth with the gram Panchayat within 14 days

 PC3. Register every death with the Gram Panchayat in 7 days

 PC4. Keep a record of work done in ASHA register/diary

 PC5. Track incentive payments due for work done

 PC6. Claim incentive payments

PC7. Keep a diary for noting experiences, difficulties and thoughts

PC8. Tally records with those at the Anganwadi and Health sub-centre

 PC9. Keep minutes of the VHSNC meetings

14.Performance Criteria:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Keep track of any unusual symptoms during the course of home visits and daily work

 PC2. Identify disease outbreaks

 PC3. Inform the Primary Health Centre of a suspected disease outbreak in a timely mann

15.Performance Criteria:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Respond to queries and information needs of all individuals

 PC2. Communicate effectively with all individuals regardless of age, caste, gender, community or other characteristics

 PC3. Communicate with individuals at a pace and level fitting their understanding, without using terminology unfamiliar to them

 PC4. Utilise all training and information at one’s disposal to provide relevant information to the individual

PC5. Confirm that the needs of the individual have been met

PC6. Adhere to guidelines provided by one’s organisation or regulatory body relating to confidentiality

PC7. Respect the individual’s need for privacy

PC8. Maintain any records required at the end of the interaction

16.Performance Criteria:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Maintain adequate supplies of medical and diagnostic supplies

 PC2. Arrive at actual demand as accurately as possible

 PC3. Anticipate future demand based on internal, external and other contributing factors as accurately as possible

PC4. Handle situations of stock-outs or unavailability of stocks without compromising health needs of patients/ individuals

17.Performance Criteria:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Adhere to legislation, protocols and guidelines relevant to one’s role and field of practice

 PC2. Work within organisational systems and requirements as appropriate to one’s role

PC3. Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

 PC4. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC5. Use relevant research based protocols and guidelines as evidence to inform one’s practice

PC6. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC7. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC8. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

18.Performance Criteria:-

To be competent, the user/ individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Identify individual responsibilities in relation to maintaining workplace health safety and security requirements

 PC2. Comply with health, safety and security procedures for the workplace

 PC3. Report any identified breaches in health, safety, and security procedures to the designated person PC4. Identify potential hazards and breaches of safe work practices

 PC5. Correct any hazards that individual can deal with safely, competently and within the limits of authority

PC6. Promptly and accurately report the hazards that individual is not allowed to deal with, to the relevant person and warn other people who may get affected

 PC7. Follow the organisation’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently

PC8. Identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and security to the designated person

 PC9. Complete any health and safety records legibly and accurately

19.Performance Criteria:-

PC1. Follow the appropriate procedures, policies and protocols for the method of collection and containment level according to the waste type

 PC2. Apply appropriate health and safety measures and standard precautions for infection prevention and control and personal protective equipment relevant to the type and category of waste

 PC3. Segregate the waste material from work areas in line with current legislation and organisational requirements

PC4. Segregation should happen at source with proper containment, by using different colour coded bins for different categories of waste

PC5. Check the accuracy of the labelling that identifies the type and content of waste

 PC6. Confirm suitability of containers for any required course of action appropriate to the type of waste disposal

 PC7. Check the waste has undergone the required processes to make it safe for transport and disposal

PC8. Transport the waste to the disposal site, taking into consideration its associated risks

 PC9. Report and deal with spillages and contamination in accordance with current legislation and procedures

PC10. Maintain full, accurate and legible records of information and store in correct location in line with current legislation, guidelines, local policies and protocols

20.Performance Criteria:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Preform the standard precautions to prevent the spread of infection in accordance with organisation requirements

PC2. Preform the additional precautions when standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection

PC3. Minimise contamination of materials, equipment and instruments by aerosols and splatter

 PC4. Identify infection risks and implement an appropriate response within own role and responsibility PC5. Document and report activities and tasks that put patients and/or other workers at risk

PC6. Respond appropriately to situations that pose an infection risk in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization

PC7. Follow procedures for risk control and risk containment for specific risks

 PC8. Follow protocols for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as required

PC9. Place appropriate signs when and where appropriate

 PC10. Remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization

 PC11. Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands before and after patient contact and/or after any activity likely to cause contamination

PC12. Follow hand washing procedures

 PC13. Implement hand care procedures

PC14. Cover cuts and abrasions with water-proof dressings and change as necessary

 PC15. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment that complies with Indian Standards, and is appropriate for the intended use

 PC16. Change protective clothing and gowns/aprons daily, more frequently if soiledand where appropriate, after each patient contact
PC17. Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated zones in all aspects of health care work

 PC18. Confine records, materials and medicaments to a well-designated clean zone

 PC19. Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-designated contaminated zone

PC20. Wear appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment in accordance with occupational health and safety policies and procedures when handling waste

PC21. Separate waste at the point where it has been generated and dispose of into waste containers that are colour coded and identified

 PC22. Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorised persons

PC23. Handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose of waste appropriately to minimise potential for contact with the waste and to reduce the risk to the environment from accidental release

PC24. Dispose of waste safely in accordance with policies and procedures of the organisation and legislative requirements

 PC25. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment during cleaning procedures

 PC26. Remove all dust, dirt and physical debris from work surfaces

PC27. Clean all work surfaces with a neutral detergent and warm water solution before and after each session or when visibly soiled

PC28. Decontaminate equipment requiring special processing in accordance with quality management systems to ensure full compliance with cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation protocols

 PC29. Dry all work surfaces before and after use
 PC30. Replace surface covers where applicable

PC31. Maintain and store cleaning equipment

Core Skills/ Generic Skills:- The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

 SA1. Consistently apply hand washing, personal hygiene and personal protection protocols

 SA2. Consistently apply clean and sterile techniques SA3. Consistently apply protocols to limit contamination

Reading Skills:- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

SA4. Follow instructions as specified in the protocols

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills):-

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

 SA5. Listen patiently

 SA6. Provide feedback (verbal and non-verbal) to encourage smooth flow of information

Professional Skills:- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

SB1. Take into account opportunities to address waste minimisation, environmental responsibility and sustainable practice issues

 SB2. Apply additional precautions when standard precautions are not sufficient

Plan and Organise:- The user/individual on the job needs to: SB3. Consistently ensure instruments used for invasive procedures are sterile at time of use (where appropriate)

SB4. Consistently follow the procedure for washing and drying hands

SB5. Consistently limit contamination SB6. Consistently maintain clean surfaces and manage blood and body fluid spills

Patient Centricity:- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

 SB7. Be a good listener and be sensitive to patient

SB8. Avoid unwanted and unnecessary communication with patients

 SB9. Maintain eye contact and non-verbal communication

Problem Solving:- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

SB10. Communicate only facts and not opinions

SB11. Give feedback when required

Analytical Thinking:- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
 SB12. Coordinate required processes effectively

Critical Thinking:- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

 SB13. Apply, analyse, and evaluate the information gathered from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action

 SB14. Take into account opportunities to address waste minimisation, environmental responsibility and sustainable practice issues

Technical Knowledge:- he user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KB1. How to categorise waste according to national, local and organisational guidelines

 KB2. The appropriate approved disposal routes for waste

 KB3. The appropriate containment or dismantling requirements for waste and how to make the waste safe for disposal

 KB4. The importance to adhere to the organisational and national waste management principles and procedures

 KB5. The hazards and risks associated with the disposal and the importance of risk assessments and how to provide these

 KB6. The personal protective equipment required to manage the different types of waste generated by different work activities

KB7. The importance of working in a safe manner when carrying out procedures for biomedical waste management in line with local and national policies and legislation

 KB8. The required actions and reporting procedures for any accidents, spillages and contamination involving waste

KB9. The requirements of the relevant external agencies involved in the transport and receipt of your waste KB10. The importance of segregating different types of waste and how to do this

KB11. The safe methods of storage and maintaining security of waste and the permitted accumulation times

 KB12. The methods for transporting and monitoring waste disposal and the appropriateness of each method to a given scenario

KB13. How to report any problems or delays in waste collection and whereto seek advice and guidance

KB14. The importance of the organisation monitoring and obtaining an assessment of the impact the waste has on the environment

KB15. The current national legislation, guidelines, local policies and protocols which affect work practice

KB16. The policies and guidance that clarify your scope of practice, accountabilities and the working relationship between yourself and others