
Free Blood Bank Technician Course (1year Diploma Course)

Free Blood Bank Technician Course

Free Blood Bank Technician Course (1year Diploma Course)

Blood Bank Technician in the Healthcare Industry is also known as a

phlebotomy technician and Blood Bank Laboratory technician.

Brief Job Description: -Blood Bank Technicians work in a lab to collect,

label and store blood. The blood bank technicians test samples to screen

potential donors, store blood, draws and maintain documentation and records.

They make patients comfortable during the procedure and monitor their vital signs.

They also check compatibility blood before issuing it out for transfusion Blood Bank Technician Course.

Personal Attributes: -This job requires the individual to work in collaboration with

medical laboratory technologist and other members of the healthcare team and

deliver the healthcare services as directed. The individual should be result oriented.

The individual should also be able to demonstrate clinical skills, communication skills

and ethical behaviour. Individuals must always perform their duties in a calm, reassuring and efficient manner.

Assist nurse in checking vital parameters Blood Bank Technician Course:-

Blood Bank Technician Course

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Take measurements of pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature

and/or other vital parameters, as appropriate

 PC2. Recognise the level of vital parameters under which blood donation could be performed

PC3. Identify and manage potential and actual risksto the safety ofthe potential donor

PC4. Accurately document the collected vital parameters in a timely manner

PC5. Accurately communicate the assessment Blood Bank Technician Course regarding the suitability of the individualto

donate blood PC6. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC7. Maintain competence within one’srole and field of practice

 PC8. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC9. Identify and manage potential and actual risksto the quality and safety of work

PC10. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Collect blood donor’s medical history and screen donors Blood Bank Technician Course:-

Blood Bank Technician Course

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Interview the potential blood donors and collectrelevant information about theirmedical history

PC2. Determine whetherthe individual can safely donate blood without experiencing any negative health effect

 PC1. Accurately document the collected medical history of the potential donor in a timelymanner

PC2. Accurately communicate whetherthe individual issuitable to donate blood

PC3. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC4. Defer or reject donor based on the current vitals and medical history example

if the donor hastaken some unacceptable medicines, vaccinations, or has suffered fromsome diseases

PC5. Maintain competence within one’srole and field of practice

 PC6. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC7. Identify and manage potential and actual risksto the quality and safety of work

 PC8. Evaluate and reflect on Blood Bank Technician Course the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Draw Blood from Donor Blood Bank Technician Course:-

Blood Bank Technician Course

PC1. Select equipment and supplies needed to collect blood by venipuncture procedure

 PC2. Understand the importance of antiseptics and Blood Bank Technician Course disinfectants maintain safety

 PC3. Efficiently perform proceduresto locate veinsto puncture

PC4. Identify types of additives used in blood collection

 PC5. Identify anatomicalsite to performvenepuncture

 PC6. Prepare the anatomicalsite and clean the site to perform venepuncture

 PC7. Perform venepuncture procedure as perthe guidelines Blood Bank Technician Course.

 PC8. Ensure timely implementation of appropriate proceduresto collect blood

 PC9. Ensure thatstandard precautionsforinfection prevention and control, and otherrelevant health and safety measures are taken

 PC10. Recognise the boundary of one’srole and responsibility

 PC11. Seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence andauthority

PC12. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

 PC13. Maintain competence within one’srole and field of practice

 PC14. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC15. Identify and manage potential and actualrisksto the quality and safety of practice

 PC16. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Monitor donor during the donation procedure Blood Bank Technician Course:-

Blood Bank Technician Course

PC1. Monitorthe donors’ condition and behaviour for any sign of adverse reaction event

PC2. Identify any sign of occurrence of an adverse event during the blood donation procedure

 PC3. Respond to any signs of adverse reaction of the donor and take Blood Bank Technician Course appropriate action, which may require to halt the procedure

PC4. Effectively report the sign of occurrence of an adverse event to the appropriate member of the team, in a timely manner

PC5. Identify need of re‐adjustment of the needle in situation of change in flow of blood

 PC6. Identify any problem in the blood collection procedure, like problem with the

blood collection packs or harnesses, and take required action immediately

PC7. Record allrelevantinformation clearly and appropriately

 PC8. Ensure timely implementation of appropriate proceduresto collect blood

PC9. Ensure thatstandard precautionsforinfection prevention and control and

otherrelevant health and safety measures are taken

 PC1. Recognise the boundary of one’srole and responsibility Blood Bank Technician Course.

PC2. Seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence andauthority

 PC3. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

 PC4. Maintain competence within one’srole and field of practice

 PC5. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

 PC6. Identify and manage potential and actual risksto the quality and safety of practice

PC7. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Screen donated blood for presence of any infection Blood Bank Technician Course:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Test the blood donation for ABO (blood type), Rh groups(i.e. positive or negative) and red cell antibodies

 PC2. Screen the blood donation for any infectious disease, like HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C,syphilis, Malaria, Dengue etc.

PC3. Record and report results ofscreening clearly and accurately, as per the guidelines

 PC4. Ensure timely implementation of appropriate procedures
PC5. Ensure thatstandard precautionsforinfection prevention and control and other

relevant health and safety measures are taken PC6. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

 PC7. Maintain competence within one’srole and Blood Bank Technician Course field of practice
PC8. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC9. Identify and manage potential and actual risksto the quality and safety of practice

 PC10. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Blood Bank Technician Course Document, Label and Store Blood Donations:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Efficiently handle the blood donations and perform relevant documentations

PC2. Identify any defect with the blood packs, like damaged pack, pack not sealed properlyetc.

PC3. Record and report the defect identified with the blood pack to the concerned authority

 PC4. Clearly and accurately document allthe relevant information Blood Bank Technician Course.

 PC5. Properly labelthe blood donations

 PC6. Safely handle and store the blood donations Free Blood Bank Technician Course

PC7. Assistin ensuring timely implementation of appropriate procedures

 PC8. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues
PC9. Maintain competence within one’srole and field of practice

PC10. Ensure thatstandard precautionsforinfection prevention and control and

otherrelevant health and safety measures are taken

 PC11. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC12. Identify and manage potential and actualrisksto the quality and safety of practice

PC13. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Blood Bank Technician Check Compatibility of Blood:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Identify the blood requirements of a patient, and the minimum information

required to correctly identify the blood product

 PC2. Immediately respond to the demand of a blood fortransfusion

PC3. Ensure timely collection of correct blood product from the storage area

 PC4. Check and verify the details ofthe blood with the patient requirements before issuing out the blood

 PC5. Clearly and accurately document allthe relevant information

 PC6. Safely handle the blood products

 PC7. Ensure thatstandard precautionsforinfection prevention and control and

otherrelevant health and safety measures are taken

 PC8. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

 PC9. Maintain competence within one’srole and field of practice

 PC10. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC11. Identify and manage potential and actualrisksto the quality and safety of practice

 PC12. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians : Occupational Outlook  Handbook : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Act Blood Bank Technician Course within the limits of one’s competence and authority:-

o be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Adhere to legislation, protocols and guidelinesrelevant to one’srole and field of practice

PC2. Work within organisationalsystems and requirements as appropriate to one’s role

PC3. Recognise the boundary of one’srole and responsibility and seek supervision

when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

 PC4. Maintain competence within one’srole and field of practice Blood Bank Technician Course.

 PC5. Use relevantresearch based protocols and guidelines as evidence to inform one’spractice

 PC6. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

 PC7. Identify and manage potential and actualrisksto the quality and safety of practice

 PC8. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Work effectively with others:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Communicate with other people clearly and effectively

PC2. Integrate one’s work with other people’s work effectively

PC3. Pass on essential information to other people on timely basis

PC4. Work in a way thatshowsrespect for other people

 PC5. Carry out any commitments made to Blood Bank Technician Course other people

 PC6. Reason out the failure to fulfil commitment

 PC7. Identify any problems with team members and other people and take the initiative to solve these problems

 PC8. Follow the organisation’s policies and procedures

Manage work to meetrequirements:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Clearly establish, agree, and record the work requirements Blood Bank Technician Course.

 PC2.Utilise time effectively

PC3. Ensure his/her work meetsthe agreed requirements

 PC4. Treat confidential information correctly

 PC5. Work in line with the organisation’s procedures and policies and within the limits of his/herjob role

Maintain a safe, Blood Bank Technician Course healthy, and secure working environment:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Identify individualresponsibilitiesin relation tomaintaining workplace health safety and security requirements

 PC2. Comply with health,safety and security proceduresforthe workplace

PC3. Report any identified breachesin health,safety, and security proceduresto the designatedperson

PC4. Identify potential hazards and breaches ofsafe work practices

 PC5. Correct any hazardsthat individual can deal with safely, competently and within the limits of authority

 PC6. Promptly and accurately report the hazardsthat individual is not allowed to deal with, to the relevant

person and warn other people who may get affected

 PC7. Follow the organisation’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently

 PC8. Identify and recommend opportunitiesforimproving health,safety, and security to the designated person

 PC9. Complete any health and safety recordslegibly and accurately

Practice code of conduct Blood Bank Technician Course while performing duties:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Adhere to protocols and guidelinesrelevant to the role and field of practice

PC2. Work within organisational systems and requirements as appropriate to the role

 PC3. Recognise the boundary of the role and responsibility and seek supervision

when situations are beyond the competence and authority

 PC4. Maintain competence within the role and field of practice Blood Bank Technician Course.

 PC5. Use protocols and guidelinesrelevant to the field of practice

PC6. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

 PC7. Identify and manage potential and actualrisksto the quality and patientsafety

 PC8. Maintain personal hygiene and contribute actively to the healthcare ecosystem

Follow biomedical Blood Bank Technician Course waste disposal protocols:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Follow the appropriate procedures, policies and protocolsforthe method of

collection and containment level according to the waste type

 PC2. Apply appropriate health and safetymeasures and standard precautionsfor

infection prevention and control and personal protective equipmentrelevant to the type and category of waste

PC3. Segregate the waste material Blood Bank Technician Course from work arising line with current legislation


PC4. Segregation should happen at source with proper containment, by using different color

coded binsfor different categories of waste

PC5. Check the accuracy of the labelling that Blood Bank Technician Course identifies the type and content of waste

 PC6. Confirm suitability of containers for any required course of action appropriate to the type of waste disposal

PC7. Check the waste has undergone the required processesto make itsafe for transport and disposal

PC8. Transport the waste to the disposal site, Blood Bank Technician Course taking into consideration its associated risks

 PC9. Report and deal with spillages Blood Bank Technician Course and contamination in accordance with current legislation and procedures

 PC10. Maintain full, accurate and legible records of information and store in correct location in line with

current legislation, guidelines, local policies and protocols

Followinfection control policies and procedures:-

Blood Bank Technician Course

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Preform the standard precautionsto prevent the spread of infection in

accordancewithorganisationrequirements Blood Bank Technician Course.

PC2. Preform the additional precautions when standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection

 PC3. Minimise contamination ofmaterials, equipment and instruments by aerosols and splatter

PC4. Identify infection risks and implement an appropriate response within own role and

responsibility PC5. Document and report activities and tasksthat put patients and/or other workers atrisk

 PC6. Respond appropriately to situationsthat pose an infection risk in accordance with the policies and procedures ofthe organization

 PC7. Follow proceduresforrisk control and risk containment forspecific risks

PC8. Follow protocolsfor care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as required

 PC9. Place appropriate signs when and where appropriate

PC10. Remove spillsin accordance with the policies and procedures ofthe organization

 PC11. Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands before and after patient contact and/

or after any activity likely to cause contamination

 PC12. Follow handwashing procedures

 PC13. Implement hand care procedures

PC14. Cover cuts and abrasions with water‐proof dressings and change as necessary

 PC15. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment that complies with Indian Standards,

and is appropriate for the intended use

 PC16. Change protective clothing and gowns/aprons daily, more frequently ifsoiled and where

appropriate, after each patient contact

 PC17. Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated zonesin all aspects of health care work

PC18. Confine records, materials and medicamentsto a well‐designated clean zone

PC19. Confine contaminated instruments and equipmentto a well‐designated contaminated zone

PC20. Wear appropriate personal protective clothing and equipmentin accordance with

occupational health and safety policies and procedures when handling waste

 PC21. Separate waste at the point where it has been generated and dispose of into waste

containersthat are colour coded and identified

 PC22. Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorised persons

 PC23. Handle, package, label,store, transport and dispose of waste appropriately to minimise

potential for contact with the waste and to reduce the risk to the environmentfrom



 PC24. Dispose of waste safely in accordance with policies and procedures ofthe


PC25. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment during cleaning procedures

PC26. Remove all dust, dirt and physical debrisfrom work surfaces

 PC27. Clean all work surfaces with a neutral detergent and warm water solution Blood Bank Technician Course before and after each session or when visibly soiled

PC28.Decontaminate equipmentrequiring special processing in accordance with

qualitymanagementsystemsto ensure full compliance with cleaning, disinfectionand sterilisation protocols

 PC29. Dry all work surfaces before and after use

 PC30. Replace surface covers where applic

 PC31. Maintain and store cleaning equipment

Laboratory technicians analyzing blood bags in blood bank — 18 19 Years,  physician - Stock Photo | #210953192

Monitor and assure quality:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Conduct appropriate research and analysis

 PC2. Evaluate potentialsolutionsthoroughly Blood Bank Technician Course.

 PC3. Participate in education programs which include currenttechniques, technology and trends pertaining to the dental industry

 PC4. Read Dental hygiene, dental and medical publications related to quality consistently and thoroughly

PC5. Report any identified breachesin health,safety, and security proceduresto the designated person

PC6. Identify and correct any hazardsthat he/she can deal with safely, competently and within the limits of his/her authority

 PC7. Promptly and accurately report any hazardsthat he/she is not allowed to deal with to the

relevant person and warn other people who may be affected

PC8. Follow the organisation’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently

 PC9. Identify and recommend opportunitiesforimproving health,safety, and security to the designated person

 PC10. Complete any health and safety recordslegibly and accurately

Guidelines for Assessment:-

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Blood Bank Technician Course Pack will be created by the Sector

Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS.

SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each

 PC 2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the

SSC 3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each

candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)

 4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations Blood Bank Technician Course for skill practical for every student

at each examination/training center based on this criteria

5. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score as per assessment grid.

6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take

subsequent assessment on the balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack

Assist nurse in checking vital parameters:-

PC1. Take measurements of pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature and/or other vital parameters, as appropriate

PC2. Recognise the level of vital parameters under which blood donation could be performed

PC3. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the safety of the potential donor

PC4. Accurately document the collected vital parameters in a timely manner

PC5. Accurately communicate the assessment regarding the suitability of the individual to donate blood

PC6. Establish trust and rapport with Blood Bank Technician Course colleagues

PC7. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC8. Promote and demonstrate good practice Blood Bank Technician Course as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC9. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of work

PC10. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Collect blood donor’s medical history and screen donors:-

PC1. Interview the potential blood donors and collect relevant information about their medical history

PC2. Determine whether the individual Blood Bank Technician Course can safely donate blood without experiencing any negative health effect

PC3. Accurately document the collected medical history of the potential donor in a timely manner

PC4. Accurately communicate whether the individual is suitable to donate blood

PC5. Establish trust and rapport Blood Bank Technician Course with colleagues

PC6. Defer or reject donor based on the current vitals and medical history example if the donor has taken some unacceptable medicines, vaccinations, or has suffered from some diseases

PC7. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC8. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC9. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of work

PC10. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Draw Blood from Donor:-

PC1. Select equipment and supplies needed to collect blood by venipuncture procedure

PC2. Understand the importance of antiseptics and disinfectants to maintain safety

PC3. Efficiently perform procedures to locate veins Blood Bank Technician Course to puncture Blood Bank Technician Course.

PC4. Identify types of additives used in blood collection

PC5. Identify anatomical site to perform venepuncture

PC6. Prepare the anatomical site and clean the site to perform venepuncture

PC7. Perform venepuncture procedure as per the guidelines

PC8. Ensure timely implementation of appropriate procedures to collect blood

PC9. Ensure that standard precautions for infection prevention and control, and other relevant health and safety measures are taken

PC10. Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility

PC11. Seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

PC12. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC13. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice
PC14. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an Blood Bank Technician Course individual and as a team member at all times

PC15. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC16. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Monitor donor during the donation procedure:-

PC1. Monitor the donors’ condition and behaviour for any sign of adverse reaction event

PC2. Identify any sign of occurrence of an adverse event during the blood donation procedure

PC3. Respond to any signs of adverse reaction of the donor and take appropriate action, which may require to halt the procedure

PC4. Effectively report the sign of occurrence of an adverse event to the appropriate member of the team, in a timely manner

PC5. Identify need of re-adjustment of the needle in Blood Bank Technician Course situation of change in flow of blood

PC6. Identify any problem in the blood collection procedure, like problem with the blood collection packs or

harnesses, and take required action immediately

PC7. Record all relevant information clearly and appropriately

PC8. Ensure timely implementation of appropriate procedures to collect blood

PC9. Ensure that standard precautions for infection prevention and control and other relevant

health and safety measures are taken

PC10. Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility

PC11. Seek supervision from superior when situations Blood Bank Technician Course are beyond one’s competence and authority

PC12. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC13. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC14. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an Blood Bank Technician Course individual and as a team member at all times

PC15. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC16. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s Blood Bank Technician Course work and make continuing improvements

Screen donated blood for presence of any infection:-

PC1. Test the blood donation for ABO (blood type), Rh groups (i.e. positive or negative) and red cell antibodies

PC2. Screen the blood donation for any Blood Bank Technician Course infectious disease, like HIV, Hepatitis B,Hepatitis C, syphilis, Malaria, Dengue etc

PC3. Record and report results of screening clearly and accurately, as per the guidelines

PC4. Ensure timely Blood Bank Technician Course implementation of appropriate procedures

PC5. Ensure that standard Blood Bank Technician Course precautions for infection prevention and control and other

relevant health and safety measures are taken

PC6. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC7. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC8. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC9. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC10. Evaluate and reflect on the quality Blood Bank Technician Course of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Document, Label and Store Blood Donations:-

PC1. Efficiently handle the blood donations Blood Bank Technician Course and perform relevant documentations

PC2. Identify any defect with the blood packs, like damaged pack, pack not sealed properly etc

PC3. Record and report the defect identified with the blood pack to the concerned authority

PC4. Clearly and accurately document all the Blood Bank Technician Course relevant information

PC5. Properly label the blood donations

PC6. Safely handle and store the blood donations

PC7. Assist in ensuring timely Blood Bank Technician Course implementation of appropriate procedures

PC8. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC9. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC10. Ensure that standard precautions for infection prevention and control and other relevant health and safety measures are taken

PC11. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC12. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC13. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

(Follow infection control policies and procedures):-

PC1. Preform the standard precautions to prevent the spread of infection in accordance with organisation requirements

PC2. Preform the additional precautions when standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection

PC3. Minimise contamination of materials, equipment and instruments by aerosols and splatter

PC4. Identify infection risks and implement an appropriate response within own role and responsibility

PC5. Document and report activities and tasks that put patients and/or other workers at risk

PC6. Respond appropriately to situations that pose an infection risk in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization

PC7. Follow procedures for risk control and risk containment for specific risks

PC8. Follow protocols for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as required

PC9. Place appropriate signs when and where appropriate

PC10. Remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization

PC11. Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands before and after patient contact and/or after any activity likely to cause contamination

PC12. Follow hand washing procedures

PC13. Implement hand care procedures

PC14. Cover cuts and abrasions with water -proof dressings and change as necessary

PC15. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment that complies with Indian Standards, and is appropriate for the intended use

PC16. Change protective clothing and gowns/aprons daily, more frequently if soiled and where appropriate, after each patient contact

PC17. Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated zones in all aspects of health care work

PC18. Confine records, materials and medicaments to a well -designated clean zone

PC19. Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well -designated contaminated zone

 PC20. Wear appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment in accordance with occupational health and safety policies and procedures when handling waste

PC21. Separate waste at the point where it has been generated and dispose of into waste containers that are colour coded and identified

PC22. Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorised persons

PC23. Handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose of waste appropriately to minimise potential for contact with the waste and to reduce the risk to the environment from accidental release

PC24. Dispose of waste safely in accordance with policies and procedures of the organisation and legislative requirements

PC25. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment during cleaning procedures

PC26. Remove all dust, dirt and physical debris from work surfaces

PC27. Clean all work surfaces with a neutral detergent and warm water solution before and after each session or when visibly soiled

PC28. Decontaminate equipment requiring special processing in accordance with quality management systems to ensure full compliance with cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation protocols

PC29. Dry all work surfaces before and after use

PC31. Maintain and store cleaning equipmen

(Act within the limits of one’s competence and authority):-

PC2. Work within organisational systems and requirements as appropriate to one’s role

PC3. Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

PC4. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC5. Use relevant research based protocols and guidelines as evidence to inform one’s practice

PC6. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC7. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC8. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

(Practice Code of conduct while performing duties):-

PC1. Adhere to protocols and guidelines relevant to the role and field of practice

PC2. Work within organisational systems and requirements as appropriate to the role

PC3. Recognise the boundary of the role and responsibility and seek supervision when situations are beyond the competence and authority

PC4. Maintain competence within the role and field of practice

PC5. Use protocols and guidelines relevant to the field of practice

PC6. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC7. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and patient safety

PC8. Maintain personal hygiene and contribute actively to the healthcare ecosystem

(Manage work to meet requirements):-

PC1. Clearly establish, agree, and record the work requirements

PC2. Utilise time effectively

PC3. Ensure his/her work meets the agreed requirements

PC4. Treat confidential informationcorrectly

PC5. Work in line with the organisation’s procedures and policies and within the limits of his/her job role

Assistnurse in checking vital parameters:-

PC1. Take measurements of pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature and/or other vital parameters, as appropriate

PC2. Recognise the level of vital parameters under which blood donation could be performed

PC3. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the safety of the potential donor

PC4. Accurately document the collected vital parameters in a timely manner

PC5. Accurately communicate the assessment regarding the suitability of the individual to donate blood

PC6. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC7. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC8. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC9. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of work

PC10. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Collect blood donor’s medical history and screen donors:-

PC1. Interview the potential blood donors and collect relevant information about their medical history

PC2. Determine whether the individual can safely donate blood without experiencing any negative health effect

PC3. Accurately document the collected medical history of the potential donor in a timely manner

PC4. Accurately communicate whether the individual is suitable to donate blood

PC5. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC6. Defer or reject donor based on the current vitals and medical history example if the donor has taken some unacceptable medicines, vaccinations, or has suffered from some diseases

 PC7. Maintain ccompetence within one’s role and field of practice

PC8. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC9. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of work

 PC10. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Draw Blood from Donor:-

PC1. Select equipment and supplies needed to collect blood by venipuncture procedure

PC2. Understand the importance of antiseptics and disinfectants to maintain safety

PC3. Efficiently perform procedures to locate veins to puncture

PC4. Identify types of additives used in blood collection

PC5. Identify anatomical site to perform venepuncture

PC6. Prepare the anatomical site and clean the site to perform venepuncture

PC7. Perform venepuncture procedure as per the guidelines

PC8. Ensure timely implementation of appropriate procedures to collect blood

PC9. Ensure that standard precautions for infection prevention and control, and other relevant health and safety measures are taken

PC10. Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility

PC11. Seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

PC12. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC13. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC14. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC15. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC16. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Monitor donor during the donation procedure:-

PC1. Monitor the donors’ condition and behaviour for any sign of adverse reaction event

PC2. Identify any sign of occurrence of an adverse event during the blood donation procedure

PC3. Respond to any signs of adverse reaction of the donor and take appropriate action, which may require to halt the procedure

PC4. Effectively report the sign of occurrence of an adverse event to the appropriate member of the team, in a timely manner

PC5. Identify need of re-adjustment of the needle in situation of change in flow of blood

PC6. Identify any problem in the blood collection procedure, like problem with the blood collection packs or harnesses, and take required action immediately

PC7. Record all relevant information clearly and appropriately

PC8. Ensure timely implementation of appropriate procedures to collect blood

PC9. Ensure that standard precautions for infection prevention and control and other relevant health and safety measures are taken

PC10. Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility

PC11. Seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

PC12. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC13. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC14. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC15. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC16. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Screen donated blood for presence of any infection:-

PC1. Test the blood donation for ABO (blood type), Rh groups (i.e. positive or negative) and red cell antibodies

PC2. Screen the blood donation for any infectious disease, like HIV, Hepatitis B,Hepatitis C, syphilis, Malaria, Dengue etc

PC3. Record and report results of screening clearly and accurately, as per the guidelines

PC4. Ensure timely implementation of appropriate procedures

PC5. Ensure that standard precautions for infection prevention and control and other relevant health and safety measures are taken

PC6. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC7. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC8. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC9. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC10. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Document, Label and Store Blood Donations:-

PC1. Efficiently handle the blood donations and perform relevant documentations

PC2. Identify any defect with the blood packs, like damaged pack, pack not sealed properly etc.

PC3. Record and report the defect identified with the blood pack to the concerned authority

PC4. Clearly and accurately document all the relevant information

PC5. Properly label the blood donations

 PC6. Safely handle and store the blood  donations

PC7. Assist in ensuring timely implementation of appropriate procedures

PC8. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC9. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC10. Ensure that standard precautions for infection prevention and control and other relevant health and safety measures are taken

PC11. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC12. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC13. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Check Compatibility of Blood:-

PC1. Identify the blood requirements of a patient, and the minimum information required to correctly identify the blood product

PC2. Immediately respond to the demand of a blood for transfusion

PC3. Ensure timely collection of correct blood product from the storage area

PC4. Check and verify the details of the blood with the patient requirements before issuing out the blood

PC5. Clearly and accurately document all the relevant information

PC6. Safely handle the blood products

PC7. Ensure that standard precautions for infection prevention and control and other relevant health and safety measures are taken

PC8. Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

PC9. Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

PC10. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

PC11. Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

PC12. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvement

(Follow infection control policies and procedures):-

PC1. Preform the standard precautions to prevent the spread of infection in accordance with organisation requirements

PC2. Preform the additional precautions when standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection

PC3. Minimise contamination of materials, equipment and instruments by aerosols and splatter

PC4. Identify infection risks and implement an appropriate response within own role and responsibility

PC5. Document and report activities and tasks that put patients and/or other workers at risk

PC6. Respond appropriately to situations that pose an infection risk in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization

PC7. Follow procedures for risk control and risk containment for specific risks

 PC8. Follow protocols for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as required

PC9. Place appropriate signs when and where appropriate

 PC10. Remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization

 PC11. Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands before and after patient contact and/or after any activity likely to cause contamination

 PC12. Follow hand washing procedures

 PC13. Implement hand care procedures

 PC14. Cover cuts and abrasions with water-proof dressings and change as necessary

PC15. Wear personal protective clothing and equipment that complies with Indian Standards, and is appropriate for the intended use

 PC16. Change protective clothing and gowns/aprons daily, more frequently if soiled and where appropriate, after each patient contact

PC17. Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated zones in all aspects of health care work

 PC18. Confine records, materials and medicaments to a welldesignated clean zone

PC19. Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-designated contaminated zone

 PC20. Wear appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment in accordance with occupational health and safety policies and procedures when handling waste

 PC21. Separate waste at the point where it has been generated and dispose of into waste containers that are colour coded and identified

 PC22. Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorised persons

 PC23. Handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose of waste appropriately to minimise potential for contact with the waste and to reduce the risk to the environment from accidental release

Technical Knowledge:- The user/individual on the job needsto know and understand how to:

 KB1. Evaluate treatment goals, process and outcomes

 KB2. Identify problems/deficienciesindental hygiene treatment goals, processes andoutcomes

 KB3. Accurately identify problemsin dental hygiene care

KB4. Conductresearch

KB5. Select and implement proper hygiene interventions

 KB6.Obtain informed consent

 KB7. Conduct an honestself‐evaluation to identify personal and professional  strengths andweaknesses KB8. Access and interpret medical, and scientific literature

KB9.Apply human needs/motivationaltheory

KB10. Provide thorough and efficientindividualised care

KB11. Employmethodsto measure satisfaction