Distributor Salesman (1 years course)
Distributor Salesman click here
Brief Job Description
Individuals in this position visits retail/wholesale outlets as per daily route plan & makes sales call using
relevant selling aids like handhelds to increase productivity and achieve sales targets, demonstrate
commanding knowledge of the trade being serviced by him/her and the existing competitors. He/she
identifies new outlets to increase sales of the products and provide service facilitating resolution of trade

problems related to products and company being represented by the salesman. He/she creates demand at point of sale by creating visibility for products putting POSM (Point of sales material) and merchandising elements like counter top/shelves or racks depending on the category of product he/she sells. Hence, he/she needs to influence & own the execution standards of availability and in store visibility.
Personal Attributes
The individual needs to be physically fit to withstand working in a retail environment whilst being customer responsive. They would need good interpersonal and listening skills.
Be updated on knowledge of products to be sold and merchandising
This OS unit describes the skills and knowledge required to make effective sales calls by having up-to-date
knowledge on product details, schemes, merchandising, POP material, product samples, new/focus SKU.
The scope covers the following :
This unit applies to individuals who represent distributors in their field sales operations to
Product details, Scheme information and Product detailer
Merchandising / POP material/ Product samples
New / Focus SKU
Brand Availability Norms & Competition Benchmarking
The role may be performed across the below formats
Retail outlet
Wholesale outlets
Department stores
Bakery Outlets
Chemist / cosmetic outlets
Convenience Outlets
Self service outlets
Eatery and Drinking – Dhaba/Restaurants /Hotels etc.
New channels like at works/railways stalls/ airport stalls
Elements and Performance Criteria
Product details, Scheme information and Product detailer

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. update self about current product portfolio and product details grammages, price points and
variants of own and competition products and update details periodically
PC2. acquire up-to-date knowledge on channel wise, category wise, outlet type wise schemes
PC3. give relevant information to supervisors to plan relevant schemes/ slabs by outlets and learn
to utilise correctly
Merchandising / POP material/ Product samples
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC4. identify hotspots in an outlet and try to convince the retailer to provide these for displays
and achieve high order visibility by correct deployment of merchandising material
PC5. put branding materials on the area surrounding the rack and inside the rack
PC6. stock products to maximise number of facings
PC7. obtain natural visibility by clearing cluttered space and stocking companys products
PC8. identify the nature of the complaint from information obtained from customers.
PC9. place products next to the competitor brand and maintain category and competition
Brand Availability Norms & competition benchmarking
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC10. benchmark own product with that of competitors as per the norms and accordingly make
own products available at an outlet
New/ Focus SKU
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC11. articulate USP of New products Features and benefits to the retailer
PC12. make an effective sales call to convince the outlets to place order for focus SKUs
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. category wise, product wise placement norms
KU2. merchandising & Planogram norms
KU3. knowledge of products, USPs, benefits in relation to needs of the customers in comparison to
competitive offerings
KU4. availability norms of products
KU5. competition benchmark product details
KU6. how to check the condition of product samples
KU7. how to identify hotspots in the outlet & convince retailers for the spot
KU8. how to identify benchmark competitor products and decide on product availability
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete documentation accurately
GS2. collate simple data when required
GS3. read information accurately
GS4. read and interpret data sheets
GS5. follow instructions accurately
GS6. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS7. use questioning to minimise misunderstandings
GS8. display courteous and helpful behaviour at all times
GS9. make appropriate decisions regarding the responsibilities of the job role
GS10. plan and schedule routines
GS11. build relationships with customers and communicate the product attributes clearly
GS12. identify product samples that are not in good condition or expired
Have thorough understanding of business and productivity targets and measures to achieve the same
This OS describes the skills and knowledge required to have in-depth understanding of overall sales and
productivity targets as specified by an organization (to include Outlet wise, category and SKU wise day and route targets) and specific focus on new launch products.
The scope covers the following :
This unit applies to individuals who represent in their field sales operations.
Overall sales target and productivity targets
Category wise outlet billing targets
Evaluating achievement of targets
Correct route knowledge to ensure complete coverage of all target
first call to last call, updation of outlets listing
Day and route objectives
New Launch products
Check stock availability at the distributor point
Check stock availability at the outlet levelThe role may be performed across the below formats
Retail outlet
Wholesale outlets
Department stores
Bakery Outlets
Chemist / cosmetic outlets
Convenience Outlets
Self service outlets
Elements and Performance Criteria
Overall target / Productivity targets & achievement till date.
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. understand all sales objectives and targets for Bills cut, Lines cut, Average bill value and
Unique Outlets Billed
PC2. understand target vs. achievement till date and strive towards 100% target achievement
PC3. carry market planner and outlet wise plans made prior to the market visit and be aware of
focus categories and plans for sale of specific category/SKUs by outlet

Category wise outlet billing as per plan
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC4. ensure category and outlet wise billing targets are met
Day or route objective samples
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. ensure category wise and outlet wise billing targets are met on the route
PC6. cover all target outlets/entire route and take note of new outlets/closed outlets in the beat
PC7. update info on the type of outlet and its respective trade channel
New Launch products
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. ensure availability of new launch products as per availability norms
PC9. set beat and outlet wise targets to achieve launch targets
Check stock availability at the distributor point
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC10. check stock position of each SKU everyday at the distributor point.
PC11. estimate sales from the beat and optimize order as per stock available on hand
PC12. coordinate with supervisor and discuss on action plan for out-of-stock SKUs
PC13. check the stock available in the selling area/shelves
PC14. check stocks available in the backroom for reserves
PC15. check stocks for all brand and capture order as per SOQ
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. productivity parameters and targets
KU2. product availability/benchmarking norms and launch plan
KU3. route knowledge with details of outlets in a route
KU4. classification of outlets by type and profile
KU5. stock replenishment cycle of the organization
KU6. organizations guidelines in case of stock out
KU7. how to analyse overall / productivity targets to set effective objectives
KU8. how to break down objectives into actionable tasks to achieve goals
KU9. how to maintain routes and help the supervisors in maintaining the same
KU10. how to do stock count and capture order as per SOQ in outlets speedily
KU11. how to estimate sales from the beat and analyse stock in hand at the distributors point to
forecast demand
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. compile route list accurately
GS2. note simple data when required
GS3. fill forms when required Outlet addition/ deletion / modification
GS4. check achievement against targets
GS5. read information accurately
GS6. read and interpret data
GS7. follow instructions accurately
GS8. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS9. use questioning to minimize misunderstandings
GS10. display courteous and helpful behavior at all times
GS11. make appropriate decisions regarding the responsibilities of the job role
GS12. plan and schedule routines
GS13. build relationships with internal and external customers
GS14. respond to stock outs at the distribution point
GS15. respond to queries of customers on margins, schemes, promotions and visibility inputs
GS16. identify overall / productivity targets and breaking it down to outlet level targets
GS17. respond to customers regarding margins and schemes in relation to the competition
Learn steps to make an effective sales call
This OS describes the skills and knowledge required to make an effective sales call.
The scope covers the following :
This unit applies to individuals who represent distributors in their field sales operations.
Estimate outlet sales accurately to avoid OOS or over stocking
Ensure accurate order capture
Use tools for sell in correctly Product presenter, Schemes, Market Planner,
Enter order details correctly in the handheld

Range Sell in and scheme communication
Maintain good personal relations and handle objections
Freshness norms check and maintain FMFO and stock rotation
Stock return & D&D replacements
The role may be performed across the below formats
Retail outlet
Wholesale outlets
Department stores
Bakery Outlets
Chemist / cosmetic outlets
Convenience Outlets
Self service outlets
Elements and Performance Criteria
Estimate sales accurately to avoid OOS or Overstocking
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. analyze current stock on hand and sales of the outlets.
PC2. advise retailers for optimum order depending on the need and projected sell out and need
for reserve stocks that needs to be maintained to avoid stock outs
PC3. explain how the recommendation will boost retailers sales.
PC4. communicate all benefits which would accrue to the retailer in short and concise manner.
PC5. ask open ended questions considering the retailers needs leading to the retailer accepting
advice on purchase.
PC6. ensure that the relevant schemes/ slabs are discussed with the retailer after gauging the
potential of the outlet.
Scheme communication
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC7. analyse competition schemes and leverage on companys schemes to increase sales vis-a-vis
that of competition
Range selling for all categories
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC8. ensure range selling by leveraging on own brand already available in the retail outlet and
strengthen portfolio presence in the outlet
Functionality of Palmtop/Handheld device and its features
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC9. route list & outlet list in the palmtop/handheld device and its usage
PC10. ensure product list & scheme details are available in the palmtop
PC11. Implement order capture process in palmtop/handheld
PC12. ensure summary reports / productivity reports are available in the palmtop/hand held
PC13. ensure retail survey features available in the palmtop
PC14. ensure correct syncing process is followed.

Freshness norms, FMFO, stock rotation
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC15. check stock physical condition and freshness
PC16. arrange stock as per FMFO and even educate retailer on FMFO.
PC17. do stock rotation in those outlet where the movement of stocks is very low.
PC18. carryout stock rotation in case stock movement is very low
Stock return & D&D replacements
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC19. replace damaged or expired goods with fresh stocks and enter information about damaged
goods in the handheld device.
PC20. maintain a pleasing personality for an effective sale call (clean and ironed clothes, smile on
Follow guidelines that pleases the retailer
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC21. maintain appropriate distance from the retailer /outlet owner
PC22. maintain proper posture while talking with the retailer and not to lean or place hands in
pockets or bend shoulders
PC23. refrain from indulging in any act that may irritate the retailer
PC24. speak clearly in a soft tone without stammering or hesitation
PC25. maintain proper eye contact with the retailer
PC26. enter ordered quantity against each sku ordered
Enter order details correctly in the palmtop
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC27. submit the orders and check summary of the order
PC28. communicate the order value to the retailer
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. sales call process & procedures as defined by the organization.
KU2. schemes and promotions own as well as competition.
KU3. freshness norms, stock rotation & stock return norms of the organization
KU4. schemes that are active for the current month for each category and channel
KU5. availability norms of the organization
KU6. how to estimate sales of the outlet
KU7. how to estimate stock requirement for the outlet
KU8. how to use handheld order taking device given by the organization
KU9. how to check the physical condition and shelf life of the stock
KU10. how to identify stock movement at an outlet level and perform stock rotation if needed
KU11. negotiation and convincing skills for range selling
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete documentation accurately
GS2. collate simple data when required
GS3. read information accurately
GS4. read and interpret data sheets
GS5. follow instructions accurately
GS6. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS7. use questioning to minimize misunderstandings
GS8. display courteous and helpful behavior at all times
GS9. make appropriate decisions regarding the responsibilities of the job role
GS10. plan and schedule routines
GS11. build relationships with internal and external customers
GS12. respond to any objection from the retailer
GS13. estimate sales & order requirement of the outlet
Develop capability for handling credit management of an outlet both receivables and payables
This OS describes the skills and knowledge required to have correct information on Pending bills, Display
payments & Delivery status to outlets.
The scope covers the following :
This unit applies to individuals who represent Distributors in their field sales operations.
Information on pending bills, pending display payment and pending delivery
The role may be performed across the below formats:
Retail outlet
Wholesale outlets
Department stores
Bakery Outlets

Chemist / cosmetic outlets
Convenience Outlets
Self service outlets
Elements and Performance Criteria
Information pending bills, pending display payment and pending delivery
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. collect details of pending invoices from the distribution point everyday before starting the beat
PC2. gather credit ageing information of retailer bills and set beat objectives accordingly
PC3. keep track of pending display payments and keep the distributor and organizations
representative aware of the status.
PC4. resolve issues due to pending delivery and keep distributor and organizations representative
aware of the status.
PC5. reconcile both receivables and payables to outlets and settle all queries by customers on
these issues
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. credit & collection norms of the distributor and the organization
KU2. how to display payment norms of the organization and outlet wise status
KU3. delivery norms of the organization
KU4. how to assess pending payments and consumer credit status
KU5. how to ensure on time and in full delivery of all his/her orders, store items securely
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete documentation accurately
GS2. write simple data when required
GS3. read information accurately
GS4. read and interpret data sheets
GS5. follow instructions accurately
GS6. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS7. use questioning to minimise misunderstandings
GS8. display courteous and helpful behaviour at all times
GS9. make appropriate decisions regarding the responsibilities of the job role
GS10. plan and schedule routines
GS11. build relationships with internal and external customers
GS12. reconcile receivables and payables with all outlets for all invoices every month
Learn to appreciate the benefits of building good personal relationship with trade and means to handle objections & thereby issue resolution
This OS describes the skills and knowledge required to be able to build good personal relationship with
traders and handle objections & thereby issue resolution.
The scope covers the following :
This unit applies to individuals who represent Distributors in their field sales operations.
Building good & personal relations with traders
Objections handling and issue resolution
The role may be performed across the below formats
Retail outlet
Wholesale outlets
Department stores
Bakery Outlets
Chemist / cosmetic outlets
Convenience Outlets
Self service outlets

Elements and Performance Criteria
Building Good & Personal relation
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. build rapport with the traders based on punctuality, regularity, courtesy, mannerism and
interest in increasing retailers business and uplifting the outlets appearance
PC2. listen to retailers patiently and understand their needs and problems
PC3. use open-ended questions to seek clarification on retailers problems and grievances
PC4. explain the benefits that the retailer will have from the sale
Objection handling / Issue resolution
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. handle objection and resolve issues by himself/herself or escalate to the supervisor that are
beyond his/her purview
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KU1. customer relationship management norms of the organization
KU2. negotiation and objection handling skills
KU3. how to ensure on time and in full delivery of all his/her orders, store items securely
Generic Skills (GS)
User/individual on the job needs to know how to:
GS1. complete documentation accurately
GS2. write simple data when required
GS3. read information accurately
GS4. read and interpret data sheets

GS5. follow instructions accurately
GS6. use gestures or simple words to communicate where language barriers exist
GS7. use questioning to minimise misunderstandings
GS8. display courteous and helpful behaviour at all times
GS9. make appropriate decisions regarding the responsibilities of the job role
GS10. plan and schedule routines
GS11. build relationships with internal and external customers
GS12. respond to changes in competition strategy