Free Cutting Supervisor Course(1year Diploma)

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The Cutting Supervisor is a job role in cutting section carrying out tasks as overall incharge of the cutting department function monitoring production and quality of cutting processes.

Brief Job Description:-Supervisor (cutting) is responsible for monitoring cutting operations, quality and smooth running of cutting processes with junior management cadres working as a team.

Personal Attributes:- He/she should have good interpersonal skills, vigilant and good eye sight to detect defects or abnormality in the process. He/she should have basic mathematical skills, particularly making arithmetical calculations and measurement. He/she should possess good oral communication skills in vernacular Cutting Supervisor Course.

Cutting Supervisor Course

Planning of the process steps for cutting Cutting Supervisor Course:-

PC1. Review orders received from Production Planning for cutting as per style/product category/class

PC2. Check materials availability in suitable form and quantity

 PC3. Allocate cutting tables as per plan and priority

 PC4. Allocate spreaders and cutters as per style, quality and cutting skills availability

PC5. Set cutting targets and required quality standards

 PC6. Allocate manpower (operators, helpers, relievers etc.) based on skill-set and suitability for cutting processes or sub-processes

Different preparatory process steps for cutting:- PC1. Ensure fabric received for cutting is checked for visible faults like stains, slub, etc.

 PC2. Ensure fabric specific to cutting plan assigned to definite styles/quality is allocated to same quality/style.

PC3. Ensure the marker received is complete in all aspects like grain line, notches, part name, clarity of markings, complete for all components etc.

PC4. Ensure fabrics are laid with due consideration to the prints (if present) and defects detected in texture/style

PC5. Ensure the patterns and marker are laid properly on the fabric Cutting Supervisor Course.

 PC6. Ensure availability and appropriate cutting tools and equipment for cutting

Supervisory Skills Training - Better Work

Supervision of the operation of cutting processes Cutting Supervisor Course:-

PC1. Ensure the workflow of the cutting process is smooth and fast

PC2. Ensure the workload for cutting is equitably distributed as per operator skill-set and performance

PC3. Ensure materials are processed as per priority against delivery schedule

PC4. Ensure standards, reference sample, templates, dies etc. are available near cutting

PC5. Ensure that the fabric is cut with precision

PC6. Ensure that all the trims and accessories for the product are cut as per the requirement

PC7. Ensure that the cut fabric is properly ticketed and bundled and delivered to respective departments

Maintain the work area as compliant to health, safety and security needs and requirements Cutting Supervisor Course:-

PC1. Keep vigilance for potential risks and threats associated with workplace and equipment like, hot iron, knife, stain removers etc.

 PC2. Ensure appropriate PPE is used while operating the handheld electrical cutter with the help of mesh gloves, etc.

PC3. Establish and Ensure Process compliance to its requirements

 PC4. Monitor workplace and work processes for potential risks and threats like physical injuries or disabilities, etc.

 PC5. Participate in mock-drills/evacuation procedures organized at the workplace Cutting Supervisor Course.

 PC6. Undertake first-aid, fire-fighting and emergency response training if asked to do so

Maintain workarea, tools and machines Cutting Supervisor Course:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Handle materials, machinery, equipment and tools safely and correctly

 PC2. Use correct lifting and handling procedures

PC3. Use materials to minimize waste

 PC4. Maintain a clean and hazard free working area

PC5. Maintain tools and equipment

PC6. Carry out running maintenance within agreed schedules

PC7. Carry out maintenance and/or cleaning within one’s responsibility

PC8. Report unsafe equipment and other dangerous occurrences

PC9. Ensure that the correct machine guards are in place

PC10.Work in a comfortable position with the correct posture

PC11.Use cleaning equipment and methods appropriate for the work to be carried out

 PC12.Dispose of waste safely in the designated location

 PC13. Store cleaning equipment safely after use

 PC14.Carry out cleaning according to schedules and limits of responsibility

Comply with industry, regulatory and organizational requirements Cutting Supervisor Course:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Carry out work functions in accordance with legislation and regulations, organizational guidelines and procedures

 PC2. Seek and obtain clarifications on policies and procedures, from your supervisor or other authorized personnel

PC3. Apply and follow these policies and procedures within your work practices Cutting Supervisor Course.

 PC4. Provide support to your supervisor and team members in enforcing these considerations

PC5. Identify and report any possible deviation to these requirements

Guidelines for Assessment:-

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each

 PC 2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions approved by the

SSC 3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)

4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training center based on this criteria Cutting Supervisor Course.

 5. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% aggregate in a QP

6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS’s, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on the balance NOS’s to pass the Qualification Pack

(Plan and organize cutting process):-

PC1. Review orders received from Production Planning for cutting as per style/product category/class

PC2. Check materials availability in suitable form and quantity

PC3. Allocate cutting tables as per plan and priority Cutting Supervisor Course.

PC4. Allocate spreaders and cutters as per style, quality and cutting skills availability

PC5. Set cutting targets and required quality standards

PC6. Allocate manpower (operators, helpers, relievers etc.) based on skillset and suitability for cutting processes or sub-processes

(Preparatory processes for cutting):-

PC1. Ensure fabric received for cutting is checked for visible faults like stains, slub, etc.

PC2. Ensure fabric specific to cutting plan assigned to definite styles/quality is allocated to same quality/style.

PC3. Ensure the marker received is complete in all aspects like grain line, notches, part name, clarity of markings, complete for all components etc

PC4. Ensure fabrics are laid with due consideration to the prints (if present) defects detected in texture/style

PC5. Ensure the patterns and marker are laid properly on the fabric Cutting Supervisor Course.

PC6. Ensure availability and appropriate cutting tools and equipment for cutting

(Supervise cutting operations):-

PC1. Ensure the workflow of the cutting process is smooth and fast

PC2. Ensure the workload for cutting is equitably distributed as per operator skillset and performance

PC3. Ensure materials are processed as per priority against delivery schedule

PC4. Ensure standards, reference sample, templates, dies etc. are available near cutting

PC5. Ensure that the fabric is cut with precision

PC6. Ensure that all the trims and accessories for the product are cut as per the requirement Cutting Supervisor Course.

PC7. Ensure that the cut fabric is properly ticketed and bundled and delivered to respective departments

(Maintain health, safety and security in the cutting department):-

PC1. Keep vigilance for potential risks and threats associated with workplace and equipment like, hot iron, knife, stain removers etc.

PC2. Ensure appropriate PPE is used while operating the handheld electrical cutter with the help of mesh gloves, etc.

PC3. Establish and Ensure Process compliance to its requirements

PC4. Monitor the workplace and work processes for potential risks and threats

PC5. Participate in mockdrills/evacuation procedures organized at the workplace Cutting Supervisor Course.

PC6. Undertake first-aid, firefighting and emergency response training if asked to do so

(Maintain workarea, tools and machines):-

PC1. Handle materials, machinery, equipment and tools safely and correctly

PC2. Use correct lifting and handling procedures

PC3. Use materials to minimize waste

PC4. Maintain a clean and hazard free working area

PC5. Maintain tools, equipments and machines

PC6. Carry out running maintenance within agreed schedules

PC7. Carry out maintenance and/or cleaning within one’s responsibility

PC8. Report unsafe equipment and other dangerous occurrences

PC9. Ensure that the correct machine guards are in place

PC10. Work in a comfortable position with the correct posture

PC11. Use cleaning equipment and methods appropriate for the work to be carried out

PC12. Dispose of waste safely in the designated location

PC13. Store cleaning equipment safely after use Cutting Supervisor Course.

PC14. Carry out cleaning according to schedules and limits of responsibility

(Comply with industry, regulatory and organizational requirements):-

PC1. Carry out work functions in accordance with legislation and regulations, organizational guidelines and procedures

PC2. Seek/Obtain/Provide clarifications on policies and procedures, from your supervisor or other authorized personnel

PC3. Apply and follow these policies and procedures within your work practices

PC4. Provide support to your supervisor and team members in enforcing these considerations

PC5. Identify and report any possible deviation to these requirements

Fabric Cutting Process Flow Chart in Apparel Industry

Understand Production Specification and Process:-

The manufacturing processes

·  skill and proficiency level for each

· operation  operating machines and basic

· trouble shooting  alternative processes with same or

· similar output  materials required by each type of

· product manufactured by the organization  The raw materials defects and

· handling defects  The organizations standard

· operating procedures  How to identify the process and

· product problem  Understanding of pmts

·  Understanding operator rating

·  Understanding incentive system or

wage plan

Coordinate and Plan production as per specifications and schedule:-

Knowledge of fabrics and garments

·  The stitching process

·  Knowledge of sewing and the

· various types of stitching required for various products.  Machinery and work aids used in

· the process  Organization’s standard operating

· procedures  Stitching defects and handling

· defects  Knowledge of quality and

· compliance requirement  Buyer specific compliances

·  The escalation hierarchy

· OPTIONAL  IT Literacy and Specific tools

·  Organization Specific ERP and

· reports to be maintained

Execute and monitor production as per the plan, schedule and quality norms:-

Basic Arithmetic and Numeric

· Calculations for analysis related to work  Machine Settings and elementary

· repair in case of breakdown  Organization’s standard operating

· procedures  Identification of the process and

· Defects and their root causes

· product problems  The escalation hierarchy relating to

· technical issues  Statistical Quality Control Systems

· and their applications  Quality Management Systems

Manage performance and relations with people in the group and out of the group:-

Use of work aids and handling

· techniques to enhance productivity  Techniques to foster team building

· and team productivity  Knowledge on Sewing and the

· various types of stitching required by various products.  Improving motor coordination or

· handling techniques  Systematic Training to improve

· productivity  Organization’s standard operating

· procedures  Stitching defects and handling

· defects  The escalation hierarchy

· Knowledge on quality

Maintain tools equipment’s and machinery:-

Garment construction instructions and specifications and interpret them

· accurately  Method to make use of the

· information detailed in specifications and explain the instructions  Relation between work role and the

· overall manufacturing process  The importance of taking action

· when problems are identified  The importance of running

· Different ways of minimising waste

· maintenance.  Common faults with equipment and

· the method to rectify  Maintenance procedures

Comply with industry, regulatory and organizational essentials:-

Carryout work functions in

· accordance with legislation and regulations, organizational guidelines and procedures  Seek and obtain clarifications on

· policies and procedures, from your supervisor or other authorized personnel  Apply and follow these policies and

· procedures within your work practices  Provide support to your supervisor

· and team members in enforcing these considerations  Identify and report any possible

· deviation to these requirement Understand importance of effective

· communication  Communicate effectively with others

·  Identify and follow personal

· grooming and hygiene  Follow organization procedures and

· maintain personal health and hygiene and avoid habits like ghutka, tobacco etc.  Interact effectively in a group

·  Manage time effectively

·  Understand importance of resume

· and prepare your resume

Identify methods of first aid

·  Undertake basic first aid,

·  Undertake basic CPR

Understand production specification and process:-

PC1. Analyse& interpret the given tech pack or specification sheet of the garment sample to be developed

PC2. collate the required details regarding production planning and scheduling

PC3. ensure conformance of samples pattern & cut pieces as per the given specification sheet

PC4. analyze schedules and throughput of various styles

PC5. evaluate the consumption of material and accessories

PC6. get update about the bill of material for the job order

PC7. breakdown operations and prepare or interpret operation bulletin

PC8. understand machinery layout requirements for the specific products

PC9. plan quality check points and control limits

PC10.plan reduction of material and start-up losses

PC11.conduct or refer findings of pilot run

PC12.ensure all concerned people are updated of all the changes in buyer’s specification

PC13.identify skill levels of the operators for the production line

PC14.identify operators and assign them tasks as per their skill and proficiency levels

Coordinate and plan production as per specifications and schedule:-

PC1. participate in pre-production meetings and communicate proactively to develop process and product understanding

PC2. set qualitative and quantitative output target for each operation

PC3. carryout pilot run or update with the findings of the pilot run and sampling for the particular style

PC4. coordinate with planning /industrial engineering / for machine layout work aids

PC5. coordinate with corresponding departments for ensuring the right quantity and quality of material is received

PC6. allocate the operators as per their skill level for various operations

PC7. coordinate with stores/ cutting dept./ qc lab / manager in charge to ensure preparedness to meet the production target

PC8. set the process / line assembly/ batch in the sewing operation

PC9. coordinate with quality control to check initial output and set quality check points

PC10. ensure process for accuracy of input and output with regards to interdepartmental movement, vendor movement, incoming material and outgoing material

PC11. creating or complying with recording systems being used for monitor production targets

Execute and monitor production as per the plan, schedule and quality norms:-

PC1. layout / set up machines in an arrangement that makes it easier and effective for material handling

PC2. ensure all machinery work aids and handling aids are in proper condition

PC3. ensure all accessories are in the store ready for issue

PC4. ensure all quality checkpoints are in place for incoming intermediate and final stages

PC5. follow up and check the incoming material for the first few pieces

PC6. follow up and check first few pieces coming out of every operation

PC7. approve the pieces from the quality control department

PC8. verify the product as per the spec sheet

PC9. verify the product through the merchandiser for ensuring all comments from the buyer have been updated

PC10.minimize losses such as breakdown time, waiting time etc

PC11.create a mechanism / arrange for updating output periodically

PC12.monitor and maintain periodic output as per target.(qualitative and quantitative)

PC13.motivate and support team members to achieve and improve the desired level of output

PC14.make necessary changes in case of contingencies

PC15.control cost and wastage

PC16.collaborate in organizational level initiatives on quality &productivity

PC17.ensure preventive maintenance schedules are followed

Manage performance and relations with people in the group and out of the group:-

PC1. Receive work instructions and feedback from reporting manager or other seniors in a proactive manner

PC2. Communicate targets and get concurrence on targets from team members

PC3. Communicate to reporting superior about process flow improvements.

PC4. communicate and sensitize about the defects and anticipated difficulties sens

PC5. sensitize about the defects received from previous process and the losses on account of the same

PC6. communicate to reporting superior about the shortages or performance related targets

PC7. re -work based on feedback provided by superior on product, process and people

PC8. motivate and organize team members to achieve the desired results

PC9. sensitize group members on the effects of absenteeism and low productivity


 PC10.monitor each individual for his performance and assist him for improvement

PC11.represent collective concerns to appropriate authorities with colleagues of other departments to ensure smooth process flow of input and output

PC13.communicate and discuss work flow related difficulties in order to find solutions with mutual

PC14.receive the feedback from other departments, given if any, and rework in order to complete work on time

Maintaining Tools equipments and machinery:-

PC1. ensure the machines are laid out as per the consensus between production, planning , industrial engineering

PC2. ensure the machines, work stations are in a satisfactory working condition

C3. refer to findings of pilot run or carryout pilot run

PC4. ensure work aids and attachments are as per specifications and working condition

PC5. pathways and workflow areas as per compliance requirements

PC6. ensure preventive maintenance schedules are complied with

PC7. during production ensure that breakdown does not consume much time and equipment is replaced in case of extraordinary delays

PC8. store materials and equipment are in line with manufacturer’s and organizational requirements

PC9. ensure work in process is maintained at an optimal level

PC10.ensure the storage areas are clean and clear and have been marked or labeled clearly

PC11.ensure that storage is done as per requirement

PC12.ensure that handling is done as desired

PC13.ensure that bundle tickets or identity of goods is maintained

PC14.ensure that special provisions of handling like shade sorting, size sorting is maintained

PC15.ensure ambient and required lighting is appropriate

PC16.put special check points on critical operations

PC17.develop & use templates for enhancing productivity

PC18.identify the role of central utilities like pneumatic,electrical, boilers in the production process

PC19.carry out basic and advanced machine settings

PC20.carry out machine settings with reference to utilities

PC21.understand ergonomics in working on various operation

Maintain health, safety and security at work place:-

PC1. Comply with health and safety related instructions applicable to the workplace

PC2. Use and maintain personal protective equipment as per protocol

PC3. Carry out own activities in line with approved guidelines and procedures

PC4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and guard against dependency on intoxicants

PC5. Follow environment management system related procedures

PC6. Identify and correct (if possible) malfunctions in machinery and equipment

PC7. Report any service malfunctions that cannot be rectified

PC8. Store materials and equipment in line with manufacturer’s and organizational requirements

PC9. Safely handle and move waste and debris

PC10. Minimize health and safety risks to self and others due to own actions

PC11. Seek clarifications, from supervisors or other authorized personnel in case of perceived risks

PC12. Monitor the workplace and work processes for potential risks and threats

PC13. Carry out periodic walk – through to keep work area free from hazards and obstructions if any

PC14. Report hazards and potential risks/ threats to supervisors or other authorized personnel

PC15. Participate in mock drills/ evacuation procedures organized at the workplace

PC16. Undertake first aid, fire – fighting and emergency response training, if asked to do so

PC17. Take action based on instructions in the event of fire, emergencies or accidents

PC18. Follow organization procedures for shutdown and evacuation when required

Comply with industry , regulatory and organizational requirements:-

PC1. Carry out work functions in accordance with legislation and regulations, organizational guidelines and procedures

PC2. Seek and obtain clarifications on policies and procedures, from your supervisor or other authorized personnel

PC3. Apply and follow these policies and procedures within your work practices

PC4. Provide support to your supervisor and team members in enforcing these considerations

PC5. Identify and report any possible deviation to these requirements