computer class test

Computer Class Test 03


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Computer- Hardware & Networking Class Test 03

Welcome to your Computer- Hardware & Networking class test 03. Hope you understand the class & now it's time to examine yourself through test. Remember you have only 10 minutes to complete the class test ,after 10 minutes Class test will be automatically submit ,  All the best for your Class test. आपके कंप्यूटर- हार्डवेयर और नेटवर्किंग क्लास टेस्ट 03 में आपका स्वागत है। आशा है कि आप क्लास को समझ गए होंगे और अब टेस्ट के माध्यम से खुद को परखने का समय आ गया है। याद रखें कि आपके पास क्लास टेस्ट पूरा करने के लिए केवल 10 मिनट हैं, 10 मिनट के बाद क्लास टेस्ट स्वचालित रूप से सबमिट हो जाएगा, आपके क्लास टेस्ट के लिए शुभकामनाएं।[the_ad id="135872"]

1 / 50

Can we print of the document in MS Word

2 / 50

Which option is not available in Microsoft office button?

3 / 50

A word gets selected by clicking it

4 / 50

What program is used in MS-Word to check the spelling?

5 / 50

The valid format of MS Word is _________

6 / 50

Ctrl + N is used to

7 / 50

Select all the text in MS Word document by

8 / 50

Which of the following software is used for making a resume?

9 / 50

Microsoft word is an wordprocessor software.

10 / 50

Ethernet cable can be connected to Microphone port ?

11 / 50

Can we underline any text in Ms Word?

12 / 50

Can we change the font (text) colour in Ms Word?

13 / 50

Can we use ctrl+c to copy a text?

14 / 50

Is this a Ms Word Document?

Microsoft Word Training

15 / 50

Can we add tables in Ms Word?

16 / 50

Can we change the page colour?

17 / 50

Can we add pictures in Ms Word?

18 / 50

Can we change the colour of the text?

19 / 50

Can we change the font in Ms Word?

20 / 50

To move data from one part of the document to another

21 / 50

Can we add a blank page in a Ms Word document?

22 / 50

Can we change the picture styles in Ms Word?

23 / 50

Can we reduce the font size in Ms Word?

24 / 50

We cannot use italic in Ms Word?

25 / 50

Is ther any ruler in Ms Word?

26 / 50

Can we change a potrait document to a landscape document?

27 / 50

we cannot add rows in a table in Ms Word?

28 / 50

Can we add columns in a table in Ms Word?

29 / 50

Is this the logo of Ms Word?

Microsoft Word - VMware Cloud Provider Blog

30 / 50

Can we highlight ant text in Ms Word?

31 / 50

Can we decrease the text size in Ms Word?

32 / 50

Can we increase the text size in Ms Word?

33 / 50

"doc" is a Ms Word File ?

34 / 50

Can we add a header and footer in Ms Word?

35 / 50

Ms Word helps to make ppt?

36 / 50

Drop cap helps to underline the text?

37 / 50

Is Wordart hepls to Bold the text?

38 / 50

There is no Shadow effects on Ms Word?

39 / 50

Can we increase or decrease the picture size in Ms Word?

40 / 50

There is no WordArt option in Ms Word?

41 / 50

Is tthe pointed button is Office Button?

Microsoft Office Tutorials: What and where is the Microsoft Office Button?

42 / 50

Can we insert date and time in Ms Word ?

43 / 50

Can we apply Page number in Ms Word?

44 / 50

Is this a ClipArt image?

How to insert Old WordArt Style in new version of Ms.Word - YouTube

45 / 50

Is this a table format?

Format Tables in Word - Instructions - TeachUcomp, Inc.

46 / 50

Can we add symbols in Ms Word?

47 / 50

Can we add blank page in Ms Word?

48 / 50

Can we apply Bullets in Ms Word?

49 / 50

Shading helps to bold the text in Ms Word?

50 / 50

Can we a add shapes in a Ms Word document?

Your score is
