Free Computer Aided Test Executive Course (6Months)

Computer Aided Test Executive:

Brief Job Description

This role is responsible for organizing various tests on automobile aggregates prototypes in a simulated laboratory environment and presenting first level analysis report to the Engineering Management.

Personal Attributes

The individual should have passions for automobiles and the phenomena connected . The individual should possess coordination and interpersonal skills, demonstrate analytical reasoning, be technology savvy, oral and written communication skills, observations skills, ability to plan and prioritize work, quality consciousness, sensitivity to problem solving, quick decision making, safety orientation and high precision.

Maintain a safe and healthy working environment:

Elements and Performance Criteria

Identify and report the risks identified

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1..   Identify activities which can cause potential injury through sharp objects, burns, fall, electricity, gas leakages, radiation, poisonous fumes, chemicals ,loud noise

PC2.    Inform the concerned authorities about the potential risks identified in the processes, workplace area/ layout, materials used etc

PC3.    Inform the concerned authorities about machine breakdowns, damages which can potentially harm man/ machine during operations

PC4.    Create awareness amongst other by sharing information on the identified risks

Create and sustain a Safe, clean and environment friendly work place

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC5..   Follow the instructions given on the equipment manual describing the operating process of the equipments

PC6..   Follow the Safety, Health and Environment related practices developed by the organization

PC7.    Operate the machine using the recommended Personal Protective Equipments (PPE)

PC8. . Maintain a clean and safe working environment near the work place and ensure there is no spillage of chemicals, production waste, oil, solvents etc

PC9.    Maintain high standards of personal hygiene at the work place

PC10. Ensure that the waste disposal is done in the designated area and manner as per organization SOP.

PC11. Inform appropriately the medical officer/ HR in case of self or an employees illness of contagious nature so that preventive actions can be planned for others

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. relevant standards, procedures and policies related to Health, Safety and Environment followed in the company

KU2. basic knowledge of Safety procedures( fire fighting, first aid) within the organization

KU3. knowledge of various types of PPEs and their usage

KU4. basic knowledge of risks/hazards associated with each occupation in the organization

KU5. how to safely operate various tools and machines and risksassociated with the tools/ equipment

KU6. knowledge of personal hygiene and how an individual an contribute towards creating a highly safe and clean working environment

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1.    write basic level notes and observations

GS2.    read safety instructions put up across the plant premises

GS3.    read safety precautions mentioned in equipment manuals and panels to understand the potential risks associated

GS4.    effectively communicate information to team members

GS5.    informemployees in the plant and concerned functions about events, incidents & potential risks observed related to Safety, Health and Environment.

GS6.    question operator/ supervisor in order to understand the safety related issues

GS7.    attentively listen with full attention and comprehend the information given by the speaker during safety drills and training programs

GS8.    use common sense and make judgments during day to day basis

GS9.           use reasoning skills to identify and resolve basic problems

GS10. use common sense and make judgments during day to day basis

GS11. use reasoning skills to identify and resolve basic problems

Ensure implementation of 5S activities at the shop floor & the office area:

Elements and Performance Criteria

Ensure proper sorting of items at the work place

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1..     ensure all recyclable materials are put in designated containers

PC2.      ensure no tools, fixtures & jigs are lying on workstations unless in use and no un-necessary items is lying on workbenches or work surfaces unless in use

PC3.      ensure that the operators and other team members are segregating the waste in hazardous/ non hazardous waste as per the sorting work instructions

PC4.      ensure that all the operators are following the technique of waste disposal and waste storage in the designated bins

PC5..     segregate the items which are labelled at red tag items for the process area and keep them in the correct places

PC6..     ensure that all the tools/ equipment/ fasteners/ spare parts are arranged as per specifications/ utility into proper trays, cabinets, lockers as mentioned in the 5s guidelines/ work instructions

PC7.      check for return of any type of extra material and tools to the designated sections and make sure that no additional material/ tool is lying near the work area

PC8. .   oversee removal of unnecessary equipment, storage, furniture, unneeded inventory, supplies, parts and material

PC9.      ensure that areas of material storage areas are not overflowing

PC10.    ensure proper stacking and storage of the various types of boxes and containers as per the size/ utility to avoid any fall of items/ breakage and also enable easy sorting when required

Ensure proper documentation and storage – streamlining & organizing the workplace

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC11.    ensure that the team follows the given instructions and checks for labelling of fluids, oils lubricants, solvents, chemicals etc and proper storage of the same to avoid spillage, leakage, fire etc

PC12.    make sure that all material and tools are stored in the designated places and in the manner indicated in the 5s instructions

PC13.    ensure that organizing the workplace takes place with due considerations to the principles of wasted motions, ergonomics, work & method study .

Ensure cleaning of self and the work place

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC14. ensure that the area has floors swept, machinery clean and is generally neat and tidy in case of cleaning, ensure that correct displays are maintained on the floor which indicate potential safety hazards

PC15..   ensure workbenches and work surfaces are clean and in good condition

PC16.. ensure adherence to the cleaning schedule for the lighting system to ensure proper illumination

PC17.. ensure all recyclable materials are put in designated containers

Ensure standardization

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC18.    ensure that daily cleaning standards and schedules to create a clean working environment are followed across the plant

PC19..   ensure all recyclable materials are put in designated containers

PC20. . ensure logical and user friendly documentation and file management for all activities across the plant and create guidelines around standardization of processes

PC21.    ensure timely creation and sharing of the 5s checklists

PC22.            ensure that the 5s manual are available as per the timelines Ensure sustenance

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC23.    ensure team cooperation during the audit of 5 s activities

PC24.    ensure that workmen are periodically trained to address challenges related to 5s

PC25..   participate actively in employee work groups on 5s and encourage team members for active participation

PC26..   oversee that the staff/operators are trained and fully understand 5s procedures

PC27. . ensure that all the guidelines for what to do and what not to do to build sustainability in 5s are mentioned in the 5s check lists/ work instructions and are easily searchable

PC28.    ensure continuous training of the team members on 5s in order to increase their awareness and support implementation

PC29.    ensure that all visual controls, notice boards, symbols etc at the manufacturing place are created, working and are put up as per the requirement

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1.    relevant standards, procedures and policies related to 5Sfollowed in the company

KU2.    have basic knowledge of 5S procedures

KU3.    know various types 5s practices followed in various areas

KU4.    understand the 5S checklists provided in the department/ team

KU5.    have skills to identify useful & non useful items

KU6.    have knowledge of labels , signs & colours used as indicators

KU7.    Have knowledge on how to sort and store various types of tools,equipment, material etc

KU8.    know , how to identify various types of waste products

KU9.    understand the impact of waste/ dirt/ dust/unwantedsubstances on the process/ environment/ machinery/ humanbody

KU10. have knowledge of best and environment protective ways ofcleaning & waste disposal

KU11. understand the importance of standardization in processes

KU12. understand the importance of sustainability in 5S

KU13. have knowledge of TQM process

KU14. have knowledge of various materials and storage norms

KU15. understand visual controls, symbols, graphs etc

What is a computer-based test? Here's everything you need to know

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1.    write basic level notes and observations

GS2.    note down observations (if any) related to the process

GS3.    write information documents to internal departments/ internal teams

GS4.    read 5S instructions put up across the plant premises

GS5.    effectively communicate information to team members inform employees in the plant and concerned functions about 5S

GS6.    question the process head in order to understand the 5S related issues

GS7.    attentively listen with full attention and comprehend the information given by the speaker during 5S training programs

GS8.    use common sense and make judgments during day to day basis

GS9.           use reasoning skills to identify and resolve basic problems using 5S

GS10. persuade team members to follow 5 S

GS11. ensure that the team members understand the importance of using 5 S tool

GS12. use innovative skills to perform and manage 5 S activities at the work desk and the shop floor

GS13. exhibit inquisitive behaviour to seek feedback and question on the existing set patterns of work emerge, techniques in CA/CI around 5 S work practices

GS14. do what is right, not what is a popular practice

GS15. follow shop floor rules& regulations and avoid deviations

GS16. lead by example in the plant premises while performing activities related to 5S

GS17. ensure self-cleanliness on a daily basis

GS18. demonstrate the will to keep the work area in a clean and orderly manner

GS19. accept additional responsibility for self and the team

GS20. encourage self and other to take greater responsibilities for managing 5S

GS21. identify obstacles and bottlenecks in the process and find basic level solutions for removing these obstacles

GS22. use previous experience in resolving problems and taking decisions

GS23. make timely and independent decisions on the line/ shift within the boundaries of the delegation matrix of the organization

Conduct testing of vehicles and aggregates using Computer Aided Engineering Aids:

Elements and Performance Criteria

Understanding the testing requirement and the process and establish parameters for comparison

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1..    understand the type of vehicle under test along with detailed understanding of the vehicle specifications

PC2..    understand the various organizational, domestic and international regulations impacting the performance of the vehicle under test

PC3..    understand the type of tests to be performed in the computer simulated environment by using the test checklist provided by the cross functional team

PC4..    understand various types of software modules like pro mechanics, nast ran, matlab, simi link etc. and their utility to conduct various cae based component and vehicle tests

PC5..    understand the testing methodology, process and test parameters required as per the work instructions/standard operating procedures. establish various data parameters for test results to enable comparison / simulation of performance.

Conduct CAE tests for assessing vehicle performance and durability

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC6..    ensure selection of specified software program for testing the given component/ vehicle

PC7..    ensure selection of correct testing and simulation parameters as per the testing instruction manual provided by the team

PC8..    conduct the structural analysis of the test prototype and measure fatigue strength, body structure strength, chassis strength, vehicle door and window framework strength and metal fatigue analysis by selecting the correct testing parameters in the structural analysis program

PC9..    calculate the bending stiffness and torsional stiffness values for the vehicle components under testing

PC10.. conduct cae enabled motion tests for checking complex mechanical systems as engine, gearbox, powertrain and note down observations

PC11.. conduct cae simulated time motion based vehicle crash tests as per the testing instructions mentioned in the testing manual and note observations

PC12.. conduct front, side and rear crash impact testing and note observations of crash impact on vehicle structure and vehicle inhabitants ( through biomechanics and cae dummies)

PC13.. plot graphs for force vs. deformation and time vs. deformation and conduct first level analysis of impact

PC14.. using the recommended software programs, conduct the metal fatigue and stress strain analysis on vehicles and components

PC15.. conduct the cae simulated drop test to understand stress and shock bearing strength of the vehicle and the components

PC16.. conduct cfd ( computational fluid dynamics) to test the flow of fuel, lubricants, oil and water in the vehicle piping system

PC17.. ensure testing of thermal flow including exhaust gases through the thermal flow analysis module

PC18.. conduct non-linear analysis of rubber, plastic and metallic components to understand denting impact, cross movement, compression and expansion of components

PC19.. using cae enabled modules, test the outer body of vehicles to understand the vibrational behaviour of vehicle body and frames

PC20.. using digital electrical and electronic simulation program, test the working and performance of the vehicle electrical, electronics, telematics, instrumentation and navigation systems to ensure error free communication and decision making

PC21.. carry transfer path analysis, acoustic testing and component frequency analysis using relevant nvh testing modules

PC22.. conduct ergonomics testing using cae enabled modules to test vehicle design, rider comfort, seating comfort, braking process, steering movement process and overall vehicle dimensions

PC23.. carry out the vehicle dynamics tests as per the testing instruction to validate the vehicle manoeuvrability and vehicle performance through simulated obstacle testing tracks and proving tracks

PC24.. conduct cae enabled virtual driving test to validate the vehicle performance from a drivers point of view and measure driving comfort, manoeuvrability, vehicle handling and comfort level similar to an on road condition

PC25.. collate the test results and compare them with the internal/ external benchmarking standards and actual testing data parameters shared by the cross functional design team.

PC26.. prepare simulation & test result comparison for engineering cft /management team.

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1.    relevant manufacturing and testing standards and procedures followed in the company

KU2.    new products manufactured by the company

KU3.    internal product standards finalized within the organization

KU4.    functional processes like Procurement, Store management, inventory management, quality management and key contact points for query resolution

KU5.    quality norms and standards prescribed in the Quality Manual by the organization

KU6.    5S and Safety norms practiced in the organization

KU7.    the working of various automobile components

KU8.    general working of automobiles and linkage & impact of one parameter to another

KU9.    various types of software testing programs like Pro Mechanical, Nast ran, Mat lab, Similinketc available in the market

KU10. impact of wind, water flow, hot & cold conditions, pressure on the performance of the vehicle

KU11. impact of various mechanical and thermal stresses on the external frame of the vehicle and overall vehicle performance

KU12. various national and international regulations, norms and standards on vehicles and engine performance regulations related to noise, vibrations, durability, reliability factors for 2 wheeler, 3 wheeler and 4 wheelers under normal and difficult environmental conditions

KU13. various defects related to reliability and durability of the component and impact of the defect on the final component and vehicle performance

KU14. probable sources of vehicle noise and possible impacts

KU15. analytical tools like Histogram analysis, Pareto Analysis, Why analysis, Process Mapping, Ishikawa ( Fishbone) analysis

KU16. basic human anatomy and impact of vehicle performance on human body

KU17. basic laws of physics, chemistry. metallurgy and mathematics

KU18. basic laws of geometry and product design

KU19. the methods of using instruments like Vernier callipers,micrometres, rulers and other inspection tools

KU20. how to read and interpret sketches and engineering drawings

KU21. potential health and safety hazards and related safety precautions during driving

Demystifying the GMAT: Computer Adaptive Testing - GD Test Prep

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1.    document information from the manuals,discussion notes, process charts etc

GS2.    create small notes/ work documents/ diagrams for operators and helpers to help them understand the process

GS3.    write inter departmental notes/ memos or make suitable entries in the online system

GS4.    use emails and other business correspondence methods ( internal memos, circular etc. ) for communicating with other team members/ vendors/ suppliers etc.

GS5.    read equipment manuals and process documents to understand the equipment and processes better

GS6.    read internal information memos send by internal customers ( other functions within the organization)

GS7.    discuss task lists, schedules, and work-loads with the operative team members

GS8.    answer the queries raised by the operative team as well as intercompany departments

GS9.    effectively communicate with the operators and helpers and make them aware of work expectations, targets, policies, processes etc

GS10. attentively listen with full attention the queries and grievances raised by the operative team and comprehend the information given by the speaker

GS11. communicate effectively to the team members

GS12. identify conflicts in the team and try to resolve them at the earliest

GS13. interact and engage with the team members on a day to day basis

GS14. counsel and coach the operators and help them resolve issues

GS15. timely highlight to the management about any good work/ achievement by the operators and helpers

GS16. break the problem into smaller issues and tasks to arrive at a solution

GS17. understand inter process relationship and establish relationship between various parts of the problem

GS18. leverage experience to find effective solutions to problems

GS19. use basic analytical tools to arrive at solutions

GS20. plan, organize and prioritize the work order and jobs received from the production manager

GS21. manage the schedule plan for the operators and helpers on the line/shift

GS22. validate all process/ equipment manuals so that the final process selected is correct

GS23. organize information, tools, manuals etc. on the shop floor so that sorting becomes easy

GS24. reorganize resources on the line/ shift in case of change of plans

GS25. use common sense and make judgments during day to day basis

GS26. use reasoning skills to identify and resolve problems

GS27. use intuition to detect any potential problems which could arise during operations

GS28. accept additional responsibility for self and the team

GS29. encourage self and other to take greater responsibilities

GS30. ensure that the work allocated to the team is completed as per timelines and quality norms

GS31. identify obstacles and bottlenecks in the process and on own find basic level solutions for removing these obstacles

GS32. motivate and provide support for the team on the shop floor

GS33. encourage collaboration between team members

GS34. resolve team issues and grievances to manage conflicts within the team

GS35. create an environment of approachability, trust and openness within the team

GS36. ensure role clarity for all operators and helpers on the line/ shift

GS37. escalate any team related issues to the concerned person at the right time

GS38. identify defective parts in the manufacturing line by comparing manufactured pieces with the work standard

GS39. link the defect observed with the overall impact on the performance of the component/ automobile

GS40. support and contribute in monitoring and delivering high quality output from self and others

GS41. train team members on maintaining quality standards set by the organization

GS42. gather information skilfully from multiple sources

GS43. analyse information in depth and identifies the problem in a timely manner

GS44. develop alternate solutions and resolves problems in early stages

GS45. work tireless in spite of repeat activities in a diligent manner to resolve problems on a day to day basis

GS46. use previous experience in resolving problems and taking decisions

GS47. make timely and independent decisions on the line/ shift within the boundaries of the delegation matrix of the organization

GS48. exhibit objectivity & openness to others views

GS49. collaborate with stakeholders to achieve the desired state of final result

GS50. familiarise with leading practices available in the market

GS51. think independently on new approaches to manufacturing process, material management, data management and team management

GS52. represent any new ideas/ approaches on process improvement and productivity improvement to the seniors in the team

Ensure documentation and analysis of various tests conducted:

Elements and Performance Criteria

Understanding the testing requirement and the process

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1..    understand the vehicle testing requirements (based on the type of vehicle to be tested) as mentioned in the testing instructions sheets/ work instructions/ testing control plan

PC2..    understand the testing methodology, equipment and process required as per the process manuals/ work instructions/standard operating procedures

PC3..    ensure that the correct testing document containing the specified setup drawing, testing schedules, testing parameters, test specifications and test outcome ranges are mentioned

Documentation of the test outcomes

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC4..    ensure observation of the various digital and graphical displays of the testing equipment

PC5..    note down the observations in the hard copy/ soft copy format as provided by the organization

PC6..    maintain records of all versions of testing conducted for a particular component/ vehicle along with the date, time, testing setup and testing environment information

PC7..    maintain records of any previous remarks mentioned by the testing team for a particular component/vehicle

PC8..    maintain records of comparison between the test outcomes and internal/ external benchmarks and government regulations

Analysis of test outcomes and modifications to the prototype

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC9..    conduct a first level analysis of the test outcomes

PC10.. ensure reference to previous test results and benchmarks during the analysis phase

PC11.. use analytical tools like why analysis, 7 qc tools, brain storming and other methodology to systematically analyse the observations of the test results

PC12.. check for any gaps in design of the component/ vehicle prototype leading to the test failures

PC13.. share the first level draft test assessment report with the testing manager

PC14.. in case need arises, conduct required tests similar to the one already conducted in the presence of the testing manager to confirm the test results

PC15.. support the test manager in creating presentations and dockets for cross functional team meeting

PC16.. collaborate with the cross functional design team, prototyping team and manufacturing team and ensure required modification in vehicle and aggregate design take place

PC17.. conduct tests on the modified version of the prototype based on the testing results shared in the version 1 of the testing process

PC18.. maintain records/ version control documents of all changes done during testing of each version of the prototype in the format shared by the cross functional team

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1.    relevant manufacturing and testing standards and procedures followed in the company

KU2.    new products manufactured by the company

KU3.    internal product standards finalized within the organization

KU4.    functional processes like Procurement, Store management, inventory management, quality management and key contact points for query resolution

KU5.    quality norms and standards prescribed in the Quality Manual by the organization

KU6.    5S and Safety norms practiced in the organization

KU7.    the working of various automobile components

KU8.    general working of automobiles and linkage & impact of one parameter to another

KU9.    various national and international regulations, norms and standards on vehicles and engine performance regulations related to noise, vibrations, durability, reliability factors for 2 wheeler, 3 wheeler and 4 wheelers under normal and difficult environmental conditions

KU10. various defects related to reliability and durability of the component and impact of the defect on the final component and vehicle performance

KU11. analytical tools like Histogram analysis, Pareto Analysis, Why Why analysis, Process Mapping, Ishikawa ( Fishbone) analysis

KU12. basic laws of physics, chemistry. metallurgy and mathematics

KU13. basic laws of geometry and product design

KU14. how to read and interpret sketches and engineering drawings

KU15. basic documentation rules and procedures

KU16. usage of graphs and pictorial data representation techniques for presentations

KU17. process for filing and storage of reports

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1.    document information from the manuals,discussion notes, process charts etc.

GS2.    create small notes/ work documents/ diagrams for operators and helpers to help them understand the process

GS3.    write inter departmental notes/ memos or make suitable entries in the online system

GS4.    read equipment manuals and process documents to understand the equipment and processes better

GS5.    read internal information memos send by internal customers ( other functions within the organization)

GS6.    discuss task lists, schedules, and work-loads with the operative team members

GS7.    answer the queries raised by the operative team as well as intercompany departments

GS8.    effectively communicate with the operators and helpers and make them aware of work expectations, targets, policies, processes etc.

GS9.    attentively listen with full attention the queries and grievances raised by the operative team and comprehend the information given by the speaker

GS10. communicate effectively to the team members

GS11. identify conflicts in the team and try to resolve them at the earliest

GS12. interact and engage with the team members on a day to day basis

GS13. counsel and coach the operators and help them resolve issues

GS14. timely highlight to the management about any good work/ achievement by the operators and helpers

GS15. break the problem into smaller issues and tasks to arrive at a solution

GS16. understand inter process relationship and establish relationship between various parts of the problem

GS17. leverage experience to find effective solutions to problems

GS18. use basic analytical tools to arrive at solutions

GS19. plan, organize and prioritize the work order and jobs received from the production manager

GS20. manage the schedule plan for the operators and helpers on the line/shift

GS21. validate all process/ equipment manuals so that the final process selected is correct

GS22. organize information, tools, manuals etc. on the shop floor so that sorting becomes easy

GS23. reorganize resources on the line/ shift in case of change of plans

GS24. use common sense and make judgments during day to day basis

GS25. use reasoning skills to identify and resolve problems

GS26. use intuition to detect any potential problems which could arise during operations

GS27. accept additional responsibility for self and the team

GS28. encourage self and other to take greater responsibilities

GS29. ensure that the work allocated to the team is completed as per timelines and quality norms

GS30. identify obstacles and bottlenecks in the process and on own find basic level solutions for removing these obstacles

GS31. motivate and provide support for the team on the shop floor

GS32. encourage collaboration between team members

GS33. resolve team issues and grievances to manage conflicts within the team

GS34. create an environment of approachability, trust and openness within the team

GS35. ensure role clarity for all operators and helpers on the line/ shift

GS36. escalate any team related issues to the concerned person at the right time

GS37. identify defective parts in the manufacturing line by comparing manufactured pieces with the work standard

GS38. link the defect observed with the overall impact on the performance of the component/ automobile

GS39. support and contribute in monitoring and delivering high quality output from self and others

GS40. train team members on maintaining quality standards set by the organization

GS41. exhibit objectivity & openness to others views

GS42. collaborate with stakeholders to achieve the desired state of final result

Assessment Guidelines

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Element/ Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each Element/ PC.
  • The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
  • Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set of NOS.
  • Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
  • Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/ training center based on these criteria.
  • To pass the Qualification Pack assessment, every trainee should score the Recommended Pass % aggregate for the QP.
  • In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.