spoken english class

transformations sentence(wise)2

Introduction to Sentence Transformations

Sentence transformation is an essential skill in English language learning that involves altering the structure of a sentence while preserving its original meaning. This practice helps students develop a deeper understanding of grammar and vocabulary, enhances their writing skills, and improves their ability to communicate effectively.

Types of Transformations

In this lesson, we will focus on the “wise” transformations. This involves rephrasing sentences using the word “wise” in different contexts. Understanding how to use “wise” correctly can enrich your expression and make your sentences more varied.

Understanding “Wise”

The word “wise” is an adjective that typically refers to having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment. It can also imply that a decision or action is based on careful thought.

Structure of Transformations Using “Wise”

  1. Using “wise” as an Adjective:
    • The structure typically involves combining an adjective phrase with “wise.”
    • Example:
      • Original: “He is knowledgeable.”
      • Transformation: “He is wise.”
  2. Using “Wise” with Prepositions:
    • “Wise” can be used in combination with prepositions to specify the context.
    • Example:
      • Original: “In terms of finances, he is smart.”
      • Transformation: “He is wise in financial matters.”

Transforming Sentences

Let’s explore various transformation methods using “wise” through examples and exercises.

1. Transforming Descriptive Sentences

You can transform descriptive sentences into ones that include “wise” to convey the same meaning in a more nuanced way.

  • Example:
    • Original: “She makes good decisions.”
    • Transformation: “She is wise in her decisions.”

2. Transforming Advice Sentences

Transforming sentences that offer advice can also incorporate “wise” effectively.

  • Example:
    • Original: “You should think carefully before making that choice.”
    • Transformation: “It would be wise to think carefully before making that choice.”


A. Rewrite the Following Sentences

Transform the following sentences to include “wise” while maintaining their meaning.

  1. It is smart to save money.
    • Transformation: “It is wise to save money.”
  2. He has good judgment about relationships.
    • Transformation: “He is wise about relationships.”
  3. They made a sensible choice.
    • Transformation: “They made a wise choice.”
  4. It’s clever to plan for the future.
    • Transformation: “It’s wise to plan for the future.”
  5. She knows a lot about history.
    • Transformation: “She is wise in history.”

B. Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences using “wise” appropriately.

  1. It would be __________ to consult an expert before proceeding.
  2. He is very __________ when it comes to business decisions.
  3. It’s __________ to stay informed about current events.
  4. She has always been __________ about her investments.
  5. Being __________ in your choices can save you trouble later.

Further Transformations

3. Negative Sentences

You can also transform negative sentences using “wise.”

  • Example:
    • Original: “He is not careful with his money.”
    • Transformation: “He is not wise with his money.”

4. Interrogative Sentences

Formulating questions with “wise” can also demonstrate understanding.

  • Example:
    • Original: “Is it smart to skip classes?”
    • Transformation: “Is it wise to skip classes?”


C. Transform the Following Sentences into Negative Form

  1. She is careful about her health.
    • Transformation: “She is wise about her health.”
  2. They are making a thoughtful decision.
    • Transformation: “They are being wise in their decision-making.”
  3. You should choose your friends carefully.
    • Transformation: “It would be wise to choose your friends carefully.”
  4. He is not thinking about the consequences.
    • Transformation: “He is not being wise about the consequences.”

D. Create Questions

Transform the following statements into questions using “wise.”

  1. She makes wise choices.
    • Transformation: “Does she make wise choices?”
  2. He is wise about technology.
    • Transformation: “Is he wise about technology?”
  3. It is wise to review your work.
    • Transformation: “Is it wise to review your work?”


Mastering sentence transformations, particularly using “wise,” enriches your language and improves your communication skills. This practice helps you express similar ideas in different ways, enhancing your vocabulary and flexibility in writing and speaking.

Additional Practice

  1. Writing Exercise: Write a short paragraph about a personal experience where you made a wise decision. Use “wise” in various forms throughout your writing.
  2. Peer Review: Pair up with a classmate and exchange your paragraphs. Provide feedback on the use of “wise” and suggest alternative transformations.