Spoken English Class Test 22


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Spoken English Class Test 22

Spoken English Class Test 22

Welcome to your Spoken English class test 22. Hope you understand the class & now it's time to examine yourself through test. Remember you have only 10 minutes to complete the class test ,after 10 minutes Class test will be automatically submit ,  All the best for your Class test. आपके मौखिक अंग्रेजी क्लास टेस्ट 22 में आपका स्वागत है। आशा है कि आप क्लास को समझ गए होंगे और अब टेस्ट के माध्यम से खुद को परखने का समय आ गया है। याद रखें कि आपके पास क्लास टेस्ट पूरा करने के लिए केवल 10 मिनट हैं, 10 मिनट के बाद क्लास टेस्ट स्वचालित रूप से सबमिट हो जाएगा, आपके क्लास टेस्ट के लिए शुभकामनाएं।[the_ad id="135872"]

1 / 50

What is the form of the sentence in future tense?

2 / 50

What is the standard font size and style for a formal letter?

3 / 50

What is the standard font size and style for a formal letter?

4 / 50

Which of the following is the correct way to sign a formal letter?

5 / 50

What is the purpose of the complimentary close in a formal letter?

6 / 50

Which of the following is the correct way to format the body of a formal letter?

7 / 50

The formal letter is used in?

8 / 50

Letters are important means of ___________.

9 / 50

What should be the language of ‘formal letter’ ?

10 / 50

Yours sincerely’ is written in which type of letter?

11 / 50

Sender’s complete address is required in the following type of

12 / 50

Which sequence is followed in a letter ?

13 / 50

A good letter need not have :

14 / 50

Which of the following is not a kind of letter ?

15 / 50

n order to have the desired effect on the recipient what should letter be ?

16 / 50

In a resignation letter, what is the standard notice period to provide to your employer?

17 / 50

What type of formal letter is used to formally announce your decision to leave a job or position?

18 / 50

n a complaint letter, what is the recommended tone to use when addressing the issue?

19 / 50

What type of formal letter is commonly used for job applications, inquiries, and business communication?

20 / 50

In a formal letter, when should you use a comma after the? salutation (e.g., "Dear Mr. Smith,")

21 / 50

When writing a formal letter of complaint, what should you include in the body of the letter?

22 / 50

What is the purpose of the introductory paragraph in a formal letter?

23 / 50

In a formal letter, if you want to emphasize a particular point, you can use:

24 / 50

When addressing a formal letter to a person with a professional title (e.g., Dr. Smith), you should:

25 / 50

What should be the font style and size used in a formal letter?

26 / 50

What is the primary purpose of the subject line in a formal letter?

27 / 50

In a formal letter, the sender's address is usually placed:

28 / 50

Which of the following elements is typically found at the top of a formal letter?

29 / 50

hat is the purpose of a formal letter?

30 / 50

How do we generally end an application to an authority?

31 / 50

A/an __________ is written to seek information from other organizations.

32 / 50

The heading in the letter consists of ___________.

33 / 50

Any kind of letter generally ends with?

34 / 50

) It is important to proofread and edit a formal letter carefully to ensure it is free from spelling and grammatical errors.

35 / 50

In a formal letter, it is common to use colorful fonts and designs for emphasis and decoration.

36 / 50

Which of the following is correct in the official letter?

37 / 50

Which of the following is not an essential element of a formal letter?

38 / 50

In a formal letter, what should you do if you make a mistake while writing it by hand?

39 / 50

What should you include in the sender's address of a formal letter?

40 / 50

Which of the following is an appropriate way to address a formal letter to an unknown recipient?

41 / 50

he complimentary close in a formal letter is typically followed by a comma.

42 / 50

When writing a formal letter of complaint, what should you include in the body of the letter?

43 / 50

The subject line in a formal letter is optional and can be omitted if desired.

44 / 50

When writing a formal letter, it is acceptable to use abbreviations and acronyms without explaining them.

45 / 50

Which part of a formal letter should contain the main message or purpose of the letter?

46 / 50

When should you use a subject line in a formal letter?

47 / 50

It is considered appropriate to use informal language and contractions in a formal letter.

48 / 50

In a formal letter, the sender's address should be placed at the top of the letter, aligned with the right margin.

49 / 50

Which of the following is the best closing for a formal letter?

50 / 50

What is the appropriate salutation for a formal letter when you know the recipient's name and gender?

Your score is
