Spoken English Class Test 18


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Spoken English Class Test 18

Spoken English Class Test 18

Welcome to your Spoken English class test 18. Hope you understand the class & now it's time to examine yourself through test. Remember you have only 10 minutes to complete the class test ,after 10 minutes Class test will be automatically submit ,  All the best for your Class test. आपके मौखिक अंग्रेजी क्लास टेस्ट 18 में आपका स्वागत है। आशा है कि आप क्लास को समझ गए होंगे और अब टेस्ट के माध्यम से खुद को परखने का समय आ गया है। याद रखें कि आपके पास क्लास टेस्ट पूरा करने के लिए केवल 10 मिनट हैं, 10 मिनट के बाद क्लास टेस्ट स्वचालित रूप से सबमिट हो जाएगा, आपके क्लास टेस्ट के लिए शुभकामनाएं।[the_ad id="135872"]

1 / 50

Children _________(request) for picnic since last year.(Past perfect continuous)

2 / 50

Humans _________(tame)animals for ages.(Past perfect continuous)

3 / 50

They ____________(play) chess since 7 P.M.(Past perfect continuous)

4 / 50

They said that they___________(build) the house for the last five months.(Past perfect continuous)

5 / 50

The teacher reported that her students___________ (prepare) very well for the examination.(Past perfect continuous)

6 / 50

The crowd _________(shout) for fifteen minutes before someone managed to calm them down.(Past perfect continuous)

7 / 50

The police_________ (investigate) the robbery when an informer gave them a new lead.(Past perfect continuous)

8 / 50

Rosie said that the baby ___________(cry) for about fifteen minutes.(Past perfect continuous)

9 / 50

I told Mary that I___________ (fish) since morning.(Past perfect continuous)

10 / 50

Everything was white because it__________ (snow).(Past perfect continuous)

11 / 50

I ______ in this flat since 2000. (live)(Past perfect continuous)

12 / 50

Tenzing_________ to climb Everest for many years before he succeeded in his mission. (try)(Past perfect continuous)

13 / 50

We ____ (practice) for our dance performance for 20 minutes.(Past perfect continuous)

14 / 50

You ___ (insult) them for 30 minutes.(Past perfect continuous)

15 / 50

Tom ___ (beg) on the streets for a week.(Past perfect continuous)

16 / 50

She ___ (complete) his homework since evening.(Past perfect continuous)

17 / 50

Peter ____ (play) cricket since morning.(Past perfect continuous)

18 / 50

Derrick __________ (work) at the hospital for over two years.(Past perfect continuous)

19 / 50

The dogs ______________ (bark) continuously until the owner finally came home.(Past perfect continuous)

20 / 50

It_____________(rain) and the road was covered in water.(Past perfect continuous)

21 / 50

I was really tired because I________________(study).(Past perfect continuous)

22 / 50

I_________ (drive)in the wrong direction for an hour before I noticed my mistake.(Past perfect continuous)

23 / 50

)The passengers__________ (wait) for four hours.(Past perfect continuous)

24 / 50

We_________ (go)out with each other for two years before I met his family.(Past perfect continuous)

25 / 50

The musician____________(live) in this town for ten years.(Past perfect continuous)

26 / 50

You got sick because you__________ (eat) the whole time.(Past perfect continuous)

27 / 50

I didn’t go out last night because I__________ (work) all day.(Past perfect continuous)

28 / 50

She ________(cycle) home from work that morning since six o’clock.(Past perfect continuous)

29 / 50

I __________ yoga since my childhood. (do)(Past perfect continuous)

30 / 50

Bob __________ the novel for many days. (study)(Past perfect continuous tense)

31 / 50

Tina __________ cake when I arrived. (bake)(Past perfect continuous tense)

32 / 50

He __________ there for seven years before he left the job. (work)(Past perfect continuous tense)

33 / 50

She __________ the car before she met an accident. (drive)(Past perfect continuous tense)

34 / 50

I __________ the meal when Jon entered the room. (eat)(Past perfect continuous tense)

35 / 50

He__________ (obey) the orders of his boss.(Past perfect continuous tense)

36 / 50

I______________ (plan) my holidays for one week.(Past perfect continuous tense)

37 / 50

The mechanic__________ (fix) my bike since morning.(Past perfect continuous tense)

38 / 50

John_____________ (smoke) for five years.(Past perfect continuous tense)

39 / 50

The children____________ (watch) the TV all day long.(Past perfect continuous tense)

40 / 50

Rita_________ (drive) the black car for five years.(Past perfect continuous tense)

41 / 50

I__________ (learn) English.(Past perfect continuous tense)

42 / 50

The farmer___________ (plant) since morning.(Past perfect continuous tense)

43 / 50

I __________(take) the dose of medicine for two days.(Past perfect continuous tense)

44 / 50

He____________ (write) an interesting essay.(Past perfect continuous tense)

45 / 50

The dam ___________________ in the rainy season. (overflow)(Past perfect continuous tense)

46 / 50

The Principal____________ the applications for the interview. (accept)(Past perfect continuous tense)

47 / 50

he baby____________(cry) for fifteen minutes before her mother heard her cry.(Past perfect continuous tense)

48 / 50

A young boy___________(stand) at the door until a policeman arrived.(Past perfect continuous tense)

49 / 50

My grandpa___________(sleep) for three hours when I woke him up.(Past perfect continuous tense)

50 / 50

Mrs. Sally___________ (teach) English for thirty years before she retired.

Your score is
