spoken english class

past continious

Introduction to Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, is used to describe actions or situations that were ongoing at a specific time in the past. It emphasizes the duration of an activity or action, often setting the scene for another event or action that interrupted it.

Importance of Past Continuous Tense

  1. Describing Ongoing Actions: It allows you to highlight actions that were in progress during a particular moment in the past.
  2. Setting the Scene: It helps provide background information or context for events in storytelling.
  3. Showing Interrupted Actions: It effectively indicates that one action was happening when another action occurred.

Formation of the Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous tense is formed using the verb “to be” in the past tense (was/were) combined with the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.


Affirmative Sentence: Subject + was/were + verb + -ing

  • Examples:
    • I was reading a book.
    • They were playing soccer.

Negative Sentence: Subject + was/were + not + verb + -ing

  • Examples:
    • She was not (wasn’t) watching TV.
    • We were not (weren’t) studying for the exam.

Interrogative Sentence: Was/Were + subject + verb + -ing?

  • Examples:
    • Was he sleeping?
    • Were you eating dinner?

Usage of Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous tense is primarily used in several contexts:

1. Ongoing Actions in the Past

It describes actions that were happening at a specific moment in the past.

  • Example: At 8 PM last night, I was studying for my exam.

2. Simultaneous Actions

It can describe two or more actions happening at the same time in the past.

  • Example: While I was cooking, my brother was cleaning the house.

3. Interrupted Actions

It shows that one action was interrupted by another action.

  • Example: I was watching a movie when the power went out.

4. Background Actions in Narratives

It sets the scene by providing background actions that were occurring when another action took place.

  • Example: The sun was shining, and the birds were singing as we walked in the park.

Common Time Expressions with Past Continuous

Certain time expressions are often used with the past continuous tense to indicate when the action was happening. Some common ones include:

  • While
  • When
  • At that moment
  • All day/night
  • Throughout the evening

Common Mistakes with Past Continuous Tense

  1. Incorrect Form of “To Be”: Ensure the correct form of “was” or “were” is used based on the subject.
    • Incorrect: He were playing football.
    • Correct: He was playing football.
  2. Using Simple Past Instead of Past Continuous: Use past continuous when you want to emphasize an ongoing action.
    • Incorrect: I saw a movie while I was eating dinner.
    • Correct: I was watching a movie while I was eating dinner.
  3. Overusing Past Continuous: Not every action in a story needs to be in the past continuous. Use it primarily for actions that are ongoing or background actions.
    • Example: Instead of saying, “I was going to the store and was buying milk,” you can simplify to “I went to the store and bought milk.”


Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the past continuous tense:

  1. At 7 PM, I __________ (cook) dinner.
  2. While they __________ (play) chess, the phone __________ (ring).
  3. She __________ (not, listen) to the teacher during the lecture.
  4. What __________ you __________ (do) when I called you?
  5. We __________ (watch) TV when the storm hit.

Rewrite the Sentences

Change the following sentences into the negative form.

  1. He was working on his project.
    • He was not working on his project.
  2. They were playing in the garden.
  3. I was reading a novel.
  4. She was waiting for the bus.
  5. We were having dinner.

Interrogative Sentences

Transform the following statements into questions using the past continuous tense.

  1. You were studying for the exam.
    • Were you studying for the exam?
  2. She was painting the house.
  3. They were playing football.
  4. He was listening to music.
  5. We were traveling to France.


The past continuous tense is a vital aspect of English grammar that allows you to describe ongoing actions in the past, set the scene for stories, and indicate interruptions. By mastering its formation and usage, you can enhance your storytelling ability and convey past experiences more vividly.

Additional Practice

  1. Story Writing: Write a short narrative about a day in your life using the past continuous tense. Include moments of interruption and background actions.
  2. Peer Conversation: Partner with a classmate and share stories using the past continuous tense. Ask each other questions to practice forming and answering in this tense.