spoken english class

part of speech (adverb)

Introduction to Adverbs

Adverbs are one of the eight parts of speech in English, and they play a crucial role in modifying verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. They provide more detail about how, when, where, or to what extent an action is performed. Understanding adverbs can greatly enhance your writing and speaking by adding clarity and depth.

Types of Adverbs

Adverbs can be classified into several categories based on what they modify and the information they provide.

1. Adverbs of Manner

These adverbs describe how an action is performed. They often answer the question “How?”

  • Examples: quickly, slowly, carefully, beautifully
  • Sentences:
    • She sings beautifully.
    • He runs quickly.

2. Adverbs of Time

These adverbs indicate when an action occurs. They answer the question “When?”

  • Examples: now, yesterday, soon, later, always
  • Sentences:
    • I will call you later.
    • They finished their work yesterday.

3. Adverbs of Place

These adverbs describe where an action takes place. They answer the question “Where?”

  • Examples: here, there, everywhere, nearby, outside
  • Sentences:
    • The dog is playing outside.
    • She looked everywhere for her keys.

4. Adverbs of Frequency

These adverbs indicate how often an action occurs. They answer the question “How often?”

  • Examples: always, often, sometimes, rarely, never
  • Sentences:
    • I often go to the gym.
    • He never eats breakfast.

5. Adverbs of Degree

These adverbs express the intensity or degree of an action, adjective, or another adverb. They answer the question “To what extent?”

  • Examples: very, quite, too, almost, completely
  • Sentences:
    • She is very talented.
    • He runs too fast for me.

Functions of Adverbs

Adverbs primarily modify verbs, but they can also modify adjectives and other adverbs. Here’s how they function in sentences:

1. Modifying Verbs

Adverbs often clarify how an action is performed.

  • Example: She dances gracefully. (The adverb “gracefully” modifies the verb “dances.”)

2. Modifying Adjectives

Adverbs can enhance adjectives by providing more information about their degree.

  • Example: He is extremely clever. (The adverb “extremely” modifies the adjective “clever.”)

3. Modifying Other Adverbs

Adverbs can also modify other adverbs to add detail about the intensity of the action.

  • Example: She runs very quickly. (Here, “very” modifies the adverb “quickly.”)

Position of Adverbs

The position of adverbs in a sentence can vary based on what they modify. Here are some common placements:

1. Beginning of a Sentence

Adverbs of time or frequency often appear at the beginning.

  • Example: Yesterday, I went to the market.

2. Middle of a Sentence

Adverbs modifying verbs or adjectives usually appear in the middle of a sentence.

  • Example: He is always late. (modifying the verb “is late”)

3. End of a Sentence

Adverbs can also appear at the end, particularly adverbs of place and manner.

  • Example: She sings well. (The adverb “well” modifies the verb “sings.”)

Common Mistakes with Adverbs

  1. Confusing Adverbs and Adjectives: Remember that adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, while adjectives modify nouns.
    • Incorrect: “She is a quick runner.” (correct as “quick” is an adjective)
    • Correct: “She runs quickly.”
  2. Using the Wrong Form: Ensure you use the appropriate form of the word. Many adverbs are formed by adding -ly to adjectives.
    • Incorrect: “He drives safe.”
    • Correct: “He drives safely.”
  3. Overusing Adverbs: While adverbs can enhance writing, overuse can make it weak. Instead of relying heavily on adverbs, consider using strong verbs or adjectives.
    • Weak: “She ran very fast.”
    • Stronger: “She sprinted.”


Identify the Adverbs

Read the following sentences and identify the adverbs.

  1. She quickly finished her homework.
  2. They will meet us here.
  3. He rarely eats dessert.

Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences with appropriate adverbs.

  1. The cat jumped __________ (high).
  2. She completed the project __________ (careful).
  3. I will call you __________ (soon).

Rewrite the Sentences

Rewrite the following sentences by adding adverbs to modify the verbs or adjectives.

  1. He speaks. (Add an adverb of manner)
    • Example: “He speaks clearly.”
  2. The movie was good. (Add an adverb of degree)
    • Example: “The movie was incredibly good.”


Adverbs are a vital part of speech that enhance our ability to communicate effectively. By modifying verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs, they provide crucial information about actions and qualities. Understanding the different types of adverbs, their functions, and their proper usage can greatly improve both your writing and speaking skills.

Additional Practice

  1. Adverb Challenge: Write a short paragraph describing your day, using at least ten different adverbs.
  2. Identify in Reading: Choose a passage from a book or article and underline all the adverbs you can find.