Interview Quetion & Answer

1)Please Introduce Yourself
Hello mam/sir,
Good morning ( With Smile )
First of all, thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity
to introduce myself.
My name is Sanjay Kumar , I am 24 years old ,
My father name is – Rahul Kumar , he is a businessman /
worker/ employee
(My father is no more ,he passed away 6 years ago)
And my mother is Sanjana Devi she is a
Housewife/Homemaker/employee /small business /
Basically, I am from Naihati , ( Local) {out of district then (north
24 parganas)}
(out of state )
Basically, I am from West bengal kolkata ,there is a small
town Its called Naihati ,
(out of Country )
Basically, I am from India , West bengal, kolkata
in my family, there are 5 members including me
About my education, I Have completed my graduation
at Kolkata University, and I have also done a Diploma in
beautician from Rita charitable Trust ,
I have 2 years Work experience in ICICI bank at Naihati
branch ,
Write description –
And i have also 1 Year work experience in Rita
Charitable Trust as a office staff
Non Work Experience
I am fresher about Job i have not join any job till now ,
But I Make you promise that if you give the opportunity i
will never make you sad any more , You Can Trust
me , Just Give me one chance that I can prove you who
am I , I will show My best because your company is a
reputed company where i can grow my carrier ,
2) What is Your Strength ?
Sir/Mam i am Hardworking , Self motivated & Optimistic Person ,
3) What is Your Weakness ?
I am always over prepared for any work that’s assign to me .
4) Why Do You Need a Job ?
From Now onwards I want to take my responsibilities hence i need a
5) Why should I hire you ?
Sir/mam because i need a platform to prove my skill and knowledge &
6) How much Salary you expect ?
Being s refresher i am not looking for a salary , now i am looking for
extend my job Experience .
7) What are your Goal ?
My goal is to achieve the best position in a reputed
company. Where I can build my career & help the
organization, and make my family happy..
I am really excited to start my career in your company
where I can learn and enhance my skill
8) What Makes you Angry ?
Getting angry is a normal human nature , but controlling that is the
key of success , i am also get angry when anyone underestimates me
, then i will show my anger with my success not in my words ,
9) Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years ?
In five years I see myself still at your company in this role with greater
Responsibilities or having earned a promotion to senior level , if i
successful in this interview and selected here then i plan to build a
long term carrier with your company .
10) How do you define success?
Success, to me, means achieving my goals and aspirations. It
means setting a clear direction for myself and working hard to
reach that destination. It is about the finish line and enjoying the