How to Remove Pimples Naturally

Pimple marks can be a cruel reminder of our skin woes. The best
way to ignore getting pimples is by preventing breakouts and a
balanced diet. However, there’s much more than just a diet and
lifestyle that contribute to pimple marks. These pesky pimple marks
can really affect your confidence. But, there are more than one ways
to know how to remove pimple marks. If you are looking for effective
ways on how to remove pimple marks from your face, this essential
read will guide you.
What Causes Pimple Marks:—Many people mistake acne and
pimples as the same thing. While acne is a skin condition, pimples
are a side effect of one of the symptoms of acne. Oily skin is one of
the most affected skin types due to acne and pimples. The pimples
and pimple spots appear, in most cases, as the natural boils on your
skin. When your skin cells accumulate dirt, toxins and oil sebum, it
leads to clogging of pores.

These clogged pores, in result, lead to
breakouts and pimples. To know how to remove pimple marks
effectively, it is essential that you keep your face clean. Many people suffer
from pimples due to hormonal changes. However, no matter what the case
is, pimple marks are a dreaded nightmare for all of us.
Types Of Pimple Marks
There are primarily three types of pimple marks. They are usually identified
by their appearance on the skin.
- Tiny ones that become flat and black-ish: These ones are the
easiest to clear and often the process is natural. - One with the white head: This one tends to scar the sin at a
deeper level. Also called as the ice pick, boxcar and rolling
scars, this kind of pimple marks look narrower, but have a deep effect. These marks are also due to
collagen loss of the skin. - Ones that leave red-brown-ish marks: These scars are caused by the cyst and hormonal
imbalance, and are often very difficult to leave.
Home Remedies For Pimples
Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne Scars And Pimple Marks - Orange Peel Powder
Full of the goodness of citric acid that helps in lightening the marks and
brightening the skin, orange peel powder is a blessing for those who
don’t know how to remove pimple marks from their skin.
You Will Need
- 1 tsp orange peel powder
- 1 tsp raw honey
What To Do - Mix equal portions of orange peel powder with honey. Mix it well to remove all lump and to make a smooth
paste. - Apply this paste on affected areas of your face which are marred by pimples.
- Let it stay for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.
- Coconut Oil
There’s hardly any skin condition that can’t benefit from the rich, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of
coconut oil. This effective home remedy is a sure-shot way to prevent the surfacing of new acne lesions. Packed
with vitamins E and K, and antioxidants, it helps in the growth of healthy skin cells that helps to remove pimple
You Will Need
- 1 tsp coconut oil
What To Do - Rub coconut oil between your palms and dab it gently over affected areas of your face
- Leave it overnight for a better result, and wash
Tip: Try this daily to see better results.
- Besan
Being one of the most easily available ingredients, besan (gram flour) comes handy for most skin troubles. Be it
to remove pimple marks or to be used as a regular face scrubs, besan is full of alkalising properties, and it has
been used as a skin cleanser for years to maintain the skin’s pH balance.
You Will Need

- 1 tbsp of besan
- Rosewater
- Lemon juice
What To Do - Mix besan, rose water and lemon juice to make a paste of thick texture.
- Apply the paste evenly on your face and neck, especially concentrate more
on the affected areas. - Let it dry and wash with plain water.
- Tea Tree Oil:-For acne and pimple-prone skin, tea tree oil
is a savior. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties play as a perfect
agent to get rid of marks and blemishes on the skin. The best part of this
home remedy is that it works well for every skin type.
You Will Need
- Three to four drops of tea tree oil
- Carrier oil like coconut or almond oil
What To Do - Mix tea tree oil with a carrier oil
- Mix it well to make a paste and apply it uniformly to the pimple marks and lesions.
- Let it stay overnight or for at least one or two hours before washing it off.
Tips: Try this daily for best results. Since tea tree oil needs a carrier oil, you can use any
essential or mineral oil instead of coconut oil.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
If you want to strike the perfect pH balance for your sin, apple cider vinegar is an
effective ingredient. It soaks in excess oils and keeps the skin pores clean and
exfoliated naturally, leaving a soft, smooth and blemishes-free skin. It also helps in
reducing the redness of your pimples, and gradually helps in reduction of their size.
You Will Need