GDA Nursing Class Notes 13


A surgical mask, also known as a medical mask, is a disposable device that is commonly worn by healthcare professionals during surgical procedures to protect both the patient and the healthcare provider from the transfer of microorganisms, bodily fluids, and particulate matter. Surgical masks are also used in various other healthcare settings and environments where there might be a risk of infection or contamination.


A surgical cap, also known as a scrub cap or bouffant cap, is a head covering worn by healthcare professionals, particularly those in surgical and medical settings.


Hand gloves, also known as disposable gloves or medical gloves, are protective coverings worn on the hands by healthcare professionals, workers in various industries, and individuals in everyday situations.


Antiseptics are substances that are used to disinfect and clean living tissues to prevent or reduce the growth of microorganisms, particularly bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They are commonly used on the skin and mucous membranes to prevent infection, particularly before medical procedures or in first aid settings. Antiseptics are different from disinfectants, which are used to clean and disinfect surfaces.


A sterilization drum, also known as a sterilization container or autoclave drum, is a specialized container used in healthcare settings to hold and sterilize medical instruments, equipment, and supplies. Sterilization is a critical process that ensures that items are free from all viable microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and spores, to prevent the spread of infections and ensure patient safety.


An autoclave is a specialized piece of equipment used in various industries, particularly in healthcare and laboratory settings, for the purpose of sterilization. Sterilization is the process of killing or inactivating all forms of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores, to ensure that equipment, instruments, and materials are free from pathogens and safe for use.


A ventilator is a medical device that assists with the process of breathing, particularly for patients who have difficulty breathing on their own or who require mechanical support to maintain adequate oxygen levels and carbon dioxide removal. Ventilators are commonly used in intensive care units (ICUs), operating rooms, and emergency situations to provide life-sustaining respiratory support.


An ECG (electrocardiogram) machine is a medical device used to record the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. It is a valuable tool in diagnosing various heart conditions and evaluating the heart’s overall health. ECG machines are commonly found in hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices, and other medical facilities.


A nebulizer is a medical device used to deliver medication in the form of a mist or aerosol directly to the respiratory tract, particularly the lungs. It is commonly prescribed for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchitis, and other lung disorders. Nebulizers are especially useful for patients who have difficulty using inhalers or require a more controlled and consistent delivery of medication.


BiPAP, which stands for Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure, is a type of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation used to support individuals with respiratory difficulties, especially those with conditions such as sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other forms of respiratory failure. BiPAP delivers two different levels of air pressure: a higher pressure during inhalation (inspiration) and a lower pressure during exhalation (expiration).


A hemodialysis machine is a medical device used to perform hemodialysis, a life-sustaining procedure that helps remove waste products, excess fluids, and toxins from the blood when a person’s kidneys are unable to perform these functions adequately. Hemodialysis is a vital treatment for individuals with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or acute kidney injury (AKI).


An infusion pump is a medical device used to deliver fluids, medications, or nutrients directly into a patient’s bloodstream in a controlled and precise manner. Infusion pumps are commonly used in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings to administer various therapies, including intravenous (IV) medications, chemotherapy, pain management drugs, and parenteral nutrition.


An aspirator is a medical device used to remove fluids, such as mucus, blood, or other secretions, from a patient’s body. It is commonly used in various medical settings, including hospitals, clinics, and home healthcare, to clear airways, assist with breathing, and prevent respiratory distress.