Photoshoot Makeup Ideas

When doing your makeup for photos, there are some special considerations to take. While your regular makeup
may look great in everyday life, it may not translate well to pictures. You’ll want to use slightly more dramatic
shades to define your features more, which will help prevent you from looking washed out in your photos.[1] With
a little time and dedication, you’ll end up with
a look that’s picture perfect.
Starting with a Basic Foundation
1.Start with a primer. You want to start
off with a basic primer. This lessens the
appearance of makeup and fine lines. Apply
a layer of primer to your face using your
fingers. Make sure to especially target your
nose, under your eyes, your forehead, and
your cheekbones.

  1. Use a matte foundation. When
    applying foundation for photographs, you
    want to use a matte foundation. Matte
    makeup does not reflect light, making it a
    better choice for photography. To start, use
    your fingertips to dab some foundation on
    your cheeks, your chin, the bridge of your
    nose, and your forehead.

  1. ● To avoid having an obvious foundation line, make sure that your foundation,
    concealer, and powder match the color of your skin as closely as possible. If you’re
    not sure which product to choose, visit a makeup counter and ask a professional to
    match your skin tone for you.[4]
    ● Use a makeup brush to blend the makeup into your face. Use large, circular motions
    as you move the brush throughout your face.
    ● Go over your face with the makeup brush a few times to make sure the foundation
    looks blended and smooth. Make sure to blend the foundation into your neck as well,
    so there is not a sharp contrast between your face and neck. Never stop blending
    foundation at your jawline
  2. Apply foundation more sparingly if you’re photographing outside. If you’re doing an outdoor
    shoot, you do not need as much foundation. Natural light can make makeup appear more obvious and you may
    look overdone with too much foundation. Only apply foundation to areas where your skin is uneven and
    discolored if you’ll be shooting outdoors
  3. Use concealer under your eyes, on your forehead, chin, and the bridge of your nose. Once your
    basic foundation is laid down, you’ll need to apply some concealer. This can help eliminate the appearance of
    dark circles under your eyes, and can also highlight certain areas to create a slimming effect on your face.
    ● Use the brush that came with your concealer. Dab some
    concealer under your eyes. Draw a line of concealer running down the bridge of
    your nose. Then, add some to your chin and forehead. It may also be a good idea
    to add some concealer just above your lip.
    ● Use a makeup sponge to slowly dab the concealer into your
    face. Go slowly and keep dabbing until the concealer is blended into the rest of
    your makeup.
    ● Try applying a lighter, powder-based foundation below your
    eyes, on your chin, and on the center of your forehead. Then, use a fluff brush to
    blend it outwards.
  1. Dab some highlighter over your concealer. For photos, highlighters can
    help make your face light up a bit more. It can also help set your makeup and keep it
    from fading during a photo shoot. Using a large and fluffy makeup brush, dab a small
    amount of highlighter on the areas where you applied concealer.
    ● Highlighter is best used for photographs taken in the evening
    or in low-light conditions.
  2. Contour. Even if you don’t usually contour, doing so for a photo shoot can help your face look slimmer
    and more defined. Use a dark stick foundation to trace your face and blend the makeup from there.
    ● Run the foundation from your temples to your hairline. Find your cheekbone by
    placing your finger on your face and finding the hollow part. Place a line of foundation
    here. You should also place two lines of foundation running along either side of the
    bridge of your nose. Trace your jawline with foundation, and then add a dab to your
    chin. Use a sponge to dab the makeup into your face.
  3. Frame your face with a light layer of bronzer. You do not need a lot of bronzer for photos, but it
    may be a good idea to add a light layer. This can outline your face a bit and help highlight your features. Take a
    small amount of bronzer and use a fluff brush to outline your face. Draw a circle around your face with the
    brush, applying bronzer along your jawline and forehead
  4. Use a brighter shade of blush than normal. If you don’t want to use bronzer, try applying blush
    instead. Makeup usually photographs about two shades lighter than it actually is. Therefore, it’s a good idea to
    choose a slightly brighter shade of blush to make your cheeks look red and healthy. Pick a bright pink shade of
    blush and use a fluff brush to apply to your cheeks
    Start dabbing on blush on the apples of your checks. As you dab, move the brush backwards and up
    ● After dabbing, use circular motions to blend your blush in a smooth, circular line.
    ● Don’t use blush and bronzer together. Choose just 1
    Applying Makeup to the Eyes and Eyebrows
    1.Fill in your eyebrows. Eyebrows may look lighter in photographs, so it’s a good idea to fill in your
    eyebrows prior to a photo shoot. You’ll need a brow powder that is 1-2 shades lighter than your brow color.
    Take the brow brush and start at the bottom of the brow. Work upward, making short and direct strokes with the
    ● Fill in gaps in hair to make your eyebrows look fuller and
    more pronounced. Keep going until you reach the top edge
    of your eyebrow.
  5. Add highlighter to your lids as a base. You want your eyes to
    look bright and defined in photos. Adding highlighter to your eyelids can help
    prevent them from looking sunken in. Choose a shade of highlighting
    eyeshadow that matches your natural skin tone. Use a large eyeshadow brush
    to apply it to both your eyelids. Use sideways, back and forth motions to cover
    the entirety of your lid, as well as your brow bone
  6. Avoid sparkly or shimmery eye shadows. As with foundation,
    something sparkly or shimmery won’t look great on camera. Stick to solid
    shades. Matte eyeshadow works best here
  7. Apply a shade slightly darker than your skin tone to your
    crease. You want your eyes to look defined. To create this effect, you’ll want
    to apply a shade of eye shadow slightly darker than your skin to outline your
    eye. You will use an angled brush or a small eye shadow brush to apply this shade to your crease and the
    corner of your eye.
    ● Use a corner brush to outline the outer corner of your eye. Then, run the corner brush
    along your crease.
    ● Take a fluff brush and sweep it across your full eyelid in small circular motions. This
    will blend your corner and crease makeup with the rest of your eye
  1. Use an even darker shade for your lower lash line. In order to make your eyes look outlined
    and defined, take a darker shade of eyeshadow. Apply some of this shade to your corner brush. Draw a small
    line just underneath your lower lash line with this shade
  2. Apply the same highlighter you used on your cheeks to the inner corners of your eyes.
    Once you’ve finished the main part of your eyes, you’ll want to highlight your inner corners. This can prevent
    your eyes from looking sunken into your face. You’ll want to use the same highlighter you applied to your
    cheeks earlier as it will match the rest of your face.[19]
    ● Use your fingers to dab some highlighter into the inner corners of your eyes.
    ● Take a makeup brush and make swiping motions around the corners of your eyes.
    This should blend your makeup out
  3. Put on eyeliner. Eye liner is important in photographs. It outlines your eyes so they look crisp and
    noticeable. You can use a skinny brush, such as a corner brush, to draw a line just above your lash line. Keep
    the brush very close to your lashes as you draw a thin line all across your lash line.[20]
    ● Black eyeliner is often recommended over brown shades. Black tends to show up
    better on camera.
  4. Add mascara. Once you’re finished with your eyeliner, add mascara. To start, take an eyelash curler.
    Clamp it down on the base of your eyelashes to give them a slight arch. This will make them show up better in
    photos. Then, take a tube of mascara and apply it to your eyelashes. Use slow, somewhat wiggly strokes to
    elongate your lashes and separate them.[21]
    ● If any of your lashes clump, you can turn the brush on its side. Try to separate the
    lashes with the tip of your mascara brush.
    ● If your mascara is clumpy, try adding 1-2 drops of saline solution inside the tube to
    loosen it up. However, if the mascara is more than about 3 months old, toss it out and
    purchase a new one
    Adding the Finishing Touches
  5. Pick a lipstick shade you like. When it comes to lipstick,
    brighter tends to show up better in pictures. However, it’s best to pick a shade
    you like. You want to feel bold and comfortable in photos and a lipstick shade
    you love can help bolster feelings of confidence.
    ● Line the lips first with a lip liner that is 1 shade
    darker than your lipstick to make the lipstick stay longer.
    ● Apply the lipstick with a small lip brush to make the
    lipstick more precise and sharp.
    ● As with other types of makeup, matte lipsticks work
    best here.
    ● Place the end of the lipstick on your lips. Slowly
    trace the shape of your lips with the lipstick.
  6. Make sure to add lip gloss. You do not want to neglect lip
    gloss when putting on makeup for photos. Lip gloss can help your lips look full
    and plump in pictures. As with the lipstick, trace the shape of your lips with a complimentary gloss.
    ● Alternatively, if you don’t want to use lip gloss, get a lipstick with a satin or glossy
  7. Finish off with a setting spray. If you’re taking a lot of pictures, your makeup may fade
    throughout the shoot. It’s a good idea to finish off your makeup by adding a nice setting spray. Hold the
    spray about a foot away from your face, close your eyes, and mist your face in spray. This will keep your
    makeup intact