Gold Refiner

SUB-SECTOR: Cast and Diamonds-Set Jewellery
OCCUPATION: Gold Refining
ALIGNED TO: NCO-2004/7313.18
Gold Refiner: Also known as ‘Refiner’, in the cast and diamond-set jewellery
manufacturing, the Gold Refiner recovers gold from scrap using refining
Brief Job Description: The individual at work recovers gold from jewellery
pieces, gold scrap and dust collected at different stages of jewellery
manufacturing. The individual operates furnaces and uses chemicals to
recover gold in the pure form.
Personal Attributes: The job requires the individual to have: attention to
details; ability to multi-task in a process driven team; ability to work in a high
temperature environment for long hours and safely handle hazardous
chemicals. The individual is expected to have the quality of integrity in dealing
with precious metal.

Unit Code G&J/N3401
Unit Title
(Task) Recover and refine the gold
Description This OS unit is about recovering gold from jewellery pieces, scrap and dust and
refine into pure gold jewellery pieces
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Collect material and consumables from stores and other departments
collect old and rejected jewellery pieces from marketing
collect scrap and dust from different stages of jewellery manufacturing
calculate and weigh the correct amount of material collected
Identify the type of refining process to be used
read analysis reports to determine the gold content in refinable material
assess the metals to be removed and purity of gold to be achieved after refining
assess if a clean-up is adequate for reuse or full refining is needed for pure gold
determine the extent to which a refining process is capable of achieving pure
determine if a grain refiner is required, the metal to be used for it and quantity
Separate base metals from precious metals using Cupellation process
add Lead to unrefined gold in porous bone-ash crucibles or cupels for smallscale refining
heat in air to melt the metals and dissolve in Lead
allow base metal oxides to be absorbed in the cupels leaving behind metallic
beads of precious metals such as Gold, Silver and Platinum
send the precious metal alloy for further separation of Gold and other metals
for large-scale Cupellation, smelt with flux of precious metal, iron-sulphide and
lead oxide to form Lead bullion, slag and Matte of Copper
allow base metal oxides to be absorbed in the cupels leaving behind metallic
beads of precious metals such as Gold, Silver and Platinum
send the precious metal alloy for further separation of Gold and other metals
Remove base metals and silver using Iquartation and Parting method for large scale
melt non-Platinum Group Metals (PGM)-gold with silver or copper to reduce
the gold content to less than 25 percent
granulate the melt and treat with Nitric acid
filter to remove the pure Gold left behind after silver and other base metals are
dissolved in Nitric acid
Use Miller process to remove base metals and silver for large scale refining
add gold scrap to crucible for melting

pass bubble chlorine gas through molten metal
take extra care in handling chlorine gas
bail out gradually forming chloride slag of base metals and silver
stop the process when purple fumes emanate
send for further electrolytic refining if purity content needed is higher than 99.5
per cent and to remove PGMs
treat slag with sodium carbonate to recover any Gold trapped in Silver
Remove PGMs using Wohlwill Electrolytic process for large scale refining
use refined gold obtained from Miller process and cast into anodes
electrolyse in gold chloride and hydrochloric acid
wash, dry, melt and granulate pure gold of 99.99 per cent deposited on the
treat spent electrolyte to recover Platinum and Palladium
filter anode slimes formed at bottom of cell and treat to recover gold
Recover and refine gold using Aqua Regia Process
melt dust at specific temperature for time period as per operating standards
granulate (make fine powder of the dust) and screen the metal
remove ferrous metal by using magnetic plate
prepare Aqua Regia solution (of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid) as per
proportion required
boil granules in Aqua Regia solution as specified to dissolve the molten gold
add urea to remove nitric acid fumes
pass solution through filter and collect molten gold at the bottom of filtration
add ferrous sulphate in the beaker containing gold
leave the solution until it changes colour from green to black, the bottom of the
solution containing heavy metal including gold
decant top solution containing dust and other light metals
boil heavy metal in hydrochloric acid to clean the impurities and blackness on
wash metal in plain water until the solution neutralises
dry recovered gold on hot plate
melt again in furnace crucible and pour in metal mould to form 24K gold rod/
for diamond studded jewellery, after dissolving metal into Aqua Regia solution,
collect the diamond at the bottom of container
Remove base metals except Copper using Pyro-metallurgical process
smelt scrap gold under a flux
pass bubble air or oxygen through molten metal
remove slag containing combined impurities
send recovered gold alloy for analysis of copper or any remaining base metal

Maintain the refining plant
clean the plant regularly
schedule the annual maintenance
Maintain records of the refining plant
record weight of dust and powder collected from different sources
record recovery percentage and weight of pure gold bar

Element Performance Criteria
Recovering gold To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. accurately compute quantity of different solutions required for the amount
of scrap and dust collected
PC2. proportionately mix chemicals required for the refining process
PC3. apply operating procedure as required for different alloys
PC4. optimise recovery of gold and precious metals
PC5. ensure zero accidents while handling chemicals and molten metal
Productivity To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. plan and optimum use of the refining plant
PC7. process quantity of scrap and dust in the refining plant as per target
PC8. recover higher percentage of gold as per the company standards
Quality of output To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC9. ensure purity of the recovered gold as per industry specified limits
PC10. minimise cracking, porosity and contamination of refined gold
PC11. refine gold as per quality standards of the company and industry
PC12. remove impurities in the refined gold to ensure no casting defects due to

Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. company’s policies on: acceptable limits of gold and other precious metal
loss, quality, incentives, delivery standards, safety and hazards, integrity
and IPR, personnel management and dress code
KA2. importance of the individual’s role in the workflow
KA3. reporting structure
B. Technical
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. metallurgy (gold alloy properties) and purity measurement
KB2. methods of calculating required quantities of alloys
KB3. malleability of the metal
KB4. the chemical compositions, structure, and properties of substances used in
the refining process

KB5. the chemical processes and transformations that they undergo in the
refining process
KB6. refining process planning
KB7. uses of different processes for different purposes and end results
KB8. potential work hazards while handling molten metal and chemicals

Skills (S) [Optional]
A. Core Skills/ Generic
Basic reading and writing skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. read notes and operating manual of machine
SA2. read company rules and compliance documents required to complete the
Calculation skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. weigh the dust collected
SA4. calculate and weigh the correct amount of alloy requirement
Teamwork and multi-tasking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
SA5. to share work load as required
SA6. to deliver refined gold to the stores
SA7. to receive feedback from co-workers and casting department
SA8. to share knowledge with co-workers
B. Professional Skills Refining plant management
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. manage the refining process
SB2. present records and recovery of the refining plant
Use of tools and machines
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
SB3. to use the right equipment in the recovery and refining process
SB4. to understand safety and hazards involved
SB5. to understand tools and machine operations and its usage to be able to
maintain and repair
Reflective thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how:
SB6. to improve work processes
SB7. to improve recovery and purity of gold through repeated refining or
borrowing from other refining methodologies
Critical thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. anticipate process disruption and reasons for delay

Unit Code G&J/N9902
Unit Title
(Task) Interact with colleagues and seniors
Description This OS unit is about communicating with colleagues and seniors in order to achieve
smooth and hazard-free work flow
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Interact with supervisor
receive work instructions and raw materials from reporting supervisor
communicate to reporting supervisor about process-flow improvements, product
defects received from previous process, repairs and maintenance of tools and
machinery as required
communicate any potential hazards or expected process disruptions
handover completed work to supervisor
Interact with colleagues within and outside the department
work as a team with colleagues and share work as per their or own work load and
work with colleagues of other departments
communicate and discuss work flow related difficulties in order to find solutions
with mutual agreement
receive feedback from qc and rework in order to complete work on time

Element Performance Criteria
Interaction with
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. understand the work output requirements
PC2. comply with company policy and rule
PC3. deliver quality work on time as required by reporting any anticipated reasons
for delays
Interactions with
colleagues and other
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC4. put team over individual goals
PC5. be able to resolve conflicts
PC6. learn how to multi-task relevant activities
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. company’s policies on: preferred language of communication, reporting and
escalation policy, quality delivery standards, and personnel management
KA2. reporting structure
B. Technical
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
KB1. communicate effectively
KB2. build team coordination

Skills (S) [Optional]
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Communication skills
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. read and write preferred language of communication as prescribed by the
SA2. read job sheets and interpret technical details mentioned in the job sheet
B. Professional Skills Decision making
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB1. how to spot and communicate potential areas of disruptions to work process
and report the same
SB2. when to report to supervisor and when to deal with a colleague individually,
depending on the type of concern
Reflective thinking
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. improve work processes by interacting with others and adopting best
Critical thinking
The individual on the job needs know and understand how to:
SB4. spot process disruptions and delays and report and communicate with

Unit Code G&J/N9905
Unit Title
(Task) Maintain occupational health and safety
Description This OS unit is about being aware of, communicating and taking steps towards
minimizing potential hazards and dangers of accidents on the job and maintaining
occupational health and safety
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Understand potential sources of accidents
to avoid accidents related to use of potentially dangerous chemicals, sharp tools
and machines
Use safety gear to avoid accidents
wear safety gear such as goggles, mask, gloves, ear plugs
Actively participate in the health and safety awareness campaigns
attend fire drills organised by the company or industrial zone
learn first aid procedure
be alert about designated assembly area in the event of an emergency
read and understand the evacuation and emergency procedures
Communicate to reporting supervisor about:
process flow improvements that can reduce anticipated or repetitive hazards
mishandling of tools, machines or hazardous materials
electrical problems that could result in accident
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
potential accident
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. spot and report potential hazards on time
PC2. follow company policy and rules regarding use of hazardous materials
PC3. attend and actively participate in the health and safety campaigns organised
by the company
Using safety gear To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC4. use or wear safety gear as per the rules of the company
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. company’s policies on: safety and hazards and personnel management
KA2. reporting structure
B. Technical
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. how different chemicals react and what could be the danger from them
KB2. how to use machines and tools without suffering bodily harm

Skills (S) [Optional]
A. Core Skills/
Generic Skills
Communication skills
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. effectively communicate the danger
Organising skills
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA2. keep all the tools in an organised manner so as to avoid accidents
SA3. keep the work environment safe and clean
B. Professional Skills Decision making
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. report potential sources of danger
SB2. follow prescribed procedure in the event of an accident
SB3. wear appropriate safety gear to avoid an accident
Reflective thinking
The individual on the job needs to know and understand to:
SB4. learn from past mistakes regarding use of hazardous machines or chemicals
Critical thinking
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. spot danger
Decision making
The individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. report potential sources of danger
SB7. follow prescribed procedure in the event of an accident
SB8. wear appropriate safety gear to avoid an accident

Keywords /Terms Description
Sector Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar
business and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the
economy whose components share similar characteristics and interests.
Sub-sector Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the
characteristics and interests of its components.
Occupation Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/ related set of
functions in an industry.
Function Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the
sector, occupation, or an area of work, which can be carried out by a
person or a group of persons. Functions are identified through functional
analysis and form the basis of OS.
Sub-function Sub-functions are sub-activities essential to fulfil the achieving the
objectives of the function.
Job role Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
employment opportunity in an organisation.
Occupational Standards
OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve
when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the
knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard
consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian
and global contexts.
Performance Criteria Performance criteria are statements that together specify the standard of
performance required when carrying out a task.
National Occupational
Standards (OS)
NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Qualifications Pack (QP) QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and
other criteria required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique
qualifications pack code.
Unit Code Unit code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is
denoted by an ‘N’
Unit Title Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent
should be able to do.
Description Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be
helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.
Scope Scope is a set of statements specifying the range of variables that an
individual may have to deal with in carrying out the function which have
a critical impact on quality of performance required.
Knowledge and
Knowledge and understanding are statements which together specify the
technical, generic, professional and organisational specific knowledge
that an individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.
Organisational Context Organisational context includes the way the organisation is structured
and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.
Technical Knowledge Technical knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish

specific designated responsibilities.
Core Skills/ Generic
Core skills or generic skills are a group of skills that are the key to learning
and working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any
work environment in today’s world. These skills are typically needed in
any work environment. In the context of the OS, these include
communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.
Keywords /Terms Description
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
NOS National Occupational Standard(s)
NVQF National Vocational Qualifications Framework
NSQF National Qualifications Framework
NVEQF National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework
QP Qualifications Pack


Job Role Qualifications Pack- Refiner
Qualification Pack Qualifications Pack- Refiner
Sector Skill Council GEMS & JEWELLERY
Assessment Strategy Marks Allocation
NOS Elements Performance Criteria Theory Practical

  1. G&J/N3401 Recover and refine gold
    Recovering gold
    PC1. accurately compute quantity of different solutions required for the amount of scrap and
    dust collected 2 7
    PC2. proportionately mix chemicals required for the refining process 2 7
    PC3. apply operating procedure as required for different alloys 2 7
    PC4. optimise recovery of gold and precious metals 1 7
    PC5. ensure zero accidents while handling chemicals and molten metal 1 7
    PC6. plan and optimum use of the refining plant 1 5
    PC7. process quantity of scrap and dust in the refining plant as per target deliverable 1 5
    PC8. recover higher percentage of gold as per the company standards 0 5
    Quality of output
    PC9. ensure purity of the recovered gold as per industry specified limits 0 5
    PC10. minimise cracking, porosity and contamination of refined gold 0 5
    PC11. refine gold as per quality standards of the company and industry 0 5
    PC12. remove impurities in the refined gold to ensure no casting defects due to impurities 0 5
    10 70
  2. G&J/N9902 Coordinate with others
    Interaction with supervisor
    PC1. understand the work output requirements 1 2
    PC2. comply with company policy and rule 1 2
    PC3. deliver quality work on time as required by reporting any anticipated reasons for delays 1 2
    Interactions with colleagues and
    other departments
    PC4. put team over individual goals 1 0
    PC5. be able to resolve conflicts 1 0
    PC6. learn how to multi-task relevant activities 1 0
    6 6
  3. G&J/N9905 Maintain occupational
    health and safety
    Communicating potential
    accident points
    PC1. spot and report potential hazards on time 1 0
    PC2. follow company policy and rules regarding use of hazardous materials 1 2
    PC3. attend and actively participate in the health and safety campaigns organised by the 1 0