Free Network Specialist Course (6Months)

Network Specialist:

Brief Job Role Description: Individuals at this job are responsible for the design of network architecture for end-to-end IoT solutions and for the maintenance, management, monitoring and troubleshooting of networks.

Personal Attributes: IoT – Network Specialists must work and collaborate with various stakeholders involved in the development of IoT solutions. They must be able to communicate and build relationships with others and also continuously develop their knowledge and analytical abilities.

 Network Specialist Course

Design network architecture for end-to-end IoT solutions:

Problem Statement
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. evaluate requirements of the IoT network
PC2. identify the devices and systems to be connected by the IoT network
PC3. identify appropriate technology, devices, and deployment model to best meet the overall needs of the IoT network
Network Design
PC4. design wireless/wired network nodes while taking into consideration the varieties of IoT Clients, Edge devices, Cloud Service/IoT Broker, and other networking devices
PC5. apply appropriate wired/wireless connectivity protocols for device-cloud communications (this many include protocols such as 5G, Wi-Fi, GSM, GPRS and Satellite)
PC6. evaluate impacts of IoT network on the environment and on human health
PC7. build interoperable networks where end-to-end communication is possible across diverse components
PC8. ensure network supports bulk configuration functionalties across multiple solution components
PC9. design fallback mechanisms in case of network disruptions and outages
PC10. address network redundancy considerations

PC11. evaluate regulatory aspects of building network such as permitted frequency bands
Network Dashboards
PC12. design and develop networking dashboards used for network monitoring

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational policies, procedures and guidelines which relate to designing and maintaining networks
KA2. organizational policies and procedures for sharing data
KA3. organizational policies and procedures for documenting network designs and fallback mechanisms
KA4. who to involve while designing and developing networks for the solution
KA5. the range of standard templates and tools available and how to use them
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. knowledge of connectivity protocols for device-cloud communications (this many include protocols such as 5G, Wi-Fi, GSM, GPRS and Satellite)
KB2. knowledge of wired/wireless connectivity protocols for device-device or device-gateway communications (this may include protocols such as NFC, NB-IoT, Bluetooth/BLE, ZigBee, Mesh and Lora)
KB3. knowledge of network management dashboards and applications (such as HP Open View)
KB4. knowledge of network topologies, wired and wireless technologies, fiber optics, etc.
KB5. up to date knowledge of internal and external network regulations
KB6. knowledge of impacts of network on the environment and on human health Network Specialist Course

Reading Skills

SA1. follow instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
Listening and Speaking Skills
SA2. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
B. Professional Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Decision Making
SA3. follow rule-based decision making processes
SA4. make decisions on suitable courses
Plan and Organize
SA5. plan and organize your own work to achieve targets and deadlines
Problem Solving
SA6. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations
Analytical Thinking
SA7. configure data and disemminate relevant information to others
Critical Thinking
SA8. apply balanced judgments to different situations
Attention to Detail
SA9. apply good attention to detail
SA10. check your work is complete and free from errors Network Specialist Course

Network Specialist Course

Design network architecture considering capacity, reliability and security

Network Capacity, Coverage and Reliability
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. ensure network is built in line with coverage requirements
PC2. ensure network is built in line with capacity requirements
PC3. ensure high availability of network
PC4. ensure scalability of the network to accommodate additional devices
PC5. ensure network compatibility where low-powered devices are in use
PC6. evaluate power consumption patterns while building network
PC7. ensure that network offers reliable connectivity
Network Security
PC8. ensure physical security of the network
PC9. protect the network from unauthorized access or malicious intent
PC10. ensure only authorized devices should be able to connect to the network
Network Deployment
PC11. manage the provisioning and connectivity of devices
PC12. plan physical placement of network components
PC13. apply policies on appropriate network devices to enable communications

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational policies, procedures and guidelines which relate to designing and maintaining networks
KA2. organizational policies and procedures for sharing data
KA3. organizational policies and procedures for documenting network designs and fallback mechanisms
KA4. who to involve while designing and developing networks for the solution
KA5. the range of standard templates and tools available and how to use them
. Technical
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. knowledge of connectivity protocols for device-cloud communications (this many include protocols such as 5G, Wi-Fi, GSM, GPRS and Satellite)
KB2. knowledge of wired/wireless connectivity protocols for device-device or device-gateway communications (this may include protocols such as NFC, NB-IoT, Bluetooth/BLE, ZigBee, Mesh and Lora)
KB3. knowledge of network management dashboards and applications (such as HP Open View)
KB4. knowledge of network topologies, wired and wireless technologies, fiber optics, etc.
KB5. up to date knowledge of internal and external network regulations
KB6. understanding of the the required network requirements
KB7. how to ensure security of network

Reading Skills
SA1. follow instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
Listening and Speaking Skills
SA2. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
Professional Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Decision Making
SA3. plan and organize your own work to achieve targets and deadlines
SSC/N8228 Design network architecture considering capacity, reliability and security

SA4. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations
Plan and Organize
SA5. plan and organize your own work to achieve targets and deadlines
Problem Solving
SA6. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations
Analytical Thinking
SA7. configure data and disemminate relevant information to others
Critical Thinking
SA8. apply balanced judgments to different situations
Attention to Detail
SA9. apply good attention to detail
SA10. check your work is complete and free from errors

Network Specialist

Maintain, manage, monitor and troubleshoot IoT network:

Network Assessments
To be competent, the individual working on the job must be able to:
PC1. perform on-site surveys and tests on the IoT network
PC2. detect sources of network interference
PC3. eliminate the impact of network interference
PC4. identify areas of dense users
PC5. continuously monitor bandwidth consumption of the IoT network
PC6. identify applications which consume high bandwidth
PC7. identify methods to minimize bandwidth consumption
PC8. collect network usage and traffic statistics
PC9. monitor system logs of the IoT network
PC10. diagnose and resolve network configuration and connectivity issues
PC11. identify network blind spots
PC12. perform detailed troubleshooting and analysis of IoT networks and endpoints

Context The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational policies, procedures and guidelines which relate to designing and maintaining networks
KA2. organizational policies and procedures for sharing data
KA3. organizational policies and procedures for documenting network designs and fallback mechanisms
KA4. who to involve while monitoring and troubleshooting the network
KA5. the range of standard templates and tools available and how to use them
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. knowledge of connectivity protocols for device-cloud communications (this many include protocols such as 5G, Wi-Fi, GSM, GPRS and Satellite)
KA2. knowledge of wired/wireless connectivity protocols for device-device or device-gateway communications (this may include protocols such as NFC, NB-IoT, Bluetooth/BLE, ZigBee, Mesh and Lora)
KA3. knowledge of network management dashboards and applications (such as HP Open View)
KA4. knowledge of network topologies, wired and wireless technologies, fiber optics, etc.
KA5. up to date knowledge of internal and external network regulations
KA6. how to perform network assessments
KA7. how to diagnose and resolve network issues
KA8. how to identify network blind spots

Reading Skills
SA1. follow instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
Listening and Speaking Skills
SA2. ask for clarification and advice from appropriate people
SA3. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
Professional Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Decision Making
SA4. follow rule-based decision making processes
SA5. make decisions on suitable courses
Plan and Organize
SA6. plan and organize your own work to achieve targets and deadlines
SSC/N8229 Maintain, manage, monitor and troubleshoot IoT network

Problem Solving
SA7. refer anomalies to the supervisor
SA8. seek clarification on problems from others
Analytical Thinking
SA9. analyze data and activities
SA10. pass on relevant information to others
Critical Thinking
SA11. apply balanced judgments to different situations
Attention to Detail
SA12. apply good attention to detail
SA13. check your work is complete and free from errors
Team Working
SA14. work independently and collaboratively

Network Specialist Course

Create technical documents and manuals:

To be competent, the individual working on the job must be able to:
PC1. identify the purpose and the scope of the activity for which technical documentation is to be produced
PC2. obtain information for the technical document from relevant sources and stakeholders
PC3. draft technical document ensuring that content is concise, complete and easy to consume
PC4. review technical document content with relevant stakeholders and document owners
PC5. ensure that technical document is formatted and designed as per specifications
PC6. transfer technical document to relevant stakeholders for sign-off and publishing
PC7. continuously review and update technical document

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational policies, procedures and guidelines which relate to drafting and publishing technical documentation
KA2. organizational policies and procedures for sharing data
KA3. the range of standard templates and tools available and how to use them
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. knowledge of the solution for which documentation is to be created
KB2. how to create clear and concise content
KB3. how to format and align document

Writing Skills
SA1. complete accurate well written work with attention to detail
Reading Skills
SA2. follow instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
Listening and Speaking Skills
SA3. ask for clarification and advice from appropriate people
SA4. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
Decision Making
SA5. follow rule-based decision making processes
Plan and Organize
SA6. plan and organize your own work to achieve targets and deadlines
Problem Solving
SA7. refer anomalies to the supervisor
SA8. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations
Analytical Thinking
SA9. pass on relevant information to others
Critical Thinking
SA10. apply balanced judgments to different situations
Attention to Detail
SA11. apply good attention to detail
SA12. check your work is complete and free from errorr

Team Working
SA13. work effectively in a team environment
SA14. contribute to the quality of team working

Network Specialist Course

Develop your knowledge, skills and competence:

Develop knowledge
To be competent, the individual working on the job must be able to:
PC1. obtain advice and guidance from appropriate people to develop your knowledge, skills and competence
PC2. identify accurately the knowledge and skills you need for your job role
PC3. identify accurately your current level of knowledge, skills and competence and any learning and development needs
PC4. agree with appropriate people a plan of learning and development activities to address your learning needs
PC5. undertake learning and development activities in line with your plan
Apply knowledge
PC6. apply your new knowledge and skills in the workplace, under supervision
PC7. obtain feedback from appropriate people on your knowledge and skills and how effectively you apply them
PC8. review your knowledge, skills and competence regularly and take appropriate action

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. your organization’s procedures and guidelines for developing your knowledge, skills and competence and your role and responsibilities in relation to this
KA2. the importance of developing your knowledge, skills and competence to you and your organization
KA3. different methods used by your organization to review skills and knowledge including:  training need analysis  skills need analysis  performance appraisals
KA4. how to review your knowledge and skills against your job role using different methods and analysis
KA5. different types of learning and development activities available for your job role and how to access these
KA6. how to produce a plan to address your learning and development needs, who to agree it with and the importance of undertaking the planned activities
KA7. different types of support available to help you plan and undertake learning and development activities and how to access these
KA8. why it is important to maintain records of your learning and development
KA9. methods of obtaining and accepting feedback from appropriate people on your knowledge skills and competence
KA10. how to use feedback to develop in your job role
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. the knowledge and skills required in your job role
KB2. your current learning and development needs in relation to your job role
KB3. different types of learning styles and methods including those that help you learn best
KB4. the importance of taking responsibility for your own learning and development
KB5. to the importance of learning and practicing new concepts, theory and how to apply these in the work environment or on samples.
KB6. how to explore sample problems and apply solutions
KB7. how to use information technology effectively to input and/or extract data accurately
KB8. how to agree objectives and work requirements
KB9. how to keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in your role

Writing Skills
SA1. complete accurate well written work with attention to detail
Reading Skills
SA2. follow instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
Listening and Speaking Skills
SA3. ask for clarification and advice from line managers
Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. make decisions on suitable courses
Plan and Organize
SA5. plan and organize your own work to achieve targets and deadlines
Customer Centricity
SA6. check that your own and/or your peers’ work meets customer requirements
Problem Solving
SA7. refer anomalies to the line manager
Analytical Thinking
SA8. analyze data and activities
Critical Thinking
SA9. apply balanced judgments to different situations
SSC/N9005 Develop your knowledge, skills and competence

Attention to Detail
SA10. check your work is complete and free from errors
SA11. get your work checked by others
Team Working
SA12. work effectively in a team environment

Build and maintain relationships at the workplace:

Build relationships
To be competent, the individual working on the job must be able to:
PC1. build rapport with appropriate people at the workplace
PC2. develop new professional relationships
PC3. build alliances to establish mutually beneficial working arrangements
PC4. foster an environment where others feel respected
PC5. identify and engage a diverse range of influential contacts Network Specialist Course
Maintain relationships
PC6. obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary
PC7. attentively listen to ideas and give constructive feedback
PC8. promptly resolve conflicts between team members
PC9. work with colleagues to deliver shared goals
PC10. recognize the contributions made by your colleagues

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational policies and procedures for building relationships and their role and responsibilities in relation to this
KA2. different training programs to enable the development of relevant behavioural competencies
Technical Knowledge Network Specialist Course
The individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. the importance of creating an environment of trust and mutual respect in the organisation
KB2. the importance of effective communication in developing productive working relationships with colleagues
KB3. different types of information that collegues might need and the importance of providing this information when it is required

Listening and Speaking Skills
SA1. ask for clarification and advice from line managers
Team Working
SA2. work effectively in a team environment

Convince others to take appropriate action in different situations:

Define needs
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. gather needs of concerned people
PC2. adapt arguments to consider diverse needs
Persuade others
PC3. use small wins as milestones to gain support for ideas
PC4. persuade with the help of concrete examples or evidences
PC5. take defined steps to reach a consensus on the course of action


The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational policies and procedures for persuading people and their role and responsibilities in relation to this
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. different types of information that people might need and the importance of providing this information when it is required
KB2. different methods of communication and the circumstances in which it is appropriate to use these

Listening and Speaking Skill
SA1. ask for clarification and advice from appropriate people
SA2. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
Decision Making
SA3. make decisions on suitable courses
Critical Thinking
SA4. apply balanced judgments to different situations

Manage and collaborate with stakeholders for project success:

Build relationships
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. identify the larger business and organizational context behind the requirements of the stakeholder
PC2. manage fluctuating stakeholder priorities and expectations
PC3. consult stakeholders early in critical organisation-wide decisions
Collaborate with stakeholders
PC4. use formal communication methods to collaborate with stakeholders (such as meetings, conference calls, emails etc.)
PC5. keep stakeholders updated on changes in project requirements
PC6. define the frequency of communication with all the stakeholders
PC7. use suitable tools to represent numbers and pictures to present details
Ensure stakeholder satisfaction
PC8. respond to requests in a timely and accurate manner
PC9. take feedbacks from stakeholders regularly
PC10. continuously improve work deliverables/service based on stakeholder feedback
PC11. plan deliverables based on stakeholder needs

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. organizational policies and procedures for working with stakeholders and their role and responsibilities in relation to this

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KB1. the importance of effective communication and establishing good working relationships with relevant stakeholders
KB2. different methods of communication and the circumstances in which it is appropriate to use these
KB3. different types of information that stakeholders might need and the importance of providing this information when it is required

Writing Skills
SA1. communicate effectively with stakeholders in writing
Reading Skills
SA2. follow instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
Customer Centricity
SA3. check that your own and/or your peers’ work meets customer requirements
SA4. deliver consistent and reliable service to customers
Critical Thinking
SA5. apply balanced judgments to different situations

Guidelines for Assessment

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
  2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
  3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set of NOS.
  4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below).
  5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each examination/training center based on this criterion.
  6. To pass a QP, a trainee should score an average of 70% across generic NOS’ and a minimum of 70% for each technical NOS
  7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.