sewing machine

Free Sewing Machine Operator Course(1year Diploma)

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Brief Job Description:- A Sewing Machine Operator, also called a ‘Stitcher or Machinist’ is an important job-role associated with Apparel sector. The primary responsibility of a machinist is to stitch/ sew fabric, fur, or synthetic materials to produce apparels Sewing Machine Operator Course.

Personal Attributes:-A Sewing Machine Operator should have good eyesight, eyehand-leg coordination, motor skills and vision (including near vision, distance vision, colour vision, peripheral vision, depth perception and ability to change focus).

Prepare for stitching operations Sewing Machine Operator Course:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

Sewing Machine Operator

 PC1. Make sure the work area is free from hazards

PC2. Follow the instructions on the work ticket/ job card in line with the responsibilities of respective job role

PC3. Ask questions to obtain more information on tasks when the instructions you have are unclear

PC4. Agree and review your agreed upon work targets with your supervisor and check for special instructions, if any

PC5. Use the correct tools and equipments

 PC6. Check that equipment is safe and set up in readiness for use

 PC7. Select the correct component parts for the style being worked on

 PC8. Check that the materials to be used are free from faults Sewing Machine Operator Course.

PC9. Ensure the materials used meet the specification matching a. Within a product b. Between a pair of products where applicable

PC10. Carry out test sews

PC11. Check needles, awls and threads regularly

PC12. Check if fabric / Component is correctly marked and pieces cut as required

PC13. Fabric pieces and linings are pinned or sewn together as required, and appropriately hung in readiness for assembly.

 PC14. Report faults in the materials

 PC15. Conform to company quality standards

 PC16. Report any damaged work to the responsible person

PC17. Follow company reporting procedures about defective tools and machines which affect work and report risks/ problems likely to affect services to the relevant person promptly and accurately

 PC18. Sort and place work to assist the next stage of production and minimise the risk of damage

PC19. Leave work area safe and secure when work is complete

PC20. Complete forms, records and other documentation Sewing Machine Operator Course.

Stitch components to produce apparels Sewing Machine Operator Course:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC21. Make sure the work area is free from hazards

PC22. Carry out work functions in line with the responsibilities of your job role

PC23. Examine the specific item to identify what type of stitching is best suited

PC24. Ask questions to obtain more information on tasks when the instructions are unclear and finalize the stitching option with the supervisor, in case of queries

PC25. Estimate the expected length of time for the process

PC26. Set up machine ((Apparel Sewing machine) according to manufacturers’ instructions and production requirements

PC27. Use the correct machine, tools (eg: Scissors, Measuring tapes and rulers) and equipment

 PC28. Set machine controls for the materials being stitched

 PC29. Cut the thread appropriately

 PC30. Thread the needle in the machine and adjust the needle as per the requirements

PC31. Perform a test run to ensure machine is operating correctly

 PC32. Report defective machines, tools and/or equipment to the responsible person

PC33. Operate machines safely and in accordance with guidelines Sewing Machine Operator Course.

 PC34. Optimize the positioning and layout of materials to ensure a smooth and rapid throughput

PC35. Check the equipment prior to making the stitching, including:

PC36. Correct controls

PC37. Correct attachments

 PC38. Changing needles

PC39. Changing threads

PC40. Changing awls

PC41. Correct Timing

 PC42. Stitch the correct materials in the right sequence as required by the production specification PC43. Ensure stitched product conforms to shape and size requirement

PC44. Ensure stitched products meets specification in terms of labels and trimmings

 PC45. Inspect stitched products against specifications

 PC46. Identify mark and place rejects in the designated locations

 PC47. Carry out alterations to meet customer requirements Sewing Machine Operator Course.

PC48. Pass the stitched item to the next stage in the manufacturing process after validation

PC49. Respond accordingly where stitched items do not meet production specification

PC50. Minimise and dispose the waste materials in the approved manner

 PC51. Seek feedback from team mates on work related performance

 PC52. Check with in charge /others when unsure of new product details

PC53. Clean and make safe machines after use

 PC54. Carry out basic maintenance of own machines

 PC55. Report risks/ problems likely to affect services to the relevant person promptly and accurately

PC56. Complete forms, records and other documentation

PC57. Sew and apply trims by hand and machine

 PC58. Carry out Operations at a rate which maintains workflow and meets production targets Sewing Machine Operator Course.

Contribute to achieving the product quality in stitching operations Sewing Machine Operator Course:-

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Identify and use materials required based on the job card/ work ticket

 PC2. Take the necessary action when materials do not conform to company quality standards

PC3. Report and replace identified faulty materials and component parts which do not meet specification

 PC4. Identify modifiable defects and rework on them

PC5. Carry out work safely and at a rate which maintains work flow

 PC6. Report to the responsible person when the work flow of other production areas disrupts work

 PC7. Test, sort, track feed and examine work in progress Sewing Machine Operator Course.

PC8. Carry out quality checks at specified intervals according to instructions

 PC9. Apply the allowed tolerances

PC10. Identify faults and take appropriate action for rectification

 PC11. Make adjustments promptly to return product to specification

 PC12. Fault-find materials and components for creased, stained, damage and incorrectly made-up component parts

 PC13. Report faults in other processes to the appropriate person

 PC14. Maintain the required productivity and quality levels

PC15. Complete and maintain documentation

Maintain the work area, tools and machines Sewing Machine Operator Course:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

 PC1. Handle materials, machinery, equipment and tools safely and correctly

 PC2. Use correct lifting and handling procedures

 PC3. Use materials to minimize waste

 PC4. Maintain a clean and hazard free working area

 PC5. Maintain tools and equipment

 PC6. Carry out running maintenance within agreed schedules

PC7. Carry out maintenance and/or cleaning within one’s responsibility

PC8. Report unsafe equipment and other dangerous occurrences

 PC9. Ensure that the correct machine guards are in place

PC10. Work in a comfortable position with the correct posture Sewing Machine Operator Course.

 PC11. Use cleaning equipment and methods appropriate for the work to be carried out

PC12. Dispose of waste safely in the designated location

 PC13. Store cleaning equipment safely after use

PC14. Carry out cleaning according to schedules and limits of responsibility

Comply with health, safety and security requirements at work Sewing Machine Operator Course:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Comply with health and safety related instructions applicable to the workplace

PC2. Use and maintain personal protective equipment as per protocol

PC3. Carry out own activities in line with approved guidelines and procedures

 PC4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and guard against dependency on intoxicants

PC5. Follow environment management system related procedures

 PC6. Identify and correct (if possible) malfunctions in machinery and equipment

 PC7. Report any service malfunctions that cannot be rectified

 PC8. Store materials and equipment in line with manufacturer’s and organisational requirements

PC9. Safely handle and move waste and debris Sewing Machine Operator Course.

PC10. Minimize health and safety risks to self and others due to own actions

 PC11. Seek clarifications, from supervisors or other authorized personnel in case of perceived risks PC12. Monitor the workplace and work processes for potential risks and threats

 PC13. Carry out periodic walk-through to keep work area free from hazards and obstructions, if assigned

PC14. Report hazards and potential risks/ threats to supervisors or other authorized personnel

PC15. Participate in mock drills/ evacuation procedures organized at the workplace

 PC16. Undertake first aid, fire-fighting and emergency response training, if asked to do so

PC17. Take action based on instructions in the event of fire, emergencies or accidents

 PC18. Follow organisation procedures for shutdown and evacuation when required

Comply with legal and ethical requirements:- To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:

PC1. Carry out work functions in accordance with legislation and regulations, organizational guidelines and procedures

PC2. Seek and obtain clarifications on policies and procedures, from your supervisor or other authorized personnel

 PC3. Apply and follow these policies and procedures within your work practices

PC4. Provide support to your supervisor and team members in enforcing these considerations

 PC5. Identify and report any possible deviation to these requirements Sewing Machine Operator Course.

Organisational Context:- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KA1. Personal hygiene and duty of care

KA2. Safe working practices and organisational procedures

 KA3. Limits of your own responsibility

KA4. Ways of resolving with problems within the work area

 KA5. The production process and the specific work activities that relate to the whole process

KA6. The importance of effective communication with colleagues

KA7. The lines of communication, authority and reporting procedures

KA8. The organisation’s rules, codes and guidelines (including timekeeping)

 KA9. The company’s quality standards

 KA10. The importance of complying with written instructions

 KA11. Equipment operating procedures / manufacturer’s instructions

Technical / Domain Knowledge:- The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KB1. Work instructions and specifications and interpret them accurately

KB2. Method to make use of the information detailed in specifications and instructions

 KB3. Relation between work role and the overall manufacturing process

KB4. The importance of taking action when problems are identified

KB5. Different ways of minimising waste

 KB6. The importance of running maintenance and regular cleaning

 KB7. Effects of contamination on products i.e. Machine oil, dirt

 KB8. Common faults with equipment and the method to rectify

 KB9. Maintenance procedures

 KB10. Hazards likely to be encountered when conducting routine maintenance

 KB11. Different types of cleaning equipment and substances and their use

 KB12. Safe working practices for cleaning and the method of carrying them out

Core Skills / Generic Skills:- The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

SA1. Respond to emergencies, accidents or fire at the workplace

SA2. Evacuate the premises and help others in need while doing so

SA3. The value of physical fitness, personal hygiene and good habits

Professional Skills:- The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

SB1. Raise alarm

SB2. Safe and correct procedure of handling equipment and machinery

 SB3. Identify, report malfunctions in machinery and equipment and correct them if possible

 SB4. Identify and report service malfunctions and chemical leaks

 SB5. Keep work area free from potential hazards

SB6. Report to supervisors and other authorized personnel for assistance