Analyst Course

Free Analyst Course (4Months)


Analyst in the IT-ITeS Industry is also known as a Business Analyst, Associate Consultant.

Brief Job Description: Individuals at this job understand the client’s business Analyst Course requirements and translate them into technology requirements for the technology consultants. They act as facilitators in the process of solutioning and development of the end product/service.

Personal Attributes: This job requires the individual to work in teams. Analyst Course The individual should also be able to demonstrate excellent skills for communication, data analysis and interpretation, and stakeholder management. The individual should be willing to travel depending on the business requirements.

Business Analyst Training Online | Certification Course

Support As-Is analysis for IT projects:

Performance Criteria

PC1. establish your role and responsibilities in supporting As-Is analysis for IT projects
PC2. obtain sufficient data/information from Analyst Course sales team to be able to describe project requirements
PC3. identify any issues with project requirements and obtain clarification of these issues from appropriate people
PC4. summarize project requirements using standard templates and tools
PC5. obtain sufficient, relevant documents/artifacts from Analyst clients to be able to describe As-Is situations
PC6. identify any issues with the documents/artifacts and obtain clarification of these issues from appropriate people
PC7. extract relevant data/information from documents/artifacts
PC8. structure relevant data/information in formats suitable for analysis using standard templates and tools
PC9. review data/information with appropriate people and incorporate their inputs

PC10. contribute to analysis and presentation of As-Is situations, where required
PC11. obtain advice and guidance on As-Is analysis from appropriate Analyst people, where required
PC12. comply with your organization’s policies, Analyst Course standards, procedures and guidelines when supporting As-Is analysis

Organizational Context

You need to know and understand:

KA1. your organization’s policies, standards, procedures and guidelines for undertaking As-Is analysis for IT products and your role and responsibilities in relation to this

KA2. your organization’s processes, guidelines, templates and tools for describing/summarizing project requirements

KA3. who to involve when supporting As-Is analysis and who to approach for advice and guidance when required

KA4. how to identify issues with Analyst Course project requirements and who to seek clarification from

KA5. different information, documents/artifacts and data that contribute to As-Is analysis and how to obtain these

KA6. issues that may affect documents/artifacts and who to seek clarification from

KA7. how to obtain and use input from others to improve As-Is analysis

KA8. methods and techniques used when working with others

KA9. standard tools and templates available and how to use these

Technical Knowledge ( Analyst Course)

You need to know and understand:

KB1. types of data/information relevant to As-Is analysis and how to extract this from the available information

KB2. different ways of structuring information suitable for analysis and how to select the best method

KB3. how to analyze data/information in order to describe As-Is situations

Generic Skills

Writing Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SA1. complete accurate well written work with attention to detail
SA2. communicate with others in writing

Reading Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SA3. read guidelines/procedures/rules and service level agreements

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
You need to know and understand how to:
SA4. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately

Professional Skills

Decision Making
You need to know and understand how to:
SB1. identify anomalies in data Plan and Organize
You need to know and understand how to:
SB2. plan and organize Analyst Course your work to achieve targets and deadlines

Customer Centricity
You need to know and understand how to:
SB3. build and maintain positive and effective relationships with customers
SB4. check that your own and/or your peers’ work meets customer requirements

Problem Solving
You need to know and understand how to:
SB5. seek clarification on problems from others
SB6. refer anomalies to the line manager
SB7. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations

Analytical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB8. analyze data and activities
SB9. configure data and disseminate relevant information to others
SB10. pass on relevant information to others

Analyst Course Critical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB11. provide opinions on work in a detailed and constructive way
SB12. apply balanced judgments to different situations

Analyst Course Attention to Detail
You need to know and understand how to:
SB13. check your work is complete and free from errors

Analyst Course Team Working
You need to know and understand how to:
SB14. work effectively in a team environment
SB15. work independently and collaboratively

Analyst Course Technical Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SC1. use information technology effectively to input and/or extract data accurately
SC2. store and retrieve information
SC3. identify and refer anomalies in data
SC4. keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in your role

Business Analyst Course

Support preparation of To-Be situations and roadmaps for IT projects:

Analyst Course Performance Criteria

PC1. establish your role and responsibilities in supporting the preparation of To-Be situations and roadmaps for IT projects
PC2. undertake sufficient research to identify the range of opportunities and constraints relevant to IT projects
PC3. analyze relevant opportunities and constraints to identify optimal To-Be situations
PC4. present To-Be situations to appropriate people using standard templates and tools
PC5. incorporate inputs from appropriate people into To-Be situations for presentation to clients
PC6. contribute to preparing roadmaps to arrive at To-Be situations, where required
PC7. obtain advice and guidance on To-Be situations and roadmaps for IT projects from appropriate people, where required
PC8. comply with your organization’s policies, standards, procedures and guidelines when supporting preparation of To-Be situations and roadmaps for IT projects.

Organizational Context

KA1. your organization’s policies, standards, procedures and guidelines for preparing To-Be situations and roadmaps for IT products and your role and responsibilities in relation to this

KA2. different types of To-Be situations and road maps and how these apply to IT projects

KA3. who to involve when supporting the preparation of To-Be situations and who to approach for advice and guidance when required

KA4. sources of information about opportunities and constraints for IT projects and how to access these

KA5. how to obtain and use input from others to improve To-Be situations

KA6. methods and techniques used when working with others

KA7. standard tools and templates available and how to use these

KA8. the Intellectual Property (IP) policies relevant to the industry

Analyst Course Technical Knowledge

You need to know and understand:

KB1. types of opportunities and constraints and how to analyze these for IT projects

KB2. different ways of presenting To-Be situations and how to select the best method

KB3. different types of roadmaps and how they contribute to achieving To Be situations

KB4. information/data that can be included when developing roadmaps and how to source this

Core Skills/

Writing Skills
You need to know and understand how to:

SA1. complete accurate well written work with attention to detail
SA2. communicate with others in writing

Reading Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SA3. read guidelines/procedures/rules and service level agreements

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
You need to know and understand how to:
SA4. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
SA5. ask for clarification and advice from others

Analyst Course Professional Skills

Decision Making
You need to know and understand how to:
SB1. identify anomalies in data
SB2. make a decision on a suitable course of action

Plan and Organize
You need to know and understand how to:
SB3. plan and organize your work to achieve targets and deadlines

Customer Centricity
You need to know and understand how to:
SB4. check that your own and/or your peers’ work meets customer requirements
SB5. meet and exceed customer expectations
SB6. build and maintain positive and effective relationships with customers

Problem Solving
You need to know and understand how to:
SB7. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations
SB8. seek clarification on problems from others
SB9. refer anomalies to the line manager

Analytical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB10. analyze data and activities
SB11. configure data and disseminate relevant information to others
SB12. pass on relevant information to others

Critical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB13. provide opinions on work in a detailed and constructive way

Attention to Detail
You need to know and understand how to:
SB14. check your work is complete and free from errors
SB15. get your work checked by others

Team Working
You need to know and understand how to:
SB16. work independently and collaboratively
SB17. work effectively in a team environment
SB18. contribute to the quality of team working

. Technical Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SC1. use information technology effectively to input and/or extract data accurately
SC2. agree objectives and work requirements
SC3. store and retrieve information
SC4. network with colleagues
SC5. keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in your role

Main Requirements for Business Analyst and Course Training - Iran Front Page

Create documents for knowledge sharing:

Analyst Performance Criteria

PC1. establish with appropriate people the purpose, scope, format and target audience for the documents
PC2. access existing documents, language standards, templates and documentation tools from your organization’s knowledge base
PC3. liaise with appropriate people to obtain and verify the information required for the documents
PC4. confirm the content and structure of the documents with appropriate people
PC5. create documents using standard templates and agreed language standards
PC6. review documents with appropriate people and incorporate their inputs
PC7. submit documents for approval by appropriate people
PC8. publish documents in agreed formats
PC9. update your organization’s knowledge base with the documents
PC10. comply with your organization’s policies, procedures and guidelines when creating documents for knowledge sharing.

Organizational Context

KA1. your organization’s policies, procedures and guidelines for creating documents for knowledge sharing

KA2. the purpose and scope of the work to be carried out and the importance of keeping within these boundaries

KA3. who to involve when developing documents and their roles andresponsibilities

KA4. intended audiences for documents KA5. your organization’s knowledge base and how to access and update this

KA6. the importance of verifying information obtained for documents and how to do this

KA7. the importance of reviewing documents with others KA8. how to use feedback to improve documents

KA9. your organization’s processes and procedures for approving and publishing documents

KA10. methods and techniques used when working with others

KA11. tools, templates and language standards available and how to use these

Technical Knowledge

KB1. the purpose and scope of the work to be carried out and the importance of keeping within these boundaries

KB2. sources of information and reference materials for creating documents

KB3. different styles used in documents, including:  your organization’s house style types and styles of documents templates

KB4. different ways of structuring documents and how to select the best structure for the agreed content

KB5. how to check and make corrections to documents for common editorial problems and errors, including: deviations factual accuracies linguistic mistakes  discrepancies errors ambiguities in content formatting

KB6. the importance of obtaining approval for documents and who to obtain this from

Generic Skills

Writing Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SA1. complete accurate well written work with attention to detail
SA2. communicate with others in writing

Reading Skills

need to know and understand how to:
SA3. follow guidelines/procedures/rules and service level agreements

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
You need to know and understand how to:
SA4. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
SA5. ask for clarification and advice from others

Professional Skills

Decision Making
You need to know and understand how to:
SB1. identify anomalies in data
SB2. make a decision on a suitable course of action
SB3. do time management
SB4. do multi-tasking

Plan and Organize
You need to know and understand how to:
SB5. plan and organize your work to achieve targets and deadlines

Customer Centricity
You need to know and understand how to:
SB6. check that your own and/or your peers work meets customer requirements
SB7. work effectively in a customer facing environment
SB8. build and maintain positive and effective relationships with customers

Problem Solving
You need to know and understand how to:
SB9. seek clarification on problems from others
SB10. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations
SB11. refer anomalies to the line manager

Analytical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB12. analyze data and activities
SB13. configure data and disseminate relevant information to others
SB14. pass on relevant information to others

Critical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB15. provide opinions on work in a detailed and constructive way
SB16. apply balanced judgments to different situations

Attention to Detail
You need to know and understand how to:
SB17. check your work is complete and free from errors
SB18. get your work checked by others

Team Working
You need to know and understand how to:
SB19. work independently and collaboratively
SB20. work effectively in a team environment
SB21. contribute to the quality of team work

Technical Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SC1. use information technology effectively to input and/or extract data accurately
SC2. identify and refer anomalies in data
SC3. store and retrieve information
SC4. agree to objectives and work requirements
SC5. keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in your role

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Manage your work to meet requirements:

Performance Criteria

PC1. establish and agree your work requirements with appropriate people
PC2. keep your immediate work area clean and tidy
PC3. utilize your time effectively
PC4. use resources correctly and efficiently
PC5. treat confidential information correctly
PC6. work in line with your organization’s policies and procedures
PC7. work within the limits of your job role
PC8. obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary
PC9. ensure your work meets the agreed requirements

Organizational Context

KA1. your organization’s policies, procedures and priorities for your area of work and your role and responsibilities in carrying out your work

KA2. limits of your responsibilities and when to involve others

KA3. your specific work requirements and who these must be agreed with

KA4. the importance of having a tidy work area and how to do this

KA5. how to prioritize your workload according to urgency and importance and the benefits of this

KA6. your organization’s policies and procedures for dealing with confidential information and the importance of complying with these

KA7. the purpose of keeping others updated with the progress of your work

KA8. who to obtain guidance from and the typical circumstances when this may be required

KA9. the purpose and value of being flexible and adapting work plans to reflect change

Technical Knowledge

You need to know and understand:

KB1. the importance of completing work accurately and how to do this

KB2. appropriate timescales for completing your work and the implications of not meeting these for you and the organization

KB3. resources needed for your work and how to obtain and use these

Generic Skills

Writing Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SA1. complete accurate work with attention to detail

Reading Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SA2. read instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
You need to know and understand how to:
SA3. ask for clarification and advice from line managers
SA4. communicate orally with colleagues

. Professional Skills Decision Making
You need to know and understand how to:
SB1. make a decision on a suitable course of action

Plan and Organize
You need to know and understand how to:
SB2. plan and organize your work to achieve targets and deadlines
SB3. agree objectives and work requirements

Customer Centricity
You need to know and understand how to:
SB4. deliver consistent and reliable service to customers
SB5. check that your own work meets customer requirements

Problem Solving
You need to know and understand how to:
SB6. refer anomalies to the line manager
SB7. seek clarification on problems from others

Analytical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB8. provide relevant information to others
SB9. analyze needs, requirements and dependencies in order to meet your work requirements

Critical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB10. apply judgments to different situations

Attention to Detail
You need to know and understand how to:
SB11. check your work is complete and free from errors
SB12. get your work checked by peers

Team Working
You need to know and understand how to:
SB13. work effectively in a team environment

Technical Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SC1. use information technology effectively, to input and/or extract data accurately
SC2. identify and refer anomalies in data
SC3. store and retrieve information
SC4. keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in your role

Work effectively with colleagues:

Performance Criteria

PC1. communicate with colleagues clearly, concisely and accurately
PC2. work with colleagues to integrate your work effectively with them
PC3. pass on essential information to colleagues in line with organizational requirements
PC4. work in ways that show respect for colleagues
PC5. carry out commitments you have made to colleagues
PC6. let colleagues know in good time if you cannot carry out your commitments, explaining the reasons
PC7. identify any problems you have working with colleagues and take the initiative to solve these problems
PC8. follow the organization’s policies and procedures for working with colleagues

Organizational Context

You need to know and understand:

KA1. your organization’s policies and procedures for working with colleagues and your role and responsibilities in relation to this

KA2. the importance of effective communication and establishing good working relationships with colleagues

KA3. different methods of communication and the circumstances in which it is appropriate to use these

KA4. benefits of developing productive working relationships with colleagues

KA5. the importance of creating an environment of trust and mutual respect in an environment where you have no authority over those you are working with

KA6. where you do not meet your commitments, the implications this will have on individuals and the organization

Generic Skills

Writing Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SA1. complete accurate, well written work with attention to detail
SA2. communicate effectively with colleagues in writing

Reading Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SA3. read instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
You need to know and understand how to:
SA4. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
SA5. ask for clarification and advice from line managers

Professional Skills

Decision Making
You need to know and understand how to:
SB1. make a decision on a suitable course of action

Plan and Organize
You need to know and understand how to:
SB2. plan and organize your work to achieve targets and deadlines

Customer Centricity
You need to know and understand how to:
SB3. check that your own work meets customer requirements
SB4. deliver consistent and reliable service to customers

Problem Solving
You need to know and understand how to:
SB5. apply problem solving approaches in different situations

Critical Thinking
You need to know and understand how to:
SB6. apply balanced judgments to different situations

Attention to Detail
You need to know and understand how to:
SB7. check your work is complete and free from errors
SB8. get your work checked by peers

Team Working
You need to know and understand how to:

SB9. work effectively in a team environment
SB10. work effectively with colleagues and other teams
SB11. treat other cultures with respect

. Technical Skills
You need to know and understand how to:
SC1. identify and refer anomalies
SC2. reach agreements with colleagues
SC3. keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in your role

Guidelines for Assessment:

  1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack (QP) will be created by the Sector Skill Council (SSC). Each performance criteria (PC) will be assigned Theory and Skill/Practical marks proportional to its importance in NOS.
  2. The assessment will be conducted online through assessment providers authorised by SSC.
  3. Fomat of questions will include a variety of styles suitable to the PC being tested such as multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, situational judgement test, simulation and programming test.
  4. To pass a QP, a trainee should pass each individual NOS. Standard passing criteria for each NOS is 70%.