Fashion Designing Class Note 4

Class Notes 4


Dress draping is a technique used to create clothing designs by shaping fabric directly on a dress form or a live model. It allows for more organic and fluid designs compared to pattern making, which is a more precise and structured method.

Here are some notes on dress draping:

  • Fabric choice is essential when draping a dress. Lightweight and drapey fabrics like silk, chiffon, and jersey work best.
  • The dress form should be adjusted to the measurements of the person for whom the dress is being made. It should be padded or adjusted accordingly to ensure the right fit.
  • Draping can be done on a dress form or a live model. Working on a live model allows for more accuracy in fitting, but a dress form can be used for practice or when a model is not available.
  • To begin draping, start with a basic shape or pattern, and then adjust the fabric by pinning, tucking, and folding until the desired shape is achieved.
  • It is essential to maintain balance and symmetry in the design. Check the design from various angles and make necessary adjustments.
  • When the draping is complete, it is essential to transfer the design onto a paper pattern to recreate the design accurately.
  • Once the pattern is made, it can be used to cut and sew the final garment.
  • Dress draping requires practice, patience,    and attention to detail. It is a creative and rewarding process that can produce unique and beautiful designs.